Rich Dane buried HUGE gold treasure as climate suddenly got frigid — famine ensued — and people begged the gods for mercy

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A French comrade sent me this:

Denmark : They found gold medals with runic inscription still unknown today

This is my translation from Danish to English.


Huge gold treasure found near Jelling: – Medallions the size of saucers

*** JdN:  Wiki says: Jelling is an old and important historical town in the history of Denmark. In the Viking Age it served as the royal seat of the first Monarchs of the Kingdom of DenmarkJelling is the site of a large stone ship and two large burial mounds, the Jelling stones and Jelling Church, which are an UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1994.

One of the two Jelling stones, with the presumed orginal color. The stone has a figure of the crucified Christ on one side and on another side a serpent wrapped around a lion. Christ is depicted as standing in the shape of a cross and entangled in what appear to be branches.[16] This depiction of Christ has often been taken as indicating the parallels with the “hanging” of the Norse pagan god Odin, who in Rúnatal gives an account of being hanged from a tree and pierced by a spear.[16]


Both Jelling Stones, glorifying the royal parents of King Harald Bluetooth and the conversion (often by force!) of Denmark to Christianity. The mound in the back is a burial mound for Harald Bluetooth. 



I did some research on the frigid weather around the time when this vast gold treasure was buried.


The extreme weather events of 535–536 were the most severe and protracted short-term episodes of cooling in the Northern Hemisphere in the last 2,000 years.[1] The event is thought to have been caused by an extensive atmospheric dust veil, possibly resulting from a large volcanic eruption conjectured to be either in Asia, the Americas, Europe [Iceland\], or other locations.[2][3] Its effects were widespread, causing unseasonable weather, crop failures, and famines worldwide.[4]

A volcano explodes in modern Iceland.

  • Low temperatures, even snow during the summer (snow reportedly fell in August in China, which caused the harvest there to be delayed)[13]
  • Widespread crop failures[14]
  • “A dense, dry fog” in the Middle East, China and Europe[13]
  • Drought in Peru, which affected the Moche culture[13][15]

The 536 event and ensuing famine have been suggested as an explanation for the deposition of hoards of gold by Scandinavian elites at the end of the Migration Period. The gold was possibly a sacrifice to appease the gods and get the sunlight back.[33][34] Mythological events such as the Fimbulwinter and Ragnarök are theorized to be based on the cultural memory of the event.[35]

The decline of Teotihuacán, a large city in Mesoamerica, is also associated with the droughts related to the climate changes, with signs of civil unrest and famines.[citation needed]

A book written by David Keys speculates that the climate changes contributed to various developments, such as the emergence of the Plague of Justinian (541–549 AD), the decline of the Avars, the migration of Mongolian tribes towards the West, the end of the Sassanid Empire, the collapse of the Gupta Empire, the rise of Islam, the expansion of Turkic tribes, and the fall of Teotihuacán.[15]


After 1500 years in the ground, one of the largest, richest and most beautiful gold treasures in Danish history so far has just been found, just outside Jelling. The enormous find of almost a kg (2.2 pounds!) of gold, i.a. consisting of huge medallions the size of saucers.

Ole Ginnerup Schytz had just acquired a metal detector, and was allowed to walk around the grounds with an old classmate. After a few hours, he found what is qualitatively one of the largest gold finds in Danish history, writes Kongernes Jelling in a press release.

This week, the site has been excavated by the Vejle Museumarchaeologists, in collaboration with the National Museum’s experts and with funds from the Palaces and Culture Agency.

Another archaeological find in Southern Jutland: [note the swastika on the medaillion on the right]

Archaeologists now know that the treasure was buried in a longhouse, located in a village, about 1500 years ago. The investigations, and the many samples and data collected, will provide invaluable knowledge about the connections and circumstances that led to the tax being abolished by a great man, then in the Iron Age.


Big man close to Jelling

The discovery of the enormous amount of gold shows that the site has been a center of great power in the late Iron Age.

– Only a member of society’s absolute top society would have been able to collect a treasure like the one found here, explains Vejle Museum research director Mads Ravn, and she continues:

– Although the city name, where the treasure was found, can be linked to the time of migration, there was nothing that could make us predict that an unknown warlord or great man lived here, long before the kingdom of Denmark arose in the following centuries .

Here, just under eight km from Jelling, which in the 900s became Denmark’s cradle, there was already a great man in the 500s who managed to create wealth and attract skilled artisans. For as yet unknown reasons, he chose to bury this large golden treasure in the early 500s.

Maybe to save it in case of war or invasion, or maybe as a sacrifice to higher powers.

Mythological motifs and a Roman emperor

The find consists of saucer-sized, beautifully decorated medallions, so-called bracteates. There are also Roman coins that have been made into jewelry. They occur in a technique and a combination that has never before been seen.  The finding of experts is that they are completely unique in quality.

Some of the objects have motifs and runic inscriptions that may refer to the rulers of the time, but which also, according to some of the researchers who have so far had the opportunity to examine the treasure, lead the mind to Nordic mythology.

One of the finds is a bracteate that has a male head with a braid and a number of runes on it. Under the head is seen a horse and in front of a bird with which the man communicates. [JdN: Odin had two raven friends, Hugin and Munin.]

There is a runic inscription between the horse’s muzzle and forelegs, which according to the preliminary interpretations says ‘houaʀ’; ‘the tall’.

“‘The High’ may refer to the ruler who hid the treasure, but this title, in later mythological contexts, was associated with the god Odin.

Coin from the Roman Empire

There are also much older coins from the Roman Empire. Most notably a heavy gold coin from the Roman emperor Constantine the Great (285-337 AD). Constantine legalized Christianity among the Romans in 313 AD, a few hundred years before the coin that bears his face found rest under a Jutlandic longhouse, 2,000 km north.

The fascinating journey of gold tells us about a European continent that was already closely connected by trade and war in the Iron Age.

A chaotic time

Many of Scandinavia’s largest gold finds date from the middle of the 5th century, when the ash cloud from a large volcanic eruption in the year 536 AD, created a global climate catastrophe with many years of misgrowth and famine.

Preliminary dates suggest that this treasure was also buried during this chaotic time in world history. A couple of years ago, the archaeologists of the Vejle Museum excavated another gold treasure from the period on the small island of Hjarnø in Horsens fjord.

According to many researchers, the climate catastrophe in 536 caused the inhabitants of the time in present-day Denmark to reject the old rulers and hide lots of gold during this very period. Maybe to save it from enemies, or maybe to appease the gods.

Some believe that the foundation of the Viking Age society, and a united Danish kingdom, lies in this period.

More than 40 kg of gold from these very centuries in the Iron Age have been found. But the size, quantity and technical details of the objects in the treasure, now found just outside Jelling, are completely unique and place the find in the absolute top.


……Nuclear winter

Suppose this theory is right that one big volcano caused all this worldwide devastation, leading a very rich man to bury most or all of his gold, or sacrifice it to presumably furious gods.

Now suppose we have World War Three, with Russia & China versus the US. Just Russia and the US (forgetting China) have 7,000 nuclear warheads each.

The dust from dozens of vaporized cities would be incredible. And that would trigger what is called “nuclear winter.”

Which is why I must act, and very, very soon.





    • Thanks. In the second image, why is the numerical value for certain letters so high? 72, 142, etc.

      In normal numerology, with which I am very familiar, the letters have values that range only from 1 to 9.

  1. Reminds me of my friend who always said during Christmas that all the jewish shop-owners stand in front of their shops and sing “What a friend we have in Jesus.”

    • Aspetta, ora ho capito 🙂
      È la seconda volta che noto questo particolare.
      Quattro cantanti…come i Quattro cavalieri dell’Apocalisse.
      OMG…allora sei proprio tu!
      E che mi vengono in mente le frasi delle canzoni.. così,non ci fare caso!
      Ho trovato questo articolo sulla Massoneria:
      Superiori Sconosciuti.
      Tornando a confini dove la ragione possa investigare senza credere ad assurdi favoleggiamenti, di cui massoni e preti sono esperti nel far circolare, possiamo dire che storicamente questo Segreto può essere individuato in ciò che i Templari avevano scoperto in Terra Santa: che il Jehova ebraico non era nient’altro che Baal, dio del sangue e della magia e dei sacrifici umani. E in tutta la Bibbia il dio ebraico, l’impronunciabile YHAVE’, è tutto questo”.
      Ops 😉
      Io preferisco John.

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