RT Crosstalk show: Is America in 2020 like Russia in 1917? First jews give liberals power, then Bolsheviks?

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CrossTalk Bullhorns, QUARANTINE EDITION: Is 2020 Another 1917?

The post-Soviet frozen conflict known as Nagorno-Karabakh is now very hot. We tell you what you need to know.

And, btw, it was Stalin who gave Christian, Armenian-speaking Nagorno to the muslim Turks of Azerbaijan, creating the problems we see today, 103 years later!

And is America in 2020 acting out events similar to those seen during the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917?

CrossTalking with George Szamuely & Dmitry Babich.

This is one of the best episodes of this show, “Crosstalk,” which has been on RT since 2009 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CrossTalk)

The basic idea is that American liberals who hate Trump and support BLM and Antifa have no idea, like Russian liberals in 1917 who helped overthrow the tsar and put in Kerensky, that dark and powerful forces will then remove the liberal leader, and put in the bloodthirsty communists now lurking behind the scenes.

Host Peter Lavelle, of course, does not say that it was the money of jew billionaire Jacob Schiff that funded the downfall of the tsar and the rise of first, liberals, and then bolsheviks. Today, the jew billionaire George Schwartz AKS Soros is backing Biden, but only to elbow him aside and get the HARD left into power who will kill the whites.

We are clearly now in a pre-revolutionary situation, meaning from the left, and it is time that another factor arise.

Odin riding Sleipnir to battle


  1. The Democratic Communist Party has openly announced their government overthrow plans, basing them on an election steal, but not stopping with that.
    September 9, 2020
    The Democrats’ Upcoming Theft of the 2020 Election
    By Donald N. Finley
    “The playbook for the theft of the 2020 presidential election is written. The Democrats, under the guise of a group named the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), have actually drafted their plan to steal the election.”

    Trump is quite aware of this coup, as he loudly pointed it out at the debate with Biden. “We know who you are and have the tapes.” Also, Trump asked Biden why he didn’t intervene to stop the Antifa/BlM violence. Biden said it wasn’t in his political power to do so.

    Although the DHS knows that Antifa/BLM are Communist terror groups, Chad Wolf claims it is white supremacists doing the violence.

    Trump apparently knows the truth and probably intends to fight against the on-going coup.

    It is possible that Trump has been having secret strategy sessions with military personnel that were instructed to oversee the protection of the legitimate government now in place, specifically while under a declared pandemic. Trump backers keep getting covid-19 positive test results and the Pentagon is required to quarantine only them. The ones that have tested negative must think they are the winners. But not if there is a swift power confrontation to stop them. Perhaps the fake retreat trap to ambush the enemy? ” We are clearly now in a pre-revolutionary situation, meaning from the left, and it is time that another factor arise.”

  2. Unrelated to this article, but after seeing Trump’s very rapid and complete recovery from his alleged cohenavirus infection, I now believe that it was entirely fake and staged. I don’t believe that Trump or any of his staff were sick at all. Trump’s doctor, Conley, couldn’t stop smiling at his press conferences, as if he knew that the whole thing was fake. The only question in my mind now is whether Trump himself ordered this little hoax as a way of demonstrating to the public that the cohenavirus is nothing to worry about, as Anglin claims:


    …or, whether Trump, being Jeffrey Epstein pedo-blackmailed by the Zionists who control him, was ordered to do this, as a way of preparing the public for a second lockdown, martial law, and mandatory vaccination of the entire U.S. population, delivered by the military. Trump came out of the hospital praising the “wonderful therapeutics” he received there, and saying that he had “gone to school” on the cohenavirus – sounding now like a true believer in it, instead of his previous (rightly) skeptical self. Trump has also previously said that the U.S. military is standing by to deliver 300 million doses of vaccine when it’s ready. But if the vaccine is going to be voluntary, meaning that few people will even opt to take it, why produce 300 million doses, and why involve the military to deliver them? To me, that sounds like a martial law scenario where everyone will be forced to take the vaccine, or else be rounded up by the military and taken to a “quarantine center.”

    I guess time will tell which of these scenarios is correct.

    BTW, the claims by the Trump administration that the economy has “roared back” and that unemployment is now only around 8 percent is total BS. Back around March, when the lockdown was in full swing, the unemployment rate was over 30 percent, but now we’re supposed to believe it’s only 8 percent? What has changed? Businesses are still closing, people aren’t traveling or eating out, nobody is doing anything, so where are they getting these rosy economic statistics from? They’re making this shit up just to help Trump’s reelection campaign. The unemployment rate is allegedly 8 percent only because after 6 months, still-unemployed people are dropped from the unemployment statistics, so they no longer count as part of the unemployment rate. The real unemployment rate is probably more like 30 – 40 percent.

    Although I will still vote for him, I’m a lot less enthusiastic about Trump after his little cohenavirus stunt, and not as optimistic as Anglin that it was Trump who ordered it. That’s just Anglin once again saying that Trump is playing 3D chess, but I don’t think Trump is that smart.

    • “Back around March, when the lockdown was in full swing, the unemployment rate was over 30 percent, but now we’re supposed to believe it’s only 8 percent?”

      A similar situation in Canada. Statistics Canada reported that Canada’ s GDP grew since June by 8% or something. A statistic from Statistics Canada is as trustworthy as the galactic spin of Galaxy N666. Having been across Canada since June I have witnessed the opposite. The economy is collapsing before my eyes.

        • They are going to go silently into the night. It is very sad considering what it took for Whites to wrestle Civilization from a rugged and harsh land. The stuff of legends full of heroism.

          Back in my hometown after 6 years in Eastern Canada. I feel a stranger.

          Reminds me of something I read recently. Ezra Pound quotes William B. Yeats: “a pragmatic pig of a world”. Pound interprets it as those whose only ambition is to save their skins from the tanner. Very apt for Canadians.

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