Putin in Mariupol: EN heartwarming DE herzerwärmend FR réconfortant RU трогательный

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EN This came from a very close and dear friend of my top European correspondent. The young lady who sent the following videos is Ukrainian with Russian ethnicity from eastern Ukraine. She is very brave and sends us wonderful videos and updates countering western propaganda. This exceptional lady, whose identity we protect, is tireless in her efforts to disseminate truth. Unlike foreign mercenaries doing the Jews’ bidding in Ukraine she is doing righteous work, God’s work. This is news you will only hear here at johndenugent.com

DE Dies kommt von einer sehr engen und lieben Freundin meines besten europäischen Korrespondenten. Die junge Dame, welche das folgende Video gesendet hat, ist Ukrainerin russischer Abstammung aus der Ostukraine. Sie ist sehr mutig und schickt uns wunderbare Videos und Updates gegen die westliche Propaganda. Diese außergewöhnliche Dame, deren Identität wir schützen, ist unermüdlich in ihren Bemühungen, die Wahrheit zu verbreiten. Im Gegensatz zu ausländischen Söldnern, die nach dem Willen der Juden agieren, macht sie rechtschaffene Arbeit, Gottes Arbeit. Das sind Neuigkeiten, die Sie nur hier auf johndenugent.com hören werden

FR Cela vient d’une amie très proche et très chère de mon principal correspondant européen. La jeune femme qui a envoyé les vidéos suivantes est Ukrainienne d’origine russe de l’est de l’Ukraine. Elle est très courageuse et nous envoie de merveilleuses vidéos et mises à jour contre la propagande occidentale. Cette dame exceptionnelle, dont nous protégeons l’identité, est infatigable dans ses efforts pour diffuser la vérité. Contrairement aux mercenaires étrangers qui font la volonté des Juifs n Ukraine, elle fait un travail juste, le travail de Dieu. Ce sont des nouvelles que vous n’entendrez qu’ici sur johndenugent.com

RU Это пришло от очень близкой и дорогой подруги моего главного европейского корреспондента. Девушка, приславшая следующие видео, — украинка русской национальности с востока Украины. Она очень смелая и присылает нам замечательные видео и обновления, противодействующие западной пропаганде. Эта исключительная женщина, чью личность мы защищаем, неутомима в своих усилиях по распространению правды. В отличие от иностранных наемников, которые делают евреи: торги в Украине она делает праведным делом, божьим делом. Эту новость вы услышите только здесь, на johndenugent.com


EN Putin is so much like me in another life, surprisingly humble, warm, and trusted by the Folk

DE Putin ist so sehr wie ich in einem anderen Leben, überraschend bescheiden, warmherzig und vom Volk vertraut

FR Combien ce Poutine est comme moi dans une autre vie, étonnamment humble, chaleureux et ayant la confiance du Peuple

RU Путин … такой же, как я в другой жизни, удивительно скромный, теплый и пользующийся доверием Народа




……Homicide in the Middle Ages and today

Dem Washington Pos’ honkies be racis’ nazis, maaannnn! I don’t care dis Eisner ‘n Rosner be jews, dey still white supremacis’ NAZIS!!!

Ireland today (from the Russian VK):

Portugal today (also in VK)

Florida, USA today (Boy, I hate to hear women wailing like that…)


…..Spiritual reading for March 19

Dear ones, be outside today. Be animals. So much of your time is devoted to being minds, souls, hearts. Today, be bodies.

In whatever way enlivens you. Let the physical dominate and direct you. Dance, run, walk, smell, touch, taste. Work hard physically. Lift, carry or dig if you like. You can hurt, and note the aches and the things that do not work. You can and probably should listen to the exhaustion and the tension.

But attend to your body, just as it is. This is the thing to do today.

As you listen to your body and let it lead, you will learn much. Your physical form is a teacher of extraordinary accuracy and perception. Give it the floor. You won’t be misdirected. But take care with what you learn and don’t allow yourself to follow your revelations back into mind or spirit.

See anything you are shown with gratitude and file it for another day. That day will come, we promise, and soon at that.

But today, connect with others in body. Touch and pet and hold hands and embrace where it is appropriate and good. Put your fingers in the soil and let those beings that live in it crawl across your palms if they will.


You see, those that live primarily as physical form can also teach you a great deal today.

Try to play a bit. Bodies enjoy that and will strengthen and have more to work with if they get their fun.

Besides, playing is a wonderful way to turn of some off the other inclinations that might have you thinking or delving too deeply. You want to avoid stuff like that today if you can!

Lighten up and get into the density of form. If this is hard for you, watch an animal. They will show you how, for it is their great gift is to know this. The joy of an animal whose entire focus is on physical play is unmatched. It is pure light.

Anything you can do to taste that kind of light today will be so good for you. We send love and light and joy your way all day.



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