RIP, gifted white musician Aviciii

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…..Renowned Swedish musician Tim Bergling (“Avicii”) promoted pro-White American values in masterpiece song, in a nuanced manner rarely seen in US culture

How many American country music videos would depict the German Third Reich in such a positive manner? It took a Swede, Tim Bergling, to dare to do this. Today, would he be ALLOWED TO, even if viewers had any idea what the Third Reich was about and still means for the best of our peoples?

by JdN contributing writer

“Avicii,” born Tim Bergling, is one of the most well-known musicians on the planet in spite of the fact he passed on, so tragically, by suicide, at the age of just 28 more than two years ago.

In spite of having a largely vacuous twenty-something Swedish and European pop culture fanbase, the deeply complicated young man created music for traditional American singers, and a compositional as well as video masterpiece for his magnus Opus, Hey Brother, that make the most patriotic low-brow Nashville country music fare seem pretty crass by comparison.

Compare that to Hank Williams Junior’s most famous song, “A Country Boy Can Survive,” which, although good in its own right, trades on silly stereotypes of rednecks catching catfish, making moonshine, and gunning down city slickers.

Williams wears gaudy, oversized Italian sunglasses and an ostentatious belt buckle while smirking at the camera from a fishing boat and the step of a cabin he’d not let his dog live in.

Bergling’s “Hey Brother” shows America seriously, in all its onetime glory, with families, orderly homes, patriotic, adventurous young men, and a very tasteful depiction of the flag (at a military funeral and outside the homes of Middle Americans).

Celebrity | Diamond Dave | Hank williams jr, Hank williams, Classic singers
Kid Rock on FBook – “All my rowdy friends. Hank Williams Jr. Snoop Dogg”

Instead of soliciting the help of a hokey Nashville pseudo-good ol’ boy,  some Taylor Swift wannabe, or some young buck to impress the young European ladies who made/make up much of Avicii’s audience,  Bergling called on Dan Tyminski, a well-respected American bluegrass composer, vocalist, instrumentalist and member of Alison Krauss‘s band Union Station (one of my mother’s favorites’) to sing the lyrics to his exquisite song.

Dan Tyminski | 6/19/2020 | Old Town School of Folk Music.

The Digital Journal remarked, “Many musical fans may have heard the song “Hey Brother” by electronic dance music phenomenon Avicii, but what people may not know is that multi-Grammy-winning bluegrass musician Dan Tyminski is featured on its lead vocals. The talented Tyminski is an accomplished middle aged musician and composer

Dan Tyminski On Mixing Electronic Dance And 'Southern Gothic' : NPR

Although there’s nothing wrong with Nashville pop country, let’s be honest….

It’s clichéd, musically and compositionally shallow, and quite crass. It has more in common with Lady Gaga and modern radio-friendly hiphop (as it too is driven by image, catchy loops and hooks) — as it’s geared entirely to a massive middle-American consumer market.

Although there are loads of talented musicians in Nashville, and there’s some good stuff to be found, most modern country songs are written to suit the lowest common denominator and generate the largest amount of money possible.

Back to “Hey, Brother”….

The song itself is wonderful. “Hey Brother” is truly a masterful composition, simplistically melodic enough for today’s youth while remaining compositionally complex enough to satisfy people who appreciate genuine music.

Sure, it is perhaps a bit too electronic and 21st-century for my taste, but in spite of its modern feel, it is a true classic and a stunning, emotive and exquisite piece of song writing by Mr Bergling.

With or without the video it is a song I can listen to over and over again, knowing I will still feel something regardless of how many times I hear it.

I sent a link over to John last night to get his take on it. I was pleased to see that he was as immediately impressed as I was.

In fact, he picked up on something I missed early on at the :04 mark of the video.

John asked me:

“Did you catch the Wehrmacht soldier (actually, Waffen-SS, as per the license plate with the twin lightning bolts)  at the fourth second, who is seated in a motorcycle sidecar?”


Now, just how many country-music videos would show the German Third Reich in such a positive manner? (Yes, look at 0:04, the fourth second of the video. It is clearly a subliminal that was inserted to work on your subconscious.)

Would he be ALLOWED TO do this today, in Cancel Culture, even if white people had any idea who or what the Reich was and still represents for our people!

The video depicts two young brothers growing up in post WW2 America – the golden days of modern American history, what many refer to as Norman Rockwell’s American ideal.

The video is interspersed with photographs and clips of the Vietnam War.

At the conclusion of the video, it is uncovered that the younger brother thought of his dad as a brother that he didn’t have.

It features two boys, the older played by Zach Voss and the younger boy played by Jack Estes.

The end of the video shows the conspicuously Swedish Bergling (“Avicii”) walking through the grass while fireflies are flying around him, symbolizing his inspiration, I presume. The preceding story appearing to come out of  his mind’s eye.

It’s truly a magic short film — I feel it demeans its art to simply refer to it as a music video — that warms the heart and truly takes us all back to a better period in our own nation-family’s history.

America is depicted as a magical place, filled with patriotic, respectable-looking, well-dressed  and solid, ordinary, white Americans. There’s nary a Mexican or Negro in sight, unlike in today’s popular country videos which have token blacks (and then some!) throughout.

There are no low-brow hillbilly moments, no glorification of binge drinking, of sexualisation of women (no women in short-shorts or sucking on straws), and none of the foolhardiness you tend to find in modern Nashville music videos.

In fact, it shows the All-American boys playing games kids would do to entertain themselves back in the 1950’s, such as listening to the trains by placing their ear on railroad tracks, camping in their back yard, and telling stories and just plain-old playing outdoors with one another.

Hey Brother {Music Video} - Avicii Photo (38661475) - Fanpop

It is also shows the military in a very honourable way, the flag being treated with respect and a Marine’s funeral that’s more tasteful than you’ll find on an American television.

There’s also nothing conspicuously jingoistic about it. There is no one here nabbing a few thousand shekels from AIPAC who is standing somewhere behind the scenes, in the shadows, promoting killing on behalf of the Chosenites.

And on the flip side, without some filthy California or DC Communist in the background, there’s also nothing derogatory about America nor judgemental about the boys who were sent off to die in wars we didn’t have any business ever being in.

I would advise everyone watch the video to see what a pro-American pro-white video SHOULD look like.

CC - Avicii - Hey Brother VH1HD 1080i HDTV DD2.0 H.264 CELOBRAZiL-HDMania [CC] | ShareMania.US


It’s a shame that this All-American video had to have been made abroad.

And by a Swede! from socialist Libtard Central!

That shows how far we have fallen….

I recently watched a tribute to the late Tim Bergling featuring Tyminsky. Seeing tens of thousands of teenage and twenty-something Swedish girls singing along note by note, line by line to Hey Brother was nice. However, knowing what I know about young Swedish girls told me that they really had no idea what they were singing or just who Tim Bergling really was as a man, and this saddened me.

Knowing how complicated a soul he was and the manner in which he died (abused by his Iranian muslim manager, then deserted by those closest to him, etc.) left a penetratingly bitter taste in my mouth.

I know many good Swedish men in fact. Many (like my good friend Erik) are deep, thoughtful and as distressed by the state of affairs in modern Sweden. Tim Bergling was not alone, although I fear he felt he was in his final moments.

I’d like to conclude this piece by paying my respects to Mr Bergling who tragically took his own life in April of 2018.

He was a profound and decent man. I will do so by leaving you with his family’s statement.

Stay safe everyone.

“Our beloved Tim was a seeker, a fragile artistic soul searching for answers to existential questions. An over-achieving perfectionist who travelled and worked hard at a pace that led to extreme stress.

When he stopped touring, he wanted to find a balance in life to be able to be happy and to do what he loved most – music. He really struggled with thoughts about Meaning, Life, Happiness. He could now not go on any longer. He wanted to find peace.

Tim was not made for the business machine he found himself in; he was a sensitive guy who loved his fans but shunned the spotlight. Tim, you will forever be loved and sadly missed. The person you were and your music will keep your memory alive.

We love you,

The Family”

Avicii died at 28 | Tribute to the legend AVICII (Tim Bergling) 1989 - 2018 - YouTube



…. Margi had a boyfriend in the 1970s who painted beautifully….

This was Terry Rogers’ painting of her mother, Hazel Robinson, who founded and ran a big Shakespeare outdoor-theater organization in Asheville, North Carolina…..


And because he turned out beautiful works of art in today’s jew world, he starved…as in the old phrase “a starving artist.”

The jew-owned galleries that got the affluent crowd rejected a lot of his work.

After Marig and Terry broke up, he married a jewess — and at her urging he began cranking out paintings of zombyized white women having orgies with non-white males. So NOW he gets in the big jew galleries.

She told him in effect “what would sell,” namely filth and trash, degeneracy of every sort, and so his art turned into the promotion of race-mixing and forlorn, lost-looking, naked white women who look drugged having orgies with colored men..

“Coronation of Concupiscence,” by Terry Rodgers

“Cryptography of singular vision,” which is about as pretentious a title as you can get for a porn painting of of a plain-old orgy, with natürlich non-white men “doing” the white women, by Terry Rodgers. (His Jewess corrupted and trained him well.)

In this book (written as a Hitler-basher so it would be published  ) we learn that so many truly gifted young white artists finally found work, galleries, stages and other venues and generous financial support under Adolf Hitler — after being utterly blacklisted and suffering poverty during the jew-ridden Weimar Republic period of 1919-32.



  1. JDN, do you remember the Jewish Mel Brookes did a film “The Producers” with the song “Springtime for Germany”?

    He’s Jewish and plays Hitler to pull off a Broadway con.

    I loved the lyrics “Come on now, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party.” 😉

    Model kits in Germany for warplanes can’t have a swastika on them. Yet lots of Jewish actors get paid to play Hitler or the SS and Gestapo officers in full uniform, even sieg-heiling.

    So do as Mel Brookes tell you.

    • I remember the movie: a shady jewish Broadway producer and a neurotic accountant embezzle money and, to cover their tracks, purposely put on a movie designed to be a flop — because it glorifies Hitler and so, see, we sincerely regret to inform you investors that, the play having flopped, sadly, so very sadly, you lost all your money.

  2. Das Beste ist das zu dem Bild mit dem SS Soldat gleichzeitig “Hey Brother” läuft.

    Und dann hat sich Tim auch noch am 20.04 umgebracht. Er hat begriffen. Er konnte es nur nicht verkraften.

    • Transl:

      The best thing is that “Hey Brother” is playing at the same time as the picture with the SS soldier.

      And then Tim killed himself on April 20th of 2018. He understood what was going on. He just couldn’t take it any longer.

  3. I don’t believe it was suicide. I believe he was taken out. His throat was cut with glass.
    He put out a video that clearly depicted child trafficking and I think he was a threat because he knew too much.

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