UPDATED Think Roswell was the last UFO crash? Think again; more on the possibly Nordic UFO in the Baltic; FOX News and media smear the project: “mere rocks” explored by “con men”; the Reich and Aldebaran

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This recent (2008) incident, widely reported on by the local media, is quasi-proof of 1) UFOs, 2) the US government recovering them when they crash (or are shot down!), and 3) of the infamous Men in Black who intimidate witnesses (and are known to actually kill people).


…..Baltic UFO

I blogged on this huge story several times — on the possibility that this craft (crash-landing from a lost battle or natural disaster elsewhere) was the origin of the nordics in Scandinavia. (I wish to thank again comrade G for first sending me this amazing story.)

If you look at maps of blond-hair distribution in Europe, the highest levels are to the west and east of this spot in Sweden and Finland. Speculating — did nordics emerge from this craft or another like it and get ashore?

Was this area of the Baltic seabed actually dry like Doggerland 10,000 years ago, before the Ice Age ended? Impossible to say.

Crashed UFO found 87 meters down on seabed of northern Baltic — near highest concentration on earth of blond, blue-eyed people

Here is now a video about the actual team that discovered and explored it.

Looking at Fredrick, the chief scuba diver, I could not help but wonder if he might be exploring the very “space ship” that actually brought his own nordic ancestors to Sweden and Finland 10,000 years ago.

It is very correct that 90 meters (280+ feet) is very far down and dangerous for scuba diving.

It take the two divers a whopping 90 minutes to safely, SLOWLY return those 90 meters back up to the surface  so as to avoid the “bends.”

It is also pitch-black down there.

My friend Erich Gramm died at this same depth trying to earn money by bringing a lost anchor up for a fishing boat off Fall River, Massachusetts in 1972.

With time and money both running out, the two divers take the dangerous plunge.

By the time they arrive at the mysterious object, their oxygen will have dwindled and they will have just ten minutes to explore, take photos and cut out some samples of the object’s surface for examination later.


The object looked like concrete, but when touched it turned jet-black like burned plastic.

Upon their return, the two divers note that the seawater right above the object was strangely six degrees colder than the ambient water.



They discovered a perfectly round hole, 2-3 meters (4-6 feet)  across, and located inside a square frame on one side of the object (above the white dot).






This is an obvious right angle, straight as a ruler, which looks like a totally man-made surface, and more like being made of some metal than the concrete-appearing substance seen below it in the photo:




Another strange thing: what looked like said concrete surface, but was black underneath, was some kind of substance resembling “black rock.”



Was this the result of the interaction for 10,000 years between some alien metal or composite and the brackish (half-fresh, half-salty) seawater of the Baltic?

Or did the craft, in crash-landing, become carbonized upon entry into earth’s atmosphere, with perhaps the heat shields failing?



Would we find charred skeletons of dead Nordics inside if we opened it up? If Nordics came from far out in our galaxy, was this one unlucky ship that did not land correctly and safely, but crashed with all hands lost?

Is is possible that, to prevent an enemy from recovering the ship, it was then quickly sprayed by the crew of another friendly ship, layered over with some sort of rocklike surface that quick-dried to make it look like it was just some rocks down there?

It does looks as if black rock had been sprayed over a definitely man-made structure, in a sort of a quick and dirty job that was done in a huge hurry.

When the Swedish crew repaired their 3-D sonar scanner, they found this incredible shape, looking like a ship crashed, slicing through a hill, and skiddering for 1500 meters (a mile) to a halt! Obviously only something of extraordinary hardness and strength could slice through a mountain and keep going in one piece.



The documentary shows near the end how FOX News and other American media began a campaign of libeling the Swedes as con men — as they do with me! — and the object itself they call a “pile of rocks”!

Then the Swedish team began getting emails threatening them and their children’s safety!

Is all this really evidence that the nordic race is from the galaxy, not this earth, and it is at war with another species?

Why did Facebook maintain a 30-day suspension of me (the seventh in 13 months) even after deciding my supposedly violating post was okay after all? 😉


UPDATE Still suspended by Farcebook, though my “violating” post, on review, was approved!


The jews hate and fear the white race, and especially the nordic subrace, a race of resolute, innovative warriors and fair, efficient, skilled administrators – not the life of the party, but what you need to govern well, protect and serve the entire white race.




From accurate Nordics researcher Jim Nichols (http://thewebmatrix.net/jimnicholsufo/):

“According to the legend of the German Vril society, a fateful meeting was held in 1919 at an old hunting lodge near Berchtesgaden,

Hitler’s charming, legendary villa there, the Berghof

….the grave there of his great mentor — poet, playwright and Thule Society member — Dietrich Eckart

….Paula Hitler’s gravestone there

Weird, orange-red water running in the Alps outside Berchtesgaden, April 2015 (.https://johndenugent.com/red-water-like-blood-in-berchtesgaden-against-the-ludicrous-insulting-harmful-theory-hitler-went-to-an-argentine-ski-resort-while-his-people-died-like-flies/)



The location is six miles north of town, west of Markt (Market) Schellenberg. The black dot shows where Hitler’s house, the Berghof, was. (It is now overgrown with trees, but the foundation and retaining wall again the mountain remain.)




[….a Berchtesgaden] where Maria Orsic presented to a small group assembled from the Thule, Vril and Black Sun Societies telepathic messages she claimed to have received from an extraterrestrial civilization existing in the distant Aldebaran solar system, sixty-eight light years away, in the Constellation of Taurus

JdN: Said “Taurus” was also Hitler’s sun sign in the Zodiac, btw, a bull-like determination which was the prime characteristic of his personality — radical, tenacious persistence — or, as he said “the triumph of the will.” ……”They can surpress persecute us; they can even kill us, for all I care– but capitulate, that we shall never do.”  (02:27-34)[.https://johndenugent.com/images/Adolf-Hitler-Was-Right-Democracy-Plutocracy-the-Press.mp4] ) (….and if you understand the Disengagement Movement, the Absetzbewegung, that moved to the Antarctic and the Andes, then you grasp that the Reich did not capitulate but still exists. Only the Wehrmacht military forces located on the continent of Europe surrendered in May 1945.)


One set of Maria’s channeled transmissions was found to be in a secret German Templar script unknown to her. A second series of transmissions appeared to be written in an ancient eastern language, which Babylonian scholars associated with the Thule group, recognized as ancient Sumerian.

Maria Orsic along with Sigrun, another of the Vril Society’s female mediums, began the task of translating these transmissions and discovered they contained instructions for “”building a circular flight machine.”

Photos sent me by a friend named Klaus of an actual UFO flying at supersonic speed straight into or out of the ground. At the last second part of the ground or rocky mountainside “dematerializes” and ships pass through it, then the slit rematerializes.

Denver photographer slows down his film and detects UFOs: https://kdvr.com/2012/11/08/mile-high-city-mystery-ufo-sightings-in-sky-over-denver/ 

Jewish artist Joyce Greenberg’s sick painting of crying nordic children (controversially using actual blond kids, who were induced somehow to cry, as her models):


Artist Cleon Peterson depicts dark men killing white men and women — and raping white females after killing the men:

Cleon Peterson, born in arch-leftist Seattle, Washington in 1973, is now an artist in Los Angeles


black cops kill whites


Supposed ex-jewel thief on Epstein and Maxwell; who were the ancient jews?


Video of infamous JDL terrorist Irv Rubin eating food literally like a reptile? Rabbi Laitman says Jews are aliens sent to conquer earthlings

UPDATED Whites of today a mix of Cro-Magnons and ET Nordics ” two different waves of humans from the galaxy that made ancient Atlantis, Egypt, Greece, Rome and the modern West

…..Under closet-jew pope Paul VI, a huge audience hall was erected on Vatican grounds in the overt shape of a serpent!


….a comment-question-suggestion from a devoted supporter


Many shipwrecks leave a subterranean trail as they settle to their destination, especially the heavier ones like the Titanic. I think we should give this craft an appropriate name. Got any ideas, John?

My reply:

Thanks for your suggestion!

Assuming it was Nordics on this craft, we might call it “the Doomed Aldebaranian,” after its sad fate and possible origin in the star system Aldebaran, said to be the home of many (not all) Nordics, and the home system of those Nordics who very quietly helped the Third Reich.

Tall Whites vs. Nordics and Aldebaran Visitors, Hellyer disclosure

Of course, for all we know, this craft could also have been piloted by evil creatures, not good ones.

We would have to literally open it up and see who was inside.

Of course, as we have seen many times, Hollywood movies often reflect reality, whether it is sci-fi (Star Wars, Star Trek, or, notably, “They Live”) or the two major movies with many accurate details on “Manchurian candidates.” (Having been in this program, as I gradually realized when pieces of the puzzle of my life came together, I can attest to the accuracy of these movies, though I was then a child — unlike the regular-joe Army soldiers in the two movies, who, of course, were adults.)

In the first “Star Wars” movie, the “Millennium Falcon” craft is piloted by lovable rogue Han Solo (played by Harrison Ford), and is very prominent. It/Solo joins the struggle of the freedom-loving planets, the Federation, against an “Empire” that is out to enslave this galaxy.

All that would parallel what is actually happening — with the Nordic-Reptilian war.

Additionally, the final scene of said priginal “Star Wars” movie, where the three heroes get their awards for bravery, with beams of light shooting upward, has been widely decried by liberals as reflecting the NS imagery of the Nuremberg rallies in Leni Riefenstahl’s “Triumph of the Will” — and it is said the Aldebaranians backed the NS Reich….

The never-finished Congress Hall at Nuremberg

The “cathedral of light”

So, just speculating here, can one ask if craft of the general shape of a “Millennium Falcon” were or are part of the fleet of the good guys? ( the Nordic-led “Federation”?)

If so, then we could call this crashed spacecraft “the Doomed Aldebaranian,” and speculate it was here with refugees, even defeated soldiers and/or their families, from a lost battle in that war that has been going on for millennia. It is a struggle waged planet-by-planet, just as the US waged a war in WWII against the Japanese, island by island…. with our earth being an important “island.”


  1. Would the Gulf of Bothnia been frozen over 10-20k years ago? If so it may have sat on a frozen surface for hundreds of years before the great thaw.

    • Good point!

      The Ice Age in Europe looked supposedly like this, so yes, it would have crashed on the ice and then settled when the ice melted.

      However, the photo I just added about the object slicing through a mountain would indicate that it crashed onto the current seabed — which then may have been not a real seabed but dry land like Doggerland.

      Since Nordics erupted supposedly around 8-9,000 BC, this would be at a time when the Ice Age was ending — and the seas and oceans were gradually rising as the ice caps melted. The Baltic was then, it is said, a just wide valley.

  2. Many shipwrecks leave a subterranean trail as they settle to their destination, especially the heavier ones like the Titanic. I think we should give this craft an appropriate name. Got any ideas?

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