Report that US Special Forces in Poland are planning a major attack on Russia as its puppet, Jewkraine, collapses

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US SPECIAL FORCES preparing attack from POLAND. An absolutely reliable source, a friend for twelve years and fellow former Marine, and an officer in both the Marines and later in the Navy, told me as follows:
“At work [for X] I have a co-worker and friend who is nearing retirement. His son had a top-secret job in SigInt [Signals Intelligence, i.e.,. intercepting foreign communications for, presumably, the Pentagon or NSA]. He is over in Poland right now in some civilian but highly classified capacity. John, he told his father, my co-worker, that the US Special Forces are on the ground, thousands of them, in Poland, and are planning something very big. It is all top-secret.”

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33 minutes ago

@JohndeNugent well….loose lips sink ships! 4th of July is coming up. We shall see and let’s apply Duran levels of discernment and healthy skepticism.



1 hour ago


Or, they knew he was talking to his father, gave him a unique story to tell and now they have identified a problem.

We’ll see.


Stephan George @CoriolisDefect

1 hour ago

@JohndeNugent SIGINT? With hundreds of special forces or special/dark deniable opreratives? Given current situation suggests to me offensive operations into Galicia in support or advance of Poland. Or 2, to escalate into Russia/ Belarus to escalate or stoke a wider conflict. 3. Support ZelenZky or 5 given ZelenZkys precarious position to influence the UAF in it canceling of their president. Any hints? Thought s? Further Intelligence would be greatly appreciated.



1 hour ago

So some guy is spilling Top Secret Military information to his father about an attack by US Special Forces in Poland? This is insane.


@Doctor_Bill  Actually, he was very vague, doubtless out of fear of prosecution or worse. Nor do I wish to see my friend’s coworker get in trouble so close to retirement.
I would not say “spilling top secrets” and instead say: “a patriot who does not want to see Creepy Joe Biden start WWIII and cause the thermonuclear end of humanity.”
I am certain that the Russians, between satellites and HumInt (human intel), are very aware of these thousands of Special Forces in Poland, a hostile country and neighbor (to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad) which they are watching already like a hawk.



2 hours ago


Maybe they want to repeat Obama’s never-ending “kill-by-night” helicopter expeditions into Afghanistan and Pakistan (I don’t know how many many people they killed but someone did a fast calculation once based on the “tempo” and reached a 5-figure kill-count).

Or they establish a “Syrian Zone” that they hope won’t be attacked because “we are the US”.

This is going to be fun!


@AgropromRecluse Fun until we see mushrooms….



2 hours ago

Very likely, the R know all about this. I hope so.



2 hours ago



7 hours ago

@JohndeNugent — US SPECIAL FORCES preparing attack from POLAND

And WHAT, exactly, are they going to ATTACK from POLAND? Lviv?

It’s about 900 kilometers from there to where actual fighting is going on.


@Pessimist The former East Prussia, of course, now Kaliningrad oblast. Did you look at the map? It is now a major Russian military stronghold on the Baltic and is next to NATO’s Poland and Lithuania. I think you maybe should eat more carrots for good eyesight. 😉



3 hours ago

@JohndeNugent — That would be suicide. That’s World War III. A US/NATO attack on Russia.

So I discounted it, and assumed that any operation you may be referring to would involve Ukraine.

BTW, I know how to read a fucking map.


@Pessimist Death and even self-destruction, and even WWIII, clearly do not bother our ruling maniacs and psychopaths, who often have the trait of insane courage. Look at how many mass-shooters kill themselves after murdering 20 people. After the “fun,” they avoid prison by shooting themself. Psychopaths can be very courageous, unfortunately, being thrill seekers and thrill killers.
I added the map to show that the Russian Kaliningrad oblast is in a key location on the Baltic and it is heavy with advanced weapons, naval and air facilities. (Sorry, I was not trying to insult you, just kid you a bit.)
IMO, WWIII is in fact coming — unless a game-changer happens — because our rulers and those who rule THEM behind the scenes are medically, clinically, literally insane. I first realized this while reading the bestseller (in 11 languages) “The Sociopath Next Door” by Martha Stout, a PhD psychotherapist from UC Berkeley who also taught at Harvard Medical School. She said that sociopaths tend to rise to the top in every field there is.


You wrote skeptically about “a US/NATO attack on Russia.” Well, my friend, what is actually going on right now?
The US/NATO are giving Ukraine LETHAL weapons to KILL Russians, both civilians and soldiers… and they likewise are trying via sanctions to crush Mother Russia back to the misery and skyrocketing death rates of the Yeltsin era.
In fact, without nukes on both sides, this would be a general war right now. Because our rulers ARE sociopaths, they will provoke the bear (and maybe also the dragon) until things finally do go nuclear. Remember, the president, the psychopath/rapist/election thief/public pedophile Biden, as things stand, can fire any general who disobeys his orders.
….because Biden and the other leaders of the West are all medically insane, and IMO all blackmailed pedophiles.


2 hours ago

@JohndeNugent They can’t accept defeat.



2 hours ago

@JohndeNugent@tedogrady – The Russians even less so. So the R will hit them hard.


  1. For narrative control, it is important for events to be [depicted] as black v. white.
    Russia could have easily created a good narrative where evil Ukraine invaded the Donbass victims.
    Russia could easily have done this in the same way that Hitler could have induced some small detachment of Soviets to invade Poland.
    In the same way, it is good if Poland invades Galicia, but they cannot paint it as a police-action.
    Even now, Russia is not building up a new narrative story about Poland planning an invasion. In other words, the Russians are still too naïve, too Christian, and have not learned enough from Bernays about narrative control.
    The human mind’s myelin sheaths and protects the first information that is received, even if a lie. To undo myelin sheathing takes many multiples of overwriting, maybe up to six times to erase the first memory.

    • Great comment, and thanks.

      But no one would have bought a tiny Soviet incursion, one that would provoke the Reich but not hurt it. Everything Stalin did was massive; he would never pin-prick Germany led by A warlike ANTI-COMMUNIST like Hitler.


      The MSU [Moscow State University] main building [built in 1953 by Stalin using gulag labor] was the tallest building in the world outside of New York City at the time of its construction, and remained the tallest building in Europe until 1990. The central tower is 240 m tall, 36 stories high, and flanked by four huge wings of student and faculty accommodations. It is said to contain a total of 33 kilometres of corridors and 5,000 rooms.

      As for the need to overlay lies many times with truth, yes — good point. This is why we needed total control of the media to gradually eradicate lies the jewspapers had told the gullible Germans for generations! Over and over we had to pound the truth in. 😉


    This Russian theater set up by communist globalists and their millenary obsession with world dictatorship awaits only the realization of the second item of the long time ago 45 goals established for the Zionist communist takeover of America, that is – “U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.”

    “In the midst of the blinding storm of current problems and current events — above shine the stars.”

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