Reincarnation — what geniuses said about it

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The great Franco-Spanish fashion designer Paco Rabanne was a strong believer in, and writer about, reincarnation


I thank a French comrade for having done such a good job of translating and collecting this information. He doubtless saw my many fact-based articles on this subject, among them this main essay:

“Souls [ jivas ] endowed with the quality of goodness acquire divine nature; those dominated by passion share the human condition; souls plunged into darkness are reduced to the state of animals; these are the three main kinds of transmigrations.”

(Laws of Manu , XII. 40)

“ When this world was brought out of obscurity, the subtle elementary principles produced the vegetable seed which first animated the plants. From plants, life passed in fantastic bodies which were born from the mud of the waters. Then through a series of shapes or animals, it reached man. They passed successively, says Manu, through plants, worms, insects, snakes, turtles, cattle, and wild animals. The beings acquired the qualities of those who preceded them. The further along a being is in the series, the more qualities he will have.”

(Bhagavata Purana)

“From birth to birth, in the circle of existences, I ran without rest or truce, looking for who makes the house [this world]. What suffering to be born and to be reborn again and again! ”

(Jatakas, a Buddhist text; Buddhism is an offshoot of Hinduism created by Prince Siddhartha Gautama, a blue-eyed Indo-Aryan. It has a very pessimistic outlook, where life here is mostly a curse, and both God the Creator and all gods are ignored. The goal is to get off this savage planet. My goal is to fix it. It is a beautiful world with many good and brave people in it. The Third Reich proved this!)

A temple wall in Nepal honors the Buddha

Ancient Aryans in the Far East…. Reincarnationism was and is a profoundly ARYAN doctrine, though the false, semitic  pseudo-religion of Saul/Paul, a myth ABOUT Jesus as supposedly being a God, banned the doctrine of transmigration in Europe for centuries.

It is appalling that OUR teaching is now seen as something from dark people in India or China!


*** The Blue-Eyed Buddha


Robert is a brilliant and likable, very tall (6’4″), half-Iranian, half-German American with a PhD degree in anthropology. He has a big YouTube channel where he tip-toes (barely) around the JQ and explains ancient history and religions, but also modern issues, in simple but fascinating ways, with lots of work going into each video.

These are three short, glossy-paper, and excellent books by him:

Atlantean Gardens is his blog.

China’s landscape is not only littered with enormous pyramids, but hundreds of ancient mummies, like the 4,000-year-old ”Beauty of Loulan”. Chinese researchers say they have found a strange pyramid-shaped chamber while surveying the massive underground tomb of China’s first emperor. Remote sensing equipment has revealed what appears to be a 100-foot-high room above Emperor Qin Shi-huang’s tomb, which has not been excavated.

Bodhidharma was a Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th/6th century.
He is credited as the transmitter of Zen Budhism to China and regarded as its first Chinese patriarch. According to Chinese legend, he also began the physical training of the Shaolin monks that led to the creation of Shaolinquan (and what is now known now as the martial art of Kung Fu!)
The Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall identifies Bodhidharma as the 28th Patriarch of Buddhism in an uninterrupted line that extends all the way back to the Buddha himself. Throughout Buddhist art, he is depicted as profusely bearded with wide-eyes and is referred as “The Blue-Eyed Barbarian” in Chinese Chan texts.
New archeological finds in China are forcing a re-examination of old Chinese books that describe historical or legendary figures of great height, with deep-set blue or green eyes, long noses, full beards, and red or blond hair. Scholars have traditionally scoffed at these accounts, but it now transpires that these accounts were correct.
Many people are unaware of the fact that China also has massive pyramids that rival Egypt in size and age.
China’s landscape is not only littered with enormous pyramids, but hundreds of ancient blond mummies with Caucasoid features. The discoveries in the 1980s of the undisturbed 4,000-year-old ”Beauty of Loulan” and the younger 3,000-year-old body of the ”Charchan Man”
are legendary in world archaeological circles for the fine state of their preservation and for the wealth of knowledge they bring to modern research.
From the evidence available, we have found that during the first 1,000 years after the Loulan Beauty, the only settlers in the Tarim Basin were Caucasoid.” [ = white, and in fact the Tokharians were keltic, like the Irish or Scots, or ancient Gauls in France, wearing plaids and often sporting red hair.]
Other Kelts migrated west and, with war chariots, conquered a huge chunk of western and central Europe. This was the area of the keltic Hallstatt culture around 500 BC.
Kelts were very good horsemen, and after Rome conquered Gaul, the Kelts, bored with being “ground-pounder” infantrymen, became the preferred cavalry troops of the Roman Empire.
Hallstatt is in Austria, home of a famous guy with dark hair and blue eyes. 😉
Gorgeous Hallstatt pottery
A beautiful Hallstatt dagger
East Asian peoples only began showing up in the eastern portions of the Tarim Basin about 3,000 years ago, Mair said.

The Mongol leader Temujin (AD 1167-1227), better known by his title “Genghis Khan” (meaning “Universal Ruler”), was a man of strongly Nordic racial ancestry. According to the Persian historian Abdul Ghasi, the tribal clan to which Temujin belonged, were known as the “Bourchikoun” ( = “Gray-Eyed Men”).

The ancestral mother and founder of this clan was known as Alan goa (beautiful Alan). According to the Mongol and Chinese legends on the subject, she was said to have been visited in her tent by a divine being, who possessed golden hair, a fair complexion and grey eyes. Shortly after this visitation, she gave birth to the first member of the Bourchikoun clan.
*** This is so much like the Jesus story
Angels are always depicted as blond.
An angel appears to the future Jesus’ stepfather, Joseph, and urges him to not be furious at his fiancée, Mary, for being pregnant and not by him and not in a state of matrimony. The Talmud wickedly calls Mary a “whore.” It was well known among hostile jews that Joseph was not the father…and that Jesus was from Galilee — in Hebrew, “Galil ha Goyim,” meaning “District of the Goyim.”
The Nativity, again with a blond angel presiding, and a blond Mary and Jesus. (Margi and I saw this at the Hope Lodge, a free hotel in Rochester, Minnesota for cancer patients and family near the Mayo Clinic.

Blond angels surround a blond Mary with a blond Jesus in an Egyptian fresco from the 500s AD.

Jesus with blond hair in a mosaic from around AD 1261 in the famous Hagia Sophia church in Constantinople


This little angel watched over Margi during an all-night feeding-tube crisis we had. 😉
But all joking aside, I 100% believe in angels.
They are assigned to us and can help us if we deserve it, but cannot fight our battles for us. Deceased loved ones also sometimes get to help us but with the same proviso. We are here to love, as we are loved, to work, to create, and to learn humbly from our zillions of crazy mistakes. 😉
4 am at St. Mary’s Hospital, part of the Mayo Clinic, Margi white as a ghost, but feeling the angels
Angels are NOT “Christian.” All Aryan religions believed that messengers came to us. “Christianity” as invented by Saul/Paul is full of both great truths and also despicable, pro-jew falsehoods!
Zeus with an angel
Pompeii: in this totally pagan, non-Christian fresco, a devil wants to talk to a philosopher, but a protective blond angel grabs him!
Margi took time out two days ago from gardening to advise me how to cook delicious lake trout filets. A nice local named Justin gave them to us.

The truth: I descend from Thomas Angell of England in the 1600s via both my mother and my father in separate lines.
My blond, blue-eyed maternal grandmother, Elizabeth Angell Colwell, née Angell, a huge germanophile, an FDR-hater, and, IMO, a secret Hitler admirer.
Angell Street in Providence, Rhode Island, where George Lincoln Rockwwell studied at Brown University.
The John Hay Library at Brown, 50 feet from Angell Street, houses much of Hitler’s private library.
The most underlined books were about Jesus, with double underlinings, circles, and exclamation points.
Temujin himself was noted in Chinese descriptions of him, for his tall stature and heavy beard. We should also note the following depiction of Temujin’s appearance, as given by Harold Lamb, in his biography of the great Khan:
“He must have been tall, with high shoulders, his skin a whitish tan. His eyes, set far apart under a sloping forehead, did not slant. And his eyes were green, or blue-grey in the iris, with black pupils. Long reddish-brown hair fell in braids to his back.”
Ab ul Ghasi also observed that the family of Yesugai, the father of Temujin, were known for the fact that their children often had fair complexions, and blue or grey eyes. Temujin’s wife, Bourtai, bore a name which means “Grey-Eyed”.
Temujin’s relatives and descendants also possessed fair features: Temujin’s son and successor Ogadei, had gray eyes and red hair; Temujin’s grandson Mangu, had reddish eyebrows and a red-brown beard; Subatei, who conquered China, had a long, reddish beard. Indeed, it was said that people were surprised Kubilai Khan had dark hair and eyes, because most of Genghis Khan’s descendants had reddish hair and blue eyes.
*** end of Sepehr piece; back now to the French comrade’s collection of geat reincarnationism quotations:

“Just as a caterpillar, arriving at the end of a blade of grass, advances towards another blade of grass and slips into it, so the atman, abandoning the body and ignorance, advances towards another body. ”

(Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad, IV. 3)

“As one leaves worn clothes to take on new ones, so the soul leaves worn-out bodies to put on new bodies. “

Bhagavad-Gita , II, 22)

“What is born must die; what is dead must be reborn.”

Bhagavad-Gita , II, 27)

“I have had many births, and so have you, Arjuna; I know them all, but you, O hero, you do not know them. ”

Bhagavad-Gita , IV, 5)

[The god also has many births, but these are “descents” (avatâra); the gods come back in the form of different avatars; but unlike human beings, he (and they) can remember it.]

“If, at the hour of death, harmony predominates, then man goes to the pure worlds of the great sages.

If it is the movement which predominates at the hour of death, then man is reborn in the midst of those who are attached to all sorts of action; if inertia predominates, it is reborn in the bosom of those who are devoid of reason. “

Bhagavad-Gita , XIV, 14-15)



Those whose conduct has been good here will obtain a satisfactory birth, as a Brahmin [priest], Kshatriya [ruler or soldier] or Vaishya [businessman or merchant].

Those, on the contrary, who have behaved badly will have a bad birth, as a dog, pig or tchandala [untouchable]. ”

(Chandogya Upanishad, V. 10. 7)

“Some souls are embodied in a matrix to obtain a body, others in plants, according to their karma and according to their knowledge. ”

(Katha Upanishad, II. 2. 7)

“We reincarnate in the created worlds according to the degree of knowledge of the atman [the soul] that we were able to reach before the death of the body. ”

(Katha Upanishad, II. 3. 4)

“The man whose mind shelters desires [wants, not needs] is reborn in accordance with these desires. “

(Mundaka Upanishad, III-2-22)

“  Here you are before Shindje the Lord of the dead.

In vain will you try to lie, to cover up the bad deeds you have committed. In the resplendent mirror held by the Supreme Judge appear the forms of all your mental and physical activities.

Listen yet.


The mirror in which Shindjé seems to you to read your character is your own memory, which reminds you of the chain of your past activities and which judges them according to the conceptions you have formed.

It is you who, by your propensities which are in you, will pronounce your judgment and assign yourself such or such a rebirth.

(the Bardo Thödol, Tibetan “Book of the Dead”, after Alexandra David-Neel)

“  Souls are thrown into the cycle of successive births, which has existed for a very long time. Death exists only for a new birth to come.

The ignorant, subject to many weaknesses, will experience repeated births of various kinds. These successive births will not cease until the first stage of knowledge (jnâna) is reached. When this stage of knowledge is established, births will cease. All shastras (treatises) only indicate this goal.

Not caring about liberation, some egos place great value on the path in the world and act in it with great certainty of mind. Their tendencies are towards the vast pleasures of the world.

A person of this kind is embodied in successive births, then sharpening his faculty of discrimination, he thus begins to think: these repeated births brought me no result. Enough of this illusion of the world …

To one who has knowledge, the universe is of as little importance as the imprint of a cow’s hoof on the ground; but for the ignorant it is an ocean of suffering.”

(Yoga Vashista)

“After death, the soul must free itself from all its faults before inhabiting a new body, commensurate with its moral nature. ”

(Pythagoras; bust photo below)

“Hermes had told him to choose what he wanted, except immortality. He had therefore asked to keep, alive and dead, the memory of what was happening to him. (…) And he told how she [her soul, here entered the body of Euphorbia] had accomplished her journeys, in which plants and which animals she had been present, and all that her soul had experienced in Hades [the interlife]. ”

(Diogenes Laërce, Lives, Doctrines and Sentences of Illustrious Philosophers , Book VIII)

[Speaking of Pythagoras.]

“For I was for a time boy and girl, tree and bird, and dumb fish in the sea.”

(Empedocles, On Nature , 117)

“Will you never stop the painful [animal] carnage?” Do you not see that it is yourselves that you stupidly slaughter? The father seizes his son who has changed form, accompanying his murder with a prayer, O the dark fool! ”

(Empedocles, On Nature , 136-137)

“At the end of the ascent in the birth scale, finally, they become diviners, rhapsodes, doctors and chiefs of men …”

(Empedocles, On Nature , 146)

“… It is certain that the living are born from the dead and that the souls of the dead are born again. ”


“Fleeting souls, you will begin a new career and be reborn to mortality. It is not a genius who will draw lots for you, it is you yourselves who will choose your genius. Let the first chosen by fate be the first to choose the life to which he will be bound by necessity. (…) [The hierophant] spread out before them models of life which were many times greater than that of the souls present. There were all kinds (…) There were tyrannies (…). There were also the lives of famous men (…). There were also obscure ones. (…) So when all souls had chosen their life, they advanced towards Lachésis in the order which had been fixed for them by fate. This gave each one the genius she had preferred, to serve as her guardian during existence and fulfill her destiny. ”

(Plato, The Republic, X)

[In this myth exposed by Plato, a deceased person returns to tell what he saw in the world of the dead: the souls of the deceased appear before Lachésis, daughter of Necessity (which could also be called karma ), and a hierophant is addressed to them.]

“The errors and the sufferings of human life sometimes make me think that these ancient seers or interpreters of the secrets of heaven and of the decrees of the divine spirit thus had some glimmers of truth when they declared that men were born in order to suffer. and to pay for some sins committed in a previous life. ”

(Cicero, Treatise on Glory )

“I was a blue smolt,

I was a dog, I was a deer,

I was a deer in the mountain,

I was a stake, I was a shovel,

I was hit in the hand …

I was a spotted viper on the mountain,

I have been a dragon in the lake;

I was Kynbyn’s slave,

I was also a shepherd.

Tapered and white are my fingers,

Since I was a shepherd,

A long time has passed;

Still singing,

I have traveled the earth

I slept in a hundred houses

And I have lived in a hundred castles. ”

(Welsh Bard Taliesin)

“Souls go through all kinds of different bodies in the world. ”

(Jesus, in the Pistis Sophia)

“The gods give to each one the fate which suits him and which is in harmony with his antecedents in his successive existences. “

(Plotinus, Enneads , VI)

“So the pains that afflict us are often punishments for a sin of which the soul was guilty in a previous life. ”


“Souls are not subject to death; because having abandoned their earthly form, they will still inhabit new bodies and there, they will receive a renewal of life … The soul travels here and there, it goes from one place to another and takes possession of more. ‘a body ; it passes successively into animal bodies and human bodies … ”

(Ovid, The Metamorphoses )

“The soul is born into this world by leaving the soul of the world where its existence preceded the one we know. So the gods who view her actions in all phases of various existences and as a whole sometimes punish her for the faults she committed in a previous life. ”

(Apuleius, The Golden Ass )

“There is a natural necessity for the immortal soul to be healed and purified, and if it has not been healed by its earthly life, healing takes place through future and subsequent lives. ”

(Saint Gregory of Nyssa, 4th century)

“Did I not live in another body before entering my mother’s womb?” ”

(Saint Augustine, 4th century)

“If you want to know about your past life, look at your current condition. If you want to know your future life, look at your present actions. “

(Padmasambhava, 8th century)

“  I died as a mineral and I became a plant, I died as a plant and I became an animal, I died as an animal and I became a man . What should I be afraid of? Did I lose anything by dying? ”

(Rûmi, Persian poet, 13th century)

”  This spiritual principle (the spirit which is at the origin of all things) which, by the intermediary of other immaterial principles, subordinate to its power, produces the body in which it manifests its wonders, is called to survive it and, this first body being destroyed, another is created with similar or superior properties. ”


“The soul of man does not change, while passing through innumerable forms. ”

(Giordano Bruno)

“What is incorruptible must also be ingenious. So the soul, if it is immortal, must preexist the birth of the body and metempsychosis is the only spiritualist system that the philosopher can admit. ”

(David Hume)

“The ladder of humanity rises by an innumerable series of rungs from crude man to thinking man. This progression will undoubtedly continue in the life to come, and will maintain there the same essential relations, I mean that the progress which we will have made here below in knowledge and in virtue will determine the point at which we will begin to live in the other life and the place we will occupy in it. What a powerful motive to inspire us to increase our knowledge and our virtue ceaselessly! ”

(Charles Bonnet, Philosophical Palingenesis )

“It is no more surprising to be born twice rather than once; everything in nature is resurrection. ”


“Every man must follow, sooner or later, the path which leads to perfection. Can this be accomplished in one and the same existence? Surely not. Why then should not every individual appear more than once in this world? ”

(Lessing, The Education of the Human Kind , 1781)

“Do you not know some rare and great men who cannot have become such in one single human existence? They must have existed many times already, before having reached this purity of feeling, this instinctive impulse for all that is beautiful, true and good …

Have you never had reminiscences of a previous state? Pythagoras, Jarchas, Apollonius and others vividly remembered what they once were and how many lives they had lived before their present existence. If we are blind or if we can only see a stone’s throw from our nose, do we have the right to deny that others can see a hundred and a thousand times farther than us, to the end of time?

He who has not been able to mature into a given form of humanity begins the experience again until, sooner or later, he becomes perfect… ”

(Johann G. von Herder, Dialogues on Metempsychosis [ = reincarnation])

“I regard death as as necessary for our constitution as sleep. We will be born refreshed in the morning.

When I see that nothing is lost and that not a drop of water is wasted, I cannot believe in the annihilation of souls , nor believe that God will bear the daily loss of millions of ready-made spirits that exist today and will be in the continual need to  makeg new ones.

So, finding myself existing in the world, I believe that in one form or another I will always exist; and, with all the inconveniences that life can entail, I will not object to a new existence of my own, hoping, however, that the errors of the latter can be corrected. “

(Benjamin Franklin)

“And as long as you don’t understand

This: die and become!

You are just an obscure guest

On the dark land. ”

(Goethe, The East-West Divan , 1819)

“The soul comes from outside and enters the human body as in a temporary dwelling, and it comes out again, it passes into other dwellings, for the soul is immortal. ”

(Ralph Waldo Emerson of Boston)


“The secret of the world is that all things stand and don’t die, but only withdraw a little from life and then come back. Nothing is dead… ”

(Ralph W. Emerson)

“I know I am immortal. Without a doubt I have died ten thousand times before. I laugh at what you call dissolution, and I know the amplitude of time. ”

(Walt Whitman)

“Our birth is but a sleep and an oblivion;

The soul that is born with us, the Star of our life,

Had his bedtime elsewhere. And comes from afar. ”

(William Wordsworth)

“Fortunately, the soul is reborn with amnesia! ”

(Arthur Schopenhauer)

“If an Asian were to ask me for a definition of Europe, I would be forced to answer him: it is the part of the world which is haunted by the incredible delusion that man was created from nothing, and that his present birth is his first entry into life. “

(Arthur Schopenhauer)

I carried this book by Schopenhauer with me into combat for four years in WWI.

“To be born, to die, to be reborn and to progress without ceasing, such is the law. ”

(Allan Kardec)

“All human beings go through a past life… Who knows how many carnal forms the heir to heaven occupies before he can come to understand the value of this silence and solitude of the spiritual worlds? ”

(Honoré de Balzac, great French novelist )


Honoré de Balzac (/ˈbælzæk/ BAL-zak,[2] more commonly US/ˈbɔːl-/ BAWL-,[3][4][5] French: [ɔnɔʁe d(ə) balzak]; born Honoré Balzac;[1] 20 May 1799 – 18 August 1850) was a French novelist and playwright. The novel sequence La Comédie humaine, which presents a panorama of post-Napoleonic French life, is generally viewed as his magnum opus.

Owing to his keen observation of detail and unfiltered representation of society, Balzac is regarded as one of the founders of realism in European literature.[6] He is renowned for his multi-faceted characters; even his lesser characters are complex, morally ambiguous and fully human. Inanimate objects are imbued with character as well; the city of Paris, a backdrop for much of his writing, takes on many human qualities. His writing influenced many famous writers, including the novelists Émile ZolaCharles DickensGustave Flaubert, and Henry James, filmmaker François Truffaut, and philosophers such as Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx. Many of Balzac’s works have been made into films and continue to inspire other writers.

An enthusiastic reader and independent thinker as a child, Balzac had trouble adapting to the teaching style of his grammar school. His willful nature caused trouble throughout his life and frustrated his ambitions to succeed in the world of business. When he finished school, Balzac was apprenticed in a law office, but he turned his back on the study of law after wearying of its inhumanity and banal routine. Before and during his career as a writer, he attempted to be a publisher, printer, businessman, critic, and politician; he failed in all of these efforts. La Comédie Humaine reflects his real-life difficulties, and includes scenes from his own experience.

Balzac suffered from health problems throughout his life, possibly owing to his intense writing schedule. His relationship with his family was often strained by financial and personal drama, and he lost more than one friend over critical reviews. In 1850, Balzac married Ewelina Hańska, a Polish aristocrat and his longtime love; he died in Paris five months later.

Work habits[edit]

Balzac’s work habits were legendary. He wrote from 1 am to 8 am every morning and sometimes even longer. Balzac could write very rapidly; some of his novels, written with a quill, were composed at a pace equal to thirty words per minute on a modern typewriter.[64] His preferred method was to eat a light meal at five or six in the afternoon, then sleep until midnight. He then rose and wrote for many hours, fueled by innumerable cups of black coffee. He often worked for fifteen hours or more at a stretch; he claimed to have once worked for 48 hours with only three hours of rest in the middle.[65]


Balzac sought to present his characters as real people, neither fully good nor fully evil, but completely human. “To arrive at the truth”, he wrote in the preface to Le Lys dans la vallée, “writers use whatever literary device seems capable of giving the greatest intensity of life to their characters”.[98] “Balzac’s characters”, Robb notes, “were as real to him as if he were observing them in the outside world”.[99] This reality was noted by playwright Oscar Wilde, who said: “One of the greatest tragedies of my life is the death of [Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes protagonist] Lucien de Rubempré…. It haunts me in my moments of pleasure. I remember it when I laugh”.[100]

At the same time, the characters depict a particular range of social types: the noble soldier, the scoundrel, the proud workman, the fearless spy, the alluring mistress.[101] That Balzac was able to balance the strength of the individual against the representation of the type is evidence of the author’s skill. One critic explained that “there is a center and a circumference to Balzac’s world”.[102]

Balzac’s use of repeat characters, moving in and out of the Comédie‘s books, strengthens the realist representation. “When the characters reappear”, notes Rogers, “they do not step out of nowhere; they emerge from the privacy of their own lives which, for an interval, we have not been allowed to see”.[103] He also used a realist technique which French novelist Marcel Proust later termed “retrospective illumination”, whereby a character’s past is revealed long after she or he first appears.

A nearly infinite reserve of energy propels the characters in Balzac’s novels. Struggling against the currents of human nature and society, they may lose more often than they win—but only rarely do they give up. This universal trait is a reflection of Balzac’s own social wrangling, that of his family, and an interest in the Austrian mystic and physician Franz Mesmer, who pioneered the study of animal magnetism. Balzac spoke often of a “nervous and fluid force” between individuals, and Raphaël de Valentin’s decline in La Peau de Chagrin exemplifies the danger of withdrawing from other people’s company.[104]


“  There are souls around us who want to be embodied  : for this they change into desires and ask the living to give them a body. (…) Wandering souls push us towards our complementary; in order to enter into life they choose the organic conditions they need, and they impose their choice on us without consulting us. (…) It is Desire that created the worlds; yourself it is freely that you descended into birth.  ”

(Louis Ménard, Rêveries d’un pagan mystique [ = “Reveries of a mystical pagan”], 1876)

“It is not in cemeteries that we must look for the dead, but in cradles. “

(Louis Ménard)

US Marines in Vietnam; many are Southerners


“Live so that you may desire to live again – it is your duty – because in any case you will live again!” ”

(Friedrich Nietzsche)

“The soul that dwells in me today is made up of fragments that survived thousands of deaths. ”

(Maurice Barrès, A free man, 1889)

“When the physical organism breaks down, the soul survives. It then takes another body. ”

(Paul Gauguin)

“I once asked the lama of Enche what might be the subjective post-mortem visions of a materialist who saw death as absolute annihilation. [Lama’s response:] ‘A man [very rude and materialistic] might not have any vision. This would not prevent the energy generated by its past actions from continuing its course and manifesting itself through new phenomena. In colloquial terms: this [denial] would not prevent the re-birth of the materialist ‘.  ”

(Alexandra David-Neel, Mystics and Magicians of Tibet )

“During the succession of births (…) the being would not bear to continue to act and suffer in the same way for an eternity without real benefit, if memory and individuality remained attached to it. He rejects them, and here is Lethe; and it is thanks to this sleep of death that he reappears regenerated and endowed with another intellect – a new day towards new shores… ”

(Albert Einstein)

“We come back to earth after having lived there. This certainty gives meaning to my life. ”

(Gustav Mahler)

“The doctrine of successive incarnations of the soul, which Pythagoras called metempsychosis and which Asian Buddhists and Hindus call rebirth , is as old as the oldest prehistoric people that ever existed. The power of tradition is such in matters of faith that no Asian – unless it is a Mohammedan – will question this doctrine which he takes for granted! ”

(Paul Brunton, A Hermit in the Himalayas )

“The learned Buddhist monk who instructed me once introduced me to a method, originally taught by the Buddha himself, and which had been practiced in his own monastery with undeniable results. This method made it possible to discover his previous incarnations.

Part of the daily work consisted of gradually winding back time, first days, then weeks, and finally months, until revisiting the events of an entire year. Subsequently, this retrospection allowed the previous years to emerge little by little. Eventually, it was thus possible to develop a wonderful ability to memorize and visualize, including the early childhood era.

Although it may seem incredible, we managed to remember everything, until the very day of the birth.(…) But my Buddhist monk did not stop there. He added that this unusually sharp memory kept coming back further and further.

With training, we crossed the door of birth and thenthe journey backwards brought back memories of a completely different person, and of the previous existence on earth!

By continuing this singular exercise, we could go back in every detail, from the last death to the birth that had preceded it. The monk recognized that this retrospection required an extraordinary concentration and that few Buddhists were able to go very far with this method.

(Paul Brunton, op.cit.)

“… A doctrine which affirms that all action inevitably bears fruit, and that life must persist in being embodied in a body until the consequences are exhausted and the debt paid, is entirely reasonable. It fits perfectly with all the other natural laws that scientists discover in the physical world. ”

(Paul Brunton, op.cit.)

“  After a delay (in the hereafter), a new astral body is organized around the self, capable of inhabiting an etheric body and a physical body such as man possesses between birth and death . Man can pass once more through the door of birth and begin an earthly existence enriched by the fruit of previous ones. Until the new formation of the astral body, man is, so to speak, a witness to its reconstruction.

As the spiritual powers are expressed to him not by external organs but by the internal word, he can perceive their manifestations only as long as his attention is not solicited outwards, which takes place from the moment when the new astral body is formed. This astral body claims an etheric body and a physical body. He therefore turns away from communications that come from within. This is why there is an intermediate stage, during which man falls into unconsciousness. ”

(Rudolf Steiner, The occult science )

“I didn’t start when I was born, nor when I was conceived. I have grown, I have developed through countless thousands of millennia. All my old selves have their voices, their echoes, their promptings within me. Oh, countless times I’ll be reborn. “

(Jack London;

“I believe we are reincarnating. You, me, we reincarnate over and over again. We live many lives, and accumulate a lot of experience. Some souls are older than others, and therefore know more . It seems like an intuitive ‘gift’. It is actually a hard-won experience. ”

(Henry Ford)

“I adopted the theory of reincarnation when I was 26 years old. Genius is experience. Some seem to think it is a gift or a talent, but it is the result of long experience in many lifetimes. ”

(Henry Ford)

“I totally agree with Thomas Edison’s belief that the spirit is immortal, that there is an ongoing center of character in every personality. But I don’t know what the spirit is, or what the soul is, or what matters. I suspect they are forms of the same thing. I have never seen anything in this supposed antagonism between spirit and matter. To me, this is the most beautiful, scientifically satisfying, and most logical theory in life.

For thirty years, I have inclined towards the theory of reincarnation. It seems to be a very reasonable philosophy and explains a lot. No, I have no desire to know what or who I once was; or what or who I will be in the ages to come.This belief in immortality makes life more attractive today. It gives you all the time you need. You will always be able to finish what you start. There is no fever or tension in such a prospect. We are here in life for one purpose, to gain experience. We all get it, and we’ll all use it somewhere.  “

(Henry Ford)

”  Many times man lives and dies

Between his two eternities ,

That of the race and that of the soul,

And ancient Ireland knew it well. ”

(WB Yeats, poem “At the foot of Ben Bulben”)

“So as through a glass and confusedly, I see the long fight, where I fought under many appearances, many names, but always me. ”

(General George S. Patton)

“You can philosophize for hours on end to know if you are reborn or not. (…) I must say that there are as many arguments in favor of this belief as in favor of another. It is as difficult to demonstrate scientifically as Christianity, as the doctrine of Zarathustra, that of Confucius, etc. But it has a great advantage: a people who believe in rebirth and who honor their ancestors – and therefore honor themselves [as being their own ancestors] – will always have children and will therefore live forever. “

(Heinrich Himmler, 1938)

[This passage confirms that Himmler was interested in Eastern doctrines (China, India, Japan, etc.).]

“The elements of which our body is made belong to the cycle of nature, and as for our soul, it is possible that it will return to limbo while awaiting an opportunity to reincarnate!” ”

(Adolf Hitler, Table Talk at Füher Headquarters, evening of September 23, 1941)

“Reincarnation contains a very heartwarming explanation of the reality by which Hindu thought overcomes difficulties which baffle thinkers in Europe. ”

(Albert Schweitzer, MD, Franco-German/Alsatian organist; philosopher; theologian, Nobel Peace Prize 1952)

“My life often seemed to me like a story that has no beginning or end. I had the feeling that I was a historical fragment, an extract whose previous and next text was missing. I could well imagine that I could have lived in previous centuries and that there I would have encountered questions that I was not yet able to answer; that I was born again because I had not completed the task assigned to me. ”

(Carl-Gustav Jung)

“Reincarnation is opposed to Catholic teaching on the finality of this life, considered as a test prior to a definitive and unchangeable life of reward or punishment, which begins immediately after death. ”

(Thomas J. Motherway, American theologian, 1956)

“The terms reincarnation, metempsychosis or soul migration can have different meanings: either they signify a series of successive existences through which the soul retains consciousness of its personality and to which a specific end is assigned, or else a series of repeated lives, without a determined end, during which the soul keeps consciousness of its personality, finally an indefinite succession of existences that the soul passes through without keeping the consciousness of its individuality. As to the first of these hypotheses, we do not see that reason must necessarily hold it false or impossible. ”

(Cardinal Mercier)

“To realize his desires, the individual is condemned to be reborn. To die is to change clothes. Insatiable desires and appetites constitute the content of your subtle body . The scent of a flower rushes to you and then disappears. So it is with births and deaths. But from another point of view, there is neither birth nor death. At the time of the death of the physical body, the subtle body formed of his desires and appetites floats without having any more support, which means that man will be reborn according to his karma . The ego or the sense of ‘me’ which is inextricably linked with desires comes and goes, while for Atman there is no question of coming and going.Man has a gross body, a subtle body and a causal body. The root of the causal body is Atman. As long as man does not realize it, he will go through births and deaths . The Atman radiates by itself. Coming and going exist only for the individual. To realize your Self, it is enough to remove the veil.

Without a doubt reincarnation is a fact. The eye operated on for cataracts sees again. Likewise a deep concentration on the Divine removes the veil which obscures our vision, purifies the mind and directs it towards the Self; then the meaning of the mantras and of the divinities of which they are the sound form is revealed to us and the impressions of past lives arise before us. (…) You can project a clearer picture of your past lives on the present screen of your mind. When I see you, I can get a series of pictures from your past lives. ”

(Mâ Anandamayi)

I am not old enough for my arteries
My wrinkle-free forehead is an abuse
When I left my mother
I had already lived a lot
And for my gray-
headed soul Methuselah is a kid
I will pray in churches
That I ‘ve known Roman temples
Do not be fooled by appearances:
I seem to have come out of childhood
On my papers, I am twenty-five years old
These are fakes: I am 2000 years old.


I often spat on my spell
Prayed for it all to be over

But every time I died
It was screaming for life.

(Michel Sardou, song “I have two thousand years”, 1974)

“Swamiji’s teaching involved the erosion of latent tendencies buried within us and which surface on the surface through the fears and desires that are woven into an existence. According to the Hindu tradition, these propensities are the fruits of imprints [ samskaras ] or impressions engraved in the depths of our being by the events of this life, or of previous lives. ”

(Denise Desjardins, From birth to birth , 1977)

“  … When I am dead, everything will be as if I was not born  ; everything will be, in short, as before my birth. (…) If I return to the state in which I was before being born when dying, why could I not exist again? (…) We do not remember having been something before, when it has already happened and reproduced (…) when my physical body will dissolve with all the memory it carried, the consciousness that I had previously things will be reborn over and over again, not exactly the same way, but rather, every time, like a baby coming into the world.

There will of course be myriads of babies born in this way, and not just human babies: but also baby-frogs, baby-rabbits, baby-flies, baby-bacteria, baby-viruses – which one? between them will I be? (…) If I were to wake up in the form of a fly, I would not feel the difference from waking up in the human form; I would find that normal. (…) Death… erases the slate. (…) Does that scare you? (…) This nothingness is something that you immerse yourself in again, as you sprang from when you were born . You spring from nothing; nothingness is a kind of leap, which wants ‘nothing’ to imply ‘something’.You spring up again brand new, brand new, nothing like what you were before: it’s a total renewal.  ”

(Alan Watts, Beyond Nothingness , 1978)

“Reincarnation is one of the only two beliefs that unites all Hindus of all castes, from the Brahmin to the untouchable (…). From the highest Brahmin to the lowest Harijan , everyone believes in reincarnation.

That is, there is in every living creature, not just in every man – reincarnation goes for animals and plants too, not just for people – there is in every living creature a visible body and several subtle bodies, and these subtle bodies separate from the rest of the physical body at the time of death . And they are what they call the ego. This ego, if it is not yet merged into the universal ego – that is, if a man is not what Hindus call being ‘liberated’ – this ego is born again, in a other body, animal or human or plant. Plants live. Even minerals have a certain kind of life. There is nothing in the world that is not absolutely surrounded by a certain kind of life, a certain kind of vibration.. So the belief is not that when you are good you are reborn into a higher social status. It’s stupidity. You will not be reborn rich if you are poor. If you want to be rich, if you are good, you don’t get rich in the next life, you don’t necessarily. It could be the opposite, the rich man is reborn into a beggar. He is reborn in the state which will be the best for his spiritual evolution. ”

(Savitri Devi, recorded interviews, 1978)

“You who have been fortunate enough to take human form, do not waste your time. ”

(Tibetan adage)

“When you think of the long line that people wait in Up There to get another human birth — and then what they do with their life once they have one again!?!?”

(an old Hindu yogi, quoted by Arnaud Desjardins, Ashrams , 1982)

“In life, consciousness is shaped and conditioned by karmic tendencies for countless lifetimes. At death, the subtle consciousness carries these karmic tendencies with it on its journey to rebirth. (…)

In its quest for a familiar body and environment, consciousness is drawn to a man and a woman whose union can generate an embryo capable of ensuring the karmic continuity that consciousness seeks. According to Buddhism, a pregnancy begins when a woman can become pregnant and, moreover, a consciousness is looking for the karmic situation caused by the pregnancy. When these conditions are met, ‘fertilization’ occurs, the woman becomes pregnant and the consciousness finds a new home. ”

(Reginald Ray, contribution in Understanding Buddhism , 1993)

“A being is only a combination of physical and mental forces or energies. What we call death is the complete cessation of the functioning of the physical organism. Do these forces, these energies absolutely come to an end with the cessation of the functioning of the organism? Buddhism says no. The will, the desire, the thirst to exist, to continue, to become, is a formidable force which moves all lives, existences, the whole world . It is the greatest force, the most powerful energy in the world. According to Buddhism, it does not cease to act with the cessation of the functioning of our body, which for us is death, but it continues to manifest itself in another form, producing a re-existence called rebirth. ”

(Walpola Rahula, The Teaching of the Buddha )

“[In India] things happen in a different time (…). Man does not live totally in the present. He has five thousand lives behind him and five thousand others ahead of him; he is not in a hurry. The attraction is immense, because it implies a momentary abandonment of our Self. ”

(Miguel Serrano)

“Misunderstood, the belief in reincarnation leads to a regrettable detachment from reality. (…) If reincarnation and its obligatory corollary, karma, should teach us anything, it is precisely the importance of our present life. It is here and now that man progresses, it is here and now that the divine light is gained.

Because if terrestrial life is only a spark compared to the eternity of the higher vibratory planes, it is nonetheless the occasion of our evolution . It is through our daily behavior that we can alleviate our karma.

Also the followers of reincarnation attach paramount importance to the passage on earth . To withdraw from the world and to become an anchorite does not in my opinion constitute the royal road leading to wisdom. It is not a question of running away from reality but of doing what we came down to earth for . Faith in reincarnation should be neither a refuge in the past nor a fatalism with regard to the future: it is fundamentally a call to action in the present. ”

(Paco Rabanne, Trajectory , 1991)

“It should be noted that we do not reincarnate to have a better life than the previous one, but to alleviate our karma . It is in the beyond that the progression is located, the reward if I may say so, not here. (…) The goal is to deserve, at his death, to go to the Fifth, then to the Sixth [Vibratory] Plane, before blending into the Whole, stay of Joy without return. This means that (…) the important thing is what I do every day of this new life, to improve myself, to approach others better, and to get closer to the One. (…) To assume our karma is to know that our destiny, our evolution and our ascent towards the Light depend on our way of living today. ”

(Paco Rabanne, The present time , 1994)

“  We forget that the place where we live, we chose it at the time of our incarnation on Earth . Before going back down here, we opted for a couple of parents, and at the same time for a place, a tradition, roots. It may sound disgusting if we have unworthy parents or miserable living conditions, but still these are the tools we have decided to use to accomplish our work of karmic relief. ”

(Paco Rabanne, op.cit.)

“  The individual nucleus, the ‘I’ (…) could not begin at the moment of birth since it already has, then, a very elaborate form . Parents and educators know it well: very early on, you have to ‘deal with’ a unique and original individuality which has its character, its qualities, its riches, but also its flaws, even its interior obstacles. This more or less affirmed maturity of the personality is understandable only through the idea of ​​reincarnation. The spiritual core returns to incarnate in an earthly body at different times of civilization; it can thus mature graduallyby living diverse experiences according to the conditions that humanity is living at the time. In the uninterrupted chain of generations comes the rhythm of the incarnations of each individual ‘I’. ”

(Raymond Burlotte, Rudolf Steiner and anthroposophy , 1994)

“The purpose of successive incarnations [of man] is to spiritualize his lower nature through his higher nature. ”

L’Esprit du temps , anthroposophical journal)

“  The cycle of rebirth, samsara , is the very condition of all life . No existence escapes it, unless one attains nirvana . This condition is painful because it forces us to relive over and over again, at levels that may be worse than those we have experienced. If rebirth is an obligation, reincarnation is a choice. It is the power, given to certain deserving individuals, to control their future birth . ”

(the Dalai Lama, in The Strength of Buddhism , 1994)

“The last thought of a dying person symbolizes, concretizes, expresses the journey of the one who is at the end of his existence. A whole life is used to prepare this ultimate moment. Mental patterns are very powerful. It is difficult to fight against them. It’s like a child hurting himself. He calls his mother, spontaneously. At the time of death, mental habits go back in spite of us. If the thoughts, the negative emotions that inhabit us in ordinary times are more vivid than our positive feelings, it is they which will be present and they will induce a more or less favorable rebirth. This is why it is essential to prepare for death during life, whether or not you believe in it. Becoming better allows you to live better, but also to be less afraid of dying. ”

(Dagpo Rinpoche, interview by New Keys)

“  According to the doctrine of reincarnation (…), the soul exists before taking on a body and continues to exist after having left it. This belief is universal and widely held. It is found among so-called ‘primitive’ peoples as well as among those said to be ‘civilized’. It is found among the Eskimos, Australians, Melanesians, at Poso Alfur of the Celebes in Indonesia, among the Algonquins, Bantu, Finns and Lapps, ancient Teutons and Druids, Lithuanians and Latvians, among ancient Greeks and Romans and among the Chinese. Plato believed in the immortality of the soul and its many reincarnations. This doctrine was preached by the Pythagoreans and by those who taught the Orphic Mysteries; it was called metensomatasis, or ‘change of body’, in much the same terms as the Gita . This doctrine was also preached by the Manichaeans who, at one time, represented the most formidable opposition to Christianity. It occupies a central place in Taoism and in all the great religious systems that are part of Sanatana Dharma . In short, the spiritual intuition of most of humanity, ancient or modern, accepts this doctrine. It seems strange that the Semitic religions could have done without it.  ”

(Ram Swarup, Faith and Intolerance , 2000)

“… When death occurs in circumstances of great clarity of mind, or at a relatively early age, memories may resurface in the following life. (….) The obscuration due to the process of death is less in those who have reached, in their previous life, a great contemplative mastery and know how to cross the intermediate state [ bardo ] between death and rebirth with lucidity . ”

(Mathieu Ricard, contribution in Mathieu Ricard and Trinh Xuan Thuan, L’infini dans la palme de la main , 2000)

“The Apostolic and Roman Church profited greatly from the schism of 553 by instituting ‘confession’ which allows a penitent to free himself from his sins by confessing them to a priest. (…) Reincarnation becomes embarrassing without this law of compensation which is Karma , and to compete with it, what could be better than to discharge the penitent of his errors by making him confess them in a confessional? Simpler, more direct. But what guarantee? Any. Because it would be too easy to admit one’s faults to be absolved of them. ”

(Richard Bessière, Another Look at the Bible , 2005)

[In 553, the Council of Constantinople condemned the doctrine of the “preexistence of the soul before birth” (which could target the doctrine of metempsychosis, accepted by some Gnostics like Carpocrates), at the instigation of the wife Emperor Justinian 1 st , fearing perhaps to face a terrible ‘karma’ in possible future life.]

“Between animal and man, in Hindu India, the difference is very fragile: everyone can reincarnate a monkey, rat, lion or buffalo, each Hindu knows that he has animal potential in another life.  ”

(Catherine Clément, Walk with the gods of India , 2005)

“… The Vishnu Purana brings the concept of transmigration. (…) This Purana emphasizes that people can be reborn as different types of animals or even as gods. ”

(Goswami Kriyananda, The Puranas, Myths of Creation , 2009)

“I go to all the lives that I have lived, that I will live and that I am living. (…) I am all who I have been and will be. ”

(Paulo Coelho, Aleph , 2010)

“Spiritual science teaches us that this astral body does not decompose like the physical body does at the time of death, but that it endures beyond, in the astral world precisely, waiting for an opportunity to reincarnate. . Everything is remembered, nothing is lost. Our unfinished experiences are deposited in the unconscious, the black box of the psyche, where all that has marked us and that has not been resolved accumulates. ”

(Jean Lin, The 4 Divine Ages , 2010)

“Among Indo-Europeans as elsewhere, birth was initially attributed to the entry of the spirit of a dead person into the body of a woman. When the role of the father has been recognized, the spirit is that of a lineage ancestor, in accordance with the principle of lineage survival site in India ‘way of the fathers’. Linked to metamorphosis, this conception is found among several Indo-European peoples, Greeks, Germans, Celts; but as in India, past lives are known only to initiates. (…) The major innovation [among the Hindus] is the notion of karman [or karma], that is to say the retribution of acts of the previous life. 

(Jean Haudry, preface to the reissue of the translation of the Bhagavad-Gita by Emile Burnouf, 2013)

“  Young souls have just come out of the animal stage , and look – and still have the nature – of the animals that they once were. They are humanimals! ”

(John de Nugent, on his website, 2017)

“Reincarnation (…) does not mean, and thank God for this, that we remember every detail of our previous lives. (…) In fact, as Stevenson-Tucker’s research at the University of Virginia has shown, in the rare cases where children have detailed memories of certain events, usually traumatic events, these disappear around the time. age five. It is not good for our spiritual progress to dwell on other lifetimes , which are often filled with disappointments and failures as much as triumphs.

Reincarnation is here to erase the slate after we have examined our mistakes with our guardian minds – if we take full advantage of this opportunity for debriefing . Free will exists on the other side as well as here below.

In between our earthly lives there are all the opportunities to speak with our spiritual social workers and do a little soul searching and then work on our flaws while we are there on the other side . Ideally, when we reincarnate, we are a changed and better person, ready to tackle new challenges within us as well as in the world in which we will be reborn. ”

(John de Nugent, Jun 2019)

“Research on the NDE [Near Death Experience] and reincarnation proves that we are souls with bodies. We cannot die. Only leave one body and get another, and meet new friends. ”

(John de Nugent, November 2019)

[Concepts to be clarified: metempsychosis , reincarnation , rebirth , transmigration .]

[The modern doctrine of “reincarnation” contains different conceptions. According to one of them, the transmigration of souls supposes a progression (from the mineral to the vegetable, from the vegetable to the animal, from the animal to the human), without the possibility of going back; another conception, on the contrary, supposes such a possibility of regression: a faulty human soul can return to the animal, vegetable, or even mineral kingdoms.]

[An essential remark from René Guénon on metempsychosis  : “… the formation of this word implies that it is a question of psychic elements, and not of bodily elements. »(René Guénon, The Spiritualist Error ).]



“  The obvious basis for an Aryan religion is the doctrine of metempsychosis, which is in sympathy with our racial psyche and which has manifested itself wherever our race has established its superiority, from India to Scandinavia. It reappears, with only a small modification, in the Schopenhauerian doctrine of the palingenesis of the will. It is foreign to all Semitic religions , and only appeared among the Mongols under the influence of Buddhism, which was exported from India to China.

The belief in the transmigration of souls is not unreasonable in itself. It is not polluted by the deceptive ‘revelations’ and the childish and absurd stories of the Jewish mixture called Christianity. As souls are, by definition, invisible and intangible, one cannot prove that they do not exist and do not act as a catalyst, so to speak, to initiate and maintain the chemical and bioelectric reaction called life. And if souls exist as a kind of subtle energy, the transfer of the undetectable spark from one organism to another would conform to a psychic law of conservation of energy, and one could, of course, give the doctrine a modern and fashionable dressing by discussing analogies with quantum mechanics. A soul so conceived could be the true personality of an individual, and not entirely irrational explanations can be found for the inability of an incarnate soul to remember its previous incarnations. Unlike other religions,a belief in metempsychosis does not imply any belief in something patently wrong.

The doctrine of metempsychosis was brought to its fullest and most logical form by the Aryans of India, who perfected it by combining it with the concept of karma (karman). This produces a grandiose system of psychic evolution which is exactly parallel to the scientific fact of biological evolution.. The individual soul is believed to have started with the lowest and simplest forms of organic life and to have developed through its experiences and actions in each incarnation, gradually rising to ever higher life forms and eventually to higher mammals, which become capable of conscious moral activity. When we become human beings (and perhaps before), the moral quality of an individual’s actions automatically determines, by an unalterable natural law, his social status and his fate (that is, what happens to him, apart from what he does voluntarily) in his next incarnation.If he sincerely fulfills his moral obligations in the status he received at birth, he will have a higher (and morally demanding) status in his next life  ; if, on the other hand, he violates the morals of natural law, he will regress to a lower social status and suffer the associated tribulations, or, if his guilt exceeds such retrogradation, he will regress into a non-human mammal and must progress a once more until a human form.

It is, of course, a rational religion. Karma is governed by a natural law inherent in the structure of the universe, such as gravity. There is no need for a theodicy, the intellectual pitfall on which all monotheistic religions are wrecked. There is no need for a creator of an eternal universe, and no need for a god who intervenes in human affairs . One of the six orthodox religious philosophies of India, the Nirisvara-Samkhya , is frankly atheist in the sense that it excludes a creator or sovereign god, although it does admit higher forms of life to which humans can evolve. and thus become superhuman beings, just as we are super-simians.

If you need a god, the alternate system ( Sesvara ) will provide you with one that is similar to Plato’s god of Politics : he creates and shapes the perfect mechanism of the universe and, after setting it in motion , lets it run automatically, no longer paying attention to it and its inhabitants. Only fools would try to get his attention by performing infantile rites or whining prayers, but by the moral law of the universe, austerity and self-mortification automatically release (and whatever the intention of l (individual who indulges in it) the cosmic energy of tapas , and thus confer psychic powers which can be employed in this life or in the following lifes.

You will have found that it is also a socially perfect religion . Unpleasant as your present status in life may be, and however great the injustice and suffering you have to endure may be, you thereby atone for your moral mistakes in a previous life, as your courage to accept without protesting the consequences of your past immorality automatically generates the moral quality that will elevate you to a higher status in your next life. The doctrine even reconciles the races : a Negro is assured that by good behavior, he will be able to rise racially and finally be reborn as an Aryan. A society that fully accepts the belief in karma is one in which discontent, social unrest, political conflict, and revolutions are all impossible. ”

(Revilo P. Oliver, article “A Religion for Aryans”, 1986)



“In the East, about seven hundred million human beings believe in reincarnation as we believe in gravity. It is for them an inescapable law. ”

“Pre-Socratic Greece also admits, with Empedocles, purification through successive reincarnations. There is no more question of external rewards or punishments than in Vedic doctrine or Egyptian doctrine. The soul judges itself and automatically, so to speak, classifies itself in the happiness or unhappiness to which it is entitled. There is no angry and vengeful God peculiar to Judeo-Christian infantilism.  “

“Reincarnation satisfies our deep sense of justice. ”

“We have no other judges and other executioners than our conscience. The injustice of fate is nothing other than the repair of the past. Human destiny is the payment we owe for a debt owed to ourselves and the law of Karma. The present life is the inevitable and direct consequence of our past lives, just as our future life will be the result of our present actions. The one who caused suffering will in turn suffer. Man is his own vigilante and depending on the use or abuse he has made of his freedom, he makes himself happy or unhappy. Karma reconciles free will with fatality. The soul is created for happiness, but to appreciate this happiness at its value, to know its price, it must conquer it itself.  “

“The day when rich and poor, believers or free-thinkers of this present humanity, will be persuaded that they will atone for their evil deeds as surely as relentlessly as fire burns their fingers, moralizing design will be more powerful than the childish threat of heaven. and hell. The day when each man will be convinced that his soul has his criminal record in karma, no apparent injustice will revolt anyone: everything will be atoned for.  “

(Roger Dommergue “Polacco de Menasce”, How to meditate on atheism and reincarnation? )



(can we keep an “indissoluble core”?)

“[We must] enter death alive. (…) For there to be a future life (of whatever order), there needs to be a certain crystallization, a certain fusion of the interior qualities of man  ; you need a certain autonomy in relation to external influences… Then ‘something’ will be able to resist the death of the physical body… ”

(Gurdjieff, quoted in Ouspensky, Fragments of an unknown teaching )

“The great difference which separates beings after death, which makes the diversity of their destiny, is their degree of consciousness. “

(Maurice Magre, The Book of Admirable Certainties , 1946)

“The lamas of Thibet have a less democratic view of it , and Gurdjieff followed suit. Controversial subject. For there to be reincarnation, the being must have a spiritual or psychic element capable of escaping the chain decompositions of death. Gurdjieff maintained that it was necessary, as a preliminary, to create oneself an immortal soul … ”

(Jean-Louis Bernard, Dictionary of the unusual and the fantastic , 1971)

“  You must first have a soul before thinking of reincarnating or joining, tiny drop, the divine immensity; those who do not have a strong risk of ending up in the skin of the animal to which they most resemble … ”

(Giordano Bruno, after Yvonne Caroutch in Giordano Bruno, Le volcano de Venise )

[On the subject of the soul, a well-known neo-rightist author writes something along the same lines: “Surely it would be unfair for all men to have a soul; it is right that some of them, at the end of their self-creation, manage to give themselves one . Only he can give himself a soul who reigns supreme over himself, he who reigns as sovereign over his inner empire . »(Alain de Benoist, The ideas in the place , 1979).]

“I think in order to happen it [reincarnation] requires a strong bond in the psyche. The cows in the rack, the sloaters of media lies (…) must have difficulty in maintaining a state of cohesion and, at their death, their psychic components must dissolve in the reserves of undifferentiated cosmic energies. ”

(Robert Dun, The European Soul , 1992)

[According to this vision, only an elite minority reincarnates: only those who have managed to retain an indissoluble “psychic core” . This had already been said by Gurdjieff and Evola. It is therefore an eminently “Aryan” conception of reincarnation , unlike the Eastern conception (Buddhist or Hindu) in which the goal sought is to leave the cycle of reincarnations ( samsara ).]

“… Our ancestors believed in the reincarnation and eternal existence of honorable man. There was no ‘punishment’ for the bad and no ‘reward’ for the good, except rebirth – here on Earth, in the family – for the honorable man.

What they believed in was that when you die your body goes into Hel (“hidden”), ie. the tumulus / tomb. It was a cold, dark, damp place but that was just the name for the grave. Our dead bodies come back to earth, it’s that simple. Your spirit (called ‘soul’ by the Judeo-Christians) was sent to heaven to be purified by the fire of the Sun. Again, as with Hel, there was no ‘punishment’ or ‘suffering’ involved. You just had to remove the bad parts with the cleansing fire to make sure they didn’t come back when you were reborn in a new body.

The amount of ‘you’ to be reborn was equal to the ‘amount of your spirit’ that would remain after the fire purification. Thus, the truly honorable man could be reborn ‘whole’, so to speak. Others only had thin fragments of their minds reborn and of course the rest – rotten to the bone – were simply pulled out . They ceased to be, they ceased to exist. They passed into oblivion. ”

(Varg Vikernes, article “Métempsychose”, 2014)

[The author (well-known pagan) adopts a dualistic (and quite erroneous) point of view by distinguishing between physical body and soul / spirit (which paradoxically joins the Judeo-Christian vision!). However, all the traditional doctrines strongly affirm the tripartition of the personality: physical body, soul (the “energetic” part), and spirit (the highest part) . Guénon also explains that soul and spirit are not synonymous, and that the two concepts should be well distinguished, if we were not in full confusion of Kali Yuga. On the other hand, Varg Vikernes exhibits here a conception of the renaissance in the family line, a typically Nordic-Germanic conception.(taken up by several National Socialist theorists); it is not a question of reincarnation or even of metempsychosis in the sense of oriental doctrines (Hinduism or Buddhism). On the other hand, his “elitist” conception of rebirth (reserved for “superior” individuals, a superiority whose nature and criteria should be specified) should not be rejected; it in fact joins the conceptions of Gurdjieff, Evola, etc.]


I have walked these fields before

For General George Patton, reincarnation was not a “belief”, but a fact. Once Patton’s nephew asked him if he believed in reincarnation. Patton’s response was, “I don’t know about other people, but to me that never was in  question.”

I don’t just think so; I know there are places I have been before, and not in this life”.

When Patton was very young he rode a wagon to smash the turkey shelter while playing “war”. Asked how he came up with this idea, Patton explained that in the Middle Ages John the Blind of Bohemia defeated the Turks (whom the poor turkeys in the shelter were supposed to be) using the first known armored vehicle. When asked how he knew this, Patton replied, “I was there”.

In 1937, while riding his horse with his wife Beatrice, Patton was brutally kicked by a horse. His leg was broken in three places and he nearly died from the accident. After being hit, he was left in what is called a state of shock.

During that dreamlike moment, he saw a vision of himself dying as a Viking and an escort appeared to take him to Valhalla, the mythological Norse warrior paradise.

Then a member of the escort shook their head and they pulled Patton downstairs. Just as suddenly, the vision was gone. For Patton, the concept of Walhalla, an afterlife for warriors, was real. It was a place where warriors waited to be called to incarnate to accomplish a mission, a mission that would help shape the destiny of mankind for the better.

Later,during World War II, a military assistant wrote in 1944: “Patton seriously believes in a Valhalla of warriors … He honestly thinks that it is to the glory of a man to die in the service of his country”.

(excerpt from the essay, “General George Patton And Reincarnation” by Andy Jackson)



According to racialist American blogger John de Nugent, President Donald Trump (born June 14, 1946) is the reincarnation of General Patton (died December 21, 1945). J. de Nugent thinks he recognizes Patton’s personality and style in President Trump. General Patton, who died in a very strange car accident in December 1945, is said to have “returned” to complete his task (before his death he seemed to be considering running for president, counting on the support of veterans of war and much of public opinion, and was head-on opposed to the Jewish lobby, the Communists and their supporters in the United States) and restore America to its greatness.



(after Paco Rabanne)

“I soon came to the conclusion that, in our evolution, we are gradually coming out of the animal stage to reach humanity but that we retain certain traits of our previous state. At the birth of the first life, we have the eyes of the animal [= almond-shaped] and as we reincarnate we arrive at the horizontal eye, which I call the eye of Christ.

Over the years, refining my observation, I noticed that among people with horizontal eyes it was possible to distinguish several stages. Those with low irises, still partially covered by the lower eyelid, were the ones with the fewest lives. The iris is like a sun which indicates the age of our soul . When he is well in the center, the person is already well advanced and he has only a few lives left. When the upper eyelid covers the top of the iris, we reach the setting sun, that is to say the last incarnation on earth. ”

(Paco Rabanne, Trajectory , 1991)

Diagram of the three kinds of eyes:

Reading the number of reincarnations

According to the position of the iris in the eyes at 180 °

– Rising sun: less than 1000 years old

– Sun at noon: about 2,500 years

– Setting sun: more than 5000 years old

(Paco Rabanne, op.cit., P. 65)

[This obviously has nothing to do with the famous “third eye” theme.]


  1. If we’re reborn and take knowledge from a previous life with us, why are there so many lazy, selfish, dumb arseholes out there? Seems we’re going backwards!

    • Thanks for a grounded, realistic and highly interesting question.

      My premise is that reincarnation is a scientifically proven fact, and 2,500 cases of multiple lives are hard evidence on file at the University of Virginia Medical School, fully studied under a $ 1 million bequest made in 1965 by Chester Carlson, the inventor of the copy machine .

      But your premise is also true – people are bad and getting worse. 

      So reincarnation is, at best, tough love, following some kind of unbending law.

      In the military, solders who disobey or commit offenses while drunk get punished. Deserters in time of war even get shot! But why does it take punishment for people to do the right thing?

      The short answer is that this planet is full of people who have no self-mind control and thus do not even learn the hard way. Yes indeed, they can have a totally wasted interlife, refusing to take to heart the life-review video, or even to look at it. If they see something appalling they did, they just shrug it all off once again and make excuses for themself – and so they come back to our beautiful but troubled earth as almost the same exact “a – holes” they had been for their last ten lives!

      Free will…. It’s always y our choice.

      Then know you will reap what you sow.

      The great reincarnation hit by the country music group “The Highwaymen” (with the legendary Johnny Cash, Willy Nelson, Chris Kristofferson, and Waylon Jennings) depicts a guy who goes through four whole lives with only the most minimal spiritual growth. In fact, when he is executed by hanging for his crimes in his first life, he (in the voice of Willy Nelson) calls the sheriff’s deputies who hang him “in the spring of ’25 ″… “ the bastards. ” 

      Lotta remorse there 

      “So what if I stole from rich people? That guy should not have resisted me taking his wallet or I would not have stabbed him! ”

      Egoic mind in high gear – “I ain’t done nothing wrong!”

      I will amplify my answer in a bit, but for now this:

      Margi pointed out to me powerful 1938 novel “Out of the Silent Planet” by the great English writer CS Lewis, where earth is “the silent planet,” because no one on other planets is willing to even talk to earthlings because they are mostly recalcitrant , wild, savage, and even criminal people. And their ruler is an evil being.

      In a famous Jesus story, after He is baptized, the Devil comes and flies him to “a high mountain” or it is a spaceship looking down on earth?

      They survey “all the kingdoms of the world and all their glory.”

      The Devil says “all this can be yours if you bow and worship me.”

      Jesus refuses, but does NOT deny that Satan, an egomanic and fallen angel, rules this world.

      He rules it because humans do not realize their own mind has escaped their control and is now a sadistic master.

      If the jew or negro, or muslim, or paedo, were truly the “real problem,” then why don’t we just go and get them, such as WE SHOULD with this 1/4% of 1% of the human race that are the jews?

      The egoic mind means incarnation after incarnation with little or no progress.

      Two incidents having to do with Ancient Rome have always shocked me.

      One was the battle of Vercellae, in northern Italy, where the Romans under Marius totally defeated the Germans. Their men dead, the germanic women (both widows and daughters who now were without fathers) were told they would become slaves or, worse, be sent to the bordellos of Rome as whores.

      They pled to be allowed to serve the Roman gods in their temples, but the Romans said “Hah! No deal – you’ll be our whores! ”

      So thousands of germanic women committed suicide. They stabbed themselves, or hanged themselves off wagon wheels, kneeling so as to suffocate.


      Then we have the story of Boadicca, the keltic queen of what is now England. The Romans under Emperor Claudius had attacked England without any provocation, inflicted crushing taxation, and when Queen Boadicca objected, the Romans raped her two daughters. Then the Romans wiped out both her and her army.

      Again, this is just appalling.

      But human history is full of this… ..

      This planet is full of mostly good people who also have no control whatsoever over their mind.

      “The Glory That Was Rome”? Partly yes, but raping a queen’s daughters? Sending captured wives and girls off to be degraded whores?

      How blond would Europeans be today if all those Germans had been allowed to settle peacefully in a Roman province? Or if their bereaved women at least could have instead had babies, and raised families, passing on their DNA…

      People like this are real – we have them in Ontonagon and in Houghton and in the UP of Michigan

      … Instead of being screwed in some Roman whorehouse and seeing their babies aborted with a hook and poison by an “angel-maker” – an abortionist, often a jew?

      This is spiritual and racial insanity – and it was white people doing it to each other.

      400-500 years after these incidents, the Germans finally destroyed the hated Rome. Those horrid acts with the germanic women (and with Boadicca), still fiercely resented, finally brought the empire down – and then the Dark Ages began!

      We can end this madness, not by worshiping some new god, but by making our mind into our slave and not our master.

      Master your mind. Learn to turn it off and on at will. End the mental chatter and the dredging up of the past and any old hatreds.

      The Third Reich was not in vain, comrades.

      In 12 years it proved that ordinary people can be happy – a whole nation and society based on the self-mind control of their leader – and on the relentlessly preached love of all the people for each other!


      LOL – Now I know why I sought a dictatorship. Just ASKING people to do the right and logical thing is a total waste of my precious plastic keyboard. 




    • Grazie! 🙂 Lo sto guardando, lungo ma interessante… Sono molto impegnato e alcune cose sono difficili, ma penso sempre a te e ai tuoi ragazzi, e alle nostre sacre missioni.:-) 🙂

      • Sono mappe che nascondono il continente americano prima della sua ufficiale scoperta, il rapporto dei Medici con l’America, non come invasori ma Benvenuti.

        Immagino la tua stanchezza…siamo quasi al traguardo 😉 I miei ragazzi sono forti e in qualche modo protetti dal Cielo. E luglio darà i suoi frutti 7/7/2023 per [] 🙂

        • Transl. from Ital:


          They are maps that reveal the American continent before its official discovery, the Medici relationship with America, and it was not as invaders but they were welcome.

          I can imagine your tiredness… but we are almost at the finish line My boys are strong and somehow protected by Heaven. And July will bear good fruit for [].

  1. I remember one time I had to go to the ER in a cowboy county & the MD was an Indian guy. He asked what I was reading, and I held up a hardcopy of the Prabhupada exegesis of the Bhagavad Gita which a friend had given me.

    I used to read it all the time. Such a magnificent book, as are the Upanishads. I used to have large tracts of both memorized.

    Anyway, the MD was quite astonished. LOL. It’s not exactly the Bible Belt here, but it’s as close as you’re going to get in Cali.

    Maybe half as weird as finding a celtic bracelet or Mickey Mouse ears on a spear-chucking savage from the Andaman Islands. 😉

    • Good you were reading this book, which I also own.

      And I am sure it did not harm the quality of care which that Indian doctor gave you. It probably enhanced it.

      The problem is that mere knowledge does not change people. It has to sink in, or, to borrow from Eckhart Tolle, knowledge can actually increase the chattering mind.

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