Rise of the ruble, downfall of the dollar — beginning tomorrow; FOX hires Caitlyn Jenner

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Putin meets via monitors with Bank of Russia and Gazprom officials
(From the Duran) Things just got very interesting. Putin does not bluff…

Locals community, your thoughts?

According to Bloomberg, Putin said he had signed a decree demanding payment in rubles for Russian gas supplies, which is set to begin April 1 as previously reported. According to the decree, while Russia will continue to supply gas at set volumes and prices, it will demand that buyers of gas open accounts in Russian banks, and warned that Moscow can halt gas contracts if buyers don’t pay in rubles; additionally, new proceedings in EUR or USD could be blocked. Pushing what many viewed as a bluff to the edge, Putin said that active contracts will be halted if demands are not met, and explained that the move is meant to increase settlements in national currencies.


John de Nugent@JohndeNugent

2 hours ago

@theduran The entire insanity of Western actions rests on the delusion that Russia is still back in the horrible Yeltsin 1990s and a “gas station masquerading as a country.” This in turn comes from a powerful clique in America that hates and belittles Slavs in general and Russians specifically, and esp. loathes the symbol of the Russian double eagle with the FOUR Christian crosses. For 70 years it was communistic and thus atheistic, now Russia is Orthodox Christian again.
So this clique of pedophile billionaires wants to crucify Russia and Putin, just as they crucified another Man.
“Crucify Jesus!”/”Assassinate Putin!” (US Senator Lindsey Graham, R-SC, who has NOT “walked it back.” )
What other major country besides Russia has four crosses, or even one cross in its coat of arms?
(I would not count the sideways crosses on flags of Scandinavia. Do any nationals of those countries think of “Jesus being crucified and dying for our sins” when they gaze on their flag? It is just a design for them.)
On the shield in the center: A white man on a white horse trampling and lancing a vanquished dragon… All one big dogwhistle for the Epstein-Soros elites that The Old Russia (which they hated and which hated them in return) Is Back.
Slava Rassiya! Pabyeda! (Glory to Russia! Victory!)


@theduran@JohndeNugent. Your observations track closely with thoughts that have been converging in my own mind.


@theduran@JimmySierra89 Well, then, you are courageous.
My father was a big Republican behind the scenes, but he observed the taboo. Though a war hero with the Marines in WWII & Korea, and a friend of both Nixon and Reagan, he was terrified to discuss who the rulers of the Deep State really are, except in private.
(See photo) My father w/Ronald Reagan, who twice urged him to serve on the National Security Council or as US ambassador to Hungary, then an important post. A Marine lieut.-col., he fought at Iwo Jima. He was the Republican candidate for governor of Rhode Island (pop. one million) in 1974, unfortunately for him during the Watergate year. He served on the Republican Nat’l Finance Committee, controlled Republican patronage jobs in New England 1969-77, and was the Nixon chairman for RI in 1968 and 1972, and for Reagan 1976-80-84

You can say “the globalists” and “the bankers,” even “the banksters”..and you can talk about their orgies, pedophilia, and ritual child murders, not to mention specifically their monopoly on porn (who owns Pornhub, for example?), Fentanyl (the Sacklers), Ecstasy (Amsterdam bagelophiles) and the white slave trade (abducting Romanian and Slavic country girls and prostituting them with extreme brutality in the EU, Turkey and Tel Aviv), as long as you never say who these people are.
And I won’t here myself, because I do not wish to see the wonderful Durans cancelled or see them be forced to cancel me to survive.
Patton did speak out, at both news conferences and in private letters to powerful friends. And so they killed him. His diary and letters to his wife prove without any doubt that he was firmly planning to resign his commission in the US Army, return to America, and, as a beloved, decorated war hero, awaken the American people to the fact that the real enemy was not the German people (whom Patton came to highly respect both as soldiers and as civilians tirelessly rebuilding their country). No, it was instead the communists, and their non-Russian billionaire backers whose ethnicity must not be said.
It is not just that their media lie, and have for generations, but also what they omit.
See our gallant ally in action in the video that follows. And nota bene that this is from the BBC, not some neo-Nazi website, “from long ago in a faraway galaxy,” back in time when the British Broadcasting Company still had a shred of honesty:

. . The fact that 99% of us have never even heard of this mass murder of American sailors tells you that the media is utterly controlled, slanted to cover up the crimes of one specific group and of their minions, such as Hunter, James and Joe Biden, and that, since this horrendous and treacherous massacre occurred in 1967, 55 years ago, the media have been lying to us and omitting essential facts for literally generations. . In fact, it began before WWI. . Everything they have told you, sir, is a lie. It is all a Matrix. .



@theduran@JohndeNugent To what degree do you think the populace has embraced the Orthodox revival? I keep hearing about massive abortion, divorce etc. in Russia although I don’t trust the statistics.

For your follow up post – Rothschilds and their co-ethnics? Clearly the rank and file of that religion isn’t directly involved, how does one become part of that club? How did Gates get to join their ranks? Rockefeller?


@theduran@HRoark1776 ORTHODOXY IN RUSSIA. After 70 years of communist atheism, many are no longer believers, but about half go to church, as a Russian friend living there told me. He once lived in Canada, and is a constructive critic of Russia,
As in America, it is also a cultural thing — the Church runs important family events such as Christmas, Easter, weddings,baptisms and funerals. My friend said Christianity is stronger in Russia than in America. And of course Putin totally supports the Church as good for society and as a bulwark against Western wokeism. He used to go to confession every week, as his priest, Father Tikhon, said.

“LITTLE JEWS AND BIG JEWS.” I first learned this phrase from Rabbi Michael Lerner, whom I know bit and respect. I read his book, met him in 2002 at a Hillel meeting at Brown University, and corresponded for a year with him. Many jews loathe him because he agrees with some antisemitic accusations about greed, dishonesty, materialism, lying, anti-gentile attitudes, etc. All these things, remembver, are supposed to be denounced as “purely antisemitic canards.”
Lerner calls on jews to use their vast powers for good. I liked the man.


All, including Little Jews, benefit from the growing power and wealth of the group, and if they disagree with the Big Jews (Rothschild, Bloomberg, Soros), most of them keep it quiet. (But how many gentile Americans showed active outrage when the absolute horrors of the US-run prison at Abu Ghraib in Iraq came out? Rapes, murders, tortures, severe humiliations…. Americans just shrugged their shoulders and said “It is what it is.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse)
The thing is that jews may squabble, but they also stick together in the hour of need, no jew wants to rock the boat because some day he might need help.

In 1967 a Marine friend of mine, Jacky B., who had been in the French Foreign Legion, then the French paratroops, and later, in the USA, became a star agent for New York Life in Virginia, told me that in 1967, after the French-speaking jewish community in Morocco had been ordered to leave as spies and a Fifth Column in the wake of the 1967 Six Day War, many did not go to Israel but instead came to Washington DC, which, of course, was an English-speaking city.

At one two-hour special benefit luncheon, the Washington DC jewish community raised $2 MILLION in 1967 money for them. Nobody knew them personally, or spoke much or any French, but they were their fellow jews.
(He knew about this event because he got their insurance business, speaking perfect French as did the Moroccan jews, who were new to America. After getting two million dollars, of course they had no problems paying their premiums.)

…..FOX makes Caitlyn Jenner a commentator


I have known two transgender men, both of them very conservative, rightwing, nationalist and patriotic. One might think they are all liberals but no. Of  course, some ARE, and they are the LGBTQ militants who want to destroy the hetero family.
IMO, There may well be a hormonal imbalance already in the fetus, what with the food, water and air all being made deliberately more and more toxic.

It was already bad in 1990 when I ran for Congress (and my victory was stolen), and now it is far worse. These younger folks today are full of chemtrails, 5G smartphone waves, and artificial female hormones in the food (Bisphenol-A) and also in the water (estrogen from “the Pill”). Even some of the fish in our rivers are now hermaphrodites, with two sets of organs!!! The Washington Post had an article on this, as did a major Pennsylvania newspaper about two major rivers there with fish with both genders.


I have blogged on how all over America, fish are being born as hermaphrodites — with both a (fish-type) penis and a vagina, BOTH with sperm and eggs.

Main reason : estrogen from “the Pill” (anti-contraceptive) is entering our drinking water. (Women excrete 1/3rd of it when they urinate.) Every man in America who drinks recycled (purified) sewage water (which is most of us — toilet water IS recycled by powerful processes into drinking water!!!) is thus taking estrogen. We all are ON THE PILL!

The hormones are really, truly screwed up on so many, many people today. Testosterone has declined by almost a third since 1985. Babies are bombarded by vaccines, and some say 72 of them by age five. I hear VERY effeminate voices in young men all the time.
I had a video editor almost ten years ago who told me he himself was confused about his identity. He told me he was shocked at four to overhear two boys blithely referring to him as a girl. (Btw, he has often dated women, but is mostly celibate.)
I think that there is a real, sincere problem with gender confusion nowadays, not just an imaginary thing or militant LGBT ideology.
So, as the French say, “to understand is to forgive.” If a person is a good American and trans, as long as he does not flaunt it, I say nothing. I consider it a medical tragedy, not something to make fun of anyone over.


If in the US, you can use Cash App:

Simply link it to your debit or credit card!

To send a payment:
— Open the Cash App
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— Tap “Pay”
— Enter an email address (john_denugent@yahoo.com), phone number (if I gave it to you personally), or “$Cashtag” ($JohndeNugent)
— Enter what the payment is for (education)

It works in seconds, and you get an email confirmation!

If in Canada or overseas, set up a TransferWise account! Same basic idea.

Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing mis-spelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer even teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
2. If in your mind you are „too busy“ to check your comment for flaws before hitting the „send“/“publish“ button, then please abstain. I cannot keep on editing your sloppy typing; I cannot approve comments that were dashed off by someone on a caffeine buzz who needed urgently to go wee-wee. 😉 That sloppiness and lack of diligence I see in so-called Millennials actually is a kind of subtle disrespect both for you yourself and for all my readers. Be Aryan: strong and conscientious!



….Recent donations

— 26 March 2022 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Nevada, a former Green Beret AND Rockwell party stormtrooper (from back when I was also in)

— 26 March 2022 200 euros via PayPal from M in France, a skilled worker in food service who also cares in filial devotion for his parents.

–-21 March 2022 $60 from M in Ontario, Canada

–-20 March 2022 200 euros from M in France

— 19 March 2022 $260 ($10 and then $250) from B in Georgia/USA


15 March 2022 $150 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

Historic downtown Boston — I lived nearby 1971-74 and 1994-2003

— 14 Mar 2022 $100 via Amazon gift card from J in Chicago 😉

— 12 March 2022 $50 from M in Texas via PayPal

— 11 March 2022 200 euros from M in France via PayPal

— 10 March 2022 $150 via bank wire from P in Australia; my balance went from $3 to $153. 🙂

— 9 March 2022 $50 via Paypal from V in Denmark

— 5 Mar 2022 100 euros from M in France



— 1 March 2022 $100 via CashApp from K in Massachusetts

— 26 February 2022 $34 via PayPal from V in Denmark
— 26 February 2022 $100 check from K in California


— 26 Feb 2022 200 euros from M in France

— 23 Feb 2022 $80 via PayPal from J in San Francisco

— 22 Feb 2022 $25 Amazon gift card from T in Florida

— 22 Feb 2022 $25 Duran coffee mug from P in Florida

A friend in Florida who also assiduously follows the Dynamic Durans, the best World-Figure-Outers Ever, bought me this elegant and sturdy Duran mug. This is the mug shot. 😉 Soon it will be full of hot coffee as a reward for a morning of snow-blowing (just off Lake Superior in Upper Michigan).


— 22 Feb 2022 $150 by bank wire from P in Australia



— 21 Feb 2022 $100 Amazon gift card from J in Nevada

— 20 Feb 2022 $100 from K in Massachusetts from CashApp

— 17 Feb 2022 100 euros (same in US dollars) from C in Germany

 — 17 Feb 2022 $100 via Cash App from K in Massachusetts
From: “Cash App” <cash@square.com>
To: “John de Nugent” <john_denugent@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 6:13 PM
Subject: K[] sent you $100
Payment from $KPLnd

— 12 Feb 2022 40 euros in cash from M in France

— 10 Feb 2022 200 euros from M in France



— 4 February 2022 200 euros via PayPal from M in France

Painting by Vincent van Gogh “A summer day near Paris”

1 Comment

  1. I used to buy small quantities of fertilizer from a small shop and the owner’s sister told me the same story. She said it was a big problem, but nobody cared about it. Could be 10 years ago.

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