Robert Dean on the Nordics; moon craters are not like craters on earth

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The Apollo 1 crew knew too much, and one, Gus Grissom, was speaking out in 1967.




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The US Army does not hand the rank of “command sergeant major” like candy.

This group of “aliens” to whom Dean refers is the Nordics. They are very advanced humans who physically are like us. They want us to change and finally grow up. They look like Scandinavians: Swedes or Finns. The men are 6’5″ or taller, the women 5’9 or more, and usually are very attractive, and mostly blond with blue eyes. The US Air Force refers to them by the nickname “the Swedes.”

When I and my late wife were at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, we actually saw very attractive young women of Norwegian ancestry who were six feet tall. This comes from alien-human genes.



More about Robert O. Dean (1929-2018)

Robert O. Dean was engaged in the field of UFO research for the last 40 years. He began this research on Rober O Dean twoactive duty in the US Army where he served for 27 years. He retired as Command Sergeant Major from the Army in 1976 as a highly decorated veteran after having served in Korea and in combat in Vietnam. He also served in Intelligence Field Operations in Laos, Cambodia and  Vietnam.

Additionally, from 1963 to 1967 he served at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), NATO as an intelligence analyst with a Cosmic Top Secret clearance. While on this assignment, he helped move the headquarters to the new site in Belgium. Dean worked in the Operations Division and was a member of the inner Command Staff thereby working with and seeing the SACEUR (Supreme Allied Commander Europe) almost every day.


It was while he was stationed at SHAPE that Robert’s interest in UFOs first started. One night, while on duty, Robert removed a file from SHAPE’s security vault called “The Assessment” – An Evaluation of Possible Military Threat to Allied Forces in Europe”.

This file was given the highest security classification, COSMIC TOP SECRET. It retains that security classification to this day. The contents of this file opened Robert’s eyes to the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence. He has, since reading “The Assessment”, dedicated his life to one goal: Bringing to light the true facts surrounding the UFO phenomenon and contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.

How Events Unfolded

In the early spring of 1961, a series of events began to unfold at large military headquarters just outside of Paris that would eventually bring about a major change in NATO military policy and, just as certainly, would change the lives of those who were involved forever. After a series of close encounters, which almost led to World War III, a top-secret study was undertaken at SHAPE.

The study was directed by Air Marshall Sir Thomas Pike who was Deputy SACEUR (Supreme Allied Commander Europe). Both Pike and General Lyman Lemnitzer, U.S. Army, had the equivalent rank of five stars. The study was established and conducted out of frustration because no information was provided by either Washington or London on the continuing problem of unidentified objects flying over the Soviet Union, Central Europe and NATO military installations at will.


Several instances of massive formation flyovers had almost triggered hostilities between the NATO forces and the Warsaw Pact forces. Washington and London were purposely not providing information because everything that was given to NATO went directly to Moscow due to an enormous French spy ring located in Paris. This eventually was broken and several top French ministers were removed.

Ten days before the CIA murdered him, as seen in the letter below, President John F. Kennedy demanded that the CIA cough up its files on UFOs, to which he referred both as “UFOs” and as “Unknowns.” He also refers to his intent to jointly explore the moon with the Soviets — both to save funds and to get the two nuclear superpowers more and more used to cooperation with each other. As I blogged the other day, Kennedy was appalled at how close he and Soviet premier Khrushchev had come to a full nuclear war over Cuba. He also became highly frustrated (as would Donald Trump later on) that the bureaucracy was saying “yes, Mr President” to his directives, but then ignoring them and not complying,  especially when they were measures designed to lessen tensions with the USSR.

I knew Mark Lane a bit.

Victor Marchetti was a former high official of the CIA who wrote a whistle-blowing nationwide bestseller, The CIA and the Cult of  Intelligence,  exposing the crimes and out-of-control nature of “The Agency”.

I met him through Willis Carto in 1992, and later had an office next to Marchetti’s, which was located right across from Willis’s own office as the head of Liberty Lobby. My question to Victor was why a liberal Jew like Mark Lane, Carto’s lawyer (more on him right below), would ever team up with an antisemite and even closet national socialist like Willis Carto. His answer comes further on down below.

Marchetti and Mark Lane were then putting out together a newsletter, New American View, from the top floor of Carto’s Liberty Lobby building. The newsletter’s goal was to expose the behavior of Israel and of the illegal, unregistered Zionist lobby in America

HQ of Liberty Lobby and the Spotlight newspaper, across from the Library of Congress. As a sign above the door on the corner stated, it once was the “German-American Association Building” — that is, before 1917, when all things German were suddenly demonized by President Woodrow Wilson.


Lane was a very famous, Jewish but antizionist liberal, a top lawyer, a black civil-rights supporter, and a bestselling author.

Lawyer Mark Lane with President John Kennedy. Many Jewish liberals supported Kennedy and the black-civil-rights agenda.  

Lane wrote two excellent books which became nationwide bestsellers about the murder of John Kennedy and the murderous cover-up — where 35 MORE innocent people died who “knew too much.”

Mark Lane speaking at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in 1967 


The first Mark Lane bestseller on the Kennedy murder was the 1966 Rush to Judgment. The second was the 1991 Plausible Denial.


In 1985, defending Carto’s Liberty Lobby’s newspaper Spotlight, lawyer Mark Lane had won a court verdict for Willis Carto and Liberty Lobby against the infamous CIA agent, murderer, and burglar Howard Hunt. (

Having provided this intro, I return finally to my question which I had put to Victor Marchetti, a very sincere one, as to why a liberal Jew like Mark Lane would help someone like Willis Carto. Was it just that both opposed Israel?

Victor thought a while about his answer, old CIA man that he was. (I had been in Marine Corps intelligence, and saw all the signs of a man who was careful with his words, but also a man who felt my question was important.)

“Well, John, among the Jews there is a tradition going back to the Talmud of debating about everything. In general, Jews grant each other the right to disagree, which they do not give to us lowly Gentiles. 

Then, Mark has also gotten some hefty fees from Willis, and has done a very good job as his lawyer.

And he feels [on a First-Amendment  basis that] Willis has a right [as  an American citizen] to express his opinions and not be shut down.

And he is very critical of Israel as a sincere liberal.

But… maybe the deciding factor is that Willis is a man’s man.

And men, even a Mark Lane,  just like being around him.

He gets things done; he keeps his word; he is full of self-confidence and fight.

He has a good sense of humor.

Going out to lunch with Willis is always a treat.

He’s a giant among men.”

Willis around 1970


That knowing smile, around 2010 (oil portrait by his close friend, Peter Papaheraklis)

An excellent, neutral book on Carto and his fiery career, fraught with achievements and also powerful enemies, both Jews and other white nationalists 


The Assessment study to which Dean refers was finally published in 1964 – and only fifteen copies were ever produced. It contained testimony, interviews, photographs and in-depth studies by historians, theologians, atmospheric physicists, astronomers, astrophysicists, sociologists and psychologists.

There were photographs of crash retrievals, little bodies and some limited analysis of “plasti-metals” which they didn’t seem to understand in 1964. The conclusions from the Assessment:

  • The planet Earth was the subject of an extensive, massive and very thorough survey by several extraterrestrial civilizations.
  • “They” demonstrated extremely advanced technology – possibly a thousand years or more beyond us.
  • The study demonstrated that a development of some process was taking place. One-on-one contact was established, then two or more, then several, then “they” would show themselves and their ships to a few dozen people. After that, they would make flyovers, then landings, then they would even seem to pose for photographs.
  • Evidence indicated that this has been going on for several millennia.
  • There did not appear to be a major military threat involved. If “they” were hostile, there was absolutely nothing we could do.

The study caused a few serious psychological reactions among several of the top generals. The Air Deputy, General Robert Lee, U.S. Air Force, was quite disturbed. Interestingly, the French government withdrew France from the NATO Military Alliance and NATO was forced to move SHAPE from Roquencourt, just outside of Paris, to Casteau, near Brussels, Belgium in 1967.

Needless to say, Robert Dean paid a heavy price for such a confession. He lost his job and then his savings, which required him to mortgage his home. But he did not lose his courage, his dignity or his principles.

As a result of this 30-year syntheses, Robert Dean concluded that the human race is indeed a hybrid race and not only are we not alone in the cosmos, but we have never been alone.

“The human race has had an intimate interrelationship with several high technology, extremely advanced extraterrestrial civilizations for several thousands of years.”

More Revelations

Robert Dean has further revealed that in 1961, a flying disc as long as a football field crashed near Timmensdorf, Germany. Found in the wreckage were 12 E.T. bodies. Their “blood” was not red, but rather appeared to be a viscous, greenish fluid.

He says that on June 19, 1995, six F-14 Navy fighter jets intercepted a UFO over Puerto Rico. Radio transmissions between the jets and the control tower were recorded by civilians on the ground, but neither the F-14s or the crews ever returned to their aircraft carrier.

Dean also reports that government insiders feel we are dealing with hundreds of ET civilizations, some intergalactic, some interdimensional. He notes that ten years ago NASA organized a scientific committee which estimated that the universe contains about 10 billion planets that are home to intelligent life.

He has further reported that the NATO officials were disturbed by knowing that out of four extraterrestrial types, one looked exactly like humans, that could walk amongst us without being identified.

During the Barcelona Exopolitics Summit, on July 25, 2009, Mr. Dean released a set of amazing images. He also explained the Apollo missions and what the astronauts encountered unlike anyone before. He released to the public a set of fascinating images supposedly captured by the astronauts of the Apollo 12 mission, including an image showing some mysterious spacecraft several hundred feet in diameter. (See video below for this full presentation).

In his 41 years of federal service to the United States, Mr. Dean heard a lot of bizarre things, but the knowledge that the human race is a hybrid race was one that stunned him. He said: “I’ve learned that we are not merely alone; we have never been alone. We have had an intimate interrelationship with advanced extraterrestrial intelligences from the beginning of our history. And let me tell you that that intimate interrelationship is still going on.”

He continues: “This one race, in particular, apparently re-engineered us as a species about 200,000 years ago. What we are here today is what we call homo sapiens sapiens — you’re an engineered creature. Your genetics have been manipulated. You’re not the same as what you were and you are not the same as to what your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be in the next hundred years.”



Btw, NATO denies such a report as the “Assessment” exists, but when has the US government and Deep State NOT lied?

Oh, so NATO was unconcerned about seeing on radar fleets of UFOs heading from Russian airspace or the North Pole toward NATO airspace at Mach 8…. I see.

This is the same MIC bunch of liars that said Hunter Biden’s laptop was fake!


My sense is that Dean with his revelations represents a limited hangout — he was allowed to live by virtue of never saying the whole truth… which is that the US govnerment is not really in denial at all of the ET reality, but actually is in bed with the very worst of thnm, hostile Gray and Reptilians, who themselves want to depopulate the earth for their own reasons.




……Those are not normal craters

When a meteorite or comet hits the earth, it plows deep into the soil.

But the craters on the moon — never. Underneath the surface is an incredibly hard man-made or alien-made object.  It is an artificial satellite; of a much harder material than its mass would suggest, it is hollowed out. It was parked it at just the right place to appear the same size as the sun, and they hollowed it out so the tidal forces it exerted upon earth would not be too high.

…….JFK — never understood that the jews are more than just obnoxious

JFK sailing a 24-foot Wianno sailboat…


This was our last president who did not take orders: a true war hero, Harvard man, w/beautiful wife and kids, rich, funny, poised, knowledgeable, loved and respected worldwide, a leader who wanted to get us out of Vietnam, and work toward peace with Russia — including going to the moon together with them.

It has been downhill ever since the CIA killed him in Dallas. He was going to shut the CIA down and start a new agency, and, having seen war and hatred, he wanted peace and mutual respect.


In 1939, JFK made his second trip to Europe and the Middle East, replete with a letter of introduction from the US Secretary of State, Cordell Hull, and as his father Jospeh had requested, wrote him reports analyzing each country he visited.

…The Apollo 1 crew fire

From Leigh Davenport on Facebook:

Apollo astronaut Virgil “Gus” Grissom was so frustrated with the incompetence and lack of progress in the moon landing‘s program that he famously hung a large lemon on the spacecrafts entrance door just days before his death, indicating the vehicle’s complete inadequacy to perform as required to reach the moon.
Mrs. Grissom was absolutely convinced that the fire that killed her husband was set intentionally. Scott Grissom (their son) a highly intelligent and skilled 747 pilot, also believes that the Apollo One fire was set deliberately.
Virgil “Gus” Grissom, the man who otherwise would have been the first “man on the Moon”, was by far the most publicly outspoken critic of the Apollo program. Mrs. Grissom told me that her husband informed her just days before his death that NASA astronauts were at least 10 years away from landing a man on the moon, not two years away as was their schedule…..
According to Betty Grissom, her husband Virgil, who was commander of the Apollo One three-man crew, reported to her the day before he was murdered that CIA agents were granted special access to the launch pad the previous day. Why in the world would several CIA agents be at the launch pad right before the suspicious fire took place? The answer is sadly obvious.
Virgil Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee ten days before they were holocausted (not looking especially happy);
The charred corpses of the three astronauts

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