“Rich Men” soars worldwide to 32 MILLION views; PROOF that SPIRITUALITY WORKS; guardian angels; an Aussie who donates asks me a big question

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James French as a farm boy in England had a miserable childhood (just as I did in New England in America), but animals were his great comfort. And he learned how to comfort THEM because they too can have wounded feelings, traumas, awful memories, and trust issues.

See below! It is wonderful, and shows that spirituality is practical!

This foal was so scared it would trot away or even run if you tried to speak to it even very gently, or seek to stroke it. Now look.


This lion used to roar and leap ferociously at the fence at any human who was merely passing by, an obviously terrifying experience.




…..this bimbo on VK wants me

What do you think, guys? A nice, old-fashioned girl. 😉



….song ABOUT WHITE MISERY continues exploding –UP SIX MIO MORE IN ONE DAY 

7 hours ago
You know things are getting bad when non-country-music fans can relate to a country song 🙂


5 hours ago (edited)
This song should play loudly in factories, offices, schools and mines and we should all sing along. All day.

3 hours ago (edited)
A proud-as-hell Aussie here, and your lyrics resonate the exact same way. A truer word, never spoken. The rich getting richer, the poorer getting poorer, and the politicians are the puppets. Thankyou for your voice, and sharing it with the world mate.


6 hours ago
I think this song hit the spot, not just for Americans but the whole western world. Love from Denmark . ❤️

1 hour ago
32 Million American People who are tired of these “Rich Men North of Richmond” ☝ Keep blowing this up, people!


9 days ago
5.5 million views in 4 days. You struck a chord with all of us, buddy. Keep preaching — we’re listening!



….spiritual reading for August 22

There is tremendous relief available to you when you stop trying to hold up that which can no longer
be supported. You have experienced this: when once you are willing and able to look the truth head
on, it seems so incredibly obvious that you are dumbfounded that it took you so long to see. And although it may not be welcome, there is no doubt that when you free your energies from the task of withstanding the advance into your awareness of something both true and determined, there is much more available to you, both energetically and emotionally.

Look, this is no small task; and we know that even as we suggest it. Lives are full and busy and there isn’t endless time to ponder current or former states of being. However, the universe does not set you foolish tasks, but makes them all relevant. It is likely that there are a few things rising to the surface for you right now. A sense of confusion, of being drawn simultaneously in several directions, a lack of clarity about how to translate belief into action.

These are indicators that you have reached the point where it is important to examine—in the context of your life—what really holds water and what is nothing more than an outdated version of who you are. So if you do encounter any situations where you are not clear on how your values direct you to live or act, take the opportunity to investigate deeply.

Go into your core to know what is really true for you. And while you do it, take care to quiet your mind, for as always, its agenda will lie in maintaining its supremacy.

How do you clear something that is no longer of use to you? Well, the easiest and most direct route is to take an action that reflects who you are today. So, again, utilize your life—if there is a question, answer it. In other words, stand firmly on the ground of your truth. Sometimes this is the hardest part, to ally yourself in an undeniable way with the you that you have become. But it solidifies that transformation and goes a long way toward freeing you from that which is no longer needed.

The other piece of this that we need to mention is just how good it will feel. Clearing out the old is tough work, but once done, the sense of lightness and freedom and clarity is extraordinary. Clean a drawer or a closet and you get this boon — and, clean your consciousness and it is magnified many times over. And we would add that in so doing, you contribute much to the world around you. Your clarity and lightness will shine as a beacon to others. Even, and sometimes particularly, when your truths are not what others seem to expect of you.

Being authentic, all the way through, is an extremely powerful example to set. You all long
for it, and yet it often seems out of reach, just too awkward or inconvenient or unseemly. Set an example, in your own way, and you change the world for others as well as yourself.

So, self-scrutiny and deep honesty are probably the most important things you can bring to your journey today. As they are on many days. Be brave and don’t let concepts—no matter their size or wide-spread acceptance—stop you from looking for the truth. As they so rightly say, it sets you free.

We send love and many blessings.



…..James French performs daily miracles — watch! 

This Englishman takes on the most abused, neglected and traumatized animals, often rescue animals, and by calming HIS OWN MIND, James radiates calm right into the animal.

(He uses Eckhart Tolle terminology, btw.)

The animal stops fearing. It ceases to rehash its own dreadful past, its trauma, and its awful memories. These dogs, cats, horses, pigs, lions and bears all have feelings and memories, too!

Margi became convinced by observing her cat, Princess, that she, as an animal, thought in images, not words. If Margi thought “go try that new cat food” and visualized an image of the new cat food in the dish, Princess would go right over and try it out!

She got Princess to try eating some wheat grass, which was very good for her upset stomach.

And are we Whites not just higher kinds of animals, too, with our own feelings and memories, who truly are abused too — and neglected, and traumatized by the jews, other minorities, and by the worst creatures of all, our own white traitors????

Is this not why the “Rich Men” song has taken off?  From our feeling abused, exploited, controlled and betrayed?

Now just you watch this!!!



An Australian who just sent me $50 via Western Union (his latest of many donations over the years) asked me why others do not donate — yet he does, as he wrote, “from the other side of the world.”
Christmas card with $50 Australian (=$US30) in 2019 from this same working-class donor
It has always been a problem getting donations ever since I started in 2008!
And only by having spiritual knowledge can I explain it. This planet is full of functional atheists, and, in Christian parlance, sinners, people who think that mooching is okay — Hell, let someone else donate while I get the free ride.
“And there is not really any God or any angels to see it. That is all just fairy tales to make people feel good.”
And yet there is a God who sees all things, including all our sins of omission and commission, but they are not interesting in reading the proof.
AND guardian angels see everything, too! They can help us — they WANT to — unless we get so wicked they stay distant from us for their own safety.  Our own aura can be so toxic they simply back off and watch from farther away, and do not seek to help any longer — until we repent and regret our sins of omission and commission, and our violations of the great Law of Love.
Then these same moochers and fault-finders wonder why this world is such a hell.  Gee, they might look in the mirror next time they shave. Emoji
I did a big blog just a few days ago about NDEs, Near-Death Experiences.  When I do such blogs, which are hard evidence, the egoic mind of the reader is not happy but dismayed. On such articles I often get ZERO comments.
In particular, the actual events of “Miracles from Heaven” — the people involved, the illnesses, the hospital stays, the Harvard medical specialist and his testimony as a medical doctor about the case, how her diseases were incurable, and he sent her home from Boston Children’s to die surrounded by her family….
And then, on top of it all, the girl’s 30-foot fall right onto her head, and then her TOTAL REMISSION — all of which I spent four hours verifying online. It is highly convincing.
This video shows the actual Beam family, admitting that Annabel’s disease was a huge strain on them all. These are not sketchy trailer-park folks telling a tall tale to make money. Both the surgeon husband and author wife were already highly successful. This NDE and total remission really happened. And it proves there is a Higher Power.

And so, of course, most readers offer such a wonderful, true and uplifting story no comment.

Not one word. Because the egoic mind that has possession of people wants us instead to be miserable, not happy. It thrives on disaster — and rejoices when we self-destruct.
It wilts only when we are happy, serene and successful.
But let me write any “bash-erama” article on how the Jews (or the Blacks or the Muslims, or the drag queens, or Bill Gates, or Dr. Tony Fauci, or Joe Biden, or George Soros, or Klaus Schwab or Lord Rothschild) are nasty motherf–kers who are f—king us over….
Oh, THEN, oh sure, THEN they gobble up and respond fully to THAT. Emoji
And partly it is also egoic: their pleasure at negative things happening, something to complain about, and they rejoice at the dismal “proof” that (as an American bumper sticker goes) “life’s a bitch — and then ya die.” Emoji
And the corollary is they never wish to ponder all the wonderful things still going on all the time, all the acts of kindness, such as this Englishman going into the cold water to save an exhausted, water-soaked and thus extremely heavy sheep from death by drowning….


…..and reflect deliberately on all the white men and women, all the parents and workers, all going out every day and fulfilling all their various duties….

…all the kind nurses, the dedicated doctors, the EMTs, the social workers, cheerful waiters and waitresses….. all the good cops who truly care and risk their very lives — 73 American cops, protecting the public, were killed by thugs in 2021 (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10751687/Number-police-officers-died-line-duty-year-rose-59.html) —

….all the beautiful and well-behaved little white children,

….the sweet young couples holding hands….the white babies….
….and there is always nature’s continuing beauty around us as well.
Scenes from around the UP of Michigan
When I write of these positive and uplifting things going on all around us in the spiritual readings,  I always get zero comments.
Always …..zero. 😉
We wouldn’t want to be happy now, would we? Not even for a moment. Our egoic mind would lose control then.
We just have “no time” to contemplate anything loving, sublime and uplifting. We just have to read what the jews are up to.
No time for all that airy-fairy positive bullshit. Emoji
“The world sucks, and here is another example.” And that is all they want to read.
And because it sucks … they can justify doing nothing.
Also, in despising another group our own ego is puffed up even further — though, yes, of course, the Jews, Blacks, Masons, Abo[rigine]s, Muslims, white libtards, drag queens, and the gullible clot-shot takers, all richly deserve condemnation for their multitudinous CRIMES of the most serious gravity, their cowardice, their treason and their murders!
Julius Malema in South Africa openly advocates white genocide, yet, showing who pays him, also publicly promotes LGBTQ and trans, though 99% of his supporters and all Black Africans (one thing to their credit) totally reject it:

This is the negro who raped a Cherbourg, France white woman with a broom handle until her intestines burst, but remember:  a negro is a negro. Who unleashed him on a white society and who covered it up?
Caption: “France Inter [radio] deliberately covered up the atrocious crime in Cherbourg, an unforgivable error by a state-run radio service financed by the taxpayer. Not one reporter for this radio network deserves a press card.” / “Thanks, France Inter, for hiding my crime from your listeners.”
And these clot-shotters who dug in their heels and refused to hear any warnings from us, getting their two, three or four jew-jabs and boosters for every Covid “variant”….
Well, now more and more of them are actually dying, because they took the jew jab and this was, in effect, committing suicide, pointless suicide, sheep smugly trotting off to the slaughter while feeling all good about themselves (ego puffery) for “trusting the science”and despising the “conspiracy nuts” who were spreading “disinformation.”
Many of them who took the clot shot have spouses, kids, businesses and careers!
I can testify how disruptive the death was when I lost my wife Margaret, eleven months and 21 days ago.
It was not just emotionally devastating, but also financially. To keep this site going when my income overnight went down by 75% I had to sell a paid-off house.
Yes, when finally as an active white nationalist I had a secure place to stay and call my own, and not pay enormous rent or be at the mercy of a libtard or just anti-nazi landlord or landlady as Margi and I were in 2014.
But since 99% of readers refuse to donate, I had to sell my house out from under me.
Going back to all these Covid true believers, by dying, they are leaving a huge hole and gap behind for others!
If a mother dies, who will care for her kids?
I just yesterday ran in the grocery store into a nice fellow I have known for years, a Navy Vietnam veteran, a SWIFT boat veteran, in fact. (SWIFT boats were US Navy 50-foot aluminum speedboats with big 50-caliber machine guns that went up the rivers looking for Viet Cong and North Vietnamese —  communist — soldiers, landing our troops and firing on communists to kill them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrol_Craft_Fast)
These American guys were bad-asses who went looking for trouble, “search-and-destroy,” as they said.

Jim is a MAGA type, and liked and voted twice for Trump. Well, he trusted old Trump, one fool trusting another, and he got the clot-shot, twice in fact. And now he has heart troubles! “I never had any problems with my ticker before the vaccine,” he said.
Let us recall that Trump was endorsing Ivermectin against Covid and then stopped, switching to the Pfizer jew jab, which has now killed MILLIONS of people, including Trump’s own voters! Ivermectin was cheap, safe, tested and approved six long decades ago, and was and is effective against Covid. But the idiot Trump trusted the slimey likes of Anthony FAUCI!
But back to my own readers, typical earthlings — and “earthling” is the accurate word, because there are other humans living all over the galaxy, advanced and peaceful humans.
The October 1954 Staffordshire, England incident

In 1976, Hugh Burnett was preparing a UFO documentary for the BBC, and he approached Charles Bowen and Gordon Creighton of Flying Saucer Review. They gave him the contact information for Jessie Roestenburg. The documentary was titled Out of this World, and it was first broadcast May 10, 1977 on BBC 1. It’s largely responsible for reviving interest in the case, and today, most people are probably familiar with Jessie Roestenburg’s story via the YouTube clip of her from the programIt’s often shared with comments noting how genuine, sincere and credible she appears. 

She describes the saucer as looking like a Mexican hat, and says occupants, says were beautiful people with long golden hair, wearing  coverings over their heads like a “transparent fishbowl.”
“They just looked, and I was absolutely paralytic with fear. I couldn’t move, although my mind was taking over. And they seemed so sympathetic that I was mesmerized, seemed to be – oh, ages, but it could have only been seconds. After checking on her boys, “I looked up and it was gone.” 
Asked about the size of the object, she says it was “massive,” that it was larger than the roof of the house. She said they saw the object again in the distance, that it circled them three times then it shot off.
Mrs. Roestenburg appeared in another UFO program a few years later, and told her story again on the episode, “U.F.O.s” of Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious World, which was broadcast Nov. 4, 1980. It’s interesting to contrast it with her previous clip from the 1977, Out of this World. Her description of the events are very similar,  sometimes word for word. In both she’s quite animated, but here she’s far less emotional, and perhaps convincing. 
She describes discovering the flying saucer:

“To my amazement there, suspended on the top of the roof of this old farm, was this object that I can only describe as a huge Mexican hat. It was that shape, without the bobbles. It must have been fifteen to twenty yards from where I stood. It covered the roof, so in circumference it must have been about sixty feet, it was enormous.  The people in the space-craft were just looking out, I could see them from the waist to the top of their heads.

They were very beautiful people. They had long golden hair… and they just looked at us. Their eyes – the expression in their eyes – were full of compassion.”

“And then all of a sudden, I felt the tension leaving me and I felt movement, and I turned around to touch my children and when I looked again it was gone.”

Moments later, her younger son pointed it out then, “it circled round the farm three times, then it just shot straight up and away.”

“U.F.O.s” episode of Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious World  (link)
But the typical earthling derives a weird egoic pleasure, while reading my multitudinous exposés on the various parasitical and dangerous ethnic, racial and sexual minorities, from the strange fun of looking down on someone else. 
So ngr-bashing and jew-bashing always gets a reaction. But the real issue is not these groups at all, who are acting just as predicted. They are just behaving exactly as they have always acted for centuries or millennia. Guarantee: if you bring in and tolerate such people, they will exactly follow their programming. I think we all remember the tale of the frog and the scorpion!
The issue is why WE, as Whites, put up with their antics, and why my mooching readers do not donate to someone (me) who is fighting for and exposing them at his own crushing financial expense.
This is a planet full of souls who feel utterly separated from their fellow man. They do not feel the fundamental, mystical truth that we all are one.  They do not feel much love for themself or anyone else.
And by doing nothing they are committing the sin of omission.
But by being functional atheists, they do not believe in “sin” or that anyone exists that can see this dereliction.
And they sit back and hope someone else sends John his money.
A woman told me “I think all this webmaster and monitoring thing is a scam.”
Yet she was a reader herself back in 2017 when, under a previous webmaster (who was not a website security expert with skills to stop hackers; he worked cheap but lacked the special skills a hacking expert needs) and with no website monitor watching the site and reporting intruders to said webmaster, my site was down literally one day out of two!
She rationalizes what is at bottom just base cheapness.
She saw one hundred times — BEFORE my current PAID-BY-ME webmaster and PAID-BY-ME monitor — how my site was constantly “down” and she herself got these messages instead, over and over and over and over and over and over, but I guess she “forgot”:
Readers even got this on occasion, a fake message claiming I had locked them out:


So this is the recalcitrant earthling race into which I have yet again volunteered to reincarnate. 😉 I’ve got my work cut out for me. 😉
I could have just been this German-descended Mennonite farmboy down in South America, in Bolivia, who looks exactly, eerily like me, my Doppelgänger, as the Germans say, and had my peaceful, rural life. I coulda met a nice German-Mennonite girl, had babies, and just let this stubborn, reality-denying world go straight to hell, as per its evident wish.  Emoji

I want to go to prison

…and later be the most hated man on earth, because you can count on this: earthlings will always believe their lying, mortal, genocidal, jewish enemies over those who LOVE them. 😉

So they suffer on and despair in a mess entirely of their own making… richly deserving it by their sins of omission.
Sure, the jews are evil, but if you do nothing about it — hey, I get it that truly not everyone is a born fighter — and not even help those who ARE fighters, then you whine to God in vain.
And this is why only a new religion can save us. Our soul is the problem. Our white DNA is fine. We are capable of incredible glory, of which the Third Reich for twelve long years was the hardest possible proof in this real world of ours, an amazing success in both war and peace. It took the whole jew-run world six years to defeat one single country.
And why do they still demonize it non-stop?
Because they knew I would return, fool that I am. Emoji
But God is a fool too, and if HE loves you folks, and sees the beauty latent in you, the love, the heroism, the nobility buried deep-down in there, then I guess I can keep on too. 🙂
Somehow I will start this religion while broke, I guess. 😉 But I was broke in 1919, too. The party was broke. My followers were broke.
And yet….
We did it!
John de Nugent



  1. The “rich men” song means something different to us than the meaning being given to it. To us the “rich men” are the Jews. The meaning being given to it is Marxist, or class animosity.

    • Yes, indeed, though this Chris Lunsford is singing a very angry protest song (no humor or smiles or good-old-boy anything in it at all) that indirectly attacks Epstein (“minors on an island somewhere” = the jew Epstein) and he openly denounces the Washington DC crowd, which is what “north of Richmond” means.
      And he attacks them not just for their obscene levels of wealth while others like him work extremely hard and long hours only to live on the edge, but also and specifically for wanting “total control.”
      That is overtly anti-New World Order talk.

  2. Dear John de Nugent,

    The compilation of information in this article is once again an extraordinary synthesis, with the highest practical relevance, especially the animal video and the angel video. With all the justification to illustrate grievances (also as a prerequisite for their rectification) and with all the justification to do this repeatedly for the sake of memorability as well as for new readers: Concentrate, John, more on such practical articles and instructions that illustrate how we can systematically release our inner energies, cultivate the contact with our guardian angel.

    The other side consciously operates psychologically in order to destroy us. We must proceed just as systematically, only with other signs: We have to cultivate the contact with the inner self or guardian angel (means the same) and concentrate on appropriate methods, on mental anticipating pictures of desired events etc. (unfortunately, so far I did not practice all the numerous theoretical findings myself). Noticing what happened and is happening in the outside world is important, but the focus must be on methods of a practical nature. To this end, John, you have provided great basic knowledge all these years, also illustrating the abysses that are absolutely necessary to know, to understand the energetic connections, to understand on how is operated, for good or for bad.

    You lost Margi last year. I lost the most important person in my life at the beginning of May 2023. I kept putting off so many things, like asking if I could pick out the family photos that were tucked away somewhere in my room in a shoebox. Or the picture where she was seen as a toddler in Brieg, Silesia on a meadow (also somewhere in my room). Or the simple ask if I could make a picture print of her birthplace in Brieg (Google Street View). For years I put everything off, bogged down 80% of my time with politics et al, now I cannot. But all that, including the Silesia trip and the Bavaria trip I want to catch up with her in the next incarnation, in this life I will travel alone, in the next incarnation then together.

    But now to your Margi: That is great that Margi communicated or is communicating in pictures (probable new Margis in the past), with the cat. The John-de-Nugent-material, the Seth-material and the Rudolf-Steiner-material (and Wolfgang Wiedergut and many others) provide absolutely central spiritual knowledge, gold knowledge, to unfold the inner abilities. The material world and material experience will be immeasurably richer when the interconnectedness with the inner world will be realized. By way of introduction, one more insertion:

    Simultaneity of incarnations: Hand-Finger Illustration
    According to Seth, all time is supposed to be simultaneous, but not in the sense of predestination. Incarnations are supposed to be parallel. I have a hand-finger analogy: the fingers of a hand can be in five places at once. This is how it is with our incarnations, we are incarnated in parallel in different ages. Now imagine each finger with a brain and with eyes. All fingers belong to one and the same hand and can look at each other. And so it is with us, we are in several places at the same time and when we think about or see past or future incarnations, we are actually looking at ourselves. But it is much more complex than that:

    Probabilities: Green Lily Comparison
    There are probabilities, in every incarnation. One imagines a green lily, it may represent a point in time. It throws offshoots, so to speak brother selves or sister selves. At all times of life, in every incarnation. When two equally strong desires are present, often probable offshoots are created, brother selves that are just as independent and real, at that moment new versions of ourselves are born that consider us probable selves, a new probability line/world emerges. There are (information) breakthroughs. When a probable self has unfolded an ability, it is much easier to unfold it.

    And one is supposed to be able to use abilities which one has developed in another incarnation, to be able to “reactivate” (in quotation marks because this takes place simultaneously). Critical thinking is of course also interaction with the other incarnations (with oneself (hand-finger-comparison)!) and influences the behavior of the respective, in other ages incarnated (own!) selves. Thereby also there new probabilities are generated, new probable selves are born. A future self can warn a past self which tried an unfavorable way, whereupon this goes an alternative way. This also cross-incarnation!

    Image communication: Central communication key
    What Margi practiced with Princess the cat, thought communication in pictures, is, according to Rudolf Steiner, a central key to communication with the deceased. No acquired ability, no knowledge, absolutely nothing, is ever lost. Also, one is supposed to be able to learn a language much faster in other incarnations, if one has already learned it in another or in another probability. However, in the inner world sometime after one’s death, one is supposed to switch to image-based communication. Abstract nouns are to be understood first no more (in contrast to doing words). Every matter can be translated into picture language, no matter how complex it may be. Of course, we all have to train ourselves in it, unfold it. It is one of the next development steps of mankind.

    According to Seth, this is supposed to be the direction of communication between our closest parts as follows:

    I-consciousness subconsciousness inner self/guardian angel.

    The subconscious is supposed to look, Janus-faced, into the physical as well as into the inner reality. It translates in both directions. Now, we can and should also learn (this is not a devaluation of word-based communication) to communicate facts in pictures.

    We, that is our thoughts, are supposed to be the books of our dear deceased ones
    Introductory notes: It is known that there are supposed to be various superlibraries (including Akasha Chronicle) as well as a level where any information is supposed to be available. We incarnated generate knowledge for the spiritual world, we are not “only” pupils/students, but we try theoretical ideas practically. Now, however, it is not supposed to behave in such a way that we, who are in our incarnation education, automatically have access to these super libraries, if we are in the meantime (linear time interpreted) in the beyond, in the spiritual world, are on inner levels of reality. Books are supposed to be able to be read there only in the memory.

    Spiritual knowledge is to be able to acquire only during the incarnations, or however, and this is the absolute superhammer(!): Deceased can receive it from their relatives! The change on the inner level does not bring with itself that one knows there in the new environment automatically everything about the inner reality structures there. One is in a new environment, but (apart from the cat’s great inner perceptive abilities), a cat, for example, does not automatically have knowledge about chemistry and physics, even if it is traveling in a physical world. It is all described in the Steiner material, it makes absolutely stunned (unfortunately, I don’t have the exact sources at hand at the moment):

    a) the indirect way of knowledge transfer:
    We incarnated relatives or near ones are a central interface of the deceased to the physical world. The deceased take part in the physical reality, want to participate. And they long for spiritual knowledge! Every night, when we go to sleep, the whole load of our day thoughts is supposed to be brought with us to the spiritual world.

    The dead are supposed to, well, like a field, a field where there are seeds (!), rush to our thoughts every night, read them, and look for uplifting, furthering, furthering knowledge, SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE! look out. And, in view of the materialism, for so many decades, there is supposed to be a real famine in the hereafter.

    b) the direct way: Reading for the dead.
    Now one should even be able to read for the dead. One does not have to be able to project awake consciously (out-of-body projection illustrated by “Snoopy Come Home” 1973 in *), although the conscious change of frequency of consciousness, awake conscious transitions into the inner world and back, are one of the next developmental steps/challenges of man.
    [*] “Chapter 5 (historical*) Inner Levels of Communication and Reality Structures”

    One can read spiritual knowledge directly, invite deceased people to it. One is supposed to translate the knowledge in thoughts, in the spirit in vivid, pictorial language. Of course, this is challenging at the beginning. It is best to prepare the knowledge (one’s own compilation, article, transcription, etc.). One can write down purely word-based how to visualize it pictorially. One could even place a computer next to oneself and then look up sentence by sentence what has been prepared. And how do you find the right pictures for abstract words and facts with certainty? (I have to practice it myself now, so I am still a beginner): By asking one’s own subconscious for help with the preparatory translation!

    But you have to imagine that, we earth-based, from the earth mind, can impart spiritual knowledge to the deceased in the spiritual world. One must first understand this, grasp what unbelievable opportunities lie in the fact that we can study spiritual knowledge not only for ourselves but also for and with our loved ones, that we can impart such super-central knowledge to them. This is the greatest gift of love that we can give them (and ourselves).

    Knowledge once imparted is either immediately available again or after a short time, whether acquired in previous incarnations or in the meantime. And you, John, not only describe but bring great illustrations from around the world and history. The Vietnamese boy who spoke only American English from an early age, who refused to learn Vietnamese, whose at times desperate mother had to learn English in night school in order to communicate with him in everyday life, he said on a talk show that his name was Ryan. Or Mozart. Or the certainly authentic video you brought of the restaurant-owning family where a stranger came in and the youngest family member (toddler) spontaneously ran up to him, hugged him and wouldn’t let him go, that was certainly a reincarnative re-encounter.

    There is another interesting point: Seth said that he perceives people (quasi like superimposed) in all their incarnations at the same time. Now if toddlers are still strongly otherworldly, then it could be that they see people of this incarnation similarly superimposed. For example, a toddler might recognize a parent from a previous incarnation when that parent walks by, point his or her finger in shock, and exclaim, “Daddy!” The current parent may object, “That’s not the daddy,” but a previous relative/father may have been recognized.

    The opposite side works of course with high pressure to prevent the consciousness revolution. According to different sources meanwhile the biggest deployment of dark forces should have taken place in the beyond to prevent the remembrance of mankind to the inner origins. However: Also the background powers must follow the spiritual laws, they know these very well, therefore one finds also on their platforms the truth, since they must announce, directly or indirectly, what they do and what they intend. By allowing the truth again and again, despite all censorship, and giving it a platform, among other things, they take this spiritual law into account.

    In a way, it is also a bit like what is said in the film version of “Dead Poets Society”: “[…] For me, sport is actually a chance for us to have other human beings to push us to excel,” here right at the beginning: “Kick the ball”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpJtEXT_T9k

    In the future, according to Seth (book: “Seth Speaks”), people shall greet themselves not only as those who they are in the respective incarnation, but also as those who they “were” (in reality are!) in other incarnations. According to Steiner, in the future people shall also be able to remember their intermediate time in the hereafter.

    All comprehensive holistic knowledge collections illustrate the Christ personality. This is not simply a moral concept, but on the contrary, every human being is supposed to have an encounter with it in the hereafter, it is supposed to have made it possible that we are our own judges, that we are/will be enabled to judge our own deeds independently. So no more judging by third parties (Moses-based) , but empowerment to take a self-critical perspective. Seth material, Steiner material, John-de-Nugent material, Wolfgang Wiedergut and many others discuss the Christ personality in detail. It is a central part of our inner reality structure, it helps us in our further development.

    Continue to expand your knowledge collection, John, your holistic knowledge platform. You say yourself again and again that this time it has to be a spiritual revolution. Johndenugent.com acts as a spiritual knowledge multiplier.

    Various sources, all Rudolf Steiner texts are freely available on the internet, also on Youtube, etc.:

    “The Dead Are With Us GA 182”

    “On the Relationship with the Dead GA Unknown”
    (extract: “[…] But if something spiritual is experienced while awake, or if something is raised to the spiritual through prayer or meditation, then this will be for the dead, when it has been carried over into sleep, just what the cornfields are for living persons. If nothing thrives in the cornfields, people starve. What people take with them into sleep is like seeds for the fields where the dead sojourn. What we bring with us in the way of spiritual thoughts, of devotion to the world of soul and spirit, is what the dead live on, nourish themselves with, consume. And as famine ensues here on earth if the fruits do not thrive, so a sort of famine ensues when souls live materialistically and carry nothing with them into sleep. This is the connection between life in the spiritual world and life on earth..”


    Seth Material as Audio-Books at Youtube:


    • Thank you for this very interesting comment. I am also very sorry for the loss of your own beloved partner from Brieg, Silesia. I know how hard this loss is.

      The analogy of the five fingers on the one hand was enlightening!

      • Dear John,
        thank you for the sympathy.

        in German:

        Sehr geehrter, lieber John,
        danke für die Anteilnahme.

  3. Sehr geehrter John de Nugent,

    die Zusammenstellung an Informationen in diesem Artikel ist wieder einmal eine außergewöhnliche Synthese, mit höchstem Praxisbezug, insbesondere auch das Tiervideo und das Engelsvideo. Bei aller Berechtigung, Mißstände zu veranschaulichen (auch als Voraussetzung für deren Behebung) und bei aller Berechtigung, dies zwecks Einprägsamkeit sowie für neue Leser wiederholt zu tun: Konzentrieren Sie, John, sich verstärkt auf solch praktische Artikel und Anleitungen, die veranschaulichen, wie wir systematisch unsere inneren Energien freisetzen können, den Kontakt mit unserem Schutzengel kultivieren können.

    Die Gegenseite operiert wohlbewußt psychologisch, um uns fertigzumachen. Wir müssen, nur mit anderen Vorzeichen, genauso systematisch vorgehen: Wir müssen den Kontakt mit dem inneren Selbst bzw. Schutzengel (meint dasselbe) kultivieren und uns auf entsprechende Methoden konzentrieren, auf geistige vorwegnehmende Bilder erwünschter Ereignisse usw. (leider praktizierte ich bisher all die zahlreichen theoretischen Erkenntnisse selber noch nicht). Mitbekommen, was in der Außenwelt geschah und geschieht ist wichtig, aber der Fokus muß auf Methoden praktischer Art liegen. Dazu haben Sie, John, all die Jahre großartiges Grundlagenwissen geliefert, auch die Abgründe illustriert, um die man unbedingt kennen muß, um die energetischen Zusammenhänge zu verstehen, um zu verstehen, wie operiert wird, im Guten wie im Schlechten.

    Sie verloren Margi letztes Jahr. Ich verlor am Anfang Mai 2023 den wichtigsten Menschen meines Lebens. Ich schob so viele Sachen immer wieder auf, wie die Bitte, ob ich nicht mal die Familienfotos heraussuchen könnte, die irgendwo verstaut waren in meinem Zimmer in einer Schuhschatel sind. Oder das Bild, wo sie als Kleinkind in Brieg, Schlesien auf einer Wiese zu sehen war (auch bei mir irgendwo). Oder die einfache Bitte, ob ich nicht einen Bildabzug von ihrem Geburtshaus in Brieg (Google Street View) anfertigen könnte. Jahrelang schob ich alles heraus, verzettelte 80% meiner Zeit mit Politik u.a., jetzt kann ich es nicht mehr. Aber all das, einschließlich der Schlesienreise und der Bayernreise will ich ich in der nächsten Inkarnation nachholen mit ihr, in diesem Leben werde ich alleine reisen, in der nächsten Inkarnation dann zusammen.

    Aber jetzt zu Ihrer Margi: Das ist großartig, daß Margi in Bildern kommunizierte bzw. kommuniziert (wahrscheinliche neue Margis in der Vergangenheit), mit der Katze. Das John-de-Nugent-Material, das Seth-Material und das Rudolf-Steiner-Material (und Wolfgang Wiedergut und viele andere) liefern absolut zentrales spirituelles Wissen, Goldwissen, um die inneren Fähigkeiten zu entfalten. Die materielle Welt und das materielle Erleben werden unermeßlich reichhaltiger sein, wenn die Verwobenheit mit der Innenwelt erkannt werden wird. Einleitend noch einen Einschub:

    Gleichzeitigkeit der Inkarnationen: Hand-Finger-Veranschaulichung
    Laut Seth soll alle Zeit gleichzeitig sein, jedoch nicht im Sinne von Vorherbestimmung. Die Inkarnationen sollen parallel stattfinden. Ich habe eine Hand-Finger-Analogie: Die Finger einer Hand können an fünf Orten gleichzeitig sein. So verhält es sich mit unseren Inkarnationen, wir sind parallel in verschiedenen Zeitaltern inkarniert. Man stelle sich nun jeden Finger mit einem Gehirn und mit Augen vor. Alle Finger gehören zu ein und derselben Hand und können sich gegenseitig anschauen. Und so ist es mit uns, wir sind an mehreren Orten gleichzeitig und wenn wir über verganene oder künftige Inkarnationen nachdenken oder diese sehen, dann schauen wir uns in Wirklichkeit selber an. Es ist aber noch viel komplexer:

    Wahrscheinlichkeiten: Grünlilienvergleich
    Es gibt Wahrscheinlichkeiten, in jeder Inkarnation. Man stelle sich eine Grünlilie vor, sie möge einen Zeitpunkt repräsentieren. Sie wirft Ableger, gewissermaßen Bruderselbss bzw. Schwesterselbsts. Zu allen Zeitpunkten des Lebens, in jeder Inkarnation. Wenn zwei gleichermaßen starke Wünsche vorhanden sind, entstehen oft wahrscheinliche Ableger, Bruderselbsts, die genauso eigenständig und wirklich sind, in dem Moment werden neue Versionen von uns geboren, die uns als wahrscheinliche Selbsts erachten, es entseht eine neue Wahrscheinlichkeitslinie/-Welt. Es gibt (Informations)Durchbrüche. Wenn ein wahrscheinliches Selbst eine Fähigkeit entfaltet hat, dann kann man diese viel leichter entfalten.

    Und man soll Fähigkeiten, die man in einer anderen Inkarnation entfaltet hat, nutzen können, “reaktivieren” können (in Anführungszeichen, weil dies gleichzeitig stattfindet). Kritisches Nachdenken ist natürlich ebenfalls Interaktion mit den anderen Inkarnationen (mit sich selbst (Hand-Finger-Vergleich)!) und beeinflußt das Verhalten der jeweiligen, in anderen Zeitaltern inkarnierten (eigenen!) Selbsts. Dadurch werden auch dort neue Wahrscheinlichkeiten generiert, neue wahrscheinliche Selbsts geboren. Ein zukünftiges Selbst kann ein vergangenes Selbst, das einen ungünstigen Weg ausprobierte, warnen, woraufhin dies einen alternativen Weg geht. Dies auch inkarnationsübergreifend!

    Bilderkommunikation: Zentraler Kommunikationsschlüssel
    Was Margi mit der Katze Princess praktizierte, die Gedankenkommunikation in Bildern, ist, sinngemäß laut Rudolf Steiner ein zentraler Schlüssel zur Kommunikation mit den Verstorbenen. Keine erarbeitete Fähigkeit, kein Wissen, rein gar nichts, geht jemals verloren. Auch soll man in anderen Inkarnationen eine Sprache viel schneller lernen können, wenn man sie in einer anderen oder in einer anderen Wahrscheinlichkeit schon mal erlernte. Jedoch, in der Innenwelt soll irgendwann nach dem Tode auf eine bildbasierte Kommunikation gewechselt werden. Abstrakte Hauptwörter sollen als erstes nicht mehr verstanden werden (im Gegensatz zu Tunwörtern). Jeder Sachverhalt kann auch in Bildersprache übersetzt werden, mag er auch noch so komplex sein. Natürlich müssen wir alle uns darin schulen, es entfalten. Es ist einer der nächsten Entwicklungsschritte der Menschheit.

    Gemäß Seth soll dies die Kommunikationsrichtung zwischen unseren nächsten Anteilen folgendermaßen sein:

    Ich-Bewußtsein Unterbewußtsein Inneres Selbst/Schutzengel.

    Das Unterbewußtsein soll, januskopfmäßig, in die physische wie in die innere Wirklichkeit schauen. Es übersetzt in beide Richtungen. Nun können und sollten wir aber auch lernen (das ist keine Abwertung von wortbasierter Kommunikation), Sachverhalte in Bildern zu kommunizieren.

    Wir, das heißt unsere Gedanken, sollen die Bücher unserer lieben Verstorbenen sein
    Einleitende Anmerkungen: Es ist bekannt, daß es verschiedene Superbibliotheken geben soll (u.a. Akascha-Chronik) sowie eine Ebene, auf der jede Information erhältlich sein soll. Wir Inkarnierten generieren Wissen für die geistige Welt, wir sind nicht “nur” Schüler/Studenten, sondern wir probieren theoretische Ideen praktisch aus. Nun soll es sich jedoch nicht so verhalten, daß wir, die wir uns in unserer Inkarnationen-Ausbildung befinden, automatisch Zugriff haben auf diese Superbibliotheken, wenn wir in der Zwischenzeit (linearzeitlich gedeutet) im Jenseits, in der geistigen Welt sind, uns auf inneren Wirklichkeitsebenen befinden. Bücher sollen dort nur in der Erinnerung gelesen werden können.

    Spirituelles Wissen soll man sich nur während der Inkarnationen aneigenen können, oder aber, und das ist der absolute Superhammer(!): Verstorbene können es von ihren Angehörigen erhalten! Der Wechsel auf die innere Ebene bringt nicht mit sich, daß man dort in der neuen Umgebung automatisch alles über die dortigen inneren Wirklichkeitsstrukturen weiß. Man ist in einem neuen Umfeld, aber (abgesehen von den großartigen inneren Wahrnehmungsfähigkeiten der Katze), eine Katze hat beispielsweise nicht automatisch Kenntnise über Chemie und Physik, auch wenn sie in einer physischen Welt unterwegs ist. Alles im Steiner-Material beschrieben, es macht absolut fassungslos (habe leider momentan nicht die genauen Quellen parat):

    a) der indirekte Weg der Wissensvermittlung:
    Wir Inkarnierten Angehörigen oder Nahestehenden sind eine zentralev Schnittstelle der Verstorbenen zur physischen Welt. Die Verstorbenen nehmen Anteil an der körperlichen Wirklichkeit, wollen mitwirken. Und sie sehnen sich nach spirituellem Wissen! Jede Nacht, wenn wir schlafengehen, soll die ganze Ladung unserer Tagesgedanken mit in die geistige Welt gebracht werden.

    Die Toten sollen, nun, gleich auf einem Feld, einem Acker, auf dem Saaten sind (!), jede Nacht zu unseren Gedanken hereilen, diese lesen und nach aufbauendem, weiterführendem, weiterbildendem Wissen, SPIRITUELLEM WISSEN! Ausschau halten. Und, angesichts des Materialismus, seit so vielen Jahrzehnten, soll eine regelrechte Hungersnot im Jenseits herrschen.

    b) der direkte Weg: Vorlesen für die Toten.
    Nun soll man für die Toten sogar vorlesen kölnnen. Man muß dafür nicht wachbewußt projiziernen können (außerkörperliche Projektion illustriert anhand von “Snoopy Come Home” 1973 in *), wiewohl das bewußte Bewußtseinsfrequenzwechseln, wachbewußte Übergänge in die Innenwelt und zurück, einer der nächsten Entwicklungsschritte/-Herausforderungen des Menschen sind.
    [*] https://archive.ph/2023.04.03-224653/http://peterjockisch.com/Sprachstudium/Kapitel-05/Kapitel-05.html

    Man kann spirituelles Wissen direkt Vorlesen, Verstorbene dazu einladen. Man soll das Wissen in Gedanken, im Geiste in lebhafter, bildhafter Sprache übersetzen. Das ist natürlich zu Beginn herausfordernd. Am besten bereitet man das Wissen (eigene Zusammenstellung, Artikel, Transkription usw.) vor. Man kann sich rein wortbasiert niederschreiben, wie man es bildhaft visualisieren möge. Man könnte sich sogar einen Computer danebenstellen und dann Satz für Satz das Vorbereitete nachschauen. Und wie findet man mit Sicherheit die richtigen Bilder für abstrakte Wörter und Sachverhalte? (muß es selber jetzt praktizieren, bin also auch noch ein Anfänger): Indem man das eigene Unterbewußtsein um Hilfe bei der vorbereitenden Übersetzung bittet!

    Aber das muß man sich mal vorstellen, wir Erdbasierten, vom Erdengemüt aus, können den Verstorbenen in der geistigen Welt spirituelles Wissen vermitteln. Das muß man erst mal begreifen, erfassen, was für unglaubliche Chancen darin stecken, daß wir nicht nur für uns sondern auch für und mit unsere Liebsten ein geistig-spirituelles Studium studieren können, ihnen solch superzentrales Wissen vermitteln können. Das ist das größte Liebesgeschenk, daß wir ihnen (und uns) geben können.

    Einmal vermitteltes Wissen ist entweder sofort wieder verfügbar oder nach kurzer Zeit, ob nun in vorherigen Inkarnationen oder in der Zwischenzeit angeeignet. Und Sie, John, beschreiben nicht nur sondern bringen großartige Illustrationen aus der ganzen Welt und Geschichte. Der vietnamesische Junge, der von klein an nur amerikanisches Englisch sprach, sich weigerte, Vietnamesisch zu lernen, dessen phasenweise verzweifelte Mutter in der Abendschule Englisch lernen mußte, um mit ihm im Alltag kommunizieren zu können, er sagte in einer Talkshow, daß er Ryan heißt. Oder Mozart. Oder das mit Sicherheit authentische Video das Sie brachten, von der Restaurant-Besitzer-Familie, wo ein Fremder hereinkam und das jüngste Familienmitglied (Kleinkind) ran spontan zu ihm hin, umarmte ihn und ließ ihn nicht mehr los, das war mit Sicherheit eine reinkarnative Wiederbegegnung.

    Da gibt es einen weiteren interessanten Punkt: Seth sagte, daß er die Menschen (quasi wie überlagert) in all ihren Inkarnationen gleichzeitig wahrnimmt. Wenn nun Kleinkinder noch stark jenseitsbasiert sind, dann könnte es sein, daß sie Menschen dieser Inkarnation ahnlich überlagtert sehen. Ein Kleinkind könnte zum Beispiel einen Elternteil aus einer Vorinkarnation wiedererkennen, wenn dieser an ihm vorbeiläuft, erschüttert mit dem Finger auf ihn zeigen und ausrufen: “Papa!”. Der jetzige Elternteil mag einwenden: “Das ist nicht der Papa.”, aber möglicherweise wurde ein früherer Verwandter/Vater wiedererkannt.

    Die Gegenseite arbeitet natürlich mit Hochdruck daran, die Bewußtseinsrevolution zu verhindern. Laut verschiedener Quellen soll mittlerweile der größte Aufmarsch an Dunkelkräften erfolgt sein im Jenseits, um die Rückerinnerung der Menschheit an die inneren Ursprünge zu verhindern. Jedoch: Auch die Hintergrundmächte müssen den spirituellen Gesetzen folge leisten, sie kennen diese bestens, daher findet man auch auf ihren Plattformen die Wahrheit, da sie, direkt oder indirekt, ankündigen müssen, was sie tun und was sie vorhaben. Indem sie, trotz aller Zensur, immer wieder auch die Wahrheit zulassen, ihr unter anderem eine Platform geben, tragen sie diesem spirituellem Gesetz Rechnung.

    Gewissermaßen ist es auch ein bißchen so, wie in der Verfilmung von “Dead Poets Society” gesagt wird: “[…] For me, sport is actually a chance for us to have other human beings to push us to excel.”, hier gleich zu beginn: “Kick the ball”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpJtEXT_T9k

    In der Zukunft sollen sich, laut Seth (Buch: “Seth Speaks”), die Menschen nicht nur als diejenigen begrüßen, die sie in der jeweiligen Inkarnation sind, sondern auch als diejenigen, die sie in anderen Inkarnationen “waren” (in Wirklichkeit sind!). Laut Steiner sollen sich zukünftig die Menschen auch an ihre Zwischenzeit im Jenseits erinnern können.

    Alle umfassenden ganzheitlichen Wissenssammlungen illustrieren die Christus-Persönlichkeit. Diese ist nicht einfach nur ein moralisches Konzept, sondern im Gegenteil, jeder Mensch soll im Jenseits eine Begegnung mit ihr haben, sie soll es ermöglicht haben, daß wir unsere eigenene Richter sind, daß wir befähigt werden/sind, unsere eigenen Taten selbständig zu beurteilen. Also kein Richten mehr durch Dritte (Moses-basiert) , sondern Befähigung, eine selbstkritische Perspektive einzunehmen. Seth-Material, Steiner Material, John-de-Nugent Material, Wolfgang Wiedergut und viele andere thematisieren ausführlich die Christus Persönlichkeit. Sie ist zentraler Bestandteil unserer inneren Wirklichkeitsstruktur, sie hilft uns in unserer Fortentwicklung.

    Bauen Sie weiter Ihre Wissenssammlung aus, ihre ganzheitliche Wissensplattform, John. Johndenugent.com fungiert als spiritueller Wissens-Mulitiplikator.

    Verschiedene Quellen, alle Rudolf-Steiner-Texte sind frei im Internet erhältlich, auch auf Youtube usw.:


    “The Dead Are With Us GA 182”

    “On the Relationship with the Dead GA Unknown”
    (extract: “[…] But if something spiritual is experienced while awake, or if something is raised to the spiritual through prayer or meditation, then this will be for the dead, when it has been carried over into sleep, just what the cornfields are for living persons. If nothing thrives in the cornfields, people starve. What people take with them into sleep is like seeds for the fields where the dead sojourn. What we bring with us in the way of spiritual thoughts, of devotion to the world of soul and spirit, is what the dead live on, nourish themselves with, consume. And as famine ensues here on earth if the fruits do not thrive, so a sort of famine ensues when souls live materialistically and carry nothing with them into sleep. This is the connection between life in the spiritual world and life on earth..”


    Seth Material as Audio-Books at Youtube:

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