Racial nostalgia and murder in India as young caste-mixing couple is burned alive; brilliant new book on Yahweh and Zion

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What a horrific crime!


I call it all “racial-nostalgia folly” because the caste system was designed 3,000 years ago to prevent race-mixing, but it has obviously long since failed. Most Indians, even the Brahmins, the top caste, are coffee-colored or dark brown in skin color.

Many of the Bollywood (Bombay Hollywood) movie and soap-opera actors are near-whites, however.

Haitiwood meets Bollywood — blacks try dating in India

The behavior of many Indians is in accord with this racial darkening:

–corruption, lying, bribery, crooked cops, and filthy streets are endemic in India, and any honest Indian will agree with that.

As for the pretty young wife who was burned to death, she was actually much whiter than her husband of a “higher” caste, though she herself belonged to the lowly “Untouchable” caste!

Actually, already after 800 years of the Aryans being in India as conquerors and the top caste, the races had been mixing.

Northern Indians and the people in what is now Pakistan (a muslim land 🙁 ) have much lighter skin color than southern Indians, and they speak Aryan-derived languages related to our own English, or German, but even more so to Russian. Starting perhaps in 1300 BC, if not earlier, the Aryans conquered and ruled a dark-skinned land, but they settled southern India only very lightly. So the language in the south is still Dravidian, and the people are very swarthy. 

Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who became “the Buddha,” the “Englightened One,”  did have bright blue eyes, as many stories and statues attest…..


But the records also state, tellingly, that “his black hair never grayed,” which was taken as a miracle, though Ronald Reagan could say the same thing and he was not too enlightened. 😉

with another unenlightened showman 


Kowtowing to smirking enemy Jews — as they all do

So the fact that the blueness of the Buddha’s eyes was even highlighted by other Aryo-Indians of his time shows that blue eyes were already dying out 2500 years ago, just as they are now in America. (50% of all Americans had blue eyes in 1900. Today, it is only 1 in 5 whites, and those are mostly in the older generation.)

Anyway, it is outrageous for Indians to burn their own children alive over castes (the Sanskrit word for “caste,” varna, actually means “color”), when they are all just various shades of the same brown now.

Racial purity is one horse that has gotten out of the barn over there, and there is no point in closing the barn door now!

It is really all about the selfish ego in the “upper” castes, or what Eckhart Tolle calls the “egoic mind.” Everyone wants to feel superior to someone else, and look down on another human being.

And this leads to all sorts of arrogance, tense relationships, broken deals, hatred, violence and every type of division, which the jew enemy exploits to divide and conquer us.

I promoted the nordic element in 1920-45, and here gave a special hug to a young blonde pupil while revisiting my old elementary school in Fischlham, near Linz, in Upper Austria….

At 0:22 I speak to the tall, pretty, platinum-blonde girl. http://www.criticalpast.com/de/video/65675048103_Adolf-Hitler-besucht-seine-Kindheit-Schule_Gespr%C3%A4che-zur-Schule-Kinder_Schule-Lehrer


(Of interest: http://www.thirdreichruins.com/austria.htm)

But all promotions in my party, goverment and military were based on merit, not the hair and eye color!  (Only ONE top NS official was actually blond, Reinhard Heydrich.)

In fact, a dark-haired part-Jew, Emil Maurice, was for YEARS my trusted chauffeur and bodyguard!

December 1924: Adolf Hitler receives visitors, including Rudolf Hess (1894 – 1987), (second from right), during his imprisonment in Landsberg jail. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images). Emil Maurice, in a Bavarian lederhosen outfit, is bending forward.

And one of my final acts as Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht was to have a blondish SS officer SHOT,  a Waffen-SS lieutenant general named Hermann Fegelein, for desertion, the brother-in-law of Eva Braun! (He was caught in bed when arrested with another woman, not Eva’s sister, in other words! What gross disrespect!)

So no blond hair, or high rank, or relationship with my own mistress (and wife for one day) saved him from a firing squad for not doing his duty.





…..Superb book on Yahwism and Zion

If any religion is an unadulterated ego trip, it is Judaism, or as author Laurent Guyénot puts it, “Yahwism.”

Yahweh is an egotistical, jealous, psychopathic and megalomanic god, a “divine sociopath,”

who then chooses an equally monstrous tribe to be his people, the criminal Habiru.

Then we see them flattering each other for the last three thousand years, and vituperating everyone else, and encouraging each other to commit heinous crimes against all their neighbors.


Laurent Guyénot, graduate of the Sorbonne, the Harvard of France (as is antisemitic author Hervé Ryssen, and as was the late, great Robert Faurisson):


I am “only” up to page 125 so far of this 492-pager. But it strikes me in reading the horrors committed by both Yahweh and his vicious “people” of thugs and sexual perverts that no Christian can actually read this “Bible” and not be seriously disturbed by what he is reading.

Martin Luther was in 1522-34 as he translated it into German, but he fell right back into the influence of the warm-‘n-fuzzies of the Christian Bible mind-drug:

God-Is-Love, Jesus Saves, God So Loved the World he Gave His Only Son for the Forgiveness of Our Sins, Believe in Jesus and Be Saved, then Reign Forever in Heaven, etc………

But no doubt Luther, who carefully read in Hebrew and translated every word in the Old Testament, was mumbling under his breath:

“How odd

of God

to choose

the Jews.”






Excerpt from pp. 84-86 (from chapter 2, “The Theoclastic God,” section: “The Plunder of the Nations”)


The Plunder of the Nations

“Feeding on the wealth of the nations” is the destiny of the Jewish nation, says the prophet (Isaiah 61:6). It is also the way it was first created, for plundering is the essence of the conquest of Canaan, according to Deuteronomy 6:10–12:

“When Yahweh has brought you into the country which he swore to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that he would give you, with great and prosperous cities you have not built, with houses full of good things you have not provided, with wells you have not dug, with vineyards and olive trees you have not planted, and then, when you have eaten as much as you want, be careful you do not forget Yahweh who has brought you out of Egypt, out of the place of slave-labor.”

Gentiles, Canaanites, or others are no different from their belongings in Yahweh’s eyes, and can therefore become the property of Hebrews.

“The male and female slaves you have will come from the nations around you; from these you may purchase male and female slaves. As slaves, you may also purchase the children of aliens resident among you, and also members of their families living with you who have been born on your soil; and they will become your property, and you may leave them as a legacy to your sons after you as their perpetual possession. These you may have for slaves; but you will not oppress your brother-Israelites” (Leviticus 25:44–46).

Note that, from the historian’s point of view, the prohibition proves the practice (there is no need to legislate on something that doesn’t exist), and the story of Joseph illustrates that a Jew sold as slave by other Jews was not inconceivable.

While waiting for the fulfillment of their imperial destiny, the chosen people can, even more effectively, exercise their incomparable mastery of monetary mechanisms. One of the revolutionary contributions of biblical religion in the world is the

transformation of money from a means of exchange to a means of power and even war.

In every civilization that has reached the stage of monetary trade, lending at interest, which makes money a commodity in itself, was seen as a moral perversion and a social danger.

Aristotle condemns usury in his Politics as the “most unnatural” activity because it gives money the ability to produce itself out of nothing, and thereby take on a quasi-spiritual, supernatural character. Around the same time, Deuteronomy prohibited the practice, but only between Jews:

“You may demand interest on a loan to a foreigner, but you must not demand interest from your brother” (23:21).

During the Jubilee, every seven years, any creditor must remit his Jewish neighbor’s debt. But not the stranger’s: “A foreigner you may exploit, but you must remit whatever claim you have on
your brother” (15:3).

As far as we know, the Yahwist priests were the first to conceive of enslaving entire nations through debt:

“If Yahweh your God blesses you as he has promised, you will be creditors to many nations but debtors to none; you will rule over many nations, and be ruled by none” (15:6).

The story of Joseph bringing the Egyptian peasants into debt bondage confirms that the enrichment of Jews by Gentile debt is a biblical ideal.

Egyptians buying salt


A man who could not repay a loan is sold into slavery

This story is deeply immoral, but quite central in the saga of the chosen people; it guarantees divine blessing on all abuses of power practiced against foreigners.

It also illustrates a lesson that Jews have effectively applied throughout their history, from medieval Europe to eighteenth century Russia: the ability to grab money through a monopoly on lending at interest is greatly increased if one first receives from the state authority to collect taxes.

The lesson is repeated in the similar story that Flavius Josephus situates in the Hellenistic period (already mentioned in our previous chapter). “As difficult as it may be for the modern reader to accept,” remarks Lawrence Wills, “we actually have before us hero legends concerning tax farmers, as if we were reading the Robin Hood legend told from the Sheriff of Nottingham’s perdpective.”

The story of Joseph, like those of Esther and Daniel, offer as Jewish heroes characters who have reached the rank of kings’ advisers and intermediaries in the oppression of peoples; the heroes make use of such positions to promote their community.

The court Jews mentioned in the Bible most often occupy the functions of cupbearer or eunuch, that is, purveyors of wine and women. Second Kings 20:18 informs us that some Judeans served as “eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon,” eunuchs being generally attached to the harem. “How often,” remarks Heinrich Graetz, “have these guardians of the harem, these servants of their master’s whims, become in turn masters of their master.”

If there is one thing possible to a guardian of the harem, it is to introduce the woman of his choice into the prince’s bed, as did Mordecai, “attached to the Chancellery” with “two royal eunuchs,” with Esther, his niece and perhaps spouse (Esther 2:21).



On a related note,  the total sellout by the Mormons to the Jews continues.

They used to accurately portray Jesus as a sturdy, tall, mesomorphic, blond Aryan, kind of like their founder, Joseph Smith.

Joseph Smith, prophet and ladies’ man


But no more Blond Jesus. Dat be racis’, maaaan.

Now the front cover of their magazine Ensign serves up Jesus the Jew (and articles glorifying race-mixing couples…).


Religion in the right hands can be wonderful, but it can also be a TICKING TIME BOMB FOR RACIAL SELF-DESTRUCTION, making us love our mortal enemy.




……See also


Especially important blogs

……Jews, Arabs and Caucasus peoples (like Stalin and Beria) descend from Neanderthals

Neanderthals & Semites

Stalin busts once displayed in Leipzig, then communist East Germany

…..Israel seeks global white genocide

Israeli fetus in soldier uniform salutes in a blood-red graphic from the Lis Maternity ward, part of the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, featuring a caption in Hebrew, reading: “Received the Presidential Award of Excellence, 2038.” 

Racist Israel seeks global holocaust and enslavement

……Jesus an Aryan Galilean?

UPDATED Jesus depicted as an Aryan by early Christians; NS writer Bochaca says Jesus was not physically Jewish — His native Galilee was “the District of the Gentiles”

One more good reason why Christianity must be kept (though urgently fixed)

…..Hitler and his mentor Eckart were pro-Jesus, anti-Yahweh, and opposed to the Old Testament

(On his 73th death day) AUDIOBOOK Young Hitler had a mentor named Dietrich — and here is the two discussing God, the Bible, Jesus, Paul — and BLINDNESS TO REALITY!

Jesus: Jewish weirdo or Aryan hero?

The “Hebrews” of the Bible were the same as a horde of feared criminals called “the Habiru”

Jeanice Barcelo interviews JdN: good & evil, whites, “Habiru” & Hebrews; Texe Marrs claims Khazar defiantly admitted: “We come from a higher, reptilian species”; Rabbi Laitman in Moscow agrees



  1. Gretl war hochschwanger und sollte am 5. Mai 1945 die gemeinsame Tochter Eva zur Welt bringen.

    Natürlich war Gretl in derartiger Verfassung nicht befähigt, Beischlaf auszuüben, was aber noch lange keinen Seitensprung oder Trennung rechtfertigt.

    Hermann war Gretl nicht würdig. Und er war als Deserteur dem Tragen des Waffenrocks nicht würdig. Das erkannte der Führer, kam seiner Pflicht nach und handelte entsprechend.

    Doch Metapedia notiert unter dem Stichwort ‘Hermann Fegelein’ folgendes:


    Laut Rochus Misch, Angehöriger des Führer-Begleit-Kommandos, gab Kriminalrat Peter Högl, der Vertreter von RSD-Chef Johann Rattenhuber, den Befehl, Fegelein zu erschießen.

    Hitler jedenfalls ließ – anders als etwa sein Biograph Joachim Fest behauptet – Fegelein nicht erschießen. Er degradierte ihn lediglich.


    Gretl und ihre Eva im Jahre 1947:


  2. – Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –

    Übrigens können über folgende Verknüpfung viele interessante Einblicke in Evas Welt genommen werden.

    An dieser Stelle gebe ich lediglich den Anfang und den Schluß wieder, so möge der geneigte Leser Ansporn finden, die anderen Filmrollen selbst in den Weiten des oben genannten wertvollen Archivs aufzutun – beispielsweise sind dort sämtliche Deutsche Wochenschauen archiviert. 🙂

    Anbei die Vorgehensweise: Filme anklicken, sodann Filme bis 1945 anklicken, schließlich unter folgender Angabe fündig werden, nämlich 1940 – 1945 – Eva Braun private Filmrollen


    Filmrolle Nr. 1:


    Filmrollen 7 und 8:


    Hermann Fegelein ist hie wie da auch mal zu erspähen auf dem von der sogenannten alliierten Kontrollkommission sowie den Großnasen der Nachwelt zur Verfügung gestellten historisch einmaligen Nachlaß Deutschen Kulturgutes.

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