Reject CIA China-bashing; many Chinese jew-wise; China anti-US government, not anti-American; did jews murder beautiful Anne Heche?

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The Red Chinese economy is a guided, regulated, and otherwise free-market, as in Hitler Germany, and is booming. And  TikTok in  China contains only wholesome content, unlike TikTok in America.


An Australian comrade sent me this comment:


There’s growing opposition to Zionist Israel and their control of the west. I think the Zionists can be defeated.
It’s going to take clever political activism to beat them, and there are a lot of educated Hispanics in the U.S and smart young East Asians that are able to organise against zionism without copping as much heat as white people would.
China is not a superpower, China is an ecological disaster, and a toxic wasteland.
They’ve poisoned and destroyed their country’s rivers, soil, forests and air.
China will never recover from the environmental destruction they’ve caused their country in trying to modernise in such a short time in a few decades when it took the U.S and Europe over 130 years.

But in the short term they might have enough political power to reign in the U.S and Israel. It just depends whether they’re that easily fooled by the jews.


I replied:

Where do you see hard evidence that Red China is largely an ecological wasteland? Of course, some areas are, as is true also in the USA. It sounds like CIA propaganda. The CIA also liea that the Chinese are genociding the Uyghurs. What China actually is doing is forcing them, typical lazy muslims, to live in camps where they MUST learn real skills such as carpentry,  roofing, auto mechanics, etc., and to stop stealing, pickpocketing, raping, and listening to radical muslim teachings all day about how superior they are to infidels and any infidel woman can be raped.

Yes, China is doing certain bad things to America, such as Chinese-made Fentanyl coming into the USA, but it understands that America and Britain forced opium addiction on the Chinese for a hundred years. It is just payback. In fact, Warren Delano, the maternal grandfather of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was a part-jewish opium dealer.

The Chinese also totally understand that the superpower that is America is totally ruled by jews who use it to try to take over the world. They are completely jew-wise.

One of the good things about the absolute rule of the CCP in China is that is that the government has the power to make any reforms it wants.

I have seen and blogged on MANY YouTube videos of white Americans, Canadians and Brits living very happily in China for years, being very well treated, and the cities are crime-free, well-run, and everything is neat and clean.


Of course, there is corruption, because many Chinese are money-mad and their big dream is to be extremely rich. One of my Chinese clients admitted that “Chinese people are crazy about money.”

As for being fooled by the jews, I think the Chinese are the last people on earth to be fooled by them. The Chinese are very un-naive, unsentimental and have a good “b-s meter,” as we say.

Mao Tse Tung (Ze Dong)’s face is still on their money, and it is not because of his marxist economic theories. It is okay in China to say that they failed. He is considered great for this —  for having ended foreign domination of China, and China’s national humiliation, which he did.

He also ended the terrible opium addiction in China which the Yiddish Empire under the Sassoons inflicted on a once-mighty country. (See below.)

I think the Chinese are very jew-wise, and unlike White Christians have never been taught to revere the jews as “God’s Chosen People,” or to weep over a Holocaust that never happened. China itself has suffered many catastrophes that killed millions — civil wars, earthquakes, famines, floods, etc. But unlike jews, they never whine.

In fact, one can generalize that the East Asian race is quite stoic by nature.

I have written often about the Chinese, the jews, how the Chinese see the jews, and that Red China now is actually a kind of Asian national socialism, and this is why it is booming.

Also the truth is that many Chinese are dishonest and lie, and for this exact reason, they also recognize a liar. As the old expression goes, “you can’t bulls– a bulls—er.”

(The Chinese government also recognizes the dishonesty in their culture and their social credit score system is meant to combat this tendency to lie, steal and cheat. Every race and nation has its good and bad points, and I applaud the Chinese for addressing their problem areas.)

The CCP [Chinese Communist Party] has also made it clear to Chinese billionaires that they will never run China the way jew billionaires run the West, especially by buying up the  media and politicians who need HUGE campaign donations to win. And Putin in Russia has also gotten tough with Russian “oligarchs” (almost all jewish), warning them: “Either stay out of politics or else we will indict you for many crimes.”

Chinese megabillionaire Jack Ma found out who is boss in 2021. You can scroll down halfway here to “Disappearance from the public eye”

This is also why many Blacks are antisemitic. They lie and try to con others constantly, and they can also see a con. I have seen many YouTube videos of cops chasing and arresting Blacks, and by God, some of them actually do say “I dindu nuffin.”

The biggest problem is naive Whites. The adjective “blue-eyed” has the figurative meaning of “naive” in six Northern-European languages!

Heche had a very mysterious death; some day she knew too much about Hollywood pedophilia. See below.


An American living in Taiwan who is now a WN and once was married to a Chinese woman told me that the Chinese writing character for “greatness” also means “ruthless.”


ruthlessness: 无

Also the slang word for “cool” (as a word of praise, enthusiasm and admiration) also means “ruthless.”

I remember 30 years ago that the best-selling book in Japan was about Jewish control of the American economy. Now it’s the Red Chinese who are revealing the truth about Jewish perfidy. It seems that gullible whites are the only group on the planet who still believe these Jewish lies.

One Jewish writer says:

‘I live in China, and in the last few weeks I’ve been alarmed at the amount of antisemitic propaganda being published by Baidu News.

[JdN: Very strangely, I cannot get this webpage to come up in any browser! Is the US regime blocking it?]

Baidu is China’s equivalent of Google, so it reaches a truly enormous readership, and is state-owned.’

This article ( published recently, and essentially denies that the Hlocaust really happened, and the number of Jews really killed numbered only in the “tens of thousands.”

There is also this article published (, which claims that the Jews themselves have responsibility for the Holocaust for being too greedy and self-interested.

There have been many such articles published recently. Another one, while not as overtly antisemitic, propagates a false rumour that Hitler had respect for China but looked down on the Japanese, because when he was poor he was selflessly helped by a Chinese family living in Vienna, meaning he felt great gratitude to China.

Needless to say, this sort of false information promotes sympathy for Hitler within China and therefore support for anti-semitism, and it is shocking that these lies are allowed to be ublished in what is effectively state media. I personally am outraged by this, and strongly feel that Baidu should be held accountable for this and be pressured to issue a correction and apology.

He goes on to cite two reports, one of which essentially denies that the Holocaust happened, and claims that the number of Jews really killed numbered only in the “tens of thousands.” Another article claims, wait for it, that

“the Jews themselves have responsibility for the Holocaust for being too greedy and self-interested. The truth is that Hitler never slaughtered the Jews. Hitler broke the financial dragon egg in order to establish the values ​​of labor. He did indeed shoot a few financial oligarchs, but did not massacre the Jews.”



One of the best videos ever on Hitler, and how jew billionaires create and run a fake, puppet democracy — with an inspiring ending!




And a best-seller called Currency Wars has really set the cat among the pigeons. The book’s author, Song Hongbing, claims that behind world-changing events like the battle of Waterloo, Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, President Kennedy’s assassination, and the deep recession in Asia during the 1990s stood an intricate conspiracy aimed at increasing Jews’ wealth and influence.

In fact, he claims that almost every defining historical moment has been instigated by Jewish bankers, and mainly the Rothschild family, which Song says dominates the global banking system, including the US Federal Reserve System.

The Chinese mind is somewhat insect-like, practical and clear, assessing all issues in strictly utilitarian terms.

I’d hate to be at the mercy of these guys, as the Black Africans soon will be.

The Chinese understand perfectly that the Jews rule America and how we were financially conquered by banksters, usury and in 1913, by the Fed. They have no intention of allowing this to happen to themselves.  To this day, the founder of Red China, Mao Tse Tung, is revered not for his failed communist economic theories, but for freeing China from the humiliating control of foreigners, which is true. He did, even though American communist Jews had helped him gain power.

The pragmatic Chinese see the Jews as a factor to use to gain access to the gigantic American market, but not a people they want to dominate them. Americans the Chinese see as gullible fools for letting the Jews take them over!

Ironically, if Hitler returns and he will, it will be realistic non-whites who welcome him the most!

As I have often blogged, when a movie was done in Berlin with a realistic-looking Hitler actor, blacks, muslims and Chinese welcomed him as much as many surprised whites!  The libtard movie makers were shocked.

Modern Germans spontaneously react happily to Hitler actor, claims new film


A Spanish comrade calling himself “Fibrik” did this video using footage from “Look Who’s Back” and added German marching music.

…….The Chinese know the Jews’ game

The Jews confidentially tell the Chinese that the white man is their common enemy.

(Just as they said in the 1020s and 1930s to the racially neanderthalic Georgian, Joseph Stalin, and his fellow Georgian, Beria, with regard to the Slavic whites in Russia — “we have to stick together against THEM.“)

A top mass murderer for the Georgian Stalin of the Slavic whites was the Jew Kaganovich.

Bolshevik Jews in 1918: Trotsky, Zinoviev (Apfelbaum), Sverdlov (the tsar-murderer) and Kaganovich. In the 1930s, having become more a threat to Stalin than useful to him, the Georgian had them all killed. In the 1940s and 1950s. Stalin gradually tightened up his anti-Jewish policies more and more. The rule from the 1950s on in the Soviet Union was that no Jew could be the head of anything — no factory, no military unit, and no university —  just the number-two at most. A former Soviet-Jewish psychiatrist to whom I taught American accent in Boston confirmed that to me. And while the KGB had SOME Jewish agents, the rival intel service, the GPU — military intelligence — was deliberately kept absolutely jew-free.

The Chinese communists of today understand as well as Stalin did back then that the Jews have their own agenda — to conquer and enslave the world.

And they grasp, as do the Japanese, that the Jews ALLOW them to export hundreds of billions of dollars in products annually (cars, computers, smartphones, clothes, shoes and household stuff) to the gigantic American market.

And that the Jews media could turn on a campaign of anti-Chinese or anti-Japanese hate at any moment.

These would be the talking points for a boycott — and all of them are true and credible or half-true:

— China-or-Japan steals American jobs

— China-or-Japan is building a huge, aggressive military to threaten American global leadership

— China-or-Japan is racist against blacks

— China-or-Japan is antisemitic

— China-or-Japan is not diverse and is homogenous and monoracial

–China-or-Japan sells America unsafe and shoddy, junky products

— the Chinese torture and eat dogs, cats, snakes, and with monkeys, cut off the top of the skull and then eat live monkeys’ brains

























Within one week, Americans would be foaming at the mouth against either or both countries.

CNN, MSNBC,  the Jewashington Post,

owned by Amazon’s leftard crypto-Jew Jeff Bezos


…the Jew York Times, the faux-conservative FOX  (which numerologically means 666!)



…and all the rest, including Faceberg and Jewgle, would be suddenly super-patriots promoting American jobs.

China would lose $505 billion in exports to the US, and Japan $134 billion.

Obviously, the same kind of boycottt can be turned on at any moment against Germany, which sells the US $117 billion a year. Within days, the AfD party, which is against muslim migrants, can be depicted as hard-core Nazis, though its co-leader, Alice Weidel, is a lesbian “married” to a non-white woman! And suddenly Americans would be reminded day-and-night that Horrible Holocaustmeister Hitler, who was going to gas everyone without blond hair and blue eyes, 😉 ,  was the conceiver and founder of Volkswagen!

Actually, he WAS!

So my first car was one, natch.  😉









So now you know why the Jews push free trade on America — to control the rising non-white powers of the world by their ability to suddenly start crippling US boycotts against them.

Satanyahu with Ping of China — both smiling with closed mouths (a clean sign in body language of wariness)



….Hitler redux will appeal to all races against our common enemy

Ten years ago I did this video, in my perfect German accent, a fruit of reincarnation as much as talent, with English subtitles. And now I am about to take the plunge of Returning, with a framed Trump more and more becoming a threat than a boon to white survival — triggering a horrendous WWIII with Russia, if not also China, due to Bonkers Bolton and Pompous Pig Pompeo.


……Did Hollywood jews murder Anne Heche?

The beautiful and gifted actress Anne Heche, of French ancestry, died in August 2022 following three bizarre car accidents in rapid sequence, just after completing a movie about sex trafficking and blasé cops who refuse to search for her abducted daughter….

Heche wrote in detail in her autobiography about being sexually abused by her own father, a Born-Again Christian and choir director with a double life as an incestuous pervert and homosexual. 

The Wiki article (link below) goes into great detail about both Anne Heche’s tv/movie career and also her grave allegations that her own father (who died of AIDS at 45) molested her “from [age] 2 to 9″…….and how this abuse profoundly destabilized little Anne for her whole life:

She certainly had many mental-health issues, which is 100% to be expected in incest victims.

I note that Anne tried being a lesbian and was in a couple relationship with gay talk show host Ellen Degeneres, but then left her and went back to being hetero, having a son with one of her male partners. (Incidentally, the once famous/infamous, part-jewish alt-righter Milo Yiannopoulos has announced he is now an ex-gay and is now promoting “gay conversion therapy.”

Family photo; Anne is lower-left. Interesting how the father has one eye squinting.


All early news reports said Heche was on illegal drugs when she (or whoever…) caused the three car accidents, but an autopsy refuted that smear, which also explains why her wish to be an organ donor after death was honored.

Still, Anne was driving crazy — or had the CIA put some drug in her food or drink to make her temporarily insane, and then remote-commandeered her car, a little late-model Mini Cooper from England, then “gunned” it and simultaneously turned off the brakes?

Most bizarrely of all, after driving her Mini-Cooper through an entire house (!), firefighters grabbed her, not EMTs, and put her in a body bag — but she “came back to life,” unzipped the body bag, sat up — and tried vigorously to climb off the gurney!  What the—?

And why does the reporter refer to this woman as “HE”? The round mop of blonde hair is in a female cut, and the back looks like that of a slender, smallish woman that she was (5 ft 5 in/165 cm).





  1. I found the horrific pictures of dogs being tortured extremely disturbing and unsettling.
    In future can you not put that on your page because i already know about the horrific, barbaric torture of animals in China and other countries.
    I just find that stuff really distressing. I have seen graphic photos of cartels butchering rival cartel members to death, but that doesn’t hugely bother me because it’s scumbags killing scumbags who have usually done the same thing.
    But horrific animal cruelty is something that I find really distressing because animals are innocent and can’t defend themselves. I can’t even bare to scroll up the page and see those graphic, animal-torture pictures.

    • It does you credit to have such compassion for our animal friends.

      I am sorry and apologize to you that I neglected to preface the three photos with a warning.

      I just modified the article, and added this:












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