Robert Kennedy, Jr announces for president yet, like Trump, not one word about saving the embattled white race — or the jews who KILLED his dad, uncle, and cousin JFK, Jr!

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These comments by MAGA-types and Deep State vote fraud apply just as much to true alternative Democrats such as Tulsi Gabbard and Robert Kennedy Jr.:

Jeff: ‘My biggest concern is that the Hillary-type Dems will find a way to cheat yet again. We have seen the videos of late-night ballot counting where tubs of ballots appeared out of nowhere, all voting for Dems. We have read the reports of Dominion voting machines being able to change the votes of voters or discount certain ballots. Lastly, we have dead people voting and exclusively for Dems. Since nothing is being done to make sure they can’t repeat these same shenanigans, I am worried that no matter how many people vote for the opposing candidate, the Establishment Dem will win and we will be plunged into a new dark age.’

Edward: ‘Pray it is a fair election, free from fraud, etc. and that the people of our country pick the right candidate to lead us forward; a true American  interested in the best interests of our people and our country.’

Nancy: ‘My biggest concern about the 2024 election is that Demoncrats seem to have perfected the art of cheating and rigging voting machines, and I’m afraid it will occur again in ‘24, but to an even greater degree. We are doomed if we can’t figure out how to put a stop to this.’


……RFK Junior is a brave man…..

RFK Jr, whose uncle John had already been murdered, with his father, who soon would be also

President Kennedy with his nephew

When Bobby Kennedy Jr  announced for president at a ritzy downtown Boston hotel, someone did pull the fire alarm.



1) the jews will not let him win, especially since he is a “conspiracy theorist” about many things, and says his father and brother were killed by the Deep State (not by Sirhan or Oswald, both framed),

2) he has some serious personal dirt

Kennedy’s announcement that he is running for the White House will also bring his colorful personal life back into the spotlight. A leaked copy of his journal in 2001 contained sordid details of his serial cheating in which he spoke of his ‘lust demons.’ They contained scorecards of more than two dozen sexual conquests racked up behind his second wife’s back. They carried the names of the women and the numbers from 1 to 10 next to each entry. The codes corresponded to sexual acts, with 10 meaning full sexual intercourse. The father-of-six married his third wife, Curb Your enthusiasm star Cheryl Hines, in 2014. 

He asked his second wife Mary for a divorce in 2012. Just four days later, the mother of four of his children – Conor, Finny, Kyra, and Aidan – was found hanged at home in Mount Kisco, New York. She was reportedly convinced RFK Jr was having an affair.


3 even if RFK Jr did win, as long as race, the jews and the muslims are taboo topics, the West cannot be fixed.

All Kennedy offers is what Trump offered in 2016 — band-aids for a country DYING of jew and racial cancer.

Gotta have your backdrop of women of color, and lots of gays, hispanics and blax if you’re a liberal Kennedy….


…..Activists and old-style liberals, in their utter despair over CIA/MIC tyranny, now place their hopes yet again in a magical Kennedy to save us

This RFK article was adapted from heath activist Celia Farber:


The Trump MAGA dream sure didn’t help matters, when it imploded on contact at the first mention of a “corona virus” of zoonotic [= Chinese bat] origin in 2020.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. brought his extraordinary almost two-hour-long speech on April 19 in Boston to an important punctuation, and well earned punch, when he said, about the lockdowns: “I blame President Trump.”

His point was, no punting to your bureaucrats, your Fauci, Birx, and Lane—you were The President, Mr. Trump, and your only job was to protect this country, from enemies foreign and domestic.

WASHINGTON, DC – MARCH 20 : Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus response coordinator, and National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci listen as President Donald J. Trump speaks with the coronavirus task force during a briefing in response to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House on Friday, March 20, 2020 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)

I agree.

This piece of writing, below, was in the comments section, here. I thought it was beautifully expressed. Before we get to it, I want to say something:

I understand those who can’t hope any more.

I have had “hope” crushed more times than I can ever recount over these past three surreal decades.

I have felt like a fool, moron, and neon idiot more times than I can recount.

For believing in the power of truth to conquer lies…..

I’ve been called those thing and much worse things, by the legions of besserwissers, who objected to my chronic naïveté, or my love of people they said were fatally flawed, or in some way— in error of All That Was True And Right And Good.

A few milestones of crushed hope:

We thought they would knock off HIV as single cause of AIDS propaganda after Peter Duesberg’s Cancer Research Paper in 1987. (!)

*** JdN Some anti-vaccine scientists oppose the entire Louis-Pasteur idea of “viruses,§ including the HIV “virus” and also the “Corona virus” (Covid-19)

They say “AIDS” is not from any virus — that viruses are fake — but that AIDs is entirely caused by lifestyle choices, including filthy hygiene, illegal drug use by gays, and especially by taking “poppers” (pills to cause multiple orgasms, even several a night). (Vice president Nelson Rockefeller died of using poppers.)

Beautiful Samantha Bailey, MD of New Zealand, a wife and mother, btw, basically lost her whole career and fame (she was a doctor often interviewed on tv and had a call-in tv show) over this book and her videos against viruses and especially against the Corona virus, masks, and lockdowns.

Dr. Samantha Bailey, MD, is a research physician in New Zealand. She completed her Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degree at Otago University [JdN: which is like the Yale of New Zealand] in 2005. She worked in general practice, telehealth and in clinical trials for over 12 years with a particular interest in novel tests and treatments for medical diseases. She had the largest YouTube health channel in New Zealand, and created educational health videos based on questions from her audience. Bailey was also a co-presenter for a nationwide television health show in New Zealand that debunks common health misconceptions, called The Checkup.


We thought surely it would all come to a screeching halt when (PCR inventor) Kary Mullis used what Thoreau called the “whole strip” of his influence to counter the insanity.

Or when this or that politician or law firm took on some slam dunk AZT cases. Definitely when Thabo Mbeki (the then president of South Africa, and an AIDS skeptic) convened a panel of 24 experts to Pretoria in 2000, 12 from each side of the HIV issue.

We were hopeful again when Serge Lang, legendary French mathematician, famous for his truth-perception test for Yale freshmen called “The Huntington Test,” began assailing the editors of every major scientific journal with his “files” that documented the psychedelic insanity of all Escher-ian, self-fulfilling “HIV research.” (I have them all, he always sent me copies in the mail.)

HIV research proved immortal while the mighty Serge himself eventually succumbed to despair, in 2006. As did, eventually, Liam Scheff, and Christine Maggiore, in her way.

It was nothing except sheer violence,

crushing blows,

deadly propagandistic mockery and bullying,

every single day, year in, year out.

Magnificent minds were reduced to detested clowns in the media’s distortion mirrors.

As soon as a person questioned this weird inverted deity they called “HIV” they were “discredited” denialist worms, to be crushed and removed, for the safety of Good Society. One began to wonder, on low oxygen days, if one was actually crazy. Oh, there are so many examples.

Lynn Margulis lent her luminous voice to the battle pretty early, but she was reduced to somebody who “used to be married to Carl Sagan.” (I see it the other way around.)

In 1988, Barbara McClintock told me (in a faint interview over the phone) that she agreed with Peter Duesberg. He had arranged the call—I had no idea then who she was.

We had a few Nobel laureates, including Walter Gilbert, and titans of “virology” like Harry Rubin.

All reduced to the never explained phenomenon of formerly esteemed scientists who overnight “went crazy” and decided to become thoroughly discredited, homicidally so.

I’m depressing myself writing this.

Do you never worry that my head will explode? Do you think I don’t want to sometimes gives up all hope? My closest friend Rob Drescher was slowly murdered, his career terminally ended, for one single episode of the show he produced at ABC, that featured Peter Duesberg and myself.

Should I delete that sentence, since you don’t know what exactly I am talking about? Maybe we should reduce all of history to the No Virus dialectic, and to hell with all these people. Rob called Perth Group’s no-proof-that-HIV-exists writings “the holy shit vortex.”

We always thought we were one broadcast interview away from bringing the whole murderous regime to its knees.

Do I wish I had talked him out of it? I do.

We underestimated the enemy

by an incalculable margin.

Their ruthlessness was infinite,

and relentless.

Only they could, and must, exist, in a world without any of our voices. To this they felt supremely entitled. Why should they have to co-exist with “AIDS deniers”?

They resembled the Twilight Zone boy Anthony, who wished people with unclean thoughts “to the cornfield,” and poof, they vanished.

Tomas Tranströmer, as some of you have heard me quote before (whose collection The Truth Barrier our name is borrowed from) wrote this incredible stanza:

A poet visits a rich man and says to himself:

“You live well; the slum must be within you.” (That makes me think of Bill Gates.)

He also wrote the tag line that’s on our flag: “We lean toward freedom. So say the white sails.”

And then there was my close Swedish friend Peter Olsen, always quotable, who said once

“You don’t have a chance. Take it.”

That made me laugh, before I stopped laughing for about 12 years.

What Vladimir Bukovsky came to call “The Anaconda,” which is his version of what Catherine Austin Fitts calls “Mr. Global,” always turned up to strangle our foolish “hope,” leaving us to sweep up the broken glass.

Always, the only outcome to every challenge to the madness, no matter who it came from, was a bloody beating.

By 2008, none of us made a sound. It was a silent battlefield, and we had lost the war, hopelessly, and utterly, but not for being wrong.

That a Mr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would come along in 2021 and raise the dead body of the killed truth with a book that was read by over a million people, was unthinkable.


All hope had been abandoned for 13 years. All our beautiful conferences, meetings, exchanges—all fell silent. The war had raged by then, for 21 years.

The media apparatus could and did destroy everything anybody came up with, ranging from the sane and rational all the way to the beautiful, by way of sheer jet-black mockery. AIDS Inc. would never be deprived of its kills, nor of its endless self-glorifications.

Everything was hopeless.

But the human spirit is a beautiful thing, and it flies straight up through a hail of bullets, holding its truth cargo

How exhausted do you think Robert F. Kennedy Jr. must be, compared to you or me or any of us? How does somebody convert losses on the scale he has experienced to determination? (And I know the Kennedys are staunchly opposed to self-pity in all forms.)

I loved every line of his speech. I thought it was a near miraculous two hours of oratory, entirely unscripted, yet somehow, perfectly woven. Everything was addressed just as it should be, including the things nobody ever addresses in American public life. He was funny and real.

One of my favorite parts came toward the end when he addressed his skeletons, so numerous, he said, they could elect a King if they could vote. (I think that’s what he said.) I had the thought to create posters with drawings of skeletons that say: “We are Bobby Kennedy’s Skeletons And We Are Voting For Him In 2024.”

No American, I believe, cares one iota about Mr. Kennedy’s skeletons, as we sit trapped and held hostage by a malevolent, rapacious beast system, clearly trying to kill us. And our children. And our frogs and fishes, rivers, lakes and trees. Trying to demoralize us so that we lose all hope. All is lost when we lose hope, and hope is never rational.

“You don’t have a chance. Take it.”

—Peter Olsen

So here’s the letter, written by Emily Peyton, which she hopes he gets to read and I do too:

Open letter to Robert Kennedy, entering candidate for president,

“At last, I see a leader who stands up for the wee things, the tadpoles and the fish and the birds and the soil microbes, and the salt of the earth people, a leader who understands ‘climate change’ belongs to Monsanto, big Pharma, Corporatism, and weather manipulation, and bankers’ wars. It is not. I repeat not, excess Co2.

Their ruse to create the problem that they then ‘solve’ is abominable. Robert, you get this, and moreover you know these enemies of Nature, and care at the core of your being. Somehow, you have spent enough of your life in Nature’s arms to love her unconditionally. I see you.

“If there is one way to heal the divide, it is to bring our focus to bear on what we all agree on.

Clean water, soil, air and food.

There is not a woman in America who wants to give her child polluted water, so there should be a workforce of people cleaning our water. There is not a Mother in America who wants to poison her child with toxic food, and so there should be a million farm increase of small permaculture farms. There is not a Mother anywhere on earth who would put her child willingly within toxic air, polluted and filled with harm, so there should be a million strong working to stop the disgusting practices we see overhead, including the harmful invisible weapons of cell towers and 5g.

There is not a Father in America who wishes to leave to fight a war to enrich pedophilic masters. There is not a Father who wishes to be wage-slaved to the banking elites with their creation of child trafficking rings serving perversion and control by blackmail and destruction of God’s family of humanity. There is not a Father in America who wishes for autism on his child.

There is not a young child, youth or adult in America who doesn’t need your leadership. If we are to have a future, if we are to have health, Nature is our source. Of all the political candidates, I know you get it. I am thankful beyond words for your decision to step forward. However, I will not relax and simply watch you work on my behalf.

“I will work alongside you. I ask each of us to do the same. Each of you, by now, should plainly see, the risk of obedience to an elite few; their greed is insatiable, their methods immoral, dishonest and criminal.

We the People must solve the problems they create and not accept their “solutions”. We can no longer go along to get along with the powers that thieve, and prevent us from thriving, let alone surviving.

I believe the only safe place for our monetary methods to be handled is in the collective hands of We the People.

We cannot do the work of healing the divide and leave the rule via money in the hands of those who use it to control us for their spiritually impoverished, hellish authority.

We cannot trust elections, the press or the elected.

We do not have justice, we have protected elites. We do not have equality, we STILL have the good ole boys network, even locally. The very role of politics, in the eyes of the elite, I believe is to weaken the people, to divide them, and make them vulnerable.

Thus the remedy to restore economic environmental sanity is a collective enterprise vehicle to turn our future away from death’s cliff and towards safety. A lawful design for restructuring our monetary methods away from elite control…


…….The physical Jewish War of murder on the secretly antisemitic Kennedys

The Jewish War on the Kennedys


…….My hour has come

While I just sent Kennedy $24 because 1) the man is telling a ton of truth, and 2) is risking his very life, as I do, we all know his campaign will end in heartbreak. Either it will fizzle — after he is given the media silent treatment or is slandered 24/7 — or he will be assassinated… like his father, uncle and cousin John-John.

As for us Whites, the jews are closing in for the kill via

1) the digital currency,

2) the mRNA vaxx and especially sneaking it into the food, and

3) the specter of WWIII between Russia and the West.

Now the Khazars want to finally fulfill their goal of total world mastery.

Someone has to declare open war without any mercy on this world psychopathic cult.

That person is me.

Anyone who would even WANT to survive by obeying the full Jewish World order is a pitiful fool.

They intend to EXTERMINATE 90% of you, and the only white survivors will be literal, miserable slaves!

They are almost ready right now! But so am I. 😉





  1. If you follow Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief as I do, you know that sometime before 2030, Russia and China will launch a simultaneous EMP and nuclear first strike on the United States, which will destroy our military, and take down our entire electrical grid for at least a year, leaving us in a situation similar to the movie “The Road.” Biological weapons may also be used against us. Food production will completely stop, and starvation, mass rioting, total anarchy and even cannibalism will ensue. Millions will die of radiation sickness, starvation, and disease. NATO countries will also be hit. This mass chaos will end the U.S. as we’ve known it, and it will be replaced, in my opinion, by a Jew-run military dictatorship similar to the Soviet Union, which will enslave what remains of the U.S. population. Like all World Wars, WWIII will be entirely orchestrated by Jewish international bankers, who control the governments of the U.S., Russia, and China, and whose long-term goal has always been a New World Order under their control. Any white generals, politicians, or CEOs who go along with this Jewish agenda are traitors, and deserve a traitor’s fate. I don’t see any hope for the future, short of divine intervention.

  2. Cattle mutilations are still occurring on a regular basis:

    One theory I’ve read as to why their tongues, anuses, and genitals are surgically removed is to test them for long-term DNA damage due to radioactive fallout from all the above-ground nuclear tests in Nevada during the 1950s and 1960s. Black helicopters and UFOs have both been reported in connection with these cattle mutilations, so it’s unknown who is really behind it, but the purpose seems to be DNA testing of our food chain for long-term radiation damage, which would make sense, as cattle graze on grass, which grows in potentially radiation-contaminated soil. Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, and other cattle-raising states are all downwind from Nevada, and undoubtedly received a lot of radioactive fallout from all those nuclear tests in the 1950s and 1960s. These are also the states where most of the cattle mutilations have occurred.

    But why would some branch of the US government be doing this type of clandestine testing of cattle? Think of the massive liability the US government has, if in fact they have contaminated our food chain and have caused potentially millions of cancer deaths since the 1950s via all those nuclear tests. They would not want anyone to know how worried they are about it, and that they are testing for it, so they do it covertly, and blame the cattle mutilations on UFOs instead.

    Or, it could be that aliens really are doing the DNA testing, worried that we are contaminating the planet with radiation, which is probably deadly to them, too.

  3. Warum sollte man RFK jr. als ernsthaften Kandidaten betrachten?
    Als 2020 die koscher organisierten Proteste gegen die Plandemie begannen, war er in Berlin und hielt eine Rede, wo er lang und breit über “Nazis” laberte. Daß die Teilnehmer keine “Nazis” seien, weil sie ja für Freiheit einständen und bekam dafür Applaus von den Schafen. Er kritisierte zwar immerhin den 5G-Ausbau, aber ansonsten eine schwache Vorstellung.
    Organisiert war das alles von Michael Ballweg. Einem windigen Typen, der kürzlich angeblich im Knast saß, wegen Mißbrauch von Spendengeldern, die er privat ausgegeben haben soll. In Wahrheit machte er wohl Urlaub in Tel Aviv. Kaum war er “entlassen”, solidarisierte sich der linksdrehende Ballweg mit den Idioten, die sich aktuell auf der Straße festkleben. Bilder mit Anti-“Nazi”-Sprüchen von ihm gibt es auch.

    Nein, RFK jr. ist jemand, der den guten Familiennamen als Aufwind nimmt, in Wahrheit aber ein Blender ist. Nein danke!

    • Ja….. gefangen in seiner Gutmenschendenkweise…. wie es auch zum Teil sein Vater wie sein Onkel waren, bes. in der Neger-Frage und über die Juden…..

      Aber wenn die Juden auch ihn über den Haufen schießen, da ihnen der giftiger Covid-Impfstoff und auch andere Impfungen heilig sind, wird man ihm Furchtlosigkeit bescheinigen müssen. Er ist jetzt der berühmteste Impfgegner der Welt.

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