Supposed Reich coup in Germany, led by a Thuringian prince, was quashed; 3K cops versus 47 people

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Graphic shows the disciplined Third Reich; communist East Germany, which actually kept many good German traditions;  and the modern wog-infested crime jungle

I feel the deepest compassion for these poor Germans.

From 1948-2015 the Morgenthau Plan of genociding all Germans was on hold because Germany was chosen to become the ATM of Israel, which was founded that year of 1948.

But now the full jew holocaust of the Germans is underway via:

1) the jewish clot-shot,

2) violent muslim migrants, and

3) the US-ordered destruction of the underwater Nordstream pipelines that brought cheap Russian fuel to Germany. The German economy is now tanking.

No.prince can save us, only a radiant new idea and transformed Aryans….the true nobility.



Oskar Lafontaine, a veteran German statesman with over forty years of political experience under four presidents, gave an important interview to “Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten” (“German Business News”) that was published on Nov. 27, 2022.

Lafontaine said things that no current German politician is publicly saying concerning the need for Germany to regain its sovereignty and expel the U.S. military.

Highlights of the interview are Lafontaine said the U.S.’ “blowing up of the two gas pipelines is a declaration of war on Germany,” all U.S. military installations in Germany need to be closed, and all U.S. troops and nuclear weapons need to be withdrawn from Germany.

Following is the full interview translated into English (with Google translate):

Oskar Lafontaine: “Europe is paying the price for the cowardice of its own leaders”


The German Business News in conversation with Oskar Lafontaine about Germany’s economic decline, the proxy war between Russia and NATO in Ukraine – and why he is demanding the withdrawal of American troops from Germany.

German Business News: what happens after the blasting of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines?

Oskar Lafontaine: The blowing up of the two gas pipelines is a declaration of war on Germany and it is pathetic and cowardly that the federal government wants to sweep the incident under the carpet. She says she knows something but cannot say it for reasons of national security.The sparrows have been whistling it from the rooftops for a long time: the USA either carried out the attack directly or at least gave the green light for it. Without the knowledge and consent of Washington, the destruction of the pipelines, which are an assault on our country, cripple our economy and run counter to our geostrategic interests, would not have been possible. It was a hostile act against the Federal Republic – not only against it, but also – which once again makes it clear that we must free ourselves from American tutelage.

German Business News: In your new book “Ami, it’s time to go!” you call for the withdrawal of American troops from Germany. Isn’t that unrealistic?

Oskar Lafontaine: Of course, that won’t happen overnight, but the goal should be clear: the withdrawal of all US military installations and nuclear weapons from Germany and the closure of the Ramstein Airbase. We have to work persistently towards this and at the same time build a European security architecture, because the NATO led by the United States is obsolete, as French President Emmanuel Macron has rightly recognized in the meantime. That’s because NATO is no longer a defensive alliance, but a tool to enforce the US’s claim to remain the sole world power. But we should formulate our own interests and they are by no means congruent with those of the USA.

German Business News: You say the Americans are responsible for blowing up the pipelines. Do you seriously believe that they would give up Germany without a fight?

Oscar Lafontaine: No, that’s going to be hairy, but I don’t see any alternative. If we and the other European countries remain under the tutelage of the USA, then they will push us over the cliff to protect their own interests. So we have to gradually expand our scope, preferably together with France. Like Peter Scholl-Latour, I called for a Franco-German union many years ago. Then the defense of the two states could also be integrated, as the nucleus of an independent Europe. To use a now hackneyed expression: We are experiencing the birth pangs of the transition phase from a unipolar to a multipolar world order. And here the question arises whether we have a place of our own in this new world order or whether we allow ourselves to be drawn into Washington’s conflicts with Moscow and Beijing as US vassals. We can only lose here.

German Business News: We have to look into that again. The American influence on German politics and the media is immense. How do you intend to gain leeway there?

Oskar Lafontaine: It also worked under chancellors like Willy Brandt, Helmut Schmidt, Helmut Kohl and Gerhard Schröder. At least in some conflicts, they had German interests in mind and did not throw them overboard in anticipatory obedience. You also need backbone when you are at the head of a country. The image of Chancellor Scholz standing like a schoolboy next to US President Biden when he announced that Nord Stream 2 would not come to anything was a humiliation. And then there’s the German foreign minister who parrots US propaganda and the economics minister who wants to “serve as a leader”. More pandering is not possible.

German Business News: What kind of game are Baerbock and Habeck playing?

Oskar Lafontaine: As far as Ms. Baerbock is concerned, I would like to protect her. She doesn’t play a game. She’s probably really that simple. And Habeck is completely overwhelmed in his office.

German Business News: In your book you quote Machiavelli: “It is not who first takes up arms who instigates the disaster, but who forces it.” Are you referring to the Ukraine conflict?

Oskar Lafontaine: Of course, I also mean the conflict in Ukraine, which began at the latest with the putsch on the Maidan in Kiev in 2014. Since then, the US and its Western vassals have been arming Ukraine and systematically preparing it for war against Russia. Thus Ukraine became a de jure, but de facto member of NATO. This history is studiously ignored by Western politicians and mainstream media.

Nevertheless, it was an unforgivable violation of international law that the Russian army invaded Ukraine. People are dying every day and everyone, whether Moscow, Kyiv or Washington, who bears responsibility for the fact that there is no armistice yet, bears a heavy burden of guilt. For more than 100 years, it has been the declared goal of US policy to prevent German business and technology from merging with Russian raw materials at any price. It is perfectly clear that given the background, we are dealing with a US proxy war against Russia that has been prepared for a long time. The fact that the SPD in particular betrayed the legacy of Willy Brandt and his policy of détente and did not even seriously insist on compliance with the Minsk Agreement,

German Business News: And? Did the US achieve its war goals?

Oskar Lafontaine: Yes and no. They have been extremely successful in severing relations between the Russian Federation and the EU. They have also managed to sideline the EU and Germany as their potential geostrategic and economic rivals for the time being. Even more so than before the Ukraine conflict, they now determine the policies of the EU states, also thanks to compliant politicians in Berlin and Brussels. They can sell their dirty fracking gas and the US defense industry is doing great business.

On the other hand, they have not succeeded in “ruining Russia”, as Ms. Baerbock put it as one of their mouthpieces, overthrowing Putin and installing a puppet government in Moscow in order to get better access to Russian raw materials, as in Yeltsin’s time. And I have the impression that the USA has now come to realize that they are biting down on granite here. Despite massive arms deliveries to Ukraine and the dispatch of numerous “military advisers”, the nuclear power Russia cannot be defeated militarily. In addition, the Western sanctions are proving to be a boomerang, they hurt the Western states more than Russia and will lead to deindustrialization, unemployment and poverty.

German Business News: So it’s going down from now on?

Oskar Lafontaine: We urgently need to ensure that the Ukraine conflict is ended. And that will only happen if the US abandons its plan to bring Russia to its knees before it takes China to its chest. For this we need a European initiative and it must come from France and Germany.

If we don’t do it, and if we don’t come to an arrangement with Russia regarding our raw material and energy imports soon, then the economy in Germany and Europe will go down the drain and right-wing parties in Europe will become stronger and stronger.

About the person:

Oskar Lafontaine, born in Saarlouis in 1943, was mayor of Saarbrücken, prime minister of the Saarland, chairman of the SPD, candidate for chancellor and federal finance minister in the course of his political life. In March 1999 he resigned from all his previous political offices in the SPD because of criticism of Gerhard Schröder’s government course. He was the founding chairman of the DIE LINKE party, which arose on his initiative from the PDS and alternative election work and social justice (WASG), chairman of the left-wing faction in the German Bundestag and leading candidate in the Saarland state election campaigns in 2009, 2012 and 2017 From March 2022, he has led the Left Party parliamentary group in the Saarland state parliament since 2009.

Interview in German, https://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten…


  1. The problem is that the Federal Republic of Germany is not Germany, it is a puppet institution on behalf of the western allies of WW2

  2. The fact remains, that the Reich did not surrender in 1945: nor was it allowed to, in spite of numerous post-war German requests.

    As head of the Armed Forces, Grossadmiral Donitz was only authorised to sign the armistice for the Reich’s military: but not the Reich itself.

    As the leaders of the Reich died with no successor, there was no one to authorise its surrender. So in theory, the Third Reich is still extant, – but demilitarised. And presumably, – still at war.

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