Ritual murders — there were none under the Führer

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Ritual murder in 2000 on the Wewelsburg by the American Satanist and Army major Michael Aquino

A German comrade posted  this:

Hello, John!

I’m currently having a dispute online with historians about ritual murders.

And theier arguments look really bad.

They claim that ritual murder trials from the Middle Ages to modern times were all fake trials.

Through reflection and engagement with NS history and values, I have found the weak point of their argument.

If there were never any Jewish ritual murders and the trials were all fake trials…then why weren’t there any such trials during the National Socialist period?

They cannot give any real answer because Hitler must forever be depicted as a being of absolute evil. Their own dogma prevents the answer to the question. 😉

I just say that ritual murders were very real, but under Hitler the Jews didn’t dare do that.

A logical answer.

But in modern Germany you cannot say that the Nazis weren’t as evil as the people of the Middle Ages. 😉

So they don’t talk or write to me anymore, or they toss out long-winded, convoluted sentences without real arguments.

Greetings to you, John!



  1. Jewish ritual murder, where a male child is pierced with awls about 40 times then bled to death as the blood is collected, is definitely a reality which has been proved by Arnold Leese. (I believe Leese’s book on the subject is available as a PDF online.)

    A well-documented case is that of Andrei Yuschinsky, who was ritual-murdered in Kiev in 1911.

    The murder occurred on the property of a Jew named Menachem Beilis. Beilis was found innocent in the trial of the murder, and the Jews use this to proclaim that no ritual murder had occurred. However, the jury stated in their verdict that a ritual murder had occurred even while they acquitted Beilis [saying the evidence wa insufficient that it was Beilis who was the perpetrator].

    In 1840 Father Thomas, a priest, and his servant, Ibraham, were murdered for their blood in Damascus, Syria.

    As proof of this, one of the accused Jews, while being tortured by having the soles of his feet beaten, told where the bodily remains had been deposited — and the remains were indeed found in this location.

    In more recent times, in Chicago in 1955, three boys were found dead, naked and drained of their blood. Then when the father of two of the boys went to the police with a complaint that his boys had been ritual-murdered he was sent to a mental hospital where he was electro-shocked to death.

    • Thank you for this reminder of events from our time.

      The jews really fear pogroms over their ritual murders of our kids (or adults).

      Father Thomas actually went out of his way to be kind to jews…. It was either he or his servant who, after the torture-murder, was cut up into little pieces and the body parts were fed by those jews into the Damascus sewage system. And then the jews moan about being victims of hate, racism and antisemitism……

      Until people understand about psychopaths, who are human devils, and brain scans show that their brains are very different from normal brains, the white average-joe American cannot comprehend such things, and the whole topic is something he would prefer to not think about.

      Btw, it was repeated ritual murder of English kids that caused the expulsion of the jews from England in 1290, that AND their growing control of England via usury and foreclosures.

      Jews also bribed sheriffs to do their bidding on foreclosures or look the other way on ritual murders. When the sheriffs of the king did this, mobs formed. People were not low-T then as they are now.

  2. Auch der Mord an Rabin 1995 war ein Ritualmord.

    Hier wurde er ausnahmsweise an einem Juden begangen.

    Rabin wollte Frieden. Das glaube ich sogar…und deswegen musste er sterben.

  3. It has already been described and documented by numerous sources, nevertheless, as a reminder, these rituals have a very practical background, they are business transactions.

    We were taught that there would be no negative entities, that there would be no magic, demons, etc.. But just as there are cooperative beneficial energies and entities, there are also negatively oriented ones. The latter are said to have separated themselves from the divine energy source, making them dependent on the supply of foreign energies, on the life energies of others.

    Thus, there are not only players and opponents in the learning system and life forms that feed on suffering energy. It is also not only about adrenaline-blood cocktails etc. (= drug intoxication).

    Beyond that business is to be transacted e.g. of the following kind: Climbing the career ladder or political influence (specific political goal), in return for the equivalent of so and so much life energy ( i. e. so and so many … for sacrifice). This means that the negative entities in the background take care that certain levels are opened and obstacles are removed from the way, provided that they are “paid” accordingly for it.

    If now such “business transactions” are made impossible, then also certain questionable practical political influencing factors are no longer present.

    Here there are 100% practically oriented “business transactions” which have a quite practically oriented background, even if an extremely sad one.

    This is also true of the Union (USA) wars of human extermination against the Southern peoples, as well as the Allied wars of human annihilation against the German peoples and against the French civilian population; these, too, were satanic human sacrifice rituals.[1][2][3]


    [1] “Bombing of Germany during World War II”,

    [2] “Bombing of France during World War II”,

    [3] “Bombenterror der Alliierten”,

    In German:

    Beobachter: Der praktische Aspekt: Energietransfer-Transaktion und Gegenleistung

    Es wurde schon von zahlreichen Quellen beschrieben und dokumentiert, trotzdem zur Erinnerung nochmal: Diese Rituale haben einen ganz praktischen Hintergrund, es sind geschäftliche Transaktionen.

    Uns wurde gelehrt, daß es keine negativen Entitäten gäbe, daß es keine Magie, Dämonen etc. geben würde. Aber so, wie es kooperative förderliche Energien und Entitäten gibt, so gibt es auch negativ orientierte. Die letzteren sollen sich von der göttlichen Energiequelle separiert haben, wodurch sie auf die Zufuhr von Fremdenergien angewiesen sein sollen, auf die Lebensenergien anderer.

    Es soll also nicht nur Spieler und Gegenspieler im Lernsystem geben sowie Lebensformen, die sich von Leidenergie ernähren. Es geht auch nicht nur um Adrenalin-Blut-Cocktails etc. (= Drogenrausch).

    Darüberhinaus sollen Geschäfte z.B. der folgenden Art abgewickelt werden: Aufstieg auf der Karriereleiter oder politische Einflußnahme (spezifisches politisches Ziel), im Gegenzug für das Äquivalent an so und so viel Lebensenergie (sprich: so und so viele … für die Opferung). Das heißt, daß die negativen Entitäten im Hintergrund dafür sorgen, daß gewisse Ebenen geöffnet und Hindernisse aus dem Weg geräumt werden, vorausgesetzt, daß sie dafür entsprechend “bezahlt” werden.

    Wenn nun solche “Geschäfte” verunmöglicht werden, dann sind auch bestimmte fragwürdige praktische politische Einflußfaktoren nicht mehr vorhanden.

    Es liegen hier 100% praktisch-orientierte “Geschäfts-Transaktionen” vor, die einen ganz praktisch orientierten Hintergrund haben, wenn auch einen äußerst traurigen.

    Das trifft auch auf die Menschenvernichtungskriege der Union (USA) gegen die Südstaaten-Völker zu sowie auf die Menschenvernichtungskriege der Alliierten gegen die deutschen Völker und gegen die französische Zivilbevölkerung, auch das waren satanische Menschenopferungsrituale.[1][2][3]


    [1] “Bombing of Germany during World War II”,

    [2] “Bombing of France during World War II”,

    [3] “Bombenterror der Alliierten”,

    • EN A big thank-you. I consider, for example, the excessive bombardment of Dresden as a satanic production of suffering for negative entities that delight in and feed on suffering.

      DE Haben Sie großen Dank dafür!

      Ich selbst betrachte die überzogene Bombardierung Dresdens als eine satanische Leidensproduktion für negative Wesenheiten, die sich daran labten.

  4. https://christiansfortruth.com/professor-claims-polands-national-archives-has-documents-proving-legal-prosecution-of-jews-for-ritual-murder/




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