Race is destiny, Donald

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Navy SEALS train. Our US Army and Marine Corps infantry units are still 80% white. The most elite commando units are almost 100% Aryan. When will you USE them, Donald?!?!?!?!

“Whaddya-gonna-do?” Whites keep mowing the lawn — as a racial tornado approaches (actual photo from Canada)

Others prepare their weddings….but not to have white kids….


The prestigious Pew Research Insitute has confirmed what we all knew:


women (less logical, and more emotional),

MeToo females who hate “toxic masculinity” and believed the perjurious liar Christine Blasey Ford, and the

college-mis-educated leftards

all support the Demoncrats.



Despite Kanye literally hugging Trump,

Nutzoid, manic-depressive publicity hound Kanye hugs Trump

….and a record-high job rate for the blacks…

…90% of “African-Americans” (or should it be “Africans in America“?) voted in November 2018 for the jew-ridden lunatic party that has harmed them, kept them poor, given their menial jobs that they could at least count on getting for centuries to Mexicans and Chinese, broken up the black family without interruption since the year 1965, and, via the CIA under Demoncrat president Bill Clinton, brought in crack cocaine by the ton to literally kill them. 

Bill Clinton loved the blacks so much he had a black son by a whore, whom he for years never saw or did anything for.

Gary Webb autopsy photo — like all suicidal white men, he shot himself twice in the side of the face 😉

(I wonder how many of my critics understand what actually starting my new Hitler-based racial religion will mean for me??

Back to Kanye — in 2009 he interrupted a major music awards ceremony, telling a then young, “starting-out,” and very white Taylor Swift, that his COINCIDENTALLY fellow black singer, Beyoncé, deserved the award she HAD JUST GOTTEN.

Kanye’s race-mixing, whitish (Armenian) porn-star wife Kim Kardashian poses — unsmiling, nota bene — with Trump in the Oval Office.

Umm, color me old-fashioned, but, “back in the day,” Donald, porn stars (and white sluts who slept with blacks) did not get to do a photo-opp with The President of the United States.

Here is a link to “pornhub” if you want to see Kardashian “in action” https://www.pornhub.com/video/search?search=kim+kardashian+kanye

Beyond that…


In 1994, her [lawyer] father represented football player O. J. Simpson during his murder trial. Simpson is Kardashian’s godfather.

Now there are a dad and a godfather to be proud of — Dad got a black man off after he slashed two totally innocent white people to death. (Well, Ron Goldman was a very good-looking, very white-looking Ashkenazi jew.)  

Nicole Brown Simpson-Ron Goldman crime scene photos (SHOCKING GORE): https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS798US798&biw=1600&bih=787&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=xsbnW-GIHc-atgW6yZWQBg&q=nicole+simpson+ron+goldman+crime+scene&oq=nicole+simpson+ron+goldman+crime+scene

So anyways, Donald, this is what you got for letting that black buffoon hug you and for posing with his porn star wife. 90% of the blacks voted in 2018 for the Demoncrats yet again.

And now the white-hating, insane, senile negress Maxine Waters who loathes you will be “chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee in 2019, giving her oversight of banks and subpoena power to conduct investigations.”



She told The Hill in a phone interview Thursday night that a planned probe of the president’s relationship with Deutsche Bank should be considered “ordinary” oversight work for the panel.

Waters has pledged to ramp up Democratic efforts to probe Trump and his family’s relationship with Deutsche Bank, which has been penalized by the Justice Department for laundering money from Russia.

Financial Services panel Democrats spent the past two years requesting documents from the Treasury Department and Deutsche Bank that could reveal Trump’s potential ties to Russian nationals.

Treasury and Deutsche Bank have refused to comply with the Democratic requests, but could be forced to hand over Trump’s personal financial records if Waters subpoenas for the documents.


Taylor Swift penned this song, “Better Man,” which the band “Little Big Town” performed so well.

What it says tome is this:

Trump, you really could have been

“a better man.”

Over 74 million views!

I know I’m probably better off on my own
Than lovin’ a man who didn’t know
What he had when he had it

And I see the permanent damage you did to me
Never again, I just wish I could forget when it was magic

I wish it wasn’t four a.m., standing in the mirror
Saying to myself, you know you had to do it I know
The bravest thing I ever did was run

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I can feel you again
But I just miss you, and I just wish you were a better man
And I know why we had to say goodbye
Like the back of my hand
And I just miss you, and I just wish you were a better man
A better man
I know I’m probably better off all alone
Than needing a man who could change his mind at any given minute
And it’s always on your terms.

I’m hanging on every careless word
Hoping it might turn sweet again
Like it was in the beginning
But your jealousy, I can hear it now
You’re talking down to me like I’ll always be around
You push my love away like it’s some kind of loaded gun
Boy, you never thought I’d run.

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I can feel you again
But I just miss you, and I just wish you were a better man
And I know why we had to say goodbye
Like the back of my hand
And I just miss you, and I just wish you were a better man
A better man
Better man
I hold onto this pride because these days it’s all I have
And I gave you my best and we both know you can’t say that
You can’t say that…

I wish you were a better man
I wonder what we would’ve become
If you were a better man
We might still be in love
If you were a better man
You would’ve been the one
If you were a better man
Yeah, yeah………
Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I can feel you again
And I just miss you, and I just wish you were a better man
And I know why we had to say goodbye
Like the back of my hand
And I just miss you and I just wish you were a better man
We might still be in love, if you were a better man,
Better man

Songwriter: Taylor Swift
Better Man lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

…..Ben Shapiro, the midget (5’0″) and cuckservatives’ jew darling, speaks:


“And by the way, I don’t give a god-damn about the so-called ‘browning of America.’ Color doesn’t matter. Ideology does.”





…..”Dear Donald” by white alt-right rapper “Mr. Bond”

VERY moving, very good song of our heart-broken disappointment – female vocalist, then the white male “Mr Bond”.





[Hook: Dido] My tea’s gone cold.

I’m wondering why I got out of bed at all.

The morning rain clouds up my window, and I can’t see at all.

And even if I could it’d all be gray.

But your picture on my wall — it reminds me that it’s not so bad, it’s not so bad at all.

My tea’s gone cold.

I’m wondering why I got out of bed at all.

The morning rain clouds up my window, and I can’t see at all.

And even if I could it’d all be gray.

But your picture on my wall — it reminds me that it’s not so bad, it’s not so bad at all.

(then Mr Bond sings):

Dear Donald,

I voted you in. Why aren’t you responding?

Can you see me from your tower, man? I’m down here at the bottom.

I sent a million tweets in autumn, and I’m sure you got ’em.

The property is a problem because you’re POTUS [President of the United States] now and something.

I know the Secret Service keeps disturbances from botherin’.

But anyways, fuck it. What’s been up, man? How’s your daughters?

My girlfriend’s pregnant, too — I’m about to be a father.

If I have a daughter, guess what I’ll call her? I’ll name her “Melania.”

I saw the bullying the media did to her and Barron. That was so disgusting, man.

You seem like awesome parents.

I know you prob’ly hear this every day, but I’m your biggest fan.

I got a Trump sign in my yard, and bumper stickers on my van.

I got a closet full of posters, MAGA hats and pictures.


*** me too

Outside my own house, at 306 South Steel Street, Ontonagon, Michigan 49953, right on the main drag into town –and thrice my Trump signs were stolen. I went out once armed and loaded, the safety off, when I heard two male voices and noises literally outside my bedroom window. For 18 months I had my Trump signs up — even long after the election was over — until Trump in March 2017 outrageously fired missiles at Assad’s Syria.

The violence and theft by leftists nationwide began by the summer of 2016, and has only gotten worse. Almost no one has been prosecuted. And Trump has let jew-run Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google censor not just white nationalists (I am on my sixth 30-day suspension so far this year on Faceberg) but nowadays also any white conservative.

I had three leftists confront me outside a local tavern. They have no idea how serious it was — for them.


I love how you owned Rubio, and [unclear] — that was phat.

Anyway, I hope you take this, man, and hit me back, just to chat.

Truly, yours the only one that cherished you, White America. [JdN: Should we start to call them “Americaners”?]

Afrikaner soldier under apartheid protects white girl crossing a lake



My tea’s gone cold.

I’m wondering why I got out of bed at all.

The morning rain clouds up my window, and I can’t see at all.

And even if I could it’d all be gray.

But your picture on my wall — it reminds me that it’s not so bad, it’s not so bad at all.

(Mr. Bond)

Dear Don, you still ain’t called the voters.

I hope you notice. I ain’t mad. I just think it’s fucked up you ignore your voters.

*** Trump misses on 11.11.18 the ceremony marking the end of WWI and for 7,000 fallen US Marines and US Army soldiers in WWI at Belleau Woods, France “due to light rain”


There was light rain back then, too, Donald.

This little guy sure stood in the rain at age 66, just six years younger than you, for HIS fallen soldiers.


Remember when we talked outside your valley [?] about chops [?] in Lafayette [Park, across from the north side of the White House].

You even signed a MAGA hat for my little brother.

Man, he’s only six years old.

He waited in the blistering cold for you for hours.

That’s how much you give him hope.

Our life is pretty shitty, and you’re his fucking idol.

The working-class whites out here are struggling for survival.

I ain’t bad-mouthing, though. I just don’t like being lied to.

Remember when we met in Denver, you said if I vote for you you’d have our back?

[unclear] Whatever affects you have no way I don’t like politicians when I see them — all they do is cheat us.

We really need a leader.

That’s why I could relate to your debates and all your speeches, jobs overseas, and know what production is the cheapest, and [unclear] I don’t got shit elsewhere, so that it helps when I’m depressed.

I even got a tattoo saying “MAGA” on my chest. And twice I almost got beat up by guys who called me “Nazi.”

I just want a future for our kids. What would they try to stop me?

See, everything you said is real, and I respect because you told it.

But my girl said you’re just a show, and she won’t trust you for a moment.

But she don’t know you like me, Donald. I’d bet my life that she’s mistaken.

The way you hugged those people on stage, you wasn’t fakin’.


Trump hugs bereaved mothers whose kids were murdered by illegal aliens


You gotta call me, man. I’ll be the biggest supporter ever if you keep up this barrier.

Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen announced in 2018 that 2.5 miles of the Wall was completed. Supposedly it is 400 miles now — out of 2500. Gee, in 24 years it might finished.

Very sincerely yours,

White America.


(Refrain) My tea’s gone cold.

I’m wondering why I got out of bed at all.

The morning rain clouds up my window, and I can’t see at all.

And even if I could it’d all be gray.

But your picture on my wall — it reminds me that it’s not so bad, it’s not so bad at all.


Dear Mister, I don’t give a shit about my face.

You literally broke every single promise that you gave.

I just saw it on the news — even the Wall that has been discarded.

It was just a metaphor. Do you think we are retarded?

Was my girlfriend right after all? Are you just another hooker?

Because it sure looks like you’re getting bossed around by Kushner!

Who the fuck is this guy anyway? We didn’t vote for HIM!

You said you’re for the people, giving power back to them.


*** Jared Kushner

Yeah and then went to federal prison ….. Wiki:

In the summer of 2004, Kushner was fined $508,900 by the Federal Election Commission for contributing to Democratic political campaigns in the names of his partnerships when he lacked authorization to do so.[11] In 2005, following an investigation by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey,[12] U.S. Attorney Chris Christie negotiated a plea agreement with him, under which he pleaded guilty to 18 counts of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering.[13] The witness-tampering charge arose from Kushner’s act of retaliation against William Schulder, his sister Esther’s husband, who was cooperating with federal investigators; Kushner hired a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, arranged to record an encounter between the two, and had the tape sent to his sister.[14][15][16][13] He was sentenced to two years in prison,[14] and served 14 months at Federal Prison Camp, Montgomery in Alabama[17][18]before being sent to a halfway house in Newark, New Jersey, to complete his sentence.[17][18][19] He was released from prison on August 25, 2006.[20]

As a result of his convictions, Kushner was disbarred, prohibited from practicing law in New Jersey,[21] New York,[22] and Pennsylvania.[23]

Saudi crown prince Salman (same one who had journalist Khashoggi sawn apart with a bone saw while still alive), Trump, and Salman’s smirking, semite buddy, sick-sick-sick, 666 Kushner 


So you’re starting shit with Syria, launching missile strikes in the sea, sitting in a booth, surrounded by a bunch of kikes.


This happened on exactly and precisely the 100th anniversary of the US entering WWI, as Woodrow Wilson betrayed his 1916 promise to “keep us out of war.”


Remember the guys who called me “Nazi”, and I was forced to fight?

Guess what — I’m a Nazi now. I think those Nazis, they were right.

I talked to them on Twitter, and they brought me to the light.

You no longer have a voice in this country if you’re white.

I love you, Trump, and we’ll still make this nation great again.

In fact I want to thank you for starting my awakening.

Your campaign puts whites back together as a group.

…and made us see the system is completely owned by Jews,

….who kill us with immigration and degenerate our youth.

I can’t believe two years ago I used to laugh at David Duke.

This was the last try at voting — now it’s about survival.

And it’s parasites like you [Jews] who force us into voting with our rifle.


An omen? One of my staunchest supporters just won this magnificent 1895 Marlin repeater rifle.

Stephen Feinberg of Cerberus Capital Mgmt ominously now controls Marlin, Bushmaster and Remington.

How Freedom Group Became the Gun Industry’s Giant, by (((Natasha Singer)))

In the last few years, many of the top names in rifles and shotguns have been acquired by a corporate unknown…..

What all this means is this one Khazar could shut them all down at any moment.

I have said for ten years that the jews can and will gradually and yet totally circumvent the First and Second Amendments by means of buying key companies that make guns and all the social media that publish and steer opinions (YouTube, Google, Facebook and Twitter). and then they say: “I own it and I can do what I want.”

Sure, after the Fed printed billions out of thin air and gave it to their favorite fellow Jews! We goyim have to work and work hard to make a thousand. You Jews just type in one billion dollars into your own bank accounts on a keyboard, then you buy up our country with it!


I tore your pictures down and put one of Hitler up.

Here’s looking forward to the war.

We’ll fuck all you bitches up.






Obviously, it is now time for “the real McCoy.”

Trump, I kept my mouth shut for the mid-terms to be over. I have been relatively silent until now, too.

You pandered to the blacks and Jews in 2016 and 2018  –and you know they both will landslide against you again in 2020.

The Wokies actually call you a Nazi. LOL!

It is time very, very soon for the real Nazi, the man who invented it all — this time as an American patriot and a former US Marine.



When I made a promise to workers, I KEPT it.

I made Germany great again — by not kissing up to the Jews, but by getting rid of them!




And I, John de Nugent today, say it is the jews who should beware.

See the final scene from the Coen Brothers’ film “A Serious Man”: the jewish teacher takes a bribe to change a grade…getting a jewboy into college….and then…

Yes, it should be obvious…..

Why it is way beyond obvious to “NOT reincarnate looking exactly like Hitler” 😉

Donald, in the name of our white childen who do not have bodyguards, private schools and billionaire parents,

my message to you is:

Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

You won’t even use the word “white.”

And in the most German-settled state in America, Wisconsin, 53% German, a major Midwestern state which you MUST carry in two weeks, you won’t breathe a word of your own German heritage, either.

Over 50 MILLION German-Americans — the biggest ethnic heritage in the USA –and you won’t say one word about them. If they were Italians, Irish, or “AFRICAN-AMERICANS” and jews, you would be praising them and their “incredible” contributions.

With the German-Americans, it really IS “incredible contributions.”

I created this map 35 years ago.


Mr. President, sorry, and I know you have tried hard, and you’ve had a lot of enemies — but you do remind me of a movie. 😉

Vladimir Putin once said of you with a sigh:

“It is one thing to have good intentions but it comes down in the end to willpower.”

The will to take on the jews. America needs an oncologist to take out the jewish tumor and end our agony.


My biggest hit video ever: April 20, 2015 release on VIP child molesters and the needed return of Adolf Hitler





  1. It seems from archived photos that Trump spent a lot of friendly time with Epstein/Maxwell. Being that he has not been a moral man, he is likely being blackmailed by Israel for island episodes. Jared Kushner is probably the Mossad handler in the White House always ready to put Israel’s squeeze on Trump. Although Trump holds the position, he is not holding the reins of governing power. He declares criminals need to be in jail, but nothing is done because Trump has no support to uphold law and order.

    Again Jim Stone laments that nothing will be done to stop the on-going coup by the communists planning the overthrow of the country. A Marxist revolution is a bloody, violent one that will incorporate no mercy.

    “As I see it: NOTHING will happen against Biden until Kamala is scammed in.
    We are seeing the exact same pattern we have seen before: Huge story breaks. Promises of action. A stall. An after hope. THEN NOTHING. If anything at all was going to happen, it would have happened, the clock has ticked out. You will see the after hope, and then the nothing part.
    Outside of the blackmail setups they have on people, there is obviously a secondary system that puts things in check to save the deep state. ”

    • I could not agree more, which is why I have to intervene. Trump has no powerful friends, except the armed American people.

      Harry Truman memorably said, and it applies to Trump more than to any other president:

      “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog!” 😉

  2. Remember, its YOUR house.
    Unfortunately full of vermin, all of them imported and rising their talon against the homemaster who admitted and received them.
    Simply abominable.

  3. “Trump has no powerful friends except the armed american people”.

    If a shooting starts and americans actually happen to defeat the vermin, then the vermin elites will be desperate, fearing for their precious lives in case a (more) just order is established.

    Having unleashed already so much trouble in your country, these rats can’t make a strategic retreat any more, and they have to go ahead up to the end to fulfill their abominable plans or to be defeated.

    Thus they will have to mobilize their international influences as they have done twice before, this time to whip up helping forces in the form of Russia and China invading usa.

    They must also invade Europe because if the USA falls, the world falls, and conversely a triumphant USA will thwart the plans they have for the rest of the world.

    Even the plans hidden behind the Corona hoax would be thwarted – there is much at stake for the international elites! It will be all or nothing.

    Thus the prophecies of Irlmaier and Van Rensburg would be fulfilled to some extent.

    I know you hold in high esteem Putin and probably think Russia will not invade, but things can change rather quickly. If we look at American history we see “decent presidents” that would not participate in war and you know what actually happened.

    Maybe invasion will not start because Putin wants to invade, but he has, like others, dirty laundry.

    Politics is treacherous and in order to ascend to the top, you need to have some “demerits.”

    “If you want a (true) friend in Washington [or Moscow or Peking, indeed] get a dog”! 😉

  4. “Navy SEALS train. Our US Army and Marine Corps infantry units are still 80% white. The most elite commando units are almost 100% Aryan. When will you USE them, Donald?!?!?!?!”
    I sincerely hope these military men are still as you perceive them to be, JdN. The younger generations of this country have been morally and ethically subverted for many years. Many may think they are top notch persona, but wouldn’t know otherwise if they weren’t. If the top military commanders are subverted themselves, there is no hope. Your type of strong character may not be what the others are, but what is needed now. If Trump has the courage to call for help, who will respond?

    Red Alert: A Revolution in Progress in the USA
    By Vasko Kohlmayer
    October 20, 2020

    “The breakdown of law and order is exactly what the revolutionaries seek, because this is the state of affairs in which they can seize control. In some jurisdictions they have already succeeded. Our institutions are now starting to prosecute citizens who are trying to protect themselves and their communities. We have seen this with Kyle Rittenhouse, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, and others. Until recently, it was considered perfectly acceptable in this country to defend one’s life and property against criminal predators. Today those who try to exercise this right are themselves treated as criminals while the actual criminals are allowed to roam free.

    This constitute a complete change of worldview, which makes us vulnerable to an overthrow. With the breakdown of law and order and with a demoralized population and paralyzed law enforcement, we are a country which is on the verge of being taken over by the Hard Left.

    Because of the havoc the Left has wrought, the unfolding revolution has a good chance of succeeding. When you study history, you learn that revolutions take place very quickly – usually in a matter of weeks – before most people have had a chance to realize what is happening. This is where we find ourselves today.

    There is no question that this is an hour of great peril for America. What we face is nothing less than a national emergency.”

  5. Gov.Whitmer hates Trump and would welcome his elimination. It is true that subliminal messages can be clearly understood motivators to programmed minds. Although ordinary people may not even notice a message being relayed. Divine protection cannot be underestimated as not only Americans are praying for President Trump.

    Team Trump: Whitmer ‘Encouraging Assassination Attempts’ With ‘8645’ Message
    “86 can be shorthand for killing someone”
    By Joseph Curl
    •Oct 19, 2020 DailyWire.com
    Team Trump has accused Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of encouraging the assassination of the president through a controversial sign in the background of the shot when she gave a national television interview Sunday.

    When the Democrat appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday from a remote site in Lansing, Mich., a sign behind her said “8645.” Trump is the 45th president, and “86,” at least according to Trump War Room, one of the Trump campaign’s verified Twitter accounts, means “killing someone.”

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