Regarding an envious defamer; the blue-blood who cleaned toilets

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Feeding chickens for a onetime friend; I have lived “on chicken feed” for my entire life. 

A person full of jealousy, a convicted, repeat car thief who stole ten cars and did three years in state prison, and a onetime illegal marijuana large-scale grower, have been agitating others against me as supposedly being some sort of lazy, spoiled rich kid who refuses to work. The purpose is to incite that person to physically attack or kill me.

These facts should help set the record straight.

Donal Cumhea MacNamara
Donal Cumhea MacNamara Being called a faggot or a shill or both again?

· Reply · 1 hr

John de Nugent
John de Nugent No, those having been debunked, the other meme is claiming I never worked a day in my life.

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· 1 hr

CR Drake
CR Drake I wouldn’t even respond to those guys. Everybody likes Marine John.

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· 1 hr

John de Nugent
John de Nugent Thanks, CR! But you come across as a pretty pure-hearted person, and one thing you may need to learn a bit more is that no matter what specious “reason” someone puts forth for hating you, they cannot and will not admit that the real reason, deep-down, is envy and jealousy, the basest, crassest and stupidest emotions, a gall in their soul that makes them hate you for whatever success or fame you have earned by hard work.
AND the other group that is even more immune to all attempts to refute slanderous charges is WN “critics” who are really government infiltrators, inserted inside our ranks and trained to “talk our talk” — but whose assignment is to foment division by slander.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent This is actually a more serious matter than I have revealed in this blog, btw. I have been in touch with law enforcement, very reluctantly, this day about a related matter.

Excerpt from a letter:

As for work, first, my father was NOT wealthy, nor overly brilliant — he got okay grades at the University of Rhode Island — nor did he inherit anything, but he was a hard worker, a plugger, as an insurance broker, joining his uncle Henry Davis’ business.
We lived in tiny houses in Cranston, Rhode Island when I was small, no bigger than the house I rent now, the yellow one on the left. 
Things did not take off for him until around 1970, when I was almost 16, and he and my mother unfortunately divorced. I never lived for one day in any of his big houses, except as a guest for Christmas.
I had a paper route as a kid for the Providence Journal. I then had my own steam-carpet-cleaning (see photo of a man doing that), window-cleaning and janitorial service, called “The Rug Doctor.”
I worked while at Jehovah’s Witness headquarters in NYC as a paint scraper on a high-rise building, seen here, and in the shipping room on the ground floor, and also did janitorial work, cleaning the toilets and the shower rooms.  
In Austria, after I married and was then allowed legally to work, I worked in a factory in Kufstein making pipes and faucets, called Karl Seidel Armaturenwerke.
Returning to the States with my bride, and attending Georgetown, we lived in in Arlington, Virginia and then in Alexandria, Virginia. I did a paper route there for the Washington Post seven days a week, getting up at four a.m. and delivering 65 newspapers up and down in a hilly area.
I also made weekend money once a month in the Marine Corps Reserve (and got three meritorious promotions in one year) and later the Virginia Army National Guard, where I was Company Guardsperson of the Year in 1980 under Captain John Holt in Manassas, Va.
After graduating (and getting A’s at G’town required a ton of hard study)
I needed a job where my white nationalist affiliations would not be inquired into, and as was to be expected, it was a job others would shun.
I worked as a substitute teacher, and often three different school systems would call me in the morning, around 6 a.m. because I could handle the kids and actually was quite popular — with both teachers and kids requesting me in cases where the teacher had a foreseen absence coming up and could make an arrangement.  I worked in the Arlington County, Alexandria City, and Fairfax County public school systems, and most people cannot last long as a “sub” due to the kids trying stuff. 
Later, I worked in the Massachusetts public school systems as a sub, and in Coventry, Rhode Island, a downtrodden, blue-collar, high-unemployment area, as a long-term sub — after the regular teacher had a nervous breakdown right in class.
I also taught American accent at the Berlitz school on Boylston Street in Boston, at Inlingua, and at Geos, mostly to Japanese students 1996-2003. 
I was a paid tour guide on the Freedom Trail in Boston for American, French and German bus tours. 
In France, from April to December 2004, I worked in laying the foundation for this advanced, 2500 sq-ft house in the Aix-en-Provence area.  

¦..Construction work (from my bio)

Near Aix-en-Provence in the south of France in 2004, de Nugent learned first-hand by labor under an expert mason the construction of the foundation of a 5,000 square-foot one-story house (made, very unusually for that arid area, of wood). This work included the making of concrete and the filling of cinderblocks;” the building of the cinderblock foundation walls, the preparing of the concrete rebar floor, the insulation of the walls and the building and waterproofing of a large cinderblock basement.
I have also worked recording audiobooks, translating and writing for The Barnes Review. 
From 17 to 55, I worked every day of my life in regular jobs.
And that WAS the White House calling in November 2015. Only law enforcement and the government has access to private cellphone numbers.  The trigger was a former Marine in Louisiana telling me he was starting a militia. (I was not interested.)
I wish you all the best, and discernment when others seek to lie and use you as part of their jealous schemes.
But that person has no reason to put a hating on me for still being very prominent,
3.7 million search results on Google
….for being threatened by the Obama White House,

¦..Obama WH threat on November 23, 2015

Display says

“WHITE HOUSE SW[ITCHBOARD] (202) 456-1414”

Voice: baritone, male, military, middle-aged

“Are you John de Nugent? ¦.We want you to know that we are watching you. [CLICK]”

…..for the FBI contacting me via the sheriff.
…..for my site being featured on Russian TV,
…or for the Washington Post blasting me.

Washington Com-Post fake news: John de Nugent and cohorts are defaming poor little Leo Frank!


That is pure, base, pointless envy. This jealous hatred is what led the psychopathic WN Patler to murder the great George Lincoln Rockwell.

I have been blogging since 2009 and preparing a new way for our race to see God and their duty.
The Jews are right about one thing: too many WNs really are in a hate movement. Look what they post online. They mostly just hate Jews, blacks, muslims, homosexuals, Asians, liberals, etc.
And most of all, they hate themselves and each other.

John de Nugent



……Contact and support

Contact/Supporting VIRTUS

–30 May 2017 cash wrapped in aluminum foil from L in Massachusetts

1 Comment

  1. “The Jews are right about one thing: too many WNs really are in a hate movement. Look what they post online. They mostly just hate Jews, blacks, muslims, homosexuals, Asians, liberals, etc.
    And most of all, they hate themselves and each other.
    John de Nugent”

    Well said, John.
    And to that i have to comment that because of their lack of enlightenment and extremism they open themselves to manipulation. Crazyness can be exploited,you know.

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