Reports of planned coup against Trump; that he fired treacherous Secret Service officials; and that General Flynn had VIP pedophile list, including VP Mike Pence’s “best friend”

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Video says Trump did this to help forestall a coup engineered by Soros (I have no idea who David  Zublick is):


…..Flynn had VIP pedophile list

Key Points

¢ Former CIA officer Robert David Steele explains how Flynn was really fired because he was in possession of a high-level Washington DC

¢ Pedophile list with many names. One of those names was Vice President Mike Pence’s “best friend”.

¢ Steele also says that there are restaurants in Washington DC and Saudi Arabia where you can literally order children off of the menu.

¢ Former CIA officer: Flynn fired over high-level DC pedophile list

…..Jeff Bezos, owner of both Amazon & Trump-bashing Washington Post, does huge business with the CIA



……Trump, get rid of neocon Pence by all means necessary! Or he will get you the same way LBJ got Kennedy! 

WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 02: U.S. Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) (L) and U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) answer reporters questions during a news conference at the U.S. Captiol December 2, 2010 in Washington, DC. Pence and DeMint introduced the Tax Relief Certainty Act, a bill that would permanently extend the Bush-era tax cuts to all Americans. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Mike Pence;Jim DeMint

¦..Mike Pence, Trump’s VP choice

Pence is the opposite of Trump on almost every issue (Mexicans, Islam, trade, religion, gay marriage), and is a Born-Again Christian ( = and thus an Israel nut) from talk radio. Every word out of his mouth sounds unctuous and phoney.

Were I the Jews, I would let Trump win and then assassinate him to get in the nice, safe RINO Pence. Trump, you maybe just signed your own death warrant.


The Jews wanted Lyndon Johnson, a crypto-Jew, in so Israel would get uranium from a plant in Apollo, Pennsylvania called NUMEC for the Bomb, so they got him in as Kennedy’s VP, then killed Kennedy.

I cannot stand anyone who cites as a god Ronald Reagan ” like Pence a smooth-talking, blarney-spewing shanty Irishman ” and an absolute traitor to the White race that put him in power.

¦ And now the article, by the author of the site, accusing Pence of being a child rapist and child killer and claiming he was an eyewitness to these crimes personally

These claims in the SFAW article are of course totally shocking and are not proven there at all. (One can say the author/victim is scared that any details he reveals would leads back to him and trigger his murder.)
At this point, you decide ” with your heart, head and gut.
Is this an op, by (take your pick of Trump enemies): Hillary, leftist Jews, Mexicans, Chinese, or neo-cons?
Or it it simply the horrid truth?
(By the way, MANY thanks to my friend and supporter Brian, in the Northeast, for the link to this article.)


UPDATE I wrote to the pro-white, anti-Khazar Pastor Pete Peters, the ultimate owner of the website, the following:

Dear Pastor Peters:

I have heard of you over the years and have great respect for your work.

Perhaps you have heard of me:

Pastor, I would like to know if you can vouch for the integrity, honesty, veracity and sanity of the author of the following blog?

May I also ask: Do you know the man personally? I imagine you most definitely do.

Actually, I feel the man probably IS honest, sane and very, VERY courageous ” and so I went out a bit on a limb already by running his article on Pence as a child killer and rapist, while stating that I am merely reporting his grae allegations.

With all good wishes,

John de Nugent



Child Rapist/Child Murderer Mike Pence and the New Law to Protect Indiana Child Traffickers. I WONDER??? IS THIS THE GUY TRUMP IS CONSIDERING FOR VP??? ¦.COMMENTS???

Child trafficking is rampant in the state in Indiana among politicians. 32 state senators and representatives are pedophiles and have raped 128 children in the past three years. Mike Pence, acting as the governor has murdered 6 children in luciferian Human sacrifices and raped 73 children. Former Gov. Mitch Daniels has raped 43 children and also murdered 5 in the Human sacrifice program run by the Bush family in MILABS. I have witnessed both  Daniels and Pence murder children, and both of them are being protected by law enforcement officers.

Indiana’s Religious Freedom Protection Act was written and voted for by these men who are serial pedophiles. Since the Attorney General of Indiana Greg Zoeller is also a pedophile, having raped 3 children himself, and with the full protection of the Indiana State Police and the Indianapolis Municipal Police dept, these two murder governors and their child rapist politician minions will continue to be the biggest threat to children’s safety in the state.

The last child raped and murdered by Pence was a 7 year old girl. She was abducted by 2 CIA agents in Indianapolis and brought to the Governor’s Mansion and taken to the basement, where she was gang raped. The small girl died when Pence choked her to death at the same moment he ejaculated into her body. The CIA men took her body, placed her into a tub and used chemicals to dissolve her and then flushed her into the sewer system. The last time Pence raped children was in Israel. He raped two children, a girl and a boy, and his friend Benjamin Netanyahu raped the same children, at the same time. Netanyahu has raped and murdered 259 children in Luciferian Human sacrifices.

As a side note, both men condemn gay men, but have sex with males and rape boys on a regular basis. Which brings us back to the Religious Freedom Act.  The politicians of Indiana say gay men are not welcome in the state, believing the state belongs to them. Why? Because gay men do not  rape children. The definition of a gay man is a benevolent homosexual who is a positive member of society. Homosexual men have raped children, not many, as 99% of pedophiles are heterosexual, but a gay man has never raped a child.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for politicians to rape children in MILABS and hotels, and private residences. This new law makes it “legal” for businesses to stop select people from entering. They want to create back rooms to rape children in restaurants, bars and other places, so they can rape many more children in service to their new world order gods, lucifer and satan. So this is why this law was created, to help Indiana serial pedophiles be able to rape more children.

In MILABS, children are strapped to table beds and gang raped by politicians, corporate executives, and the military on a regular basis. saturday nights are the favorite times for them to do it, but it happens all week.

I have been abducted into 14 out of 41 MILAB locations and have witnessed this behaviour firsthand. It is only because God in Heaven wanted me to live that I am still here. I have helped many Souls of the children killed return Home to Heaven by speaking with them and then God and I create tunnels of Light for them. I can’t put into words how horrible it is to witness children being murdered. One time I was raped repeatedly while 54 children were murdered at the same time. This happened because the Illuminatti new world order members wanted me to join them and were trying to impress me. It was at this event that I witnessed Daniels and Pence murder children. I also witness remotely when others are killed


What say ye?

One thing the media widely reported: Trump hesitated and went back and forth on choosing Pence.

Donald J. Trump raged at the leaked reports of his plan to choose Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana, as his running mate. In public, he denied having made a “final, final decision,” and postponed a planned event to unveil his choice. In a Thursday evening phone call with top aides, he asked for reassurance that Mr. Pence was really right for the job.

In conversations late into the evening, Mr. Trump repeatedly hesitated over selecting Mr. Pence, according to people briefed on the tense deliberations, who insisted on anonymity to describe the confidential talks. Even as his emissaries reassured Mr. Pence, Mr. Trump fielded a last-ditch appeal from Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, another finalist, who once again pressed his own case.

Advisers and family members stressed over and over to Mr. Trump that he was selecting a running mate to unite the Republican Party, not a new best friend.


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Tags: 2016 Elections | Donald Trump | GOP2016 | Christie | silent | Trump | vice president
Christie Stays Silent After Trump Picks Pence As Running Mate
Image: Christie Stays Silent After Trump Picks Pence As Running Mate (Matt Rourke/AP)

By Brian Freeman | Monday, 18 Jul 2016 08:55 AM

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New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has remained silent since Republican nominee Donald Trump chose Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate, North reports.

Christie, who heads Trump’s transition team to prepare for his potential presidential administration, so far has not issued a statement praising Pence’s choice.
Trump’s decision reportedly has been a bitter disappointment for Christie, who had been one of the front-runners for the post since becoming the first major establishment Republican to endorse the real estate mogul in February.

It was also the second straight presidential campaign that a Republican nominee bypassed Christie after Mitt Romney chose Rep. Paul Ryan instead even though the governor’s popularity had not yet been rocked by fallout from the Bridge-gate scandal.

Ed Rollins, a longtime Republican strategist, told The New York Times that Christie “was such a lapdog and tried so hard, he ended up not just losing badly in the presidential stakes, I think he just looks much weaker than he was before by his rabid pursuit of Trump.”

Christie now appears to be left with the option of pressing even harder for a role in a Trump administration if he wins the presidency, with some reports saying he is a likely choice for attorney general or chief of staff.

But that prospect is also very unclear. Congress would likely make Christie’s involvement in Bridge-gate a major issue in any confirmation hearings.

Trump was said to have personally favored Christie, but he drew sharp objections from his daughter Ivanka and her husband, real estate tycoon Jared Kushner. Both are said to be the most influential people around Trump, with Kushner playing de facto co-campaign manager alongside Paul Manafort.
Kushner, according to sources, has long disliked Christie, who as U.S. attorney for the District of New Jersey sent Kushner’s [ultra-crooked Jewish] father to prison.

“The Kushners have a tremendous distaste for Christie. They think he was extremely heavy-handed and unfair in his prosecution of their father and this is something they haven’t forgotten,” a source close to the Trump campaign told Newsmax.

¦..”Conspiracy of Silence”

The forbidden 1994 documentary by Yorkshire Television in England. It was yanked off the Discovery Channel four hours before broadcast in 1994. It directly accuses George HW Bush, Boys Town, and many other VIPS and institutions of the crime of pedophilic rape.

Larry King, mega-crooked bankster and pedophile ring leader


This vile kike, Prosecutor Robert Sigler, threw child victims in prison for speaking out


The kids today talk almost zombie-like of what they saw and suffered, especially of their betrayal by “the law.”


This book by Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp lays out the facts.


One victim, was the abducted newspaper boy Johnny Gosch, who became a homosexualized boy prostitute and then gay boytoy for George W. Bush





A little dominance there.



All copies of “Conspiracy of Silence” were also destroyed ” except for this grainy, crude backup.


Heart-rending for ten seconds at 20:00!

See also:

…..”Foreign interference”

Not that I want to show Obama’s mug again, but he is back in DC, along with Hillary, stirring up trouble and not being a graceful ex-president.

…Trump right about millions of illegals voting

Proof the Donald was right all along: TWO MILLION ILLEGALS VOTED

…..Contact and support


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