Remington Arms, sued over “making the gun used at Sandy Hook,” subpoenas records of supposedly murdered pupils

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In a huge blooper, this condolence graphic came out three days before the fake massacre.


This AR proves literally nothing.



Anybody could have made this bedroom weird and dark.


The Adam Lanza house….


“Lanza” is an Italian JEWISH name, like, for example, “Finzi-Contini.” Americans sort-of think all jewish names are like Greenberg or Silverstein, vaguely German-sounding… or Something -ski or Something-witz, Slavic-sounding.

But in Italy, there are other names, monikers which are known to Italians to be jewish, old Sephardic Italian jewish, such as “Toaff.”

Here is the headline.




….. See also

Former Florida state trooper Halbig, 70, school safety expert, wins when Sandy Hooknose “grieving parent” drops lawsuit



  1. Lol. So every person killed in needless American wars by American weapons used by American personnel can now sue the US Government. Subpoena past presidents and their Yid mouthpieces. Kissinger ! Up against the wall, fatty!

  2. The people suing Remington are endangering the Constitutional rights of Americans. Not only the 2nd Amendment right but all our Constitutional rights, for if you deny one you threaten all.

    • Thanks. Hmmmm.

      My compassion is limited since this white American nordic guy of English descent and high IQ married a Chinese…… Intermarriage with Chinese is lethal to the survival of nordics. I see it far too often. In Australia it is a real plague amongst divorced white men.

      But aside from that consideration….As experienced hikers, why would they not bring enough water? Why would go and drink pond-scummy water ?

      It does seem something deliberate and evil.

      A thought that came to mind quite insistently (but I have zero evidence for it, just a hunch) was this, that the Deep State psychopaths, who have no conscience but provably enjoy killing (see the Covid mass vaccination-exterminations going on right now), were trying out a lethal weapon, a so-called “death ray” or something like that, a fun toy for killers. It is said that Nikola Tesla designed one a century ago.

      • Yes, I am seeing this intermarriage very often too. It is becoming a frequent occurrence in the English speaking empire (UK, USA, Canada, Australia).

        It is being highlighted on the big stage currently in professional tennis which I often like to follow. There has been a lot of press about the half Japanese, half Haitian player Osaka (representing Japan) but now she’s taking the back seat to other hybrid mixtures that seem to be blossoming at the US Open tournament currently underway. There is the “Canadian” player Fernandes who is half Ecuadorian, half Phillipino and the “British” Raducanu who is half Chinese, half Romanian, who are both now in the quarter finals. The Jewish media loves this and hypes this as proof that hybrid race mixing is the way of the future and the way forward for better, more talented stock.

        And we have been seeing it in all sports for a while now, particularly many, many half white, half black, elite “stars”. Especially in football and basketball. Which gives strength to their premise.

        On the men’s side in tennis there is the Canadian Auger-Aliassime whos black father hails from the tiny French colony of Togo and his mother is French Canadian. He just beat the pure blooded black Tiafoe to make the quarterfinals. He faces the strong and young moorish looking Alcaraz from Spain who beat the Greek Tsitsipas and then then German Gojowczyk.

        The one Jew of the tournament Schwartzman got past the great but aging Australian Kevin Anderson and then got past the Slovakian Molcan until being stopped by the suddenly emergent Dutchman van de Zandschulp. Speaking of Jewish tennis players, the greatest was Pete Sampras but he was only half Jewish and I would not have guessed he was more than a quarter. He was a great player and seemed like a good guy too.

        With men’s tennis, this US Open has been filled with many actual Germans, Italians (Sinner and Seppi to name two who also look to have some German in them), and other white Europeans and Russians. The German Zverev who just won the Olympic gold medal might win this US open as well.

        Anyways, I went off on a tangent but when you mentioned the Chinese/British couple it had me recollect Raducanu who’s been completely dominating everyone at this US Open and is on her way to being the next women’s poster child the media will use to show the goodness, success and virtue of Chinese/European interbreeding.

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