Putin dog-whistles that rich [jew] oligarchs are scum, traitors, a fifth column — into “gender freedom” — and think they belong to a higher race…. “Slate” agrees Putin is using code

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Rarely have I seen Putin so angry and almost threatening. The jews will interpret this as a dog-whistle. It will rightly remind them of Stalin’s campaign against “cosmopolitans,” his 1940s code word for disloyal jews.

Rarely have I seen Putin so angry. He is channeling his inner bear….The “West” (a euphemism, because the people who rule us are from the East) should watch out. I hsve known Russians and once they are angry, things can happen.

Frankly, the man needs my help to go all the way , or he, like Trump, never will. Neither man is used to thinking in racial or Aryan-vs.-jewish terms.

This is a Duran video that starts off — 0:00 to 1:55 — with a key part of Putin’s speech yesterday, and, btw, his website at kremlin.ru was also briefly down again. Mine continues to be heavily attacked, yet 99% send no donations. Maybe you think your money will be worth something during or WWIII, which you think you will survive.

A good comment on Locals, apparently from a Korean but in perfect English::




Mar 17th, 2022


@theduran, @factsmttr I have always found the bear analogy to be an apt one for Putin. A hibernating bear will sleep on undisturbed through most all of nature’s occurrences, good weather, bad weather, local hunters. But awakened in an untimely manner in which it sees its self unnecessarily disturbed, the bear becomes a severe and often devastating force to be reckoned with. Hunter’s videos who have been attacked by grizzlies are proof of that.
Actually, Putin is known for his temper….but he knows when and how to use it. He uses it as a tool, not a byproduct of uncontrolled emotions. I began to be interested in him when he was elected for the first time. He wept copiously, real tears, not politician’s tears…as he spoke about reclaiming the Ethnic origins of Russia and bringing them to Peace and Prosperity. I was so very interested in such an open and compassionate personality for a politician that I read his autobiography and realized he was nothing like what the West had portrayed to us. I once watched a video where he just unleashed on a building contractor who was caught being less than honest in constructing a government building….and I could see then….you don’t want to less than a totally moral being and be around Putin. Another video, I saw the same thing……directed at a round table meeting of local bureaucrats that couldn’t be bothered to find a solution to a pretty serious problem in a situation in a local town which was affecting the inhabitants adversely. He just really tore them a new one, calling them thugs and thieves.
His speech today….when he started talking KGB slang….you know it’s the end of the road and whatever he has decided, the train has left the station and it won’t be circling around that way again.
Putin as a KGB colonel in Dresden



…The leftist “Slate” sez:

Putin’s Latest Speech Is a Terrifying Echo of Stalin

(((Fred Kaplan))) – Yesterday 6:55 PM
© Provided by Slate
[source: Putin’s Latest Speech Is a Terrifying Echo of Stalin (msn.com)]

On Wednesday, as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed “a certain hope that a compromise can be reached” in the peace talks with Ukraine, his boss, President Vladimir Putin, appeared to dash those chances during a chilling speech in which he warned Russians to prepare for a long confrontation with the West and seemed to embrace his inner Josef Stalin.

Speaking at the start of a televised videoconference with senior Kremlin officials, Putin let loose a string of invectives not just against “the pro-Nazi regime in Kyiv” (which he’s denounced in those terms before) but also against anyone in Russia who supports Western views or Western lifestyles. He lambasted such people as “5th columnists,” imbued with a “slave-like consciousness,” whose real goal is to “destroy Russia.”

He then railed on in a spirit of venomous xenophobia—and foreshadowed an impending crackdown on domestic political critics—not heard from any Russian leader since the days of the Soviet Union’s most brutal dictator:

The Russian people will be able to distinguish true patriots from scum and traitors and simply spit them out like a midge that accidentally flew into their mouths—spit them on the pavement. I am convinced that such a natural and necessary self-purification of society will only strengthen our country and our solidarity, cohesion, and readiness to respond to any challenges.

This passage is in some ways reminiscent of Stalin’s diatribe, in his final years, against “rootless cosmopolitanism.” by which he meant the influence of Jews. Putin’s crusade against scum, traitors, and midges is broader still, encompassing all Russians who embrace the west.

But there is another, less-noticed portion of Putin’s speech that evokes Stalin in still another, no less concerning way—specifically his election speech to the Soviet Party Congress on February 9, 1946. In that address, which many historians view as the kick-off to the Cold War, Stalin warned that “uneven developments” within the capitalist world would soon set off “violent disturbances” and that the Soviet people must prepare themselves for a replay of the 1930s, in which they sacrifice consumer luxuries for the sake of building up industry and national self-reliance.

Similarly, in his speech this week, Putin, recognizing the economic hardships imposed by the West’s sanctions, said, “The most important task is to ensure the availability of goods on the consumer market” but then defined that term as “essential goods, medicines, and medical products”—i.e., not the frivolous stuff of Western stores and imports, which are rapidly vanishing from Russian streets. He and his officials also talked a great deal about creating an “Industry Development Fund” and “the accelerated implementation of import substitution projects.”

Two weeks after Stalin’s 1946 election speech, George Kennan, wrote his “Long Telegram” from the U.S. embassy in Moscow, warning of “the Kremlin’s neurotic view of world affairs” and calling for a policy of “containment” against Moscow’s expansionism while, at the same time, strengthening Western institutions so that they outlast the Soviet regime’s gradual implosion.

Are we on the verge of a renewed Cold War? Not necessarily. Unlike the Soviet Union of 1946, whose people had struggled with war, poverty, famine, and isolation from the rest of the world for decades, millions of Russians today—especially in the big cities—have lived for decades in relative comfort, some in opulence, exposed on a daily basis to outside ideas, information, and goods, including the freedom and means to travel.

Will the Russians of 2022 kowtow to Putin’s demands for obeisance and sacrifice? More than 14,000 have already been arrested these past two weeks for protesting Putin’s war in Ukraine. But Stalin arrested tens of millions of Russians, and killed millions more, for the mere suspicion of disloyalty to his reign. Could Putin create a new gulag to hold the millions of free-thinking Russians that he deems traitorous scum in his bourgeoning paranoia? Could he get away with emulating anything close to that horrifying network of prison camps?  It seems unfathomable, but then again, so has almost everything else that has unfolded over this last month.

Will someone—perhaps among the newly defunded oligarchs, the hung-out-to-dry-and-die military officers, or, who knows, the masses of protesters—rise to the occasion and oust this man? That is the question of the moment.



….The time has come — the time is RIPE — for a leader to say the truth about race and the jews

And Putin knows very well that the Kiev regime is all-jew.

And do not underestimate the gravity of the foreign assets of the Russian Central Bank being recently seized — THREE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS, earned bz the sweat of the Russian people.

And who the head of the bankster mafia? Lord Rothschild…..




    • If the Azov group is so patriotic, why do they support a group that is looting the country? Are their leaders not perhaps members
      of that same group?

    • I will blog in detail on this question. He might perhaps be a quarter-jew — but even if that were true, he does not identify with them at all.

      And there are so many half- and full-jews by DNA who turn agaInst judaism; and pure whites who are traitors who do the jews’ bidding — or, almost as bad, are do-nothings.

      It is clear at this point that Putin has had it with the jews, and they with him.

  1. Putin is Christian through and through. His mother was a practicing Christian who who gave Putin a cross when he was a kid. He wears it everywhere and never takes it off as seen in bare-chested photos. A few yrs. back, I communicated with a Russian via email and I asked him if Putin was Christian and he said Putin was definitely Christian. Putin adored his mother, and his father was always working.

    • Thank you.

      Even IF Putin were part-jewish, which is not certain at all, he is known for his honesty, integrity, and genuine love of the Russian people.

      And one can see how, in his current invasion of Ukraine in order to liberate it from a regime that is almost 100% jewish at the top, Putin is proceeding in as gentle a manner as possible during wartime. He is spending huge amounts of money on precision cruise missiles that seek only to destroy military targets and personnel. He could have conquered the whole country by now, three weeks after his incursion began, if he had used “American” methods such as we saw in the (totally illegal) Iraq War.

      The Jewmerican Pentagon, by contrast to Putin, in that and other wars has deliberately obliterated cities and their civilians, devastating water, sewage, electrical and transportation systems to cause intense civilian suffering.

      In Vietnam, Agent Orange was sprayed by the millions of pounds, poisoning major areas of the countryside to this day, and causing severe birth defects in both the children of Vietnamese civilians and in those of American soldiers, who were sent on patrol through areas sprayed with this horrible chemical.

      • Also, Putin’s mother had Putin baptized though Leningrad was a no-religion zone. There are ways around it, such has Japan where Christianity was banned but the people practiced Christianity anyway and built a beautiful Orthodox Christian church which was the first target-point of the first nuclear bomb dropped by the “humanitarian” US of A. Nothing is by mistake.
        Agent Orange — I’ve read much on this bio-weapon. The gov’t even tried to dismiss claims of cancer caused by this bio-weapon. One could just brush a bush with Agent Orange attached to it and cancer would grow in that area. The clinics were full of such incidences. Trust this gov’t? Never.
        And Agent Orange passes on to the next generation like DU [depleted uranium].

  2. Putins Ursuende war, zu erlauben dass die Orthodoxe Kirche die Zarenfamilie als Märtyrer anerkennt.

    Das alleine hat die Juden schon sehr verärgert.

    Eine im Prinzip deutsche Familie, bestialisch ermordet von Juden, wird jetzt in Russland verehrt.

    Die Russen denken dass es ein Ritualmord war.


    Ich auch.

    • I disagree with Hunt totally on this, and have written dozens of factual articles defending Putin since 2008. If Putin had gone full-Hitler, as I guess Hunts wants, he would have been assassinated in 2000 and Russia today would be still in the toilet.

      And the German invasion of Russia was anti-Russian, not just anti-communist. Why should any patriotic Russian want Germans to conquer and rule his country? This was the goal, and Mein Kampf said it very, very clearly. Hitler rejected twice the offer of a captured Soviet-Russian general, Vlasov, to raise a five-million-man army to liberate Russia from communism as an ally of the Germans. The offer was refused — even after Stalingrad. Only in 1944 did it happen, and by then it was too late.


      My next article will go into all this and some new things.

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