“Reverend” MLK’s speechwriter & closest adviser a gay, jewish communist; sex maniac Martin; the plagiarizer; the better black leader Malcolm X; Muhammad Ali on the races; white homeowner sentenced for arson

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Ah yes, “the content of their character” — as thieves!

One of Martin Luther King’s absolutely most vital aides, Stanley Levison, was a homosexual jewish businessman who had a long history of being a member of the COMMUNIST PARTY USA.

And guess who wrote the legendary “I have a dream” speech that King delivered at the Lincoln Memorial on 28 August 1963? Not the negro!
The jew Levison composed this wickedly effective speech about how Blacks supposedly only want justice, not free stuff, and to be judged solely by “the content of their character” whereas the goal of many, esp. BLM, though not all Blacks, is to freeload based on their “skin color”!

The Kennedys (President John K. and his brother, US Attorney General Robert K.) were concerned about this communist mentor of MLK in the summer 1963 and they told King to get rid of Stanley Levison, a warning which MLK ignored.
All four men were shot over a five-year period by the US Deep State
Malcom X, who was no angel (he was a convicted felon), nevertheless had the makings of a true black leader, and had dropped the white-bashing and “blue-eyed devil” stuff of the Nation of Islam, the so-called Black Muslims, and was turning against the jews. Hence he was killed.
But MLK went with the jews.
Stanley Levison, a Jewish attorney and businessman, became ML King’s pro bono ghostwriter, accountant, fundraiser, and legal adviser.
This friendship, however, created many complications for both men. Because of Levison’s “former” ties to the Communist Party, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover launched a campaign of wiretapping, tracking, and photographing Levison relentlessly.
King was labeled as “a Communist and subversive,” prompting then–Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy (very anti-communist) to authorize secret surveillance of MLK. It was this effort that revealed King’s reckless sex life with whores, furthering a breakdown of trust between King, Robert F. Kennedy, and eventually President John F. Kennedy.
Later on, when ML King turned against the Vietnam War, which was, of course, a war against the communists (as well as a war for shekels, for profits), J. Edgar Hoover had him killed.
The King family, btw, correctly never believed that the innocent white Southerner, James Earl Ray, did the assassination — and they actually visited him in the federal prison where he would finally die to tell him so.

How many Americans are aware that in 1997 a jury in Memphis, Tennessee, found the FBI (or rather, its direct tool, Loyd Jowers) GUILTY of murdering King?

The death location at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee where the FBI sniper shot King — for opposing the lucrative Vietnam War. Then it was pinned on Ray, the “evil, racist, white Southern cracker.”


Ray when arrested in 1968; he was pressured into confessing by the FBI threatening him with the gas chamber. However, Ray recanted, and he maintained his innocence in prison until the day he died, three decades later.

Ray was no angel, but a felon who was ideal to frame for the King murder since he had escaped from prison, was a blue-eyed white man who looked very northern European, and thus was perfect for causing a white guilt trip….and saying “it is the white trash who hate the black folks.” 

Ray before his death in 1998, “of hepatitis C,” says Wikipedia’s slanted article. He had spent thirty years in prison for a crime he had never committed.


The MLK Monument in Washington DC, facing the Jefferson Memorial, was designed, sculpted and installed by the Red Chinese.

……. The “REVEREND” MLK, sex maniac and plagiarizer

Secret FBI tapes do exist which reveal that Martin Luther King Jr had extramarital affairs with ’40 to 45 women’ and even claim he ‘looked on and laughed’ as a pastor friend raped a parishioner, an author has claimed.



The civil rights hero was also heard allegedly joking he was the founder of the ‘International Association for the Advancement of P***y-Eaters’ on an agency recording that was obtained by bugging his room, according to the sensational claims made by biographer David Garrow – a Pulitzer prize-winning author and biographer of MLK.


Writing in the British magazine Standpoint, Garrow says that the shocking files could lead to a ‘painful historical reckoning’ for the man who is celebrated across the world for his campaign against racial injustice. The intelligence service carried out surveillance on a number of civil-rights figures and suspected communists and they had an interest in smearing their reputation.

The [FBI] did a recording of King at the Willard Hotel near the White House…

The Willard is a $300-a-night hotel three blocks from the White House. https://washington.intercontinental.com/ Here is its lobby, whence comes, actually, our political word “lobbyist.” President Ulysses Grant would go here on a smoke break to puff on his cigar — but would be importuned right here in this very lobby by representatives of various pressure groups. He began denouncing the favor-seekers as “these damn lobbyists.”


The wiretapping and recordings by the FBI show how King was accompanied his friend Logan Kearse, the pastor of Baltimore’s Cornerstone Baptist church (Kearse died in 1991) along with several female parishioners of his church.

In King’s hotel room, the files claim they then ‘discussed which women among the parishioners would be suitable for natural and unnatural sex acts’.

The FBI document says: ‘When one of the women protested that she did not approve, the Baptist minister immediately and forcefully raped her’ as King watched.

He is alleged to have ‘looked on, laugh and offered advice’ during the encounter.

FBI agents were in the room next door but did not intervene.

The following day, King and a dozen others allegedly participated in a ‘sex orgy’ engaging in ‘acts of degeneracy and depravity’.

When one woman showed reluctance, King was allegedly heard saying that performing the act ‘would help your soul’.

Senior FBI officials later sent King a copy of the incriminating tape and called him an ‘evil, abnormal beast’ and said his sexual exploits would be ‘on record for all time.’

The letter also suggested he should commit suicide before his wrongs were revealed to the world.

Marking the 50th anniversary of Dr King’s assassination, President Donald Trump in 2018 issued a proclamation in honor of Dr King, saying: ‘In remembrance of his profound and inspirational virtues, we look to do as Dr King did while this world was privileged enough to still have him.’


Besides the whore orgies, and the rapes, it has already been years since another staggering sin of MLK has been known — MLK’s truly massive plagiarism — with hundreds of sentences just copied verbatim by him into his doctoral thesis for his Ph.D. at Boston University.


The first public sermon that King ever gave, in 1947 at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, was plagiarized from a homily by Protestant clergyman Harry Emerson Fosdick entitled “Life is What You Make It,” according to the testimony of King’s best friend of that time, Reverend Larry H. Williams.

Likewise, the first BOOK that King wrote, Stride Toward Freedom, was plagiarized from numerous sources, all unattributed, according to documentation recently assembled by sympathetic King scholars Keith D. Miller, Ira G. Zepp, Jr., and David J. Garrow.

And no less an authoritative source than the four senior editors of The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr. (an official publication of the Martin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc., whose staff included King’s widow Coretta), stated of King’s writings at both Boston University and Crozer Theological Seminary:

“Judged retroactively by the standards of academic scholarship, [his writings] are tragically flawed by numerous instances of plagiarism….

Appropriated passages are particularly evident in his writings in his major field of graduate study, systematic theology.”

King’s essay, “The Place of Reason and Experience in Finding God,” written at Crozer, pirated passages from the work of theologian Edgar S. Brightman, author of The Finding of God.

Another of King’s theses, “Contemporary Continental Theology,” written shortly after he entered Boston University, was largely stolen from a book by Walter Marshall Horton.

King’s doctoral dissertation, “A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Harry Nelson Wieman,” for which he was awarded a PhD in theology, contains more thanfifty complete sentences plagiarized from the PhD. dissertation of Dr. Jack Boozer, “The Place of Reason in Paul Tillich’s Concept of God.”

According to The Martin Luther King Papers, in King’s PhD. dissertation “only 49 per cent of sentences in the section on Tillich contain five or more words that were King’s own….”!

In The Journal of American History, June 1991, page 87, David J. Garrow, a leftist academic who is sympathetic to King, says that King’s wife, Coretta Scott King, who also served as his secretary, was an accomplice in his repeated cheating. (“King’s Plagiarism: Imitation, Insecurity and Transformation,” The Journal of American History, June 1991, p. 87)


Reading Garrow’s study, one is led to the inescapable conclusion that King cheated because he had chosen for himself a political role in which a PhD. would be useful, and, lacking the intellectual ability to obtain the title fairly, he went after it by any means necessary.

Malcolm X, on the other hand, was the black leader and separatist who could have cut a real deal with the white race.

As a German comrade wrote me:


Throughout the decades, the [jews] have presented us with questionable figures and serious criminals as saints and mocked us with them; just think of the Nelson Mandela cult.

The Murdoch-Murdoch classic „Vampire Hunter M“ addresses the MLK aspects mentioned above:


Malcolm X became a danger because he was evolving out of his original white-bashing hatred.

And Cassius Clay, alias „Muhammad Ali,“ also seen as a danger by jewry,  was reduced to his (show-business) role as a black loudmouth by the Jewish press because he was against (forced) race mixing.

And today? Which sports-star whore of the present day would ever give back their medals as Clay/Ali did?

Clay/Ali pointed out the similarity principle in nature with his comparison with the birds. And 80 to 90% of all human couples who are in love have almost mirror-like facial features (physiognomy).

JdN: A Pennsylvanian of Italian ancestry once looked at me and Margi sitting on the couch together and gasped: “You too are so similar! Same big, blue eyes, same jaw!”

Even pigeons are known for their inherent racist attitudes. The majority of pigeon couples have identical plumage markings.

„Muhammad Ali – Racial Integration“

„Muhammad Ali Speaks Against Race Mixing 1968“

In the end, the JWO fights in vain against a completely natural principle, and they can show as many propaganda and manipulation films as they want.

The only way Blacks can remain in America is by honestly facing their deficiencies and either leaving the USA OR accepting overt white supremacy, which is in the best interests of all races in this country.

Apartheid worked very well in South Africa, but the Boers made two mistakes:

1) They did not enforce a two-child policy on black families so the black population exploded under white rule and white medical care (just as did the number of negro slaves in the Old South). American Blacks today, however, have around two children, which is far lower than in the 1960s or 1970s. The Chinese had a one-child policy for decades, and that worked too. Simon Roche of South Africa told me that the black birth rate in his country was a core problem.

2) They did not crush the South African communist movement, which was funded by the Soviet Union. Today there is technology to surveil everyone and everything, and this technology, while scary, can be put to good use keeping the blacks from being agitated against the White Man.

Beyond this, testosterone levels can be reduced and in fact ARE being reduced — in the Whites!

Reduce black testosterone, censor any and all White-Bashing, remove the jews from the equation, and teach Blacks to be GRATEFUL for the white man, show and remind Blacks of what chaos US big cities, Haiti and Black African countries are under black rule.

Plus exile or the death penalty for advocating anti-white hated.

And if they reject this — an orderly, crime-free, drug-free society with solid marriages and families — then they can leave, voluntarily or otherwise.

From 1970 to 1975, when I was with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, I SAW with my own eyes peaceful, nice black people and their well-behaved children.

The alternative is a race war, and one should be careful what one wishes for.

Yes, there are around 180 million Whites, but they are aging.

There are also 200 million minorities, many of them young. Many have military experience, or battle scars from the street.

If we say we intend to expel all non-whites, they will support the current regime and fight us to the death.

I would rather offer them a much better life and permission to stay here — if they side with us.

And do not count on the US military to help the Whites.  It is FULL of pedophiles, homosexuals, jews, black tokens, and Hispanics, including high-ranking officers!

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, US Air Force general Charles Brown

U.S. Air Force General Charles Q. Brown, Jr., 21st Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff


And let us not forget the ten million illegal aliens that Biden has let in!

Will these Hispanics, Arabs, Chinese, and Black Africans fight for white power????


Probably 100,000 of them are trained commandos, hitmen and saboteurs!



….Excellent short video of a common-sensical white Everyman on the reality of black crime in Buffalo, New York State

What is extraordinary is how rare it is, and how few white men have the courage, to calmly say the plain truth that every sensible White is thinking.

We can build a new nation with solid, low-key guys like this.

(Btw, the reporter has the effeminate, whiny voice one hears more and more in under-30s, and in Richard Spencer. It is incredible to me that his Low-T voice does not even bother people any more. When I was in high school, such a lilty voice in a man literally, right or wrong, would have resulted in a beating.)


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Published on Jul 12, 2012


Arson fire may have been race-related; FBI asks for public’s help for more information

Updated: Friday, 08 Jun 2012, 9:55 AM EDT
Published : Thursday, 07 Jun 2012, 5:19 PM EDT

Ed Drantch
Posted by: Eli George
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) – The FBI now believes an arson fire in Buffalo’s Old First Ward may have been a hate crime. Upon hearing the news the fiery crime may be rooted in racism, a neighbor gave a stunning reaction.

JdN: Location of Buffalo, New York. President Grover Cleveland was once the sheriff here, and personally hanged convicted murderers, saying such grim tasks should not be delegated to deputies. 

Grover Cleveland, a conservative Democrat and US president 1885-89 and 1893-97 “Cleveland won praise for his honesty, self-reliance, integrity [….] He fought political corruption, patronage, and bossism. As a reformer, Cleveland had such prestige that the like-minded wing of the Republican Party, called “Mugwumps“, largely bolted the GOP presidential ticket and swung to his support in the 1884 election.

As you read through the story, know you may find some of the statements offensive.

Federal prosecutors stop short of calling this a hate crime, but continue to look for evidence to prove it as such. They have been investigating the Mackinaw Street fire for more than a year.

“The property owner and the victim was a refugee that had fled oppression and had immigrated to the United States in pursuit of the American dream,” said Frank Christiano, Resident Agent in Charge of the ATF [ = the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms].

Fifty-eight-year-old Michael Fijal of Buffalo was charged with arson and is awaiting trial. Prosecutors say he paid someone to purposely set the empty building on fire. The blaze was so intense, it damaged the home next door.

Now authorities say they’re looking for more evidence to prove race may have been a motivating factor. The FBI is offering a reward to anyone who can help with further information, leading to an arrest of the person who burned the house down.

FBI Special Agent Christopher Piehota said, “The elements of the case indicate there may be a hate-crime-motivated incident. and we want to get to the bottom of it.”

We wanted to know if residents believed race played a role in the crime. One neighbor, working on repairing a home damaged in last year’s fire, had some comments that may shock you.

“I think that if people just stayed on their own side of town in their own neighborhood that things like that wouldn’t happen,” the man said. “Every race and color has their own section of Buffalo, so if they just stay in their own neighborhood, things like this wouldn’t happen.”

He’s has lived in the Old First Ward for more than 30 years.

The man stated, “People in these neighborhoods don’t want those type of people moving down here and destroying the property value. So when things like that happen, it shouldn’t such a shock.”

We asked the man what he meant by “those types of people.” He responded: “Minorities. African Americans.”

We asked the man why he holds these opinions.

He answered, “Because I own a home, and I see what happens when they move into the neighborhood. Property value goes down, kids on the corner, crime goes up. The east side used to be a beautiful place; but look what they did to that.”

But not everyone felt the same way. One woman who moved to the area right before last year’s fire said she was disappointed to learn the crime could be racially motivated.

“It seemed like this was their dream. They came here, I think, from the Congo, probably to have a better life, and this is what they have now,” she said.

Despite the mix of opinion, the man stands by his assertion. We asked the resident if he thinks there’s anything wrong with what he had said.

“I don’t feel there’s anything wrong with it. A lot of people would feel wrong about it, but I don’t.”

If you have information for officials, you can call the FBI at 856-7800 or the ATF at 853-5070. The FBI is offering $10,000 for information leading to an arrest and conviction in the case.


In 2014, a Michael Fijal, who now is 63, a white owner of multiple homes in the area, pled guilty and faced 33 months in prison and a $150K fine.   The FBI had put out a $10,000 bribe offer to get someone to talk. http://buffalonews.com/2014/09/17/first-ward-resident-pleads-guilty-to-arson-conspiracy/


Buffalo Man Sentenced For Conspiracy To Commit Arson [ = electronic ankle bracelet  and confinement to his own house for a year and $119k in restitution to a couple from the Congo]

For Immediate Release

U.S. Attorney’s Office, Western District of New York

CONTACT:      Barbara Burns
PHONE:         (716) 843-5817
FAX:            (716) 551-3051

BUFFALO, N.Y.—Acting U.S. Attorney James P. Kennedy, Jr. announced today Michael Fijal, 64, of Buffalo, NY, who was convicted of conspiracy to commit arson, was sentenced to 12 months home detention by U.S. District Judge Richard J. Arcara. The defendant was also ordered to pay restitution totaling $119,312.05.

According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Timothy C. Lynch, who handled the case, in May 2011, Fijal, a local bank employee, conspired with others to burn down a duplex at 179 Mackinaw Street, which is located in Buffalo’s Old First Ward neighborhood. The defendant withdrew money from a local bank for the purpose of paying an accomplice to burn the building and paying the accomplice both before and after the fire on May 22, 2011.

The sentencing is the result of investigation on the part of Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, under the direction of Special Agent-in-Charge Adam S. Cohen; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, under the direction of Special Agent-in-Charge Ashan Benedict, New York Field Division; and Investigators with the Buffalo Fire Department.

Ashan Benedict


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  • On a WN website
  • Watson 11: The guy is right. I’m from NY and have family in Buffalo. My grandpa is from the east side and the neighborhood used to be BEAUTIFUL. Now it looks like a bomb went through it. Buffalo ranked among the most dangerous cities in the country last year, and you would be disgusted to see what the east side looks like.Watson11: I hate how in the radio interview one of the guys says he moved into white neighborhoods where white people sold drugs and trashed the neighborhood. I would love to have heard what neighborhood that was. Because I know the Buffalo area very well and I can assure you that there is not a single white neighborhood that has as much crime and shootings as the east side does. I was in Buffalo once, on the north side (the nicest part, the whitest part), but we were close to the east side. We were sitting on a family friend’s front porch talking and heard “bang bang bang,” three shots in the distance. About 60 seconds later, sirens. One of my cousins teacher’s house is near the east side, and he said she told the class her house was ransacked, thousands of dollars worth of stuff was stolen.White neighborhoods that are trashy may have one scumbag who grows weed and sells it, smokes it, etc… but guess what? How many people does he jump every day, shoot, rob, etc? How much graffiti is he spraying on peoples houses? How many innocent kids are being caught in crossfire on playgrounds in white neighborhoods?Fulminata: Blacks ruined my old neighborhood. Yeah, its a bit of a generalization obviously, not every black person is a criminal or keeping a dirty house, but enough are that the old neighborhood is a craphole. You cant have a nice, middle class neighborhood made into a ghetto by only a few bad apples.
    From American Renaissance:sbuffalonative: Buffalo has been rated the 5th poorest US city and the 6th or 7th most segregated city. It’s also overwhelmingly Democrats. No one ever seems to make this connection.What this man did was nothing short of courageous. However, this isn’t the end of the story, it’s only the beginning.This man is going to be crucified by the ‘progressive’-liberal establishment. As I noted in a previous post, Rev. Darius Pridgen (who is also a member of the Buffalo Common Council ) spent a great deal of time talking about this man being a landlord. The implication being that racist landlords in south Buffalo are a serious problem that needs to be adressed.Until recently, south Buffalo was overwhelmingly white and long been condemned as a racist enclave. The city of Buffalo and HUD have been closing housing project to ‘decentralize’ blacks and they have been sending them to south Buffalo. Two birds with one stone; decentralize blacks and break-up a racist, white community.While I applaud this man for speaking the truth he also put a target on the back of south Buffalo. We are going to be slammed with stories and reports, demands for inclusion and tolerance, and calls for more ‘die-versity’.Right now, Buffalo News editorialist, Donn Esmonde, is busy penning a hate piece condemning this man and segregation in south Buffalo.

    Lucas Evans: That’s how the blacks keep whitey inline. Pure violent intimidation. That is exactly why every white person who feels this way should do exactly as he did. We’ve been running (white flight) for 50 years. Either we stand our ground NOW, while we are still a majority or we surrender and guarantee our children will be slaves until our race and culture go extinct.

    Anon12 (partial): …”Good” blacks? Where, may I ask? Makes you “sad” that THEY have to suffer because of the bad blacks?

    Pardon me, but I do not believe there are very many “good” blacks and even if there were what difference would it make? Those “good” ones will never come to our defense nor help us in any way and you should know that by now. In fact, they are the enablers of the bad blacks.

  • On another hand I have seen that happen with my aunt in Miami. She bought some land, built a house which was worth around 300,000-350,000 dollars.
  • Fast forward 15 years, She can’t sell the house because nobody wants to move there. The crime rate in the area is also high. All the people that lived there moved out.
    -Again,. I moved in New England a few years back. It was a small town.You could leave your car running with the keys in there and sht wouldn’t stolen. Fast forward 8 years. Cocaine dealing is up, there are areas you can’t drive thru and there are also gangs. My sister is already saying that she might move to different town for that very reason.



  1. I’ve knew a young white woman who was a stupid moron who thought black men are oppressed victims of white men and white supremacy.
    She was 21 years old and about 125 to 130kgs, i’m 6 foot 5 and about 115 kgs now.

    I’m trying to lose weight and i want to get down to 95 kgs.
    She was about 5 foot 11 and about 10 or 15 kilos heavier then me, so morbidly obese, she had the maturity of a sixteen year old teenager, not a 21 year old woman.

    I automatically write these retarded low i.q bitches off and hope they end up raped and murdered by black or brown men for being so stupid, and such retards.
    They don’t have a clue what vicious violent savages most blacks are and how many white women are brutally assaulted, raped and gruesomely murdered by black men.

    Even at 21 years old i was not that stupid and knew about how violent,savage and brutal most black men are.
    Giving our women the same rights as men was the biggest mistake we ever made.

    I’ve recently met, became acquainted to 2 young white girls 19 and 21 years old. They’re both quite small, petite women but they’re not stupid idiots like that overweight woman i mentioned.

    But the 2 young women i know now are from rural areas outside of Brisbane, not the city, and brought up by conservative white parents.

    So not all white women are mentally retarded. 🙂

    • Thank you for this comment, Australian brother.

      Well, let us be clear — the moronic attitude has nothing to do with education or IQ, but with spiritual darkness….what Eckhart Tolle calls “the egoic mind.”

      It comes from materialism and atheism: “I am my mind, and my mind is a physical organ, my brain. When I die, my brain shuts down, all thoughts cease, and kit is eternal blackness.

      Actually, we are immortal souls, here for experiences.

      John Kennedy was a Harvard graduate, brilliant, and well-spoken. He also was a war hero in the Pacific (saved by an Australian, btw.)

      Yet he was like many another Massachusetts libtard on race. I grew up in that region, New England, all lily-white back then and yet feeling all expert andmoral on the race question.I lived in Massachusetts and attended high school there, as well as in Rhode Island. Kennedy was on a smug ego trip about the poor blacks, and he loathed his white brothers in the American South. As a young US Navy officer, he had been initially assigned to naval intelligence, and was sent down to Charleston, South Carolina. He saw and hated segregation and “how the negros are mistreated.”

      It is just astounding how anyone from a lily-white area such as Massachusetts, or like Australia until 1970, when the White Australia policy was dropped by PM Gough Whitlam, can pontificate about a topic — the negro’s nature — of which he knows nothing and has zero experience!

      In 1943, the US Civil War had been over for 80 years! 750,000 white men had fought and died over these useless negros. And after 80 years, the races were no closer then than they are now!

      This is the egoic mind in the libtard white man.

      JFK was a great president on other things, but this was his blind spot, a disastrous one…..the otherwise laudable Irish obsession with “helping the underdog.”

      It is all just an ego trip. You “feel good about yourself.”

      I remember in December 2015 how a white woman in Iowa was interviewed during the Iowa caucuses to determine who would be the Republican and Democrat nominees for president.

      She gushed this confession on camera: “I’m voting for Hillary because of the way she makes me feel about America, and how she makes me feel about myself.”

      Well, there you go!


      TRUE love and TRUE patriotism are about determining what is actually good for your country and for yourself, not what gives you a moral “high.”

  2. I think we should expell all non-Whites except for American Negroes. If this means civil war, so be it.

    All that our opponents on this war will have in common will be hatred of White people. We, on the other hand, will be united by a love of White culture.

      • I will let her answer, but I might surmise on these grounds:

        1) Many Blacks are very antisemitic, and could be useful allies as part of a deal;

        2) Blacks have been here for 400 years, and are not part of African culture, or speak any African language. And unlike Hispanics,they did not sneak in here against our will but were brought here as slaves (by white men and jews) and quite definitely against their will. We can hardly bellow at them: “What are you ngrs doing here?” WE brought them in!

        3) No African country wants them. NONE. Black Africans are actually very tribal. American Blacks would be seen as an invading foreign tribe. (Also, many Afro-Americans are degenerate criminals. Africans just do not want them!)

        And Hispanics could easily fit right back into their home countries. They have maintained their original language and culture.

  3. I wish to modify my above comment slightly. I know a young man from Yemen who listens to classical American rock and roll music, who is keen on everything American, and who is wise to the Jews. This non-White non-Negro fellow should not be expelled.

  4. How accurate do you think FBI reports are? I read one online that was released with some redactions, claiming that Matt Koehl was a homosexual (which I do not believe).

    • I read I am too, and a pedophile, fake Marine, and even a jew 😉

      Oh, and Hitler had only one testicle, screwed his niece, and chewed the carpet when upset. 😉

      I knew Ted Gunderson quite well, and he was a top FBI official before he turned whistleblower. Parts of the FBI were wonderful (“straight arrow,2 as my dad would say) and other parts lower than whale-sh–.

      But with each passing decade, the whale-sh– portion has increased.

      Probably half of the field agents are good guys. But then you get invited to a pretty wild party…. which shows if you are a “team player.”

    • Thanks.

      Johnson sounds irritated and impatient.

      His neighbor literally across the street, J. Edgar Hoover, had doubtless informed him what a scumbag King was. (A longtime WN friend, NS, and supporter of mine does home remodeling in Washington DC and actually remodeled Hoover’s house, which he also said was astonishingly small.) Hoover and Johnson were thick as thieves, and both hated and feared the Kennedys.

      It was Hoover’s potentially career-ending “dirt files” (on adultery, bribes, alcohol, messy divorces, etc.) on Southern congressmen and senators that forced them to vote for Johnson’s 1964 “Civil Rights Act.”

      I remember my father calling me into the living room to watch on TV the votes coming in for this evil law. “John, come in and watch history being made.” I saw “Mississippi [voting] Aye” and “Georgia Aye” (in any case, from Deep South states), and asked my dad why these Southerners were voting to empower the negros.

      He just chuckled. “A lot of stuff goes on in Washington, son.”

  5. Something often said among liberal university students I knew when I was a student at the Chicago “Circle” campus of the University of Illinois was that racial integration was having a bad effect on the Black community because the economically better-off Blacks, who also were the better behaved Blacks, were all moving to White neighborhoods — and this was depriving the Black neighborhoods from which they had come of the positive influence of their presence.

    • Yes, a brain drain.

      I once took a commuter bus from downtown Washington DC to Alexandria, Virginia where I lived. The fellow sitting next to me was a Pakistani. We got to talking (I like meeting people) because he seemed intelligent. Well, he was; he was a medical doctor!

      I asked him why he was working in the US, saying “Doesn’t your own country need good doctors?”

      He replied: “Yes, but life is much better here in America for me and my family.”

      I retorted: “But didn’t Pakistan pay for your medical school tuition?”

      “Yes, but, as I say, in America life is better for my family.”

      Here is the truth:

      A lot of non-Whites are secretly white supremacists!!! 🙂

      If America rejected them, they would go to Canada, Australia, or Europe — any country AS LONG AS IT WAS WHITE.

  6. It’s one thing to kill the black subversive errand boy of a communist Jewish sodomist, and another to frame an innocent man for it. The latter is sheerest evil.

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