Remembering the Marshall family

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CIA pilot and 9-11-truther Philip Marshall with his son Alex, 17, and daughter, Macaila, 14, all three murdered in 2013 by the jews.


A Murphys man killed his two children with a Glock 9mm handgun before turning the weapon on himself at his home in Forest Meadows late last week. [This is the CLAIM!!!]
Former airline captain Philip Marshall, 54, killed his son Alex, 17, and daughter Macaila, 14, each with a single bullet to the head, as they slept nestled under blankets on the living room couch. He then pointed the gun at his head and committed suicide. Both children attended Bret Harte High School.
Alex was active on the Bret Harte football team, known for his good sense of humor and well-liked by his classmates. Macaila was very outgoing.
“She was just one of those girls who was full of vim and vigor and so much fun,” said Mike Brown, who lives two doors up the street. “The first time she came over was to borrow a cup of sugar,” he remembered fondly.

“Something like this makes every parent hug their child a little bit tighter,” said Mike’s wife Leah. “And you try to figure out why and you wonder what you could have done to help.”

There was no note, or other form of communication, left by Marshall to explain why he committed the crime. Sheriff’s Sgt. Chris Hewitt said the autopsy may shed more light on Marshall’s state of mind when committing the crime.

Friends and neighbors who knew Marshall had trouble believing he would have taken the life of his children. He was known as a good father, well-liked Little League coach, former pilot for Eastern and United Airlines and an easygoing guy with a good sense of humor.

“The actions don’t match the person we know,” said Merita Callaway, a county supervisor who lives four doors up the street from Marshall. She considered him a good friend. “I can’t tell you how many times we’ve had conversations over a cup of coffee together.”

“He was a wonderful man,” said Carolyn Greenwood, who is Marshall’s next-door neighbor and who has known him for more than 10 years. “I knew him long enough to know he was a regular guy. He was a good father, always there for his kids and a helpful neighbor.”

“When I heard what happened, I couldn’t believe it,” Callaway said. “He loved his children.”

According to an online biography, Marshall was a former government special aviation contract pilot and flew missions for the U.S. government in connection with the DEA and CIA.

He wrote a book about his experiences during the Iran-Contra incident in the 1980s.

Callaway said Marshall had also written two conspiracy theory books focused on 911.

He made the argument that the U.S. government and Saudi Arabia were responsible for the incident, not terrorist groups, which she feels could have made him enemies in high places.

She received a call from a sheriff’s captain asking her ‘Do you think this was a murder suicide,” to which she replied, “I had a hard time with it.

I truly felt like somebody came in the house.”

If it wasn’t a triple murder, she can’t understand what pushed her friend over the edge.

“What happened on Thursday that triggered this, if this was a murder suicide?” she asked. “Did he hate his family that much?”

School friends exchanged text messages with both Alex and Micaila as late as midnight Thursday and nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary, parents said. Neither of the children showed up for school Friday.

When asked whether Marshall had a history of mental illness, Hewitt said he could not comment, however he did say Monday that he discovered both Philip and his estranged wife, Sean, had a history with law enforcement. “Philip Marshall filed a burglary report against his estranged wife in November 2008,” Hewitt said. “Sean Marshall and her sister Erin Chamberlain filed a report against Philip Marshall in December 2008 for battery, annoying phone calls and disturbing the peace. He was arrested for battery against Erin Chamberlain.”

*** This is the standard bullshit

LOTS of people have domestic issues. Half of all marriages break up, and the divorce is often bitter.

If these family issues are well-known to friends,  just as they are to the Deep State via illegal surveillance, then the CIA/FBI/jews can exploit this to go commit murders of truthers and whistleblowers and then call them murder-suicide.

Hewitt said investigators believe the murders occurred sometime between Thursday and Saturday morning. Hewitt said the coroner will take a liver temperature to get a more accurate time of death.

No neighbors reported hearing any gun shots, Hewitt said.

“The gun was not silenced,” he said. “The houses are not very close together and if they are well built and insulated with all the windows and doors closed, the shots would have been muffled.”

Jeff Woods, who lives directly across the street from Marshall, said he did hear strange noises late Friday night while he worked in his downstairs office.

“I was working with the television on in the background when I heard an unusual noise,” Woods said. “I stopped working and went upstairs, turned the lights on and looked around. I didn’t hear anything else, so I went back downstairs. Not too long after that, I heard another strange noise. I muted the television and listened for a second without hearing anything else.”

“It’s just shocking” he said. “It’s hard to believe he killed his kids. I could almost understand someone taking their life, but to take your kids’ lives? You just wonder what’s going on.”

After not hearing from Alex or Macaila since Thursday, Jan. 31, a group of four children decided to drop by the Marshalls house to see if everything was OK.

There is a large window to the right of the front door, which allows visitors to peer inside the house.

While at the front door of the Marshall’s house, they were able to look inside the house and saw Philip Marshall lying on the floor in a pool of blood, according to a release from the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office.

After seeing Marshall, the children ran next door to alert a neighbor who called 911.

When deputies arrived, they found Alex and Macaila dead, lying on the couch with gunshot wounds. They also found a dog that belonged to Marshall’s wife that had been shot and killed in a bedroom, the release said.

Calaveras County Coroner Kevin Raggio said it was one of the most heartbreaking scenes he’s ever seen, adding “Everyone was having a hard time.”

“You walk in there and you lose your breath and want to walk out and start crying,” he said. “It was heartbreaking. It’s incomprehensible.”

The autopsy report was performed Tuesday, and toxicology reports on the Marshalls will be sent out for testing. Results are often not ready for many weeks, Raggio said.

[Ex-wife] Sean Marshall was out of the country, traveling in Turkey, at the time of the shooting, the release said. She was notified of her children and husband’s death before the Sheriff’s Office released identities to the public. Hewitt said the Sheriff’s Office had not been able to interview Sean about the incident as of noon Monday.



  1. More mysterious “drones” over UK airbases. I find it hard to believe that these are conventional quadcopter or octocopter drones, and think it’s more likely they are UFOs, whether alien or man-made (Fourth Reich?). All types of technological and personnel resources are being deployed to track them down, yet still they have no idea who is operating them, or where they are coming from? Very strange.

    • Thank you. Hmmm, and a genuine “wow.”

      “After more than a week, who is operating these drones, and for what purpose, remain open questions.”

      Wowww…. What country could be sending them? Normally their range is not that far.

  2. I live in California and I remember the Marshall family murders, which happened in eastern California, in a private residential development that had security guards.

    Marshall’s house was at the edge of this protected area, and was unprotected at its rear. A well-known investigative reporter stated at the time of the Marshall family murders that murders had occurred and the killer or killers had approached the house from its unguarded rear and entered it.

    • Thank you very much for this comment.

      We must not forget those who gave all…nor the bottomless wickedness of human devils, thugs, psychopaths, capable of slaughtering innocent children as well as their father.

  3. This is pretty common with anyone who exposes the jews, they murder them and make it looke it’s a murder suicide.
    This could have been done by the CIA or N.S.A and Jewish mafia.
    I blame the scumbag whites who sold their people out to the jews, it’s traitorous whites who have caused pur downfall and probably the death of our race.
    Another thing i blame is stupid ignorant white people who make up all of our politicians.

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