RT source: Europe to ditch US dollar in payments for Iranian oil; Galloway: Trump bringing on Armageddon

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Burning US dollar ©Ohde / face to face / Global Look Press

JdN: There is no move more threatening to the Jewnited Snakes than to stop using the US dollar. If the world stops using the Fed dollar, and switches to the euro, the Chinese yuan, or simply to old-fashioned barter (swapping actual products, as Hitler did in 1939 with Romania and Mexico — their oil for high-quality German products), then Jewmerica must live within its means like other countries, and cannot print money out of thinnest air to finance its 800 overseas military bases and colossal deficits.

As French president Charles de Gaulle recognized privately in 1960 already in his conversations with his aide, Alain Peyrefitte, later a member of the extremely prestigious French Academy, 

“This was De Gaulle”


…the US [Deep State] threatens every country or genuine leader that rejects it with the forces of the Pentagon (invasion with troops) and/or the CIA (assassination or regime change).

The Jews demand especially that every nation that buys or sells oil must do so in US fed green toilet paper, with the Star of David on it since 1935, as if it were real money. Reality: it is printed by the trillions out of the sheerest nothing (the equivalent of the Jewish Holocaust, another no-substance NOTHING).  

US has interfered 81 times in foreign elections and tried to overthrow 57 governments


…..Europe to ditch US dollar in payments for Iranian oil – source

The European Union is planning to switch payments to the euro for its oil purchases from Iran, eliminating US dollar transactions, a diplomatic source told RIA Novosti.

Brussels has been at odds with Washington over the US withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, which was reached during the administration of Barack Obama. President Donald Trump has pledged to re-impose sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

“I’m privy to the information that the EU is going to shift from dollar to euro to pay for crude from Iran,” the source told the agency.

Earlier this week, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said that the foreign ministers of the UK, France, Germany, and Iran had agreed to work out practical solutions in response to Washington’s move in the next few weeks. The bloc is reportedly planning to maintain and deepen economic ties with Iran, including in the area of oil and gas supplies.

Mogherini stressed that the sides should jointly work on the lifting of sanctions as an integral part of the historic nuclear deal. “We’re not naive and know it will be difficult for all sides.”

The Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was sealed three years ago in Vienna between Tehran and the P5+1 powers (China, France, Russia, UK, US, plus Germany). The agreement saw decades-long international sanctions lifted in exchange for Iran curbing its controversial nuclear program. On January 16, 2016, the parties to the deal announced the beginning of its implementation.

The lifting of international sanctions gave Iran access to the world’s markets for the first time in nearly four decades. Since then, Tehran has managed to significantly increase its exports of crude.




US leaving nuclear deal won’t hurt Iranian economy – Tehran — RT Business News

Iran’s economy will be ready if US President Donald Trump decides to abandon the nuclear deal brokered in 2015, according to the country’s central bank.


However, oil is pegged to the US dollar on international markets, making it difficult for Iran’s partners to make payments for crude and for Tehran to receive them. With the dollar playing the leading role on international financial markets, re-imposing sanctions would mean cutting Iran off from the global financial system.



 At the same time, dozens of contracts signed between European businesses and the Islamic Republic could be at risk of cancellation if Brussels obeys Washington’s sanctions. This would damage Iran’s economy and European firms would lose a huge market in the Middle East. Switching to alternative settlement currencies allows both sides to continue trading despite US sanctions.



…..George Galloway (Scottish fmr MP) on the man-child Trump

A short flight to Armageddon: Trump & Netanyahu bringing us closer to end of times

George Galloway was a member of the British Parliament for nearly 30 years. He presents TV and radio shows (including on RT). He is a film-maker, writer and a renowned orator.
The biblical town of Armageddon is but a few miles as the bullets fly from the site of the latest Gaza massacre which has taken us further down the road to the end of times.

Its proximate cause was the latest Man-Child effort of Donald J Trump, this time to relocate the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv, [located there] with all the other embassies, to Jerusalem, half of which, though annexed by Israel, still constitutes Occupied Territory under international law.

It is a criminal offence to “make permanent changes” on “territory acquired by force” – which this territory was in 1967 when Israel seized it by force of arms.

Israel has made many such changes to Occupied Territories. For example, the Golan Heights still belongs to Syria despite the many illegal settlements built there, however much stolen oil is extracted there, or however many field hospitals for Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) and Al-Qaeda fighters Israel erects there.

That like Jerusalem, the Golan has been illegally annexed, makes no difference at all in law, nor to every other government in the world — except Trump’s government.

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Free Syrian Army fighters (AFP Photo/James Lawler Duggan)

In fact every US president in the last 50 years has promised to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, at least whilst running for election. But campaigning is done in poetry, governing is done in prose, and no president has followed through on this pledge.

Except Donald Trump.

That his decision would entirely predictably lead to a bloodbath may not have occurred to Trump, but it certainly did to the professionals around him, from those aghast at the State Department to those salivating for the provocation, dripping from the moustache of the likes of John Bolton.

There have been many bloodbaths, of course, but there is reason to believe that this one may be of more lasting significance. It surely hastens the political passing of the Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas for whom time and circumstance have run their course. It makes it more likely that the Palestinian Mandela, the prisoner Marwan Barghouti, will enter the race –  from behind bars – to be his successor and make more likely his success.

It may – temporarily at least – complicate the all-but-consummated courtship between the Saudi Crown Prince MbS (Mohammad bin Salman) and Prime Minister Netanyahu, enjoined by their mutual antipathy towards Iran but now, inevitably, tempered by the Gaza massacre. The religious establishment in Saudi Arabia and the conservative forces are waiting for their excuse to strike back at the man who allegedly hung his relatives upside down in the Ritz-Carlton until their money fell out of their trouser pockets, and the massacre gives them a perfectly Kosher opportunity to do so.

It makes more difficult any complicity by any Arab ruler with any Israeli provocation against Iran. Many Arabs may be hostile to Iran but, after this week, many have rediscovered their antipathy towards Netanyahu.

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The already-vaulting opposition to Israeli crimes against the Palestinians in Western countries –  which has led to spectacular successes in the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement across several continents – will likely intensify too.

When I joined the movement in solidarity with the Palestinians back in 1975 you could have fitted the supporters of the PLO in Britain into a medium-sized hall. Now you couldn’t fit them into Hyde Park or indeed all of Central London.

Back then there was genuine affection for the State of Israel in all Western countries. Now nobody moves for Israel out of love, only out of interest. And interest too is waning.

The US is now defunct as a broker in the Middle East. That mantle surely passed smoothly to Russia this week.

For Trump and Netanyahu – on whom both their respective police forces may be closing fast –  there is no way back. That they are steeped in blood so far that none could tell whether it is bloodier to go on or to go o’er is self-evident.

Trump tweeted on the morning of the massacre that “This is a big day for Israel, a big day.” For once he was quite accurate. Just not in the way he could possibly have imagined.



…..Erdogan rips Israel, expels ambassador


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has slammed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the leader of “an apartheid state” and advised him to take a “lesson in humanity” by reading the ten commandments.

Erdogan tweeted the comment a day after 59 Palestinian protesters were killed by Israeli forces on the Gaza border. The tweet also said that Netanyahu “has the blood of Palestinians on his hands” and that he “can’t cover up crimes by attacking Turkey.”


Netanyahu had previously taken to Twitter to call Erdogan a “Hamas supporter” and said the Turkish leader should not try to “preach morality” to Israel.

On Tuesday, Erdogan announced that Turkey would withdraw its ambassadors from Washington and Tel Aviv and expel the Israeli ambassador in Ankara in response to the killing of scores of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip on the bloodiest day of protests in weeks. Hours later, Israel responded by expelling the Turkish consul in Jerusalem.

Palestinians had been protesting the opening of the new US embassy in Jerusalem, the eastern part of which they claim as their own capital.

Ankara said that US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and open an embassy there was “violating international law and all relevant UN Resolutions.”

Turkey has been among the loudest critics of Israel’s response to the recent protests. Turkish government spokesman Bekir Bozdag said on Monday that Ankara held the US equally accountable for the bloodshed.

“The United States is part of the problem, not the solution,” he said.


……My comment

We are heading for a scenario where Israel will be nuked until it glows. That is how intense the hatred of the Jews is getting for their hatred of mankind, law and decency.

Yours truly on Iranian television in 2013

I was listening to NPR (National Public Radio) yesterday on the car while driving back to Ontonagon from Houghton from seeing my eye doctor.

(I thank my donors who have made it possible for me to again afford car insurance, while Michigan still has horrendous rates as the only state with unlimited “no-fault.” This means, with slight exaggeration, that Detroit blacks, after being rear-ended — maybe by deliberately stopping their car short — can stumble out of their car, moaning about back pain, and get $150,000 for back pain from an all-black jury. I had a gf in the late 1980s who had been a court reporter in New Orleans, and she told me about the scam as she saw it being practiced by New Orleans blacks and their Jew lawyers.)

Anyway, a BBC news analysis show was being carried on NPR, and the host and guest were just blasting Israel for the Gaza mass-shooting atrocity.

Over and over, the expert they were interviewing said Israel is committing war crimes.

There is the principle of appropriate use of force that must guide all relations between an occupier and the occupied people. The expert said:

“The principle is an eye for an eye. But what Israel is doing is an eye for an eyelash.”

To gun down 59 unarmed protesters using snipers is a crime that must result of the hanging of Benjamin Satanyahu — Best Buddy of 666 Fifth Avenue-Jared Kushner and the Blackmailer of a now totally cucked and gelded Trump, who IMO once was sincere but now is a global embarrassment after the hopes millions put in him.

And the hatred of the US Mega-Hypocrite is also growing by leaps and bounds

US whines that Russia built a bridge in “occupied” Crimea


The Jews destroy — Aryan Russia builds! a great vid!


Putin leads first caravan of trucks over the bridge! (Thanks go to a New England comrade for this.)






  1. Good article, but I don’t believe for a minute that the EU will switch from the dollar to the Euro to pay for crude oil from Iran. Germany is the strongest EU state, and Germany has been completely controlled by the Jewnited Snakes since 1945. Mama Merkelstein will do whatever Trumpenstein and his cabal of Jews tell her to do, and if not, they will stage another false flag or two to force her hand. So, I believe this is wishful thinking on the part of RT and Russia.

    • Do not think so. There are laws that will allow EU to overcome US coercion. Hastred for the stupid US is growing by leaps and bounds. Do the jews care? Ya gotta be kidding. They want the US to follow the Alinsky diktat and fail, fail, fail. The jew wants to gut the US, then “buy” it up for a penny on the dollar. The jew global economy is built on the premise of destruction of the strong members and the enslavement of the people as well as the murder of 90% of the population. The yids want it all, all, all.

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