Putin’s annual address: he announces “there are now red lines” America/NATO must not cross; promotes Russian national identity

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I agree with the Duran duo (video below): Putin is truly a nice and genuinely good man, and the strong, steady, wise leader Russians need, or any nation, for that matter.

But Russians especially need someone to “crack the whip” and get everyone working, given their very cynical sense of humor, where corruption, lies and inefficiency are seen as “just part of life.” Correlating to this is their nitchevo thinking –“Aahhh, what’s the use? You can’t change anything, so stop dreaming.” And correlating to all this as well is the very serious national plague of too much drinking, as if alcohol, a drug, a form of escape, ever solved a single problem. (For many in other white nations, drinking whisky or beer is their downfall, but every Russian will concur that alcoholism is a big national problem affecting their Motherland. Putin, btw, is a fitness fam, judoka, teetotaller and work-aholic, not alco-holic.)

But, dramatically, Putin is now no more Mr Nice Guy toward Biden (or the jewmerican Deep State which stole the election from Trump). On the other hand, he is not arrogant and provocative either; just calm, confident, and resolved. As Teddy Roosevelt said, he walks softly and carries a big [military and especially nuclear] stick.

The (((russophobes))), as the blogger “the Saker” recently wrote, still see in the Russia of today the continuation of the tsars’ strong antisemitism.

In this photo of Putin speaking, WE as gentiles notice only in passing the Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation hanging behind President Putin, but a committed jew sees the FOUR Christian crosses on this emblem, and he seethes in hatred for Christ.

The coat of arms of modern Russia (which follows) has even more Christian crosses — four — than the tsarist emblem which preceded it! And a white man is killing a dragon…. and the equally white horse has his hoof right on the dragon’s mouth. Just whom might that dragon depict?

Tsarist emblem until 1917: The only big differences are 1) the double-headed eagle under the tsars (below) was black, but now is gold, and 2) it had just one cross.

The jews found it ominous that the vast Cathedral of Christ the Savior in downtown Moscow was rebuilt by the Russian Federation in the 1990s for $100 million. Stalin had blown it up in 1931 to please his jews and had a vast swimming pool put in. (https://englishrussia.com/2007/12/05/biggest-russian-cathedrawl-blow-up/)


At 3:00 in the video below the pattern stops and the event begins. One can see only some still wear the Covid mask. (It seems most women wear it and only some men, typical of basic gender psychological differences, and this is also true here in Ontonagon. Women are more risk-averse, but also more gullible, trusting and obedient, and conform more to group expectations, while  men are more “unruly” and defiant.)

At 1:26:50 Putin says that if the West crosses “the red lines,” then retaliation “will be quick — and it will be tough.”

Every year Russians do a parade and carry photos of their WWII ancestors in uniform. This is a brilliant new Russian custom, and reminds me of our own national-socialist view that we who are alive now have obligations toward our ancestors and also our descendants. We see ourselves as far more than individuals, but as links in a glorious chain of the generations of our people.

Putin walks in this parade, too.

His late father was a common sailor.

Like me in my last life, Putin emphasizes he is one of the people, and ‘I rose to the top through hard work and service.’

And what a great people the Russians are — under a great leader.

Oksana Boyko of RT, founded by Putin





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