Roof ltr to Tucker Carlson: I c-o-n-d-e-m-n Graas/Roof (IF he did it!) as a fraud & MK-ULTRA, his deed (IF done) as monstrous, and his effect as outright catastrophic

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Margi and I in 2008 at the beautiful Nathan Bedford Forrest equestrian monument in Memphis, a gorgeous structure cast in Paris, France. It was taken down soon after the Dylann Storm Roof massacre.


Henrik Holappa, a brave, six-foot-tall Finn, a WN, and my one-time protegé, was with us in Memphis in November 2008.  After Obama was inaugurated, he was arrested by the feds (March 2009), spent over 80 days in solitary on a bogus visa-overstay charge, later attacked me, all Finnish charges against him for “hate speech” were mysteriously dropped, and then he left our cause totally. Terrible things can happen in Jewmerica in federal custody.   


IMO, the Roof massacre (whether real or just perceived) was one big psy-op, designed brilliantly and successfully by the pros of the Deep State, and crafted to demonize the Confederacy, and, by extension, all white males, all racial free speech, and all privately owned guns.

See below.

(from comrade Billy Roper on VK:

Although we had initially intended to publish Dylann Roof’s death row letter to Fox TV talk show host Tucker Carlson one page at a time, a flurry of attacks on The Roper Report website overnight, in apparent reaction to that promise and the letter, combined with requests from within our own community, have persuaded us to release the letter in its entirety, unedited and complete. That’s what happens when you try to shut us up.
Roof-Carlson Letter (Complete and Unedited)

Roof-Carlson Letter (Complete and Unedited)


Adam Meek

Do you know if Carlson saw it?

Billy Roper

Adam, I’ve no idea. If so he has not responded publicly.

Mark Calvin

He has probably been told by his tv station not to acknowledge it.

John De-Nugent

It needs to be fully transcribed. But what he did was idiotic, or he was an MK-ULTRA. Why? I just cannot think of any crime more heinous and counter-productive in terms of the white public than a coward gunning down nice old black ladies thumbing through their Bibles in a house of God. It makes us all look like psychopaths. A real man, instead, would target the actual masters of evil who run our world — and we all know their names.

John Hanson

John states, “coward gunning down”

There’s that word again, “coward”, embedded in our minds by the establishment media and parroted to seem like someone is in the know. Well, not saying what Dylan done was right, but a coward would most probably not do what he done just to get put on death row.

Like when the planes went into the twin towers. President Bush stated it was cowards. Well, if that was cowards, what could that possibly say about the rest of us? No, I might not like what they done, but cowards, they are not.

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent replied to John
John, since when is gunning down old ladies the thing a real man would do? I vehemently must disagree with you. In my day, such a thing was unthinkable. Were these women supposed to karate-chop him when he pulled his gun out? 😉 It is pure SLAUGHTER of UNARMED WOMEN. And as for my racial credentials, I am one of the most hard-core WNs around — and a former Marine NCO. But there are things I will not do as an Aryan, which means “noble” in Sanskrit.

John Hanson

John Hanson replied to John
John, I just disagreed with you on your definition of a coward. Many of us are combat vets, btw. If one is really hardcore, he doesn’t need to parrot it. No, he probably puts a plane into a building. Just sayin’

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent replied to John
John, I see the Roof action also as counter-productive for us, whereas 9/11 was very productive — for Jewry. It got this whole fool nation foaming at the mouth over the Ayrabs, and deeply into the Mideast hornet’s nest with US country-boy troops, fighting the enemies of IsraHell. As for the Roof thing, it got the whole Confederacy demonized, white Southerners on their knees apologizing, and hundreds of beautiful Confederate statues removed, and that included this gorgeous one in Memphis, Tenn. (with me and my gf Margaret in front of it) — the Nathan Bedford Forrest equestrian statue:  This was the true upshot of the Roof shooting spree — Dixie turned into a dirty word.
For me it was a classic false flag, and Roof was/is a MK-ULTRA, just as was Sirhan Sirhan.

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent replied to John
John, This is a list of my blogs on this Roof issue

John De-Nugent

There is almost no question in my mind that Roof is an MK-ULTRA, sent out to do harm to our cause. He is identical to the Hollywood child actor John Christian Graas:

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent

totally counter-productive gesture!

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent

It is also possible that no negroes at all were killed, and the whole thing was an “op.” I saw NO open caskets at the funerals and yet blacks normally do open caskets.

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent replied to John
John, having lived for 20 years down south, killing women in a Bible study in a church in the Southern Bible Belt was absolutely the WORST thing any man could do to HARM whatever beliefs he espoused.

John Hanson

John Hanson replied to John
John, I see him the same as the NZ shooter. An accelerationist. That is, trying to bring forward the battle that must take place before 2040, when whites will be a minority to the PoC. Dylan was produced, like the NZ shooter because there is zero white representation. And in a world of anti white propaganda in white countries, batten down the hatches, you ain’t seen nothing yet. There will be some, seeing no possible future for themselves or their children, that will go off. White genocide is through the roof (no pun intended). Calling them cowards is a lazy way to not read and try to rationalize their discourse, I believe. I believe we have been trained, by the Frankfurt School, to always counter signal our own people. We only talk about the “bad”, never displaying their argument. To me, that’s a false flag event to gaslight our people. Good day to you, sir.

John De-Nugent

Now if a real race war breaks out, I will do what has to be done. But that is not PR and getting “good will” at that stage, but military necessity.

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent replied to John
John, Thanks for your comment and respectful tone as well, brother Hanson. Well, “accelerationist,” hmmm…. The Reds had (have) a habit of giving things a name and somehow that gave it legitimacy OR that made it demonic. “Liquidation” for murdering people, “disinformation” for lying and slander, and “enemy of the people” for “anti-communist.”…. All I see now is the effect — the South I love (as a New Englander, btw, and a true “Copperhead” 😊 ) has been de-Confederatized since Dylann Roof. 😒 Best to you, comrade Hanson. JdN

John Hanson

John Hanson replied to John
John, it was going to happen anyway. It just got accelerated. Decades of optics cucking and civic nationalism has been a failure for our people. The proof is more than all around us. I’m just making observations. Best to you, sir.

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent replied to John
John, I was just blogging yesterday and today on how we must go to the more radical stage. The time for talk is about over, and anyway, the giant Internet platforms (Faceberg, Jewgle, Twitter, etc.) are censoring us to the point we are returning to the pre-Internet darkness, and even our TALK is being suppressed!

John De-Nugent

Billy Roper

Dylann did what he did because the Senior Pastor was a very vocal and public black activist, and the church was infamous for having been the site of a planned slave revolt and massacre of Whites. He intended it as an act of accelerationism. The rise of the Alt Right afterwards demonstrates that any damage done to the image of Whites in the eyes of cucked normie sheeple was minimal, and the provocation inspiring the attack on Confederate monuments as a result was a red pill for many. I’ve known people who were afraid to attend simple meetings because they thought they might be in danger, before. I wouldn’t call Dylann a coward. But the letter is being fully transcribed by Balk Rightists who understand accelerationism.

Robert Farrar

Good for you, Billy! You and SWN’s backbone continue to impress me. Keep up the good work, brother!

John Hanson

aaaaand, the NAZI releases the whole dang thing. I’m searching some cheap one-way flights to Russia.

Mark Calvin

John, why do you want to go to Russia?

John Hanson

John Hanson replied to Mark
Mark, I’m Slavic.😁 No, that’s in reference towards Snowden’s release of information. People get upset with the truth, when it doesn’t fit the programmed mainstream narrative. They get so mad, they desire to rip your guts out through your throat.
John Hanson replied to John
John, excellent article. I will need to bookmark your blog. Thanks. Impressive cranium, btw. I’m glad it’s working for our people. 🙂

John De-Nugent

John De-Nugent replied to John
John, Thank you! Margi and I are both militants for a world where we whites can survive — and thrive again. She also outdid me on the Graduate School Aptitude Test — 99th percentile! 😊



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