Reincarnationism: to terminate the wicked without remorse, and to die without terrors

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No matter how brain-dead, docile or Low-T the average white man gets, or how crooked and stolen the elections, a tiny number of elite warriors can still change the world.

James von Brunn said to me a week before his armed one-man invasion at age 88 of the US Holocaust Museum in June 2009 (

“With 150 James Bonds, John, we could still change the world in 24 hours. The key is to take out the top leaders.”

Once reincarnationism has penetrated your skull and you “get it,” you can kill any thug without false mercy or regrets; you did not take away his soul.

Despatched, he will still live again and have a chance in his interlife to ponder and to regret his filthy deeds. You are doing the thug a favor by killing him.

Here are stories of kids for you to evaluate who have the calm assurance that they are immortal.

And while killing or dying can be unpleasant, stressful or painful, reincarnation means that everyone’s life literally goes on.

I thank a former Marine Corps officer and donor since 2009 for this link:

(I also found this link with similar content:

(These stories match actual reincarnation criteria, and involve very ordinary people —  but are unverified. In contrast, I have blogged extensively on some of the 2,500 verified cases that were thoroughly researched by Ian Stevenson MD and Jim Tucker MD at the University of Virginia Medical School:

(Some of my many articles on having many lives:

In 153 BC the great Roman playwright Terence wrote “fortune favors the audacious.”

Fortuna audientes favet.

Why is this true?

Because you cannot possibly ever die. You are here to win, and by reincarnating you already took the decisive plunge into this life of extreme challenges. If you want something, go for it!

What I am going for is for our to free our gorgeous planet, the earth, from its jewish parasites and let it be what it should be, a happy place for all good men and women and one making progress like other planets.

I hope you will read the stories at the link above.

(Written on my smartphone at Portage Hospital, Hancock, Michigan, where Margi is undergoing her first immunotherapy against throat cancer. She is facing death right now, as am I just walking out the door.)

The 2022 garden is on its way.

During our six-month winter Margi has been keeping vegetable and herb plants growing indoors with her grow lights.


Your donations help me buy her supplements to beat her cancer so she can fight alongside me for our race.



  1. Don’t know what “immunotherapy” is or how it is dangerous, but I hope Margi comes out from it healthy and cured.

    • Thank you very much for caring. 🙂

      Immunotherapy is designed to boost the immune system to fight the cancer, instead of specifically attacking the tumor, as chemo and radiation do.

      Radiation is no longer an option for Margi’s throat, since much of the tissue there is gone between the previous cancer and the 34 sessions of radiation in 2019.
      So immunotherapy is what is left, plus all that we are doing via supplements and other things of a natural and alternative sort, all paid out of pocket.

  2. Dolores Cannon sagt, dass wir in allen Rassen inkarnieren müssen. Sie behauptet auch, dass wir in das Volk inkarnieren, welches wir “bekämpft” haben. Eine sehr befremdliche Vorstellung.
    Ist es aber nicht so, dass die Seele einen speziellen Charakter bildet über die Inkarnationen und in nächsten Leben wieder dieses Verhalten bildet?

    • According to the Seth material of Jane Roberts all incarnations take place simultaneously. Furthermore, the experience of fatherhood and the experience of motherhood are supposed to be part of the compulsory program, but by no means in every incarnation, but just altogether: Once one must have had the experience of motherhood and once the experience of fatherhood.

      Apart from that, freedom of arrangement is supposed to prevail, whereby the personal guardian angel (inner self) is supposed to have much right of co-determination in the choice of the initial circumstances. Two entities are in direct contact with the human being: Inner self (guardian angel) subconscious (translator consciousness between inner self and physical ego consciousness, quasi Janus-faced looking into the inner and outer world) physically centered ego consciousness.

      John de Nugent is a good example for the selection of strategic probability constellations by the inner self and entity (” entity”/total self/soul): Born into an environment with connection to a (power)political network, thereby insights into ruling structures at the highest level. Highly challenging MK- resp. MC-Ultra-tragedy experience, as an unyielding research urge catalyst: The interest in existential-worldview resp. spiritual topics would have been there as well, but by the MC-experience JdN was inspired to subject the prevailing thinking edifices (religion and science) to a fundamental revision. The drive for this would not have been so strong without the MC experience. Many people who want to eliminate grievances (at the root or in the core) first experience them themselves to understand what it is about and to get the necessary motivation.

      The existing intellectuel edifices (religions and materialistic science) are coming to an end. It is an incredible time of change. Highest wisdom is necessary to be able to participate in the construction of a new self-understanding of mankind. Through personal experiences we are made familiar with our very own tasks, prepared. Some have to go through “hell” first in preparation for this.

      Regarding the commentator’s remark concerning repetitive behavior patterns: There are also supposed to be life revision refusers, i.e. people who consciously refuse to participate in the review of their previous life. If one becomes insightful regarding committed mistakes, regrets these sincerely, then the concerned/damaged ones get this, this is then also a real basis for the reconciliation. The revision refusers are to meet in the next life often also those to whom they have misbehaved, and then wonder why they meet with rejection (no reappraisal of personal mistakes took place).

      On Margaret: Much strength to Margi! Margi and John are fighting on the front lines to educate people and to show ways to achieve personal agency, and that even in multiple languages.


      In German:

      Anmerkung zum Vorkommentator “J.B. Fan”

      Gemäß dem Seth-Material von Jane Roberts finden alle Inkarnationen gleichzeitig statt. Desweiteren soll die Erfahrung der Vaterschaft und die Erfahrung der Mutterschaft zum Pflichtprogramm gehören, aber keineswegs in jeder Inkarnation, sondern halt insgesamt: Einmal muß man die Erfahrung der Mutterschaft und einmal die Erfahrung der Vaterschaft gemacht haben.

      Davon abgesehen soll Gestaltungsfreiheit herrschen, wobei der persönliche Schutzengel (inneres Selbst) viel Mitgestaltungsrecht bei der Wahl der Ausgangsumstände haben soll. Zwei Entitäten stehen in direktem Kontakt mit dem Menschen: Inneres Selbst (Schutzengel) Unterbewußtsein (Übersetzerbewußtsein zwischen innerem Selbst und physischem Ichbewußtsein, quasi janusköpfig in die innere und äußere Welt schauend) physisch zentriertes Ichbewußtsein.

      John de Nugent ist ein gutes Beispiel für die Auswahl strategischer Wahrscheinlichkeitskonstellationen durch das innere Selbst und der Wesenheit (“Entity”/Gesamtselbst/Seele): Geboren in ein Umfeld mit Anschluß an ein (macht)politisches Netzwerk, dadurch Einblicke in Herrschaftsstrukturen auf höchster Ebene. Zuhöchst herausfordernde MK- bzw. MC-Ultra-Tragikerfahrung, als unnachgiebiger Forschungsdrangkatalysator: Das Interesse an existentiell-weltanschaulichen bzw. spirituellen Themen wäre auch so vorhanden gewesen, aber durch die MC-Erfahrung wurde JdN dazu befeuert, die vorherrschenden Denkgebäude (Religion und Wissenschaft) einer fundamentalen Revision zu unterziehen. Der Antrieb dazu wäre ohne die MC-Erfahrung nicht so stark gewesen. Viele Menschen, die Mißstände (an der Wurzel bzw. im Kern) beseitigen wollen, erleben diese erstmal selbst um zu verstehen, um was es geht, und um die notwendige Motivation zu bekommen.

      Die bestehenden Denkgebäude (Religionen und die materialistische Wissenschaft) sind am Ende. Es ist eine unglaubliche Zeit des Wandels. Höchste Weisheit ist erforderlich, um beim Aufbau eines neuen Selbstverständnisses der Menschheit mitwirken zu können. Durch persönliche Erfahrungen werden wir mit unseren ureigensten Aufgaben vertraut gemacht, vorbereitet. Manche müssen dafür vorbereitend erstmal durch die “Hölle” gehen.

      Zur Kommentator-Anmerkung hinsichtlich sich wiederholender Verhaltensmuster: Es soll auch Lebensrevisionsverweigerer geben, also Leute, die sich bewußt weigern, an der Rückschau ihres vorangegangenen Lebens teilzunehmen. Wenn man hinsichtlich begangener Fehler einsichtig wird, diese aufrichtig bedauert, dann bekommen die Betroffenen/Geschädigten das mit, das ist dann auch eine wirkliche Grundlage zur Aussöhnung/Versöhnung. Die Revisionsverweigerer sollen im nächsten Leben oftmals auch denjenigen begegnen, denen sie sich gegenüber fehlverhalten haben, und sich dann wundern, weshalb sie auf Ablehnung stoßen (es fand ja keine Aufarbeitung persönlicher Fehler statt).

      Zu Margaret: Viel Kraft für Margi! Margi und John kämpfen an vorderster Front, um die Menschen aufzuklären und um Wege zur persönlichen Handlungsmachterlangung aufzuzeigen, und das sogar mehrsprachig.

      • Thank you for yet another brilliant commentary.

        DE Danke für noch einen brillanten Kommentar.

        The angels are correct that starry-eyed idealists should be warned very seriously before incarnating here with their plan to save the world. 😉

        DE Die Engel haben recht, dass blauäugige Idealisten ernsthaft zu warnen sind, die sich hier mit einem Plan inkarnieren wollen, um die Welt zu retten. 😉

  3. A problem with reincarnation: One could imagine a society inflicting a torturesome and terrifying death upon an individual to punctuate an injunction, “Do not reincarnate among us again.”
    See the “Prologue” of Viktor Suvorov’s Inside the Aquarium, where he is shown a film of a judicial execution in which the victim in burned alive in a crematorium as a “warning to traitors.”

    • Thank you. Both sentences are separately quite interesting.
      As for individuals who are bad to the bone, and do not deserve even one chance to live among us, it has been over 20 years now since Adrian Raine of England, a criminal psychologist and graduate of Oxford
      University, did brain scans of psychopaths, who, and let us never, EVER forget this, by definition are absolutely untreatable and totally incurable.
      You can see by the PET scan a radically different brain; these are reincarnated monsters, who came here looking for more prey.
      The old term “human devil” (in German Menschenteufel) is literally true….. a demon in a human body.
      When I have the power, we will brain-scan anyone whose behavior raises grave concerns, even kids who delight in torturing animals, deliberately setting fires, wetting their beds on purpose, etc.
      Speaking of reincarnated demons, the Bolsheviks certainly leap to mind.
      As for Suvorov, as you may well know, he is a key author for me already because of his Icebreaker book, which proved with absolute certainty that Stalin was just about to sneak-attack Germany himself when Germany did its preemptive attack on him and his Soviet slave empire.
      I read all the reviews on Amazon of this Inside the Aquarium book:
      It is also borrowable on
      Reading on Amazon the summaries, I am reminded of what Aldous Huxley said, that earth is the hell of another planet.
      But hell could get a whole lot worse and very soon.

  4. I have posted this several times on Facebook when ‘debating’ atheists. Not one has offered a rebuttal. Occasionally I get a laugh smiley from those cowards who can’t offer a reply.

    There is no death but only change from one form to another.

    While the validity of above statement I am totally convinced of, that on its own is no proof but an article of faith. I understand that. But I did not arrive at that belief because I am a man of faith but because I thought deeply and abstractly about infinity and why the widely held belief that this life is the only life we shall experience is not based on sound logic but on dogmatic reasoning caused mainly by ‘group think’ or ‘conformity of the herd’ because materialistic science dogmatically, and without any empirical evidence, asserts this life is a one-off experience only, for those lifeforms fortunate or unfortunate enough to be granted existence.

    No it is not and I can prove it by logic.

    According to materialists the soul does not exist and that consciousness itself is an illusion. The mind has no innate material/spirit properties which could be likened to a soul. They claim that consciousness emerges inside the brain, and the mind itself cannot incarnate from this life to the next because it does not exist in the first place, and therefore ‘dissipates’ to where it first emerged from – nowhere.

    Nothing in Nature emerges from nowhere let alone returns to nowhere. Every single molecule of matter and energy in this universe has existed since the beginning of time. This energy/matter is finite and cannot be destroyed according to the laws of physics. Yet according to science the mind is the only thing in existence in the entire universe that literally does not exist except in the minds of living things themselves.

    If my consciousness came about by ‘pure chance’ why can’t it reappear again by pure chance?

    What mechanism is hardwired into the fabric of the universe that allows my consciousness to come into existence the one-time-only? Why not again?

    What is the difference between the ‘state of being unborn’ and the ‘state of being dead’?

    From a ‘consciousness’ point of view, ‘unborn’ and ‘dead’ are clearly two identical states of non-existence. And yet I came into this life from one state that is the very same state I shall go back to after I depart from this life.

    Sceptics being the materialists they inevitably are, will state that once you are dead, you are dead for all eternity. There is no debate to be had.

    According to these sceptics all minds that have ever existed, in all living things, in the entire universe, since the Big Bang, and possibly, other Big Bangs, are unique minds that will cease to exist after their death never to reappear again.

    Infinite Improbability

    According to the logic of sceptics the odds of either you or I coming into existence must be infinite. If the odds were finite reincarnation would be a 100% certainty, and we know they don’t believe in reincarnation.

    If there really does exist an infinite number of potential minds, that would logically mean that any unique mind that could come into existence, won’t come into existence, because of the infinite number of unique minds that have yet to come into existence in the eternal future. Meaning that my ‘first and only’ appearance into this world was infinitely improbable due to the infinity of unique minds waiting to emerge into existence. Yet somehow, despite literally the never ending odds stacked against me from coming into this world, I somehow still managed to jump in front of an infinite queue of mind potentialities.

    Cosmic Lotto

    Imagine buying a lotto ticket whose winning numbers are drawn from an infinite combination of numbers. It would not be possible to pick the correct winning numbers in such a game if the odds of winning it were infinite. This is a mathematical and logical fact. Yet, materialists insist by their erroneous thinking that you and I came into existence despite the infinite odds.

    Identical twins/triplets are exactly alike. They have the exact same features. The same eye and hair colour, facial features, and body type. The reason for this, of course, is that they share the same DNA.

    Identical triplets do not share the same individual consciousness however. They are in fact separate individual people each with their own distinct and unique minds. Albeit sharing the same DNA sequence. Suggesting there could be another ‘component’ to individual consciousness, something missing, as yet not recognised by science.
    I believe consciousness is both causal (the evolution and complexity of the brain itself) and nonlocal (the brain is a receiver animated by ‘something extra’) which science is currently unable to explain by empirical means:

    “We can admittedly find nothing in physics or chemistry that has even a remote bearing on consciousness. Yet all of us know that there is such a thing as consciousness, simply because we have it ourselves. Hence consciousness must be part of Nature, or, more generally, of reality, which means that, quite apart from the laws of physics and chemistry, as laid down in quantum theory, we must also consider laws of quite a different kind.”

    -Niels Bohr, Nobel Prize in Physics (1922)

  5. Could it be that some “chosen ones” are reptilians in human form or incarnated demons?
    They are so damned ugly and evil like Kissinger, Sharon or Abe Foxman. I wonder if these freaks are human at all?

    • Yes, or Jonathan Goldblatt, the head of the ADL:

      As reincarnated psychopaths, they actually are from demonic worlds.

      As I said in another life, God does us the huge favor of making these human devils even appear devilish to warn us.

      Another factor, a huge one, is incest. Our friend, French WN author Hervé Ryssen, has written entire chapters in his books about how many jews have sex and reproduce with their own children and so there is the ultimate in inbreeding, leading to sometimes freaky levels of ugliness.

      A Chinese ambassador to the WEst in the 800s said there was a people of merchants whom he called the Zim-Zim, who were “the most wicked of all peoples” — they had sex with their own kids. There was an entire Wikipedia entry on the Zim-zim, but it was deleted before I could copy it.

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