RFK Junior pro-gun rights; protect the borders; exposes nexus of mass shootings, meds and vaccines; spiritual reading

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., founder of the non-profit Children's Health Defense, in Los Angeles, Calif. on Feb. 6, 2023. (York Du/The Epoch Times)
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If you have not yet read my essays on the secret war by the Kennedys 1938-63 on the jews; on their anti-communism; on JFK’s wartime heroism;

….on the clan’s pro-Hitler/pro-German leanings;

on the fury of John Kennedy at Israel over its atomic-bomb program, fearing a nuclear Zionist state would trigger Soviet nuclear support for the Arabs and then WWIII;

The Shimon Peres Nuclear Research Center at Dimona in the Negev Desert

…..and on how Lyndon Johnson was a closet jew and overt psychopath (whom even the liberal jew author Robert Caro exposed as an utter scumbag in his Pulitzer Prize-winning biography, which I read) and it was this monster who arranged the JFK assassination….

….then I would seriously recommend them.

A woman in Germany who said she was a psychic called me on Skype about seven years ago and said….that the spirit of John Kennedy himself had appeared to her…. and that he thanked me for my articles about his family, which were true. She sounded as if she dared not not call me….. She had to transmit this message. It was one of many wow moments in my life.

RFK Junior is following in the brave footsteps of his uncle and father, who today would not be Democrats at all.

Btw, John Kennedy Jr and Donald Trump were quite close in the 1990s and until the former’s death in 1999 in a plane “accident” that was no accident at all.


…..The Jewish serial killing of the Kennedy family

Crypto-Jew (via his mother Rachelle Baines) and US senator Lyndon Johnson meets with Robert and John Kennedy in 1960. He later had both men murdered.

…..American Jews in Pennsylvania steal 500 pounds of plutonium for Israel, dumping radioactivity everywhere — and unleashing a cancer epidemic 

I confront the US ARMY and the local police over the lagging $500 million plutonium cleanup

…and now


Closing the border

Kennedy minced no words on the subject of American sovereignty with particular concern to the U.S.-Mexico border.

“We need to seal our border,” said Kennedy. “It is a key existential function for every nation in the world to be able to control immigration at its border and having millions of people or hundreds of thousands, in this case millions of people, flowing across the border is not something any nation can or should put up with.”

“Worst of all, it’s created a humanitarian crisis at the border. The notion that we have an open border is now a gospel around the world so that people are flying in from all over the world, from Europe, from China, from Asia … and being assisted by nonprofit groups and by government groups to actually make their way to the United States border within buses, and that needs to be shut down.”

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, over 1.4 million illegal aliens stole into the country between October and April alone. Between October 2021 and September 2022, the number of southwest land border encounters was well over 2.3 million. Another 1.7 million entered illegally between October 2020 and September 2021.

Kennedy credits some of the illegal migration to bad U.S. foreign policy in South and Central America, invoking the fallout of the war on drugs and past U.S.-backed coups.

Beyond re-evaluating the country’s approach to its involvement with southern nations, he stressed, “Above all, we need to seal the border,” especially since illegal immigration has a profound impact on the American poor.

“We have people in this country who are poverty-stricken and who don’t have access, because of the paucity of public assistance, don’t even have access to public assistance. And we need to be protecting the people in this country,” said Kennedy. “We don’t have the capacity to support a lot of new immigrants. This huge flood of new immigrants that’s coming into our cities and stressing the school systems, stressing the social service systems for … Americans who are already struggling. It needs to be turned off.”

Bioweapons and military adventurism

Kennedy said that the Democratic Party was not only captive to the pharmaceutical industry but that it has a great interest in the business of war, underscoring that President Joe Biden is a warmonger, reported the Times.

“I think the Democratic Party became the party of war,” said Kennedy. “I attribute that directly to President Biden. … He has always been in favor of very bellicose, pugnacious and aggressive foreign policy, and he believes that violence is a legitimate political tool for achieving America’s objectives abroad.”

Kennedy was as critical if not more so of the war allegedly waged on the homeland.

Kennedy claimed that the CIA continued developing bioweapons in secret after the Biological Weapons Convention went into force in 1975, then took production into high gear in concert with other elements of the government after the Patriot Act was passed.

“We should shut the whole thing down. You know COVID was clearly a bioweapons problem and you saw what that did to us. What if it was a real disease? A disease that had a 50% mortality like dengue fever or Ebola or, you know, one of these other real deadly viruses. They got those in the labs too. What if that was the one that escaped? Let’s shut it down around the world,” said Kennedy.

Liberal media responds

The New York Times claimed Kennedy “sounded like a candidate far more at ease in the mushrooming Republican presidential contest,” accusing him of using his “campaign platform — and his famous name — to promote misinformation and ideas that have little traction in his party.”

The Times further suggested that Kennedy “is a longtime amplifier and propagator of baseless theories.”

CNN suggested that Musk’s “direct association with Kennedy … could have significant ramifications both for Twitter as a platform and for Musk’s credibility,” writing off Kennedy as a “marginal candidate who espouses debunked medical claims.

While CNN framed the interview in a negative light, it did manage to note some of Kennedy’s pro-liberty credentials: “Kennedy has also attacked the closing of churches, social distancing and government track-and-trace surveillance.”

Rolling Stone, which has repeatedly issued false reports and libels, summarized the interview thusly:

“The environmental lawyer turned conspiracy theorist — now attempting to primary President Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination — made time to discuss a wide range of his more outlandish and pseudoscientific ideas throughout a conversation that lasted nearly two and a half hours.”

The interview can be heard in its entirety here:

According to a late-May CNN poll, Kennedy is second most-favored in the polls amongst prospective Democratic voters. 20% presently favor him, but he trails Biden by 40 points. The RealClear Politics average presently has Biden at 42.5 point ad




…..‘I Support the Constitution—That Includes the Second Amendment’: RFK Jr. on Gun Rights

Joseph LordRoman Balmakov
June 4, 2023Updated: June 6, 2023

Presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says that he supports Second Amendment and would not seek a gun confiscation program if elected.

Asked about his stance on gun rights by The Epoch Times, Kennedy, the nephew of President John F. Kennedy, replied, “I support the Constitution that includes the Second Amendment.”

“I’m not going to take anybody’s guns away,” he said. “I think at this point in history all that would do is to increase this toxic polarization.”

“It’s existential for those people who live in those areas,” Kennedy said, citing the self-sufficiency required to live far from civilization centers.

“And it’s part of our Constitution, the Second Amendment as the Supreme Court has interpreted it.”

The current U.S. Supreme Court has veered toward defending gun rights, striking down state-level statutes in several cases where it said these statutes trampled constitutional rights.

Kennedy said that “we need to end the mass killings,” but suggested that gun confiscation or limitations on gun rights are not the way to achieve this goal.

Pharmaceutical Link

Kennedy’s long been a critic of the ways that pharmaceutical products have damaged physical and mental health, particularly among the newest generation, and suggested that psychoactive pharmaceutical products may explain the rise in mass shootings, which are most often perpetrated by men under 40.

“This is the sickest generation of kids that we’ve ever — anybody — has ever produced,” he said, citing a massive uptick in cancers, autoimmune disorders, OCD, ADHD, and other physiological and neurological problems.

When discussing the issue of mass shootings, Kennedy said, “We need to look at the role of psychiatric drugs, particularly of SSRIs [anti-depressants] and benzos [benzodiazepine-class drugs].”

However, he said that research into this matter has been stymied by the National Institutes of Health.

“All of those drugs have on their inserts, ‘May induce suicidal and homicidal behavior,’”

Kennedy pointed out. Suicidal ideation or suicide attempts are cited as one of the most common side effects of anti-depressants and other psychoactive medications.

He suggested this would serve to explain disparities in gun violence rates between the United States and Switzerland.

“Switzerland has more guns per capita than the United States,” he noted. “And Switzerland has not had a mass shooting for 21 years, we have one every 21 hours.”

“Something is happening in our country, something that has never happened before in history,” Kennedy said.

“There’s never been a time in history when people walk into a room of children or strangers and start shooting people—not in our country where we’ve had guns from the beginning, and not in any other country in the world. Something has happened here.

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Americans take three times as many pharmaceutical drugs as other countries” and also has the most significant gun problems, Kennedy opined.

“We have the sickest population in the world. And I think that a lot of the psychiatric issues that we’re looking at come from despair, they come from alienation. And they’re aggravated by those drugs.

“We need to look at those connections and figure out really what is going on, because this is a new phenomenon.

“Before Prozac was introduced [in 1988], mass shootings were one in a million. And today, like I said, they’re every 21 hours.”

Red Flag ‘Snitch Laws’

Asked for his opinions on red flag laws, Kennedy quipped, “I don’t like snitch laws.”

Under red-flag laws, a concerned person can make an anonymous report to a court of law alleging that a firearm owner is a threat to themselves or others. The court can then order an emergency confiscation of the individual’s guns pending further evaluation, without giving the gun owner any chance to defend themselves prior to the seizure.

Proponents say it’s an important way to ensure the safety of the community. Opponents say it strips citizens of due-process rights and allows vengeful acquaintances to target those they don’t like.

“I would want to look at how those laws are structured and what people are suggesting,” Kennedy said.

“I don’t think you should be able to call the police in this country and tell on your neighbors. I’m just uncomfortable with it.”

Kennedy is seeking the Democratic nomination. Party executives have ruled that he and other Democrat contenders for the presidency will not be given the chance to debate President Joe Biden in front of the American people.



….spiritual reading for June 6


The best thing you can do today is to look for the sparkle. We always dislike being vague, and that does  sound rather so. But it is the message that we have for you today. Look for it in the eyes of others, in nature all around, in movement and in stillness, in light and in color. Look for it in the energy you see and feel. Look for it in ideas, in hope, in art, and most of all, look for it in your own heart.

Use your intuition, your senses and your intent to connect with all that is light, bright, hopeful and momentous in your world. The shimmering, the silver and gold, the rainbow refraction of light—look for these today.

Most of you are in need of an upshift in the nature, if not the frequency, of the vibrations in which you live. If you move your awareness into a place where you can see and note the joyful shimmering of consciousness all around you, you will almost inevitably experience that upshift.

We will be tedious in reminding you that things are at a critical pass. Although it may sound like something extra-curricular we are suggesting today, what we are trying to do is help you fnd the best ways to hold yourself together during times of great challenge.

These last few days, we have, for the most part, been encouraging you to try out different means for strengthening and deepening. There will be more of these suggestions as the month moves forward, and we hope you will simply experiment. There is no one on
your planet in form who is invulnerable to the encroaching energies or the shifting of the earth beneath you. Collect and master all the tools and aids you can. Even if they do not suit you best, you may be in a position to share them with someone for whom they work well.

Enough. You know that we are here, that we love you and are always available. Yesterday, we asked you to see the sparkle of God within. Today, try to fnd it without. Truly it is in every corner of creation, and the more you live in consciousness of that, the more you will laugh. The more you laugh, the wiser you will become.

And the wiser you become, the greater your freedom.

To do anything at all.

We love you and send all blessings.




    • I am not surprised…. for jewish power is omnipresent and nearly omnipotent. RFK Jr is being like so many other politicians in being “realistic.”

      My own father clearly understood the DemocraT Party was controlled by wealthy jews…and was bitter and hurt that his insurance brokerage lost the Hasbro account (Hassenfeld Brothers, makers of the action toy “GI Joe”) to the synagogue,” as he put it, saying to me “the jews are very clannish.” I had not heard the adjective “clannish” before and asked him what it meant. He replied: “the jews stick together and always help each other.”

      Two decades later, he said to me: “John, you cannot take on the jews.”

      This does not mean American politicians like the jews, not at all. They just put up with them as a fact of life, as a force that must be appeased. Genuine liberals actually loathe Israel for oppressing and killing the indigneous Palestinians, and for its perceived militarism, fundamentalism and nationalism. And genuine conservatives despise Israel as the funding source behind feminism, LGBTQ, abortion, gun bans, open borders and the entire George Soros agenda.

      I remember well how very popular congressmen and senators who criticized Israel lost re-election, such as Cong. Paul Findley, R-Illinois, Senator Charles Percey (also R-Illinois), and Senator J. William Fulbright (D-Arkansas), when the jews poured donations in to ther opponents and various scandals were dug up or invented about them and then churned through the jewspapers.

      I remember when Satanyahu of IsraHell (over the opposition of President Obama!!!) addressed a Joint Session of Congress in 2015, got thirty obsequious standing ovations, and yet on the faces of many Republicans there was just cold resentment.

      My goal in life, now that my cancer-ridden wife, Margi, mercifully has passed on and our house was sold and evacuated, is to change the equation.

      Then you will see all the RFK Juniors, and the admirals and the generals, the judges and the police commissioners, all turn in retribution on the arrogant, bullying and wicked jews, just as they always wanted to do.

    • I have read that Sirhan Sirhan did not fire the shot that killed Robert Kennedy. Also, it is a widely accepted fact that JFK was murdered because he would not allow Israel to have the nuclear bomb.

      • Yes.

        And what did it avail RFK to kiss his Israeli enemies’ butt? They had him killed anyway. Pathetic…..

        The jews knew that RFK, the former US Attorney General, having won the presidency against Nixon, would investigate the murder of his own brother!

        And so would JFK Junior have done so — the assassination of his own father! He was an Assistant DA in Manhattan, a lawyer, and owner of an investigative magazine, “George”!

        Talmudic Judaism is one big murder machine.

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