Roman Empire redux: Mike Adams speculates on a Trump last-minute negotiation with his Praetorian generals: ‘I’ll give you a conventional war with China (which ran the Stealection against me) IF you carry out the Insurrection Act, my re-election is certified, and I get a second term’

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Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, US Army general Mark Milley, with Trump

I would say there are “elites,” plural, in both America and also in Russia.

In Russia, there are two factions, one mostly jewish and the other mostly slavic. Putin is with the latter but has to listen to the former. He does not have absolute power, nor do the jews.

Mike Adams speculates the generals want a nice, long, profitable, conventional war with China that, they hope. does not go nuclear. They would get bribes in the hundreds of millions of dollar value via Bitcoin, and would then let Trump invoke the Insurrection Act.

I wish to remind my readers of the grim, unsmiling, earnest final speech by President Dwight Eisenhower against the “military-industrial complex.” Basically, these are greedy forces that want long, dragged-out, no-win wars that make them filthy-rich.

Then Trump gets his second term.  Why is this scenario possible?

1) Trump may well feel a decent compassion for his supporters, his innocent, patriotic MAGA people, who came to his rallies, showered him in love and loyalty, and now face hell — poverty, beatings, arson and even prosecution — under Biden-Harris

2) he hates being a “loser” and seeing all his pro-American achievements reversed by the Demoncraps and RINOs

When he was Patton he said this:


2) Trump may fear hell for himself and his family.

The PGA (Professional Golfers Association) has banned its golfing tournaments from bieng held at any of Trump’s many  beautiful golf courses.

He is now banned from Scotland by the First Minister there, a land which he loves and where his mother was born, “due to having had Covid.”

He wanted to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to the great Patriots football coach Bill Belichek, but the coach rejected it under massive pressure from Massachetts Demoncraps and RINO politicians.

4) Not only Facebook and Twitter have banned him, but now also one of his main email mass-mailing services. How does he communicate to the public henceforth? Fox and the whole Murdoch media press empire have turned against him!

) How can Trump establish any kind of post-“defeat” “Trump TV” and/or his own version of Twitter, FB, etc. if BLM and Antifa are going to be totally unleashed — as in Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington; and NYC — to go to the homes of his executives and even secretaries/cameramen, etc, and terrorize or physically attack them?

Antifa just a few days ago went to the home of US Senator Josh Hawley in northern Virginia, with his wife and baby inside, pounded on his door, and screamed slogans toward the house via electronic bullhorn? And this was while Trump is still president.

What will these thugs do when Biden-Harris gives them free rein?

Forget the pipe dream of TrumpTV!

6) Trump must personally be irate at China, himself, at this point for seeking to overthrow him via the Stealection, for Corona, for financing BLM and Antifa, and for using Big Tech to censor him, his supporters and his message.

7) Adams (photo) himself says conflict with Red China may be necessary, or else Beijing will take over and communize our America, Europe, Canada, NZ and Australia, that is, it will continue taking them all over — and complete this takeover and our enslavement.

Yet Adams warns that a war with China might incur enormous casualties, and it could, of course, go thermonuclear and wipe most of the planet out.

OR China incites Russia and America to go at it, and steps aside, grinning sadistically, as the two main white countries (with all the white NATO countries) take each other out.

Then China rules whatever is left.


8) Of course, a military running Trump could be dangerous for us WNs, and Trump would have no power to interfere if they rounded US up.

9) This would be the Pentagon running Trump to get more wars, the opposite of what he was elected for in 2016.

Going back in history, there were many Roman emperors who feared the Praetorian Guard, which both protected and largely ran the city of Rome. Why? The Praetorians killed many emperors.

Roman emperors murdered by the Praetorian Guard

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  1. (totally unacceptable) Let Biden-Harris come in and very quickly pass legislation, after even more false-flag attacks like the “US capitol MAGA riot” (which was really Antifa and Deep-State-led, with the Trumpers let in by the cops while Antifa did the violence) to set up, with accompanying media hysteria ,a ban all free speech, seizure of all guns — and locking up of all white nationalists preventively as domestic terrorists
  2. Let Trump do his supposed deal with the generals and take our chances, with Red China being a very genuine threat (a gigantic golem for the jews, actually, whether they realize it or not)
  3. I do something spectacular at incredible risk –– this being a drooling, zombie nation that has been drilled for 85 years  on how evil Hitler was (and, if redux, again is.…… and  (they actually say this) NHitler wanted to gas every white peson with dark hair 😉 ).

Then you know I could end up like just this guy.


As the proverb goes, “If you tell the truth, you better have one foot in the stirrup.” 😉

I’m praying and planning….with just days left.



……Three emails

1…This came on protonmail from a European — code name Dhsyrepw0e —  maybe a French person, and I edited it for clarity.

Thank you for all that you do, John.

With our roles keeping us so busy in this day and age, it’s hard to determine what is truth and what is lies for many of your readers (and for those who read also your writer Francois). But I believe you and in you.

Forgive me for not totally committing to you yet but I do trust you and I am a spirtual person who understands, trusts, believes in, and has faith in the soul, in the spirit, in the divinity inside us, in God, and in many other aspects of the Universe and All That Is

You may like this video on spirit channelers in America [who all are against a rigid view of karma as “we are doomed to punishment for every one of our past sins in every past life”]

I totally agree with you on Hitler [a hero, a genius, but not perfect] and also on how there are no victims or absolute villains either; we all agree to have these experiences before we incarnate in order to learn and grow.

Good day, Mr de Nugent, and I wish your wife the best as well.

2…This email was definitely from France, and really affected me (also edited for clarity).

Hello, I’m C[].

I live in France. Sorry for my English; I prefer French for speaking. Are you ok? If yes, that would help me and I would help you.

I feel sorry for Trump and for me and you, because the Jewish New World Order has arrrived.
John, I am a 45-year-old woman. We are facing a racial war, but we have no guns. They only allow us flintlock pistols with black powder from the 1700s that use a musket ball!
What does a woman like me do?

3…From the USA

Dear John,

Oh how it sucks to be so ordinary. Well, maybe I shouldn’t say it sucks as there are perks to that. I suppose. So have said many famous, great people, who lose their privacy nd wish they could again experience being incognito. And granted I am far from ordinary on the point of reading and following you!

But besides that, I’m so ordinary. No extraordinary talents or skills. That gets magnified when I study the many great individuals in history. You and AH to name a couple. The challenge is to appreciate this incarnation for what it is. A choice for a life experience.

At least I can read about and revel at the grand accomplishments of the greats and maybe I’ll be someone great in another incarnation!? In the meantime still aspiring for at least some greatness in this one.

I think those who really love and respect you are pretty esoteric folks. In your last life you were truly able to capture the support of 85-90% of the German people without having to resort to a coup (tried and failed) or to vote fraud! Truly incredible and legendary.

In today’s landscape I doubt you can get more than 1% of americans behind you because of the said esoteric nature (grand as it is). Your purpose, of course, is different this time.

I’m reading Degrelle’s Hitler Democrat now which is really the first really pro-Hitler book I’ve read.

It does the best job of really highlighting his accomplishments and showing what an amazing man he was. Truthfully. And really painting the landscape of those time clearly. Complex geopolitics. Truly a sort of “game of thrones”, a “game of nations”.

I’m so tiny and microscopic compared to so many of these greats (like AH and the Duce…the truly greats are often not the winners) but perhaps like you say I chose my parents and the opportunities they had the potential to afford me. Who knows the previous lives? It’s strange there are no clear recollections of them but just fragments and faint visions. I think that is mostly the mechanics of life for the beings on this planet. We must forget those lives to focus on this one.

All for now, I have to run and don’t want to delay sending an already late reply any longer.



…..Hitler, Democrat

What some people think they ‘know’ about Hitler and his era is nothing close to the truth. In Hitler Democrat the other side of the story is told, as only the great General Leon Degrelle of the Waffen-SS could tell it. This tremendous work is unlike any other book about World War II—and Adolf Hitler—available anywhere on the face of the planet today.

To order:

Hitler Democrat – Barnes Review

Longtime subscribers of “The Barnes Review” are familiar with General Degrelle’s remarkable story. When this vibrant Warrior for the West—a much-decorated survivor of the brutal Eastern Front—died in Spain in 1994, he was the last surviving major figure of World War II, a statesman and soldier (at one point the youngest political leader in Europe) acquainted with all of the big names of the European arena, including Churchill, Mussolini, Franco, Laval, Petain and many others, including, of course, needless to say, Adolf Hitler himself.


In fact, Hitler once said that if he were to have a son, he would want him to be like Leon Degrelle.

So it’s more than fitting that in his final years, the retired Belgian general was working relentlessly on the manuscripts that today make up the pages of Hitler Democrat. The original typescript of this book, written in the early 1990s, had been temporarily lost, but both Degrelle’s wife, Jeanne, and publisher Willis Carto still held earlier drafts of some of Degrelle’s writings. Through a laborious process of careful reconstruction, the staff of The Barnes Review were able to literally resurrect Degrelle’s lost work.

And today, that material appears here in “Hitler Democrat” for the first time. In the end, this volume is not only a monumental work of history, a genuine epic, but it is also, in its own fashion, a tribute to the man behind it: General Leon Degrelle.


….Sleep-Walking Elite  [ = a warning]

Sleep Walking Elite

Rushed and told
They’re bred to continue be at their marks
But some withhold
And won’t be held under the spell

Bribes when tried
They’ve focused on the balling
Of a men, ’til now
Got left inside the underbelly’s choke

Well you assumed
At least they’ll call us men again
For those shadows
That keep on crawling out from under cloaks

Behold rest assured
The sleep walking elite
When their days
Are numbered like the shallow

When they sit, on their knees
On their knees, on their knees
As they sit, on their knees
On their knees, on their knees

And you assumed
At least they’ll call us men again
For those shadows
That keep on crawling out from under cloaks


Well you assumed
At least they’ll call us men again
For those shadows
That keep on crawling out from under

Well you assumed
At least they’ll call us men again
For those shadows
That keep on crawling out from under…

Songwriter: Samuel Loeffler, Peter Loeffler

…….Final comment

Only an idiot would surrender to his worst enemy.




…..[Hostile leftist] Report: Oath Keepers Plan ‘Bloody Civil War’ If Trump Leaves Office

Report: Oath Keepers Plan ‘Bloody Civil War’ If Trump Leaves Office
December 17, 2020
Michael Stone

Domestic terrorists: According to their leader Stewart Rhodes, the Oath Keepers, an American far-right anti-government militia organization, will lead a “bloody civil war and revolution” if Trump leaves office and Joe Biden is sworn in as president.

Right Wing Watch reports:

Stewart Rhodes, pro-Trump leader of the anti-government extremist group Oath Keepers, posted an open letter to President Donald Trump Monday urging Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act against “domestic traitors,” order “trusted military units” to “seize all databases of the CIA, FBI, NSA, DNI, etc and the records held by all state electoral systems and administrators,” and declassify evidence of treason by “corrupt and compromised elites” who he claimed had worked with the Chinese government to subvert the election.

You must act NOW as a wartime President, pursuant to your oath to defend the Constitution, which is very similar to the oath all of us veterans swore.

We are already in a fight. It’s better to wage it with you as Commander-in-Chief than to have you comply with a fraudulent election, leave office, and leave the White House in the hands of illegitimate usurpers and Chinese puppets.

Please don’t do it. Do NOT concede, and do NOT wait until January 20, 2021. Strike now.

If you fail to act while you are still in office, we the people will have to fight a bloody civil war and revolution against these two illegitimate Communist China puppets, and their illegitimate regime, with all of the powers of the deep state behind them, with nominal command of all the might of our armed forces (though we fully expect many units or entire branches to refuse their orders and to fight against them) and with their foreign allies also joining in to assist in the suppression of American patriots.

Southern Poverty Law Center reports that the Christian militia is “one of the largest radical anti-government groups in the U.S. today,” noting:

The Oath Keepers, which claims tens of thousands of present and former law enforcement officials and military veterans as members, is one of the largest radical anti-government groups in the U.S. today. While it claims only to be defending the Constitution, the entire organization is based on a set of baseless conspiracy theories about the federal government working to destroy the liberties of Americans.

Report: Oath Keepers Plan ‘Bloody Civil War’ If Trump Leaves Office (Image via YouTube)



  1. Dear John de Nugent,

    Perhaps you could translate this analysis into German, into French and into Russian. You would be doing a great favor to those who republish such analyses.

    In any case, your whole life has been a preparation for the present phase of upheaval. Now only praying can help, inner guidance. No man should waste his potential and destiny.

  2. Arguably (would we still have had the post war boom if we stayed neutral and out of it) a mistake teaming up with Russia against Germany in WWII but to team up with them against China now makes sense perhaps? Possible win win? Maybe it can bring our country together and elevate us? But to what end there? To remove that regime and install one that is more friendly to Western civ? Or even more importantly to check and reduce their exponentially growing military power now while we can. I think they are building their military more than makes anyone comfortable.

    The increased danger if Biden comes in would be wasting all our remaining power fighting Russia and Iran while China continues to grow. I don’t know, just some thoughts.

  3. I believe the situation if the evil Chinese puppet Biden takes power is far, FAR worse than we can imagine.

    I believe that if this evil man takes power, his Chinese masters will order their senile marionnette Biden to launch a massive, and I do mean MASSIVE nuclear strike on Russia.

    Russia then launches a massive nuclear counter-strike on America.

    White America, white Russia and white Europe are all reduced to a vast radioactive wasteland.

    The Chinese sit back and laugh that all their enemies have destroyed each other for them.

    But it doesn’t end there.

    The zionists will say that their time has come and they will launch a massive nuclear, chemical and biological war against the Arab and Islamic world.

    But it still doesn’t end there. More is to come — a nuclear war breaks out between India and Pakistan. Israeli scientists have been helping India build cobalt nuclear weapons that will be used against both Pakistan and China.

    So the Zionists will get their friends in Israel to wipe China out as well by using India to destroy China, and thus they rule over a radioactive world.

    I believe that the American generals must must act to not only save America but save humanity from catastrophe. Yes, it’s that bad.

    • Thanks for this brilliant war-gaming.

      Add the reptilian theory, and then it makes even more sense.

      And if only ten percent of the earth is habitable, well, they rule at least unchallenged over that ten percent.

  4. Hey John. Thanks for improving my article. I’m glad you like it. It’s almost midnight here. I’ll send you [] and some more info on World War Two from an Australian perspective. Best regards.

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