Republicans and NRA shocked at Tump on guns; wants to disarm anyone your liberal politician-appointed police chief deems mentally ill

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US senator from Texas John Corbyn looks on in shock, and (((Diane Feinstein))) in delight as Donald Trump scraps all his previous positions — and spouts incredibly dangerous liberal nonsense about taking our guns. I now see him as clinically bipolar, highly impulsive, and dangerous. This is exactly the kind of person who should not have guns, or get us into a war with North Korea or Iran, or a thermonuclear war with Russia or China! 

Ken Kennison Has he lost your support?
John de Nugent Well, I will seek to talk sense to him. He knows very well who I am, among other reasons because Vladimir Putin used my website
to communicate with him on September 11 (yes) of 2016 to warn him against being assassinated by the J-Team: 7:27-7:40

Ken Kennison John de Nugent You ™re a very interesting person.

John de Nugent But he acts like a person with bipolar syndrome, mood swings, and impulsiveness. Not good in a president of the United States.

John de Nugent And I think the J-Team is blackmailing him, using either some real scandal or a frame-up.

Ken Kennison (((J-Team))) ?

John de Nugent Ken Kennison My word on Facebook for the Jews so they do not delete me again.
John de Nugent The fact that his right-hand women since 2015, the smart and attractive Hope Hicks, has left him, is not a good sign.
John de Nugent There are many photos of Marine general Kelly, now the WH Chief of Staff, looking at the chaotic Trump in barely concealed dismay:…/general-john-kelly-trump-wh…Manage
Ken Kennison John de Nugent honestly,I wouldn’t mind a Pence presidency too much. Closest we ™ll get to what Romney would have been
John de Nugent What is so serious about this is that Kelly is in agreement with Trump on many key issues, esp. on immigrants and the Wall, but finds Trump erratic. Marines are usually super-organized and efficient. Trump is the opposite.
Ervin Vidarson Let’s be real. He was always just a protest vote against Hillary for most of us.
I mean, he was a reality-show host and real estate developer who told us what we wanted to hear. Now……”lets just take their guns and worry about due process later”. What kind of twilight zone did he wake up in? Joseph Stalin’s, maybe.
I think we are coming, if not already there, to a point where mature citizens will acknowledge that there is no political solution for the quagmire we have sunk into. They have destroyed our social base, softened us with comforts, ruined our children’s educations and turned our government against it’s own citizens……just what in the hell is there left to support………for anyone that our wise forefathers would recognize?

Ervin Vidarson I have to live here. I’m too old and to poor to start over any place else. I and my forefathers earned the right to be here, via service and life’s blood. For two and a half centuries, at least. Now, I have to live peacefully and within the laws that increasingly drift further from the Bill of Rights…if I want to maintain what personal freedom I have left…..and I do. However, I’ll be damned if I will ever again support any man or woman who claims to wish to work within the system to change things. Not any more. They all, either now or later, will work for the same beast…..and that beast is firmly dug in at all levels of control. I have seen nothing in my life, to alter that opinion, one tiny bit. THEY feed on people’s faith that it will get better.

John de Nugent Two great comments, and I heartily agree. I am creating a new, credible, authentic white religion to cause the upheaval. Failing that, we are all doomed, the 10% who are awake and the 90% of zombies who are not.
Ervin Vidarson I know your vision John…and it is a good and noble one. I am still on the fence on whether it is possible to hold back the tides against us……against all of humanity. It seems to me that we are at a point of elemental change on this planet. There is more at stake than American politics or white interests. The entire planet, in so far as people are concerned, is on the precipice. as you’ve also stated. Where that will lead, I have no clue.The prophesies are interesting, who knows? One thing I’ve personally become convinced of…..there are forces at play here that are unseen and beyond our powers….. they are not benevolent……and they are steering this world towards a volcanic event. I used to think I would be dead and gone before they came to fruition. Now, I’m not so sure.
John de Nugent Ervin Vidarson This is where karma and dharma come in. Our karma as individual whites is this, that for centuries the warners like me have gone unheeded by the white leadership class, the managerial level, and the paleface masses.
This started way back with the antisemitic pharaoh in the Bible story in Genesis, going through to the antisemitic Roman senator Cicero, to the Roman general Titus who in AD 70 COULD have gotten them all and did not, ‘cuz, see, he had a hot Jewish mistress 
Continue on through the warners Queen Isabella of Spain, who expelled the Jews in 1492, Martin Luther (“Against the Jews and Their Lies”) , William Shakespeare (everyone should actually read “The Merchant of Venice”!), then car maker Henry Ford, aviator Charles Lindbergh (nota bene: Father Charles Coughlin, whose radio show was coast-to-coast …. (I am using beloved household names here, world-famous men of action, not obscure nerds!)
And add to that in our time all the congressmen, senators (such as Fulbright) and others (such as movie star/producer/director Mel Gibson) whose careers the Khazars either ended after they spoke up, or made them lick their boots in public to stay afloat.
We whites of TODAY are mostly the reincarnated shirkers, the ones who refused to listen THEN — and bombed Dresden to ashes. And now our chickens have come home to roost!!!
John de Nugent Our dharma now is to redeem ourselves — and fight these genocidal bastards to the death. And I thank God when the choice is so clear.
John de Nugent No man can say in truth that he “loves” his kids, grand kids, nieces and nephews, or even claim to be a man at all, unless he is willing to literally sacrifice his life to protect our white women and children from rape, torture, slavery and genocide.
John de Nugent PERIOD. Let the shaming begin!
John de Nugent My 54,000-view video on the Leo Frank case: “VIP Pedophiles, Kill Them All!” Click here on the link

Ervin Vidarson I enjoyed and greatly respect your responses John and it is here, at personal redemption/becoming, as the current link in the chain of my ancestors, that I have come to focus myself. By that focus, that fight, both internal and external, I find our best chance. If not of stopping what is coming, then best positioned to go beyond it; to best be what we were created to be. If we go beyond this life, and I think we do, though in some form that we are unable to clearly understand, then we must use every incarnation to bring us closer to the infinite source of all things.I think you will agree with me on that. I believe I’ve heard you speak very closely to that yourself.

Ervin Vidarson As to your white religion, I have been aware of this coming for years, picking up pieces from your work as time has developed. I like what I have seen. I will be the first to buy a copy when it’s put together in a complete source package. Whether the majority of whites have the sense to check it out……we both know they don’t and never will……..I know I would take away much from it. Those like us will. You are a wise man John. Well versed in ancient and modern philosophy and history. Politically astute and no one can say you don’t love your people. Religion is just a tool and one geared towards my own DNA can do nothing but keep me focused and on the rails to a better understanding of who I am and where I need to keep my focus. Is there a single page that sums up all of your work on it so far? I know at one time, you had a video series going on it that I had watched. That was when you lived in Penn.
John de Nugent For every world religion that succeeded, a hundred cults came and went, and even with the most successful one, the founder was defamed, beaten, whipped and crucified. You have to say: “No greater love”

 NY Times:

In a meeting with lawmakers, President Trump expressed support for a “comprehensive” gun bill that would include stronger background checks and temporarily take guns away from high-risk individuals.

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Photo by Tom Brenner/The New York Times. 


WASHINGTON ” President Trump stunned Republicans on live television Wednesday by embracing gun control and urging a group of lawmakers at the White House to resurrect gun safety legislation that has been opposed for years by the powerful National Rifle Association and the vast majority of his party.

In a remarkable meeting, the president veered wildly from the N.R.A. playbook in front of giddy Democrats and stone-faced Republicans. He called for comprehensive gun control legislation that would expand background checks to weapons purchased at gun shows and on the internet, keep guns from mentally ill people [as defined by the Jew World Order; this has been the overt Jew goal ever since the Sandy Hook hoax] secure schools, and restrict gun sales for some young adults. He even suggested a conversation on an assault weapons ban.




At one point, Mr. Trump suggested that law enforcement authorities should have the power to seize guns from mentally ill people or others who could present a danger without first going to court. “I like taking the guns early,” he said, adding, “Take the guns first, go through due process second.”

The declarations prompted a frantic series of calls from N.R.A. lobbyists to their allies on Capitol Hill and a statement from the group calling the ideas that Mr. Trump expressed “bad policy.” Republican lawmakers suggested to reporters that they remained opposed to gun control measures.

“We ™re not ditching any constitutional protections simply because the last person the president talked to today doesn ™t like them,” Senator Ben Sasse, Republican of Nebraska, said in a statement.

Democrats, too, said they were skeptical that Mr. Trump would follow through.

“The White House can now launch a lobbying campaign to get universal background checks passed, as the president promised in this meeting, or they can sit and do nothing,” said Senator Chris Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut.

At the core of Mr. Trump ™s suggestion was the revival of a bipartisan bill drafted in 2013 by Senators Joe Manchin III, Democrat of West Virginia, and Patrick J. Toomey, Republican of Pennsylvania, after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Despite a concerted push by President Barack Obama and the personal appeals of Sandy Hook parents, the bill fell to a largely Republican filibuster.

Mr. Trump ™s embrace did not immediately yield converts. Senator Marco Rubio, Republican of Florida, said after the meeting that he was unmoved, repeating the Republican dogma that recent shootings were not “conducted by someone who bought a gun at a gun show or parking lot.” Senator John Cornyn of Texas, the No. 2 Republican, who sat next to the president looking flustered, emerged from the meeting and declared, “I thought it was fascinating television and it was surreal to actually be there.”

But Mr. Trump suggested that the dynamics in Washington had changed after the school shooting in Florida that claimed 17 lives, in part because of his own leadership in the White House, a sentiment that the Democrats in the room readily appeared to embrace as they saw the president supporting their ideas.

“It would be so beautiful to have one bill that everyone could support,” Mr. Trump said as Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California and a longtime advocate of gun control, sat smiling to his left. “It ™s time that a president stepped up.”

Democrats tried to turn sometimes muddled presidential musings into firm policy: “You saw the president clearly saying not once, not twice, not three times, but like 10 times, that he wanted to see a strong universal background check bill,” said Senator Amy Klobuchar, Democrat of Minnesota. “He didn ™t mince words about it. So I do not understand how then he could back away from that.”

Just what the performance means, and whether Mr. Trump will aggressively push for new gun restrictions, remain uncertain given his history of taking erratic positions on policy issues, especially ones that have long polarized Washington and the country.

The gun control performance on Wednesday was reminiscent of a similartelevised discussion with lawmakers about immigration in January during which the president appeared to back bipartisan legislation to help young immigrants brought to the country illegally as children ” only to reverse himself and push a hard-line approach that helped scuttle consensus in the Senate.

Mr. Trump ™s comments during the hourlong meeting were at odds with his history as a candidate and president who has repeatedly declared his love for the Second Amendment and the N.R.A., which gave his campaign $30 million. At the group ™s annual conference last year, Mr. Trump declared, “To the N.R.A., I can proudly say I will never, ever let you down.”


With AR-15s, Mass Shooters Attack With the Rifle Firepower Typically Used by Infantry Troops

When a gunman walked into a Florida school on Feb. 14, his rifle let him fire in much the same way that many American soldiers and Marines would fire M16 and M4 rifles in combat.

But at the meeting, the president repeatedly rejected the N.R.A. ™s top legislative priority, a bill known as concealed-carry reciprocity, which would allow a person with permission to carry a concealed weapon in one state to automatically do so in every state. To the dismay of Republicans, he dismissed the measure as having no chance at passage in the Congress. Republican leaders in the House had paired that N.R.A. priority with a modest measure to improve data reporting to the existing instant background check system.

“You ™ll never get it,” Mr. Trump told Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the House Republican whip who was gravely injured in a mass shooting last year but still opposes gun restrictions. “You ™ll never get it passed. We want to get something done.”

Mr. Trump also flatly insisted that legislation should raise the minimum age for buying rifles to 21 from 18 ” an idea the N.R.A. and many Republicans fiercely oppose.

JdN: Trump is deranged and incapable of checking the facts.

When Mr. Toomey pushed back on an increase in the minimum age for rifles, the president accused him of fearing the N.R.A. ” a remarkable slap since the association withdrew its support for Mr. Toomey over his background check bill.

“If there ™s a Republican who ™s demonstrated he ™s not afraid of the N.R.A., that would be me,” Mr. Toomey said after the meeting.

The president appeared eager to challenge the impression that he is bought and paid for by the gun rights group. While calling the membership of the N.R.A. “well meaning,” he also said he told its leaders at a lunch on Sunday that “it ™s time. We ™re going to stop this nonsense. It ™s time.”

Officials at the gun group were taken aback by the president ™s comments and immediately ramped up their lobbying against measures that they have long said would damage the Second Amendment and do little to protect people against gun violence.

“While today ™s meeting made for great TV, the gun control policies discussed would make bad policy that wouldn ™t keep our children safer,” said Jennifer Baker, a spokeswoman for the N.R.A. ™s lobbying arm. “We are going to continue to work to pass policies that might actually prevent another horrific tragedy.”But at least for Wednesday, Mr. Trump seemed willing to venture far from the N.R.A. script, even appearing to suggest that he might back a ban on assault-style weapons when Ms. Feinstein asked what they could do about “weapons of war.” The N.R.A. has helped defeat an assault weapons ban since the last one expired in 2004.

The reaction in Washington was swift., a right-wing site once led by Stephen K. Bannon, the president ™s onetime chief strategist, published an article with a headline in bright red that said, “TRUMP THE GUN GRABBER.”

The site added that the president “Cedes Dems ™ Wish List ” Bump Stocks, Buying Age, ˜Assault Weapons, ™ Background Checks. Tells Scalise to Take a Hike ” After Surviving Assassination Attempt.”

The president did return several times to a proposal that conservatives like: arming teachers in schools and ending the so-called gun-free zones around schools that Mr. Trump said had made those institutions among the most vulnerable targets for mass shooters.

“You ™ve got to have defense, too,” the president told the lawmakers. “You can ™t just be sitting ducks. And that ™s exactly what we ™ve allowed people in these buildings and schools to be.”

But several times, he acknowledged how controversial that proposal was, and seemed to accept the idea that it might not be included in a comprehensive gun control measure that could pass both chambers of Congress.

He also backed a modest measure sponsored by a Republican and a Democrat in the Senate to improve the quality of the data in the background check system. But he told the bill ™s author, Mr. Cornyn, to consider just adding that proposal to the broader expansion of the background check system.

“It would be nice to add everything on to it,” Mr. Trump said. “Maybe change the title. Maybe we could make it much more comprehensive and have one bill.”


…..Trump training Marines to attack Russia in winter

Marines being told to train to beat the Russians at winter warfare. Jesus H. Christ.

The Corps turns its eyes toward a cold-weather fight.

Ervin Vidarson Well now that Putin just revealed that they have underwater nuclear drones (surely parked off our coasts right now), for which we have no defense. I’d say that we are on a countdown to one big funeral for humanity.

John de Nugent This is what I have been saying for a full year, based partly on the 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy. Trump loves war, because he is the literal reincarnation of the wardog General George Patton.

Barbara MacArthur What the hell?? Preparing for war with Russia and North Korea?? This is madness.


Jesse Hutchings The ghost of the Clinton agenda haunts the country.


Apocalyptic Meditations It’s not the Clinton agenda, its the U.S. agenda. USA has never been peaceful towards Europe since the early XX century.

John de Nugent Apocalyptic Meditations I posted the other day some US Army general saying Russia threatens US “dominance” — his word. So Hitler was a threat for supposedly wanting to rule the world, but it is okay for the US to rule the world…. “We will rule you for freedom.”

Mike Lee Ain’t gunna happen…..Napoleon…Hitler……and I will tell you what…..the Filipinos are damn good on their own soil too, so don’t even think about it.


Apocalyptic Meditations Such a war can’t be won.




……A prophecy of Trump and World War III 

“The 1917 Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars ” and a German final victory (but in a world in ashes  — marches toward its fulfillment.

According to the 1919 prophecy of the militant Boer Nicholas van Rensburg, after a black becomes president of South Africa ( = Mandela) and later a black likewise becomes the president of the United States ( = Obama), and recall that back in 1917 such notions seemed absurd and even unimaginable, with the black US president described as “a black boy,” THEN a male, white conservative will take over the reins of the state. He will have “hair like a wig,” constantly frown, and he will end up waging a catastrophic war against Russia.

Russia will be destroyed, and some European countries as well, especially England, which will break its alliance with the United States and therefore will be abandoned by them. Not one Englishman will survive, van Rensburg predicts.

Germans and Boers in South Africa will be the only major white survivors of this useless war that will destroy the entire northern hemisphere of our planet.

They will build together a new white empire in Africa, which will have remained unscathed from the Third World War, and these two very tough, smart, warlike white peoples with no racial illusions will crush without mercy any black people who oppose them..

As far as the Germans are concerned, as I have explained many times on my website, Adolf Hitler ordered, after the great defeat at Stalingrad, the evacuation of elite German scientists and military to Antarctica. They have huge under-ice military bases there, and also in the Andes mountain range, in a kind of existence like a badger, protected in their lairs, but not daring to wage war on the United States or Russia (on neither Soviet Russia nor that of Putin).

What are his prophecies about the Tribe, who are certainly our worst enemy?

He did not mention them. He was a fervent Calvinist Christian, thus a typical Boer, and not anti-Semitic. Like all Boers, he hated especially the English (who had killed two of his daughters in Lord Kitchener’s horrible concentration camps), and he loved and admired the Germans. He prophesied that the Germans would lose two world wars but win, that is, survive — alone — the third one.

Hitler himself said “Das letzte Battalion wird ein deutsches sein.” (“The last battalion will be German.”) This becomes understandable only if one accepts the reality of the military “Absetzbewegung” of 1943-45, the “disengagement movement”.

But this scenario is incredibly sad — the pointless annihilation of 95% of the white race.
No more Russia, Europe, England – and as for the United States, according to Van Rensburg, they will fall to the status of an insignificant country and will take decades to rebuild from the rubble.
The 2009 movie “The Road” with the stars Viggo Mortensen and Charlize Theron (herself a Boer, though a renegade) and with a little South Africa boy, Kodi Smit-McPhee, also used, playing the little son, depicts a post-apocalyptic America during the nuclear winter that takes place after WWIII. No plants or trees can grow in the long darkness — the atmosphere is full of dust from 20,000 hydrogen bombs going off on major cities — so food production stops. Many humans resort to cannibalism to survive.

…..Getting Those Guns “ Part I

Bump stocks? That ™s gone. I ™m writing that out myself. I don ™t care if Congress does it or not. It ™s gone ¦The NRA? Don ™t worry about the NRA. They ™re on our side.”

~ President Trump during speech proposing insane asylums and gun confiscation for those  deemed dangers, February 26th, 2018

It is absolutely outrageous that someone can walk into a gun shop and purchase a semi-automatic weapon.”

~ Jewish Public Affairs-JCPA CEO David Bernstein


In Part II of this article “Selling a Color Revolution to Terrorized America “ I will deal with the “how” and multiple inconsistencies related to Parkland, potential police misfeasance/malfeasance, possible grooming and “shepherding” of the suspect by intel players and organized groups, and scripted terroristic events.

A primary function of unconventional warfare is to create terror in a target population and thereby obtain submission. With Parkland, the revolutionary measure of voiding the “organic” U.S. Constitution and disarming at least a specific group of people seems to have been the target goal. Unlike previous staged and/or scripted terror events, which had few (if any) Jewish casualties, the ones claimed for this event have allowed Jewish activist groups to take a leading gun-restriction role in what I see as a “color revolution” against American freedom.

The Federal Government frequently tests things, like Obamacare, in Oregon because it remained a Union state during the Civil War (principally because Oregonians wanted no blacks in the state.) After the Orlando gay nightclub shooting/false flag event, the Oregon legislature passed a bill banning private gun sales and it wasn ™t reported in the press until just before the Governor signed the bill. This could soon happen on a national level.

If you have legal firearms but no evidence of when you got them, I suggest making a dated, notarized document now with all the serial numbers and keeping it in a safe place. If you want to make a legal private sale or purchase of a weapon, do it soon. Because, in the future, they ™ll likely be confiscated if you can ™t prove you owned them before the date of Trump ™s signature on any bill that contains restrictions on private gun sales ”Paul Ryan ™s promises about the Second Amendment notwithstanding. (This is an old trick ”Ever notice how every gun grabber starts out by saying they ™re for the Second Amendment? Just like all the old lefties now acting as unofficial censors once told us they were for “free speech.”)

And rest assured that any new Trump background-check system will be national firearms registration for all weapons sold and purchased thereafter ”despite what they will tell you. When Trump says things like “The NRA is on OUR side” we should think carefully about what he means when he uses the term “our.”

Think about what is happening now in social media ”on Facebook and Twitter and on YouTube ”and what type of speech is being banned and by whom. Who is still allowed a voice and who is not? You can expect the same treatment when it comes to firearms. After that you can expect slavery ¦or worse.

By early March dangerous inroads into a host of Constitutional protections, especially the 2nd Amendment, could be on President Trump ™s desk for signature. These abridgments could require all gun sales to go through an FFL/dealer, require bump stocks and other “accelerators” be surrendered without compensation (such a demand has just been made by Massachusetts), promote seizure of guns from “red flag” individuals (as in the executive order just signed by the Rhode Island governor) and impose arbitrary limits on magazine size.

President Trump ™s promise to ban bump stocks by executive order will lead to an eventual ban on all semiautomatics ”because such weapons can easily be made to bump fire with things like a belt or rubber band.(1) All it will take is another false-flag mass shooting or a President like Oprah taking office after a market crash.

The bump stock debate started in Las Vegas was and is a complete hoax and is nothing but a foil for gradual firearm elimination. The idea that Paddock, an inexperienced, crazy shooter (who couldn ™t hit an unarmed guard with 200 rounds in a hallway) hit all those people with inaccurate bump-stock fire at an elevation of over 300 feet from 900 feet away or better with no muzzle flashes is ¦about as believable as the official 911 story.

Based on this, the ATF had been ordered by Trump to come up with a regulation ”the comment period on this closed January 25th with a large number of negative letters and comments. ATF agents had reportedly resisted crafting such a rule on Constitutional grounds and, until the shooting in Parkland, chances for legislation looked bleak.

Sadly, President Trump ™s meeting with the Australian Prime Minister shortly after the Parkland event ”discussing Australia ™s groundbreaking ban on semiautomatic weapons and pump shotguns after their false-flag mass shooting ”looks to me almost like a mockery of those who voted him into office. I certainly feel that way. Instead of standing his ground as he was put into office to do, the President is giving America to those planning a future of servitude for the people. And by restricting the access to firearms for young people, who will not learn to use them safely and effectively, these measures will ensure future generations of Americans are completely defenseless.

Either the President is sadly lacking in knowledge of history or he is aware of how onerous restrictions were implemented in the UK and then Australia and is deliberately pursuing a policy that will lead to similar results. I don ™t think Trump is lacking in knowledge.

In the U.K. the Dunblane school massacre took place at Dunblane Primary School near Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland, on March 13th 1996. It ™s contended that the alleged gunman, a man who was a scoutmaster and liked working with young people, became so distraught over gossip about alleged homosexual leanings that he killed 16 children and one teacher before conveniently killing himself.

Under pressure from Rupert Murdoch (whose media are leftist everywhere but the U.S.) and what John Major later testified was “pressure from the Jewish lobby,” his government implemented the Firearms (Amendment) Act of 1997, which banned all cartridge ammunition handguns with the exception of .22 caliber single-shot weapons in England, Scotland and Wales.

John Major did not live “happily ever after” for caving in on British gun rights. Backed by Murdoch, the war criminal Tony Blair swept into power with Labour in the general election of 1997 ”putting him in place well before 911 to join the “Coalition of the Willing” and defeat an enemy of Israel, Saddam Hussein. (Just as I pointed out in 2017 that Brexit may have been used to put Boris Johnson in place for Trump ™s coming war.)

One reason politicians implement weapons control is fear of public reaction when they go to war and cause much mayhem. (Martial arts arose in Asia partially because some rulers banned peasants from having knives and metal implements except small rice scythes.)

Tony Blair, not one to miss out on a profitable opportunity or repay a favor, introduced the Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1997, banning Britons from having single-shot .22 cartridge handguns as well. Only muzzle-loading and historic handguns and pistols with exceptionally long barrels remained legal. Northern Ireland was exempted from these restrictions due to fears of IRA resurgence.

Both Parkland and Las Vegas have echoes of the granddaddy of mass-shooting false flags, the April 1996 Port Arthur massacre in Australia, which was used by the newly elected (March 1996) pro-Zionist government of John Howard to force the confiscation of nearly 700,000 semiautomatic weapons and even pump shotguns from Aussies.(2) In 2001, Australia also joined the Coalition against Saddam, by the way. Something that might not have happened if a more populist Aussie government had been in power.

During the Port Arthur massacre the only two police in the town were sent on a wild goose chase to find a heroin stash in a coal mine. It later turned out to be soap powder. While the police were away, multiple victims were expertly killed with head shots in rapid succession. There were conflicting descriptions of events and the only point of agreement was that the shooter had “long blond hair.” Some allege the shooting was supposed to be done on a ferry but the sailing time was changed and the initial shooter instead attacked a nearby cafe full of people. An apparent handler at the cafe stood up and told the shooter “No, not here,” according to some. This individual was promptly shot to death. Survivors huddled for hours waiting for police to rescue them before they were shot. Some 200 police and police snipers responded but ”like the police in Las Vegas and Parkland “ remained in defensive positions for lengthy periods while the killing went on. Various excuses are used for this dereliction of duty. The Aussies claimed it was due to hundreds of wild shots ”which hit none of them ”allegedly fired by the apparent patsy.

Prior to the Port Arthur trial newspapers ran pictures of the designated “killer” ”and then survivors were asked to I.D. the attacker in a police lineup! This individual would be classified as mentally retarded in the U.S. His shooting experience was can “plinking” with a single-shot Webbley air rifle. It was claimed he had amassed a large arsenal of semiautomatic guns and ammunition by making cash purchases from Tasmanian gun shops. No indication was given as to where he got these sums or where he learned to be an expert marksman. As you will see in the second part of this article, there are numerous parallels with both Las Vegas and Parkland.


I can virtually assure you that once America “knuckles under,” mass shootings will stop here also. But only because those behind them got what they wanted.


The sweeping powers called for by President Trump, in addition to banning effective firearms over time, open the door to a psychiatric police akin to those targeting political dissidents under Bolshevism, unrestricted search and asset/property seizure, and the arming of one political/religious faction while disarming its opponents. For additional subversive possibilities of Trump ™s innocent-sounding bump stock ban, see the following endnote.(3)

If you still believe President Trump is in your corner, compare his current gun-control statements with these excerpts from the gun-control plan of a member of the Chabad Lubavitcher doomsday religious sect(4) that Ivanka and Trump ™s (formerly top-secret-clearance) son-in-law belong to and to which Trump foundations and the Kushners have donated well over $500,000:

  • Reinstate and strengthen a ban on military-style assault rifles and handguns, such as the Bushmaster
  • Ban high-capacity ammunition clips, limiting magazines to a maximum 10 bullets
  • Improve the National Instant Criminal Background Check System with more data from federal,states and health-care professionals;
  • Close the “gun-show loophole” by making all gun sales “including all “private” sales and any other gun transfers “subject to universal federal background checks;
  • Outlaw possession of armor-piercing bullets;
  • Crack down on interstate gun trafficking;
  • Put 1,000 more resource officers and counselors in our public schools;
  • Require (as an affirmative duty) health-care workers to report present or future threats of violence to law enforcement authorities, just as health care providers are currently required to report suspected cases of child abuse

If you haven ™t guessed, the man proposing this “Trump” plan is Broward Co. Sheriff Scott Israel, a Democrat as Trump used to be. And that plan was proposed on January 29th, 2013.(5) As you ™ll see later in Part II of this article, it almost seems that the way Israel ™s department handled this situation before and after the event ”in light of his plan above ”appears to be intentionally ineffective. Who knows? Using the jargon of psychology it could have been caused by “a subconscious desire” to create a groundswell of public opinion to get his legislation passed.

(A really suspicious person might even begin to think the alleged shooter was groomed and shepherded along the way by intel types, and even given equipment, drugs and “psychological counseling”. Cruz ™ only major overt act prior to the Parkland event was shooting a neighbor ™s chicken with his BB gun ”similar to the one possessed by the Port Arthur shooter “the ONLY gun police determined he had when he was checked on several times. No wonder there are so many conspiracy theories! Some of these seem to be deliberately injected to discourage independent investigations.)

It ™s my belief that this “necessary” change of eliminating Constitutional protection and limiting gun ownership to those in power and their supporters relates to the so-called Messianic Age and a coming war with North Korea, Iran and other countries ”called “Armageddon” by some and by President Trump ™s favorite religious sect, the Chabad Lubavitchers, the “final war of the golus.” Followed by the rise of their messiah.(6) As they put it:

The main avodah of this generation is to go out to the final war of the golus, to conquer and to purify all the gentile countries (such that “and kingship will be Hashem ™s,” Ovadiah 1:21).” Shabbos Parshas VaYelech, 5746.

To be fair to our Hasidic brethren, there are also major cosmologic and geologic changes coming that in themselves would lead to wars. So it ™s possible these could be an additional factor in the pressing physical need to end freedom and disarm the populace. Apparently, the government has neglected to tell that populace about a small matter: the catastrophic solar minimum and global cooling period we are now entering. In fact, they have dished out global warming disinformation ”laughable since the warm periods between glaciation have been growing shorter throughout recent geologic history. We ™re just coming out of a period of “easy living.”

Wheat prices are already climbing and, as they say, you ain ™t seen nothing yet. Expect major food shortages and financial crisis as in past cooling periods ”when disease epidemics struck, empires fell and major conflicts took place. The culprit? Increased cosmic-ray penetration due to a reduced protective magnetic shield causing erratic temperature and rainfall shifts by altering cloud patterns ¦as we ™re seeing now. (This may be related to why they ™re spraying so-called chemtrails ”to block some of the rays.) Still worse, the particle penetration into the Earth ™s superheated pressurized magma causes it to “boil” hence the increased numbers of volcanoes we ™re seeing (causing more cooling) and more earthquakes. I suspect there will be considerably fewer people on Earth in 100 years and, despite Ivanka ™s fears, CO2 is a trailing indicator of a geologic warming period, not the cause. It has nothing to do with global cooling.

Until the latest mass shooting, which on some levels appears scripted,(7) Jewish groups in the U.S. had previously been very restrained in advocating increased gun control. That ™s because Christian Zionists and evangelicals, vital to support for Israel, are pro gun. With the reported killing of several Jews in Parkland, that ™s all changed now and the “big guns” are being brought to bear. (Curiously, the alleged Parkland shooter appears to be legally Jewish by birth.) (8) In my view all that ™s needed for them to succeed is President Trump convincing the gullible that voiding the Constitution is OK ”and he seems to be doing that.

Jewish interest groups are already calling for U.S. adoption of Israeli-style laws such as requiring a psychologist to verify a person ™s qualifications to own a weapon. (Curiously, this Israeli law only applies to Jews and has not stopped multiple mass shootings of Palestinians by Jews. Twelve-year-olds in many Israeli settlements carry full-auto/machine guns.)

After Parkland, the JCPA (Jewish Public Affairs organization) quickly issued the following statement(9), excerpted here:

With the increase in mass shootings in our country, JCPA calls on legislators, in keeping with our longstanding policy, to seize this moment to make our society safer. JCPA supports efforts to close the loopholes allowing individuals to buy semi-automatic weapons ¦ “It is absolutely outrageous that someone can walk into a gun shop and purchase a semi-automatic weapon,” stated JCPA CEO David Bernstein. “It is high time that we institute measures curbing the availability of these weapons ¦.We call for a March for Our Lives in Washington, D.C., and in local communities across the nation. We will stand alongside them, and encourage Jewish youth organizations and Jewish organizations with youth initiatives to educate and mobilize teens interested in participating.”

It would have been very convenient for some in the Jewish leadership had Cruz been a “white supremacist” (whatever that means) instead of an individual with the “right of return” to Israel. The ADL had already “primed the pump” with publicity in 2016 by publicizing a claimed “hate” attack on Parkland ™s Chabad Lubavitcher HQ site ”a bit of graffiti on a storage container such as one can find on every train car in big cities and the words “free Palestine” spray painted on a sign.(10)

Rather than immediately focusing on the needs of surviving students and the parents of victims, the ADL went to new lows by attempting to incite hatred and implicate a white nationalist group, issuing a press release on Feb 15th that falsely claimed:

A spokesperson for the white supremacist group Republic of Florida (ROF) claimed to the Anti-Defamation League on Thursday, February 15, that Nikolas Cruz, the man charged with the previous day ™s deadly shooting spree at a Parkland, Florida, high school, was associated with his group.”(11)

The person the ADL spoke with was NOT an authorized spokesperson for that group. How did they confirm that? Police state Cruz had no connection with ROF. While the story may have been the result of a prank it demonstrates that the ADL “shoots from the hip” with little or no fact checking. It makes one suspect the lists of “antisemites” the ADL is fond of issuing with the apparent intention of making their lives difficult. ADL gets a pass by republishing it ™s press release with a disclaimer? Imagine if the shoe had been on the other foot? Did any social media remove this post?

While the Anti-Defamation League campaign may have stalled for the moment, others seem determined to continue this meme. The press is going wild over a sack of AR-15 magazines with swastikas carved into them! had a particularly loathsome piece in this genre.(12) Cruz was a self-hating Jew who liked swastikas, we are led to believe. So let me get this straight ”there is a direct connection between swastikas, which can be found in Buddhist temples all over Asia, and this incident? But the fixation on this story shows how determined some are to create animosity and distract from the truth of the situation: that a Jewish Sheriff in charge of Broward law enforcement, who had the ability to address this problem numerous times prior to the incident, whose deputies cowered outside while people were being killed, and who actively prevented volunteer EMTs and firefighters from entering the campus to give aid to wounded students had much more to do with the problem than carved swastikas.

This year the Jewish festival of Purim started February 28th as it did in 1991 (the day George Bush concluded the First Gulf War for Israel and Saddam Hussein was appointed “villain of Purim.”)(13) and it fits in well with these disarmament efforts. In this festival, Jews celebrate the murder of 75,000 Persians (Iranians) they allege were planning to do harm to the Jews as recounted in the Book of Esther.(14) (A book many scholars feel is apocryphal and should not even be in the Bible.) Among the festivities? Ritual eating of pastries made to look like human ears called hamantaschen ¦Haman ™s ears. Haman was the alleged leader of the Persian “antisemites.”

Put your thinking caps on and substitute “American Gun Owners” (possibly yourself) for Haman. Why do I make this connection ”is it because I ™m a horrible antisemite? Well no, it ™s because of an article in a Jewish publication I read that ™s directly related to this subject. I read that a Purim gun-control fundraiser was being orchestrated by the three children of Rep. Ted Deutch (D) representing Parkland, FL, where Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is located. According to the JTA (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Gabby, Serena and Cole Deutch launched the Bake Action Against Gun Violence initiative encouraging Americans to bake and sell hamantaschen for U.S. gun restrictions this Purim. Groups who sign up decide how to do the baking, how much to charge and where to give the money. The website recommends donating to groups such as Everytown for Gun Safety and the March for Our Lives, as well as fund-raisers for the families of the Parkland victims.(15)




2. Australia has a long history of Zionism and was instrumental in the conquest and partition ofPalestine. A thorough history of this can be found at:

3. (1) (2) (3) (4)




7. I say “looks scripted” because legislations, spokespersons, student organizations and prepared signs were ready to go, the student spokesperson already knew who the designated perpetrator was at an early stage even though he had supposedly been hiding in a closet, someone let the perpetrator(s) into the locked building, security cameras were set on a 26-29 minute delay, one stationed Sheriff ™s deputy and three responding deputies failed to intervene, EMT volunteer personnel were not allowed to enter by Broward SD to possibly save lives, live-fire drill had been held earlier in the day, the shooter supposedly donned full-body metallic armor, put on a face protector and assembled an AR-15 in 60 seconds, and government-controlled outlets like CNN have media-coordinated talking points. The father of the Hogg boy ”a former CNN student intern whose mother once worked for CNN ”was an FBI agent who now reportedly works for a CIA-affiliated unconventional warfare training firm. And the head of the host family Cruz was staying with was with U.S. Army Intelligence in the Mid Ease for 8 years. Statements from that family indicate he was referred to a psychologist by them. There are conflicting accounts as to whether or not Cruz was on meds.



10. ADL hate crime report 2016 on Parkland Chabad illustrates the amazing knowledge of “hate criminals” about Jewish festivals:

11. https://ww-white-supremacist-group-admits-ties-to-alleged-parkland-school-shooter-nikolas-cruz/




15. JTA, Feb. 22, 2018, “Florida congressman ™s kids are using hamantaschen to help end gun violence,” by Josefin Dolsten


  1. orangeman does not care for any gentile point blank, he is a true son of israel. the Qanon madness going on on youtube is proof of how (((they))) manipulate the masses through mis/disinfo.

    • No, I still disagree, though I am getting harsher and harsher in my critique of Trump.

      I see him more and more like Nixon (whom my father knew well), a leader who was jew-wise, wanting to do the right thing, but boxed in by incredible Enemy pressure and equally by his own divisive ego and his huge flaws.

  2. Your site seems like it’s being hacked again – it’s extremely slow to load using TOR – had to try multiple times.

    On Trump – if he is Patton reincarnated as you say, maybe we should be worried, because Patton wanted to attack the Soviet Union after Germany’s defeat in 1945. He saw what the Red Army had done to Berlin (raping every woman from 8 to 80), and was angry at not being allowed to take it first. Patton said that the U.S. Army could have beaten the Red Army in 1945, but might not be able to in the future. Here’s a good article on Patton which reveals many of his telling quotes:

    The article below also makes some very good points about the Red Army’s weaknesses and reliance on massive Lend Lease military aid from America during WWII. But it doesn’t even mention how the Wehrmacht had basically defeated the Red Army, until the American and British intelligence agencies began feeding Moscow with all of Germany’s battle plans, obtained from the top-secret German “Enigma” code which they had broken. It also doesn’t even mention the many Christian Prussian traitors like von Stauffenberg and others, who were feeding German military intel to the Soviets:

    The article below praising Patton’s foresight on Stalin and the Soviet Union is ironically from a Jewish magazine – apparently the writer didn’t get the memo about Patton:

    I do find it very interesting that Trump was born 6 months after Patton was assassinated, and that his appearance and brash, outspoken personality are so similar. Patton, like Trump, was attacked nonstop by the Jewish media, and came to hate it. Also, as revealed by his letters (see the Rense article), Patton was obviously going to run for President once he resigned from the U.S. Army. Patton had figured out who the (((real enemy))) was, and that, combined with his obvious intention to run for President, sealed his fate:

    One has to wonder if Patton chose to reincarnate as a wealthy real estate developer and TV personality skilled at manipulating the Jewish media, rather than as a general this time, in order to become President. Perhaps the gods (or God) granted him this wish, recognizing the extreme injustice done to him in December 1945. And perhaps he has some unfinished business to take care of, which the Jews are probably also aware of, which is why they attack him nonstop. I hope Trump has excellent security, because he will need it.

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