So, Palestine. Hit badly by having Jewish settlers dropped there in 1948, and in 67 it got worse. Countries like Jordan, Syria and Egypt opened their borders and took in Palestinian refugees. And what happened, in most cases within less than a year?
Palestinians joined a movement, that wanted to abolish the monarchy in Jordan – in DROVES! – to get rid of the same king, who had shown them kindness by allowing them in.
They pushed radical Islamic revolutions in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Lebanon fell to the Muslim horde subsequently. Egypt can thank them for the radicalisation of its previously rather moderate Muslims. And in Syria Palestinians backed terror organisations like ISIS, that again tried to overthrow the rightful government.
That’s why Assad doesn’t want the 600K+ “Syrians” back, that have made it to Europe: They have Syrian passports, but they belong to the bat-shit crazy, highly aggressive Palestinian minority, that his country was stupid enough to take as refugees from the late 60s on.
And this, btw, is the reason why Jordan quickly said no thank you, when those specific “Syrians” knocked on the door as refugees in 2015. Jordan knows they’re murderous extremist scum looking for a new place to wreck after they’ve caused chaos in Syria.
That’s why Muslim countries denied “Syrian” refugees entry, and they keep sending Palestinian “refugees” away, who are trying to get into neighbouring Muslim countries.
It’s because Palestinians (like Jews, but with less active brain cells) are not right in the head, and their insanity goes so far, that it even scares other MUSLIMS.
This was only discovered in the 2010s. Denisovans were discovered in 2008 and genetically identified in 2010.
Cro-Magnon is a more advanced northern type of Homo sapiens, that had already developed art.
Human races with subgroups:
1. Negroid = 80% Homo sapiens + 20% unknown hominid DNA that does not match well with either Homo sapiens, Neanderthal or Denisovan.
2 subgroups, not yet examined for hominid DNA percentages:
a) Black Africans (who are for the most part Arab mulattos)
b) Yellow Africans (whom you never get to see outside of Africa)2. Sinoids [from the Latin word for China]= 90-97% Homo sapiens + 1-2% Neanderthal + 2-8% Denisovan (Denisovans being essentially a slightly more tanned Asian variety of Neanderthal).
3 subgroups:
a) Continental (Chinese, Vietnamese): 96-97% Hs + 1-2% N + 2% D
b) Maritime (Polynesians): 92-95% Hs + 2% N + 3-6% D
c) Oceanic (Mela- & Micronesians, Aborigines): 90% Hs + 2% N + 8% D3. Caucasians = 96-99% Homo sapiens + 1-4% Neanderthal.
3 living subgroups, 1 extinct:
a) European: 98-99% Hs + 1-2% N
b) Mesopotamian (aka Middle Eastern, includes ancient Egyptians, Sumerians etc. and modern Jews and Arabs): 96% Hs + 4% N
c) South Asian (Indian and adjacent like Pakistani): 97% Hs + 3% N
The extinct subgroup (North Asians) looked white, but had around 2-3% Neanderthal blood.It’s not a conflict between Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal. Sumerians and Egyptians had the same genetic makeup as Jews and Arabs, but were far more civilised. Abraham was, in fact, a Sumerian citizen, who got expelled from Uruk (for hiding soiled child size mattresses in underground tunnels, I suspect).
2 more interesting facts:
1. We perceive humans with less than 95% Homo sapiens DNA as off-putting.
The flat, broad nose that you typically associate with Negroid faces isn’t exclusively Negroid. That nose shape also occurs in the Sinoid subgroups with a lot of Denisovan DNA, like Samoans (~ 6% non-Homo sapiens), Papua (~ 7-8%) and Aborigines (~ 10%). People with more Homo sapiens DNA instinctively avoid it, because it tells us that there is too much non-Homo sapiens DNA present, which could result in genetic problems in mixed offspring.
2. Building a high civilisation requires between 3-5% non-Homo sapiens DNA. There are a couple of other must-haves, like patriarchy, dogs, agriculture etc., but people with less than 3% or more than 5% of hominid DNA typically don’t come up with the idea to start a great civilisation.
Europeans saw Mesopotamian civilisations and culturally copied the concept. That is a whole different skill and super impressive on its own. But when you look at traditional high civilisations like China, India, Sumer, Persia and even the South- and Meso-American empires, these people all had between 3-5% of non-Homo sapiens DNA.
But the Egyptian upper class had blue eyes and was white. (Being very fair, they put a reddish powder on their exposed skin to avoid sunburn. It is still in use in that country.) I offer hard proof of a Nordic upper class among the Egyptians here:
Emperor Constantine couldn’t have had a Christian mother because there was no Christianity before Constantine’s reign because he created it. He got together the religious leaders of all major religions in the Roman Empire in the First Council of Nicaea. There they created the first one world religion, a tutti-frutti of Judaism, Hermes Cult, Isis Cult and a dozen others. He then made that one world religion the official state religion of the Empires. Similarly to today where you have to be a Lucifer worshipping Freemason to qualify for higher office, back then, you had to be a Christian in order to have any chances of having a career. The rest of the people were forced over time by ax and sword to join. Anyone caught secretly pursuing his ancestral religion got beheaded or crucified, like the 3500 Saxon noblemen beheaded by Charlemagne in the Werden massacre. So much to religion of love. Not much difference to the Muslim peace fairies.
I agree with some of this. But “there was no Christianity before Constantine’s reign”???
So whom were the lions eating in the Colosseum two centuries before Constantine?
To whom was Pliny the Younger referring in 110 AD in his letter to the Emperor Trajan? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pliny_the_Younger_on_Christians
Yes, the RC Church engaged in accretionism, borrowing many pagan ideas and symbols. The whole Mary thing was because the Church realized it needed a goddess, not just two male gods (the Father and the Son).
Hitler revered Jesus and believed he was real. I see it exactly the same way. Even the Talmud says Jesus was real and performed miracles.
This is the wrong website for atheism or radical debunking of all things Christian.
È interessante il ruolo di Giovanni.
Ha subito la stessa censura avviata sul Gesù storico.
Infatti come puoi vedere in alcuni articoli che ti ho lasciato la chiesa battista ha subito gravi attacchi da parte di Israele.
Ha ragione Alessandro, il Gesuinaesimo è differente dal Cristianesimo montato da suo nipote…Paolo di Tarso, e si basa sul culto dei terapeuti e delle prime società egualitarie matriarcali(come quella degli Esseni, vinca, gilania)che non vivevano di potere e di beni materiali.
Un altro esempio è il sacro monte che ha radici preislamiche ed è stato preso di mira in questo periodo.