LOL! Trump getting an eyeful.
She’s a “looker,” all right, but also brilliant, strong, graceful, feminine, the mother of five kids (plus two adopted), and capable.
Just when you get totally disgusted with Trump, bootlicker of the jews and their IsraHell (and in vain, since the jews, arrogant ingrates that they are, still openly hate him), then he turns around and does something really great. 🙂
Barrett clerked at the SCOTUS under arch-conservative Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, an Italian-American whom, IMO, Obama definitely had murdered by poison. It was patently illegal under Texas law that no autopsy was performed on his body. (Every single nominee to the Supreme Court of both Bill Clinton and Barry Soetoro AKA Obama was a jew, btw.)
The libtard Guardian moans:
As an appellate judge, Barrett voted in favour of one of Trump’s hardline immigration policies and showed support for expansive gun rights. She also authored a ruling making it easier for college students accused of campus sexual assaults to sue their institutions. [Think white male students falsely accused of rape by negresses.]
All the ugly minorities will never say they also hate her nordic looks. 😉
Judging by her maiden name, Coney, I would say she is of Irish heritage, which would also explain her Louisiana origin –many Irish there — plus her strong Roman Catholic affiliation, and her studying at Notre Dame University.
The name is actually English, meaning a rabbit furrier, but many Normans had it too who moved to Ireland, like my own ancestors, who built this castle, Castle Delvin or Castle Nugent, located in County Westmeath.
Her husband’s name, Barrett, is also Norman, showing intrepid Viking genes.
(But the Normans have their dark side, too, including literally, from aristocratic intermarriage with rich jews. Churchill, who actually was a Spencer, was a classic example of this.)
Sometimes Irish girls have amazingly straight, perfect noses, btw, like the late Dolores O’Riordan, the gorgeous singer for the soft-rock Irish band, “The Cranberries.”
……Please donate
It is essential that I keep my viewership numbers up so when my religion begins, people will know of it and spread the word. The only way to do this is to put out excellent content every single day. Let me explain.
To my shock, way back in 2016 the jews and Deep State began blocking all my mass emails notifying people of important new articles by me. (The “Health Ranger,” Mike Adams, recently complained of the same thing.)
My German webmaster informed me four years ago that 90% of these mass emails I was sending out were simply not arriving in my readers’ inboxes.
So I had thousands of great names and email addresses of white nationalists, but no way to contact them en masse except by sending out emails one by one, which would take me four or five hours,. But even then, the jews/Deep State/NSA — it’s all the same thing 😉 — might ban those too, flagging them for having the exact same message.
What I am coming to is this:
I am paying a brilliant comrade with an adorable little daughter to write some of these blogs so I keep my viewership.
I spent $500 last month and $700 this month on this. (This is in addition to the $250 a month I spend on webhosting and a Russian webmaster.)
I cannot start my religion — an immense undertaking for the vital purpose of changing Aryan humanity — unless someone else helps me with writing content for this website.
The modest inheritance from my mother is almost gone.
I ask you to donate as much as you can.
Do you understand that the future of the white race — your future — will be decided between now and Election Day?
Is it clear to you that we are facing a literal race war, civil war and even possibly war between different US military units? That the electric power grid and food supply chains will likely go down?
And that even now many whites are brainwashed cowards in total denial of what is about to hit them?
And do you imagine winning a civil war will be “easy” when the Deep State has killer drones that can be launched from a thousand miles away, killer robots in the sky that can fly deep into rebel-held territory?
A two-tour Iraq vet explained to me how the US military used drones to assassinate rebel leaders and kill insurgents — but also how rebels prevailed anyway against the US government. The US is hated — and gone!
The film “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” showed how Fred Rogers, beloved for his decades-long children’ show “Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood,” was able to speak to adults as well, sensing they were hiding deep pain and anger going back to their own childhoods, and he got them to face their inner pain, to realize they were NOT “okay,” not “over it,” just repressing , burying all that emotional cancer inside them.
He got adults to face themselves, see reality, to grow and to heal.
Btw, Tom Hanks, who played Rogers perfectly, was distantly related to Rogers via a German ancestor, a Johannes Meffert.
The greatest courage is not physical, such as socking another guy in the mouth — in the case of this film, the star reporter, full of rage, socked his own absentee father at his sister’s wedding 🙁 — but to see the reality about us and in us.
Rogers was both an ordained Presbyterian minister and also a serious devotee of child psychologist Margaret McFarland. With both spiritual and psychological insights, he got people to stop denying the truth.
In a restaurant, he asks the reporter again where he got his black eye. Was it really from an adult softball game? Or was it from a fistfight born of inner rage at his own neglectful, callous, adulterous dad?
With your help, I will do what no one else can — get whites to love themselves again, and therefore to realize their dangerous situation, that they simply have to change, and how to change via loving and believing in themselves as the marvelous children of a loving Creator.
And I will get enough of us to really accept the truth that MOST OF US WILL PERISH DURING THE COMING WAR, BUT THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE BUT TO FIGHT — AND WIN.
The time for reading blogs and watching videos is nearly over, my friends. This is a time for heroes.
Are you one yet?
And why are the jews hacking frenetically at my website like never before right now? Why is China hacking me now? Is China in bed with the jews to take down a perceived common enemy, the white man, for good?
What do the jews and Chinese understand about me and this time that you do not yet?
……How Americans, against all odds, in the end BEAT the ruthless, professional, “invincible” British army and navy
Great foreign powers with money, troops and ships hated Britain also!
“At the end of its tether” the American Revolution succeeds!
“Tom Hanks, who played Rogers perfectly,” a vile hypocrite to portray a “good” man?
How much of Hollywood is actually Satanic in perversion, and for how long? When I see the children in movies now and from past years, I now understand that they were/are probably victims of abuse actually allowed by their own parents. They weren’t/aren’t happy as they made money for their sicko parents. How many parents/children have had mind-control programming going way back decades now? Generational satanism? The worst of Jewish Hollywood/entertainment, the most vile MSM influence in America.
Conspiracy Theory Involving ‘Tom Hanks Pedophile Ring’ Causes Controversy
Jim Satney March 18, 2020
I stand by my statement that this professional actor (whatever he is like in person) did play Rogers perfectly, which is what Rogers’ widow said as well, and she should know.
The Tiaras thing with Hanks and his daughter WAS at the least quite unenjoyable for me. I totally disapprove of these beauty pageants for little girls. Inner beauty is what needs to be cultivated. This Tiaras video obviously proves nothing, but maybe it does hint at something……
Now is Hanks a pedophile? That is the gravest accusation out there, and we would be committing an awful injustice to believe something like that just because someone said it on Twitter. Has this Ashcraft offered anything substantial to corroborate her accusations? Has she written more than tweets about her claims?
However, having said that, I have blogged on the fact that Hanks’ own son does seem to be into Satanism.
Also, Hanks is very close to Steven Spielberg….and is a top star, suggesting he has been “vetted” for adherence to the NWO agenda.
And certainly Macauley Culkin said Hollywood is rife with child molesters and killers, and these jews rape and kill jewish kids as well! That tells me this is more Illuminatism and Satanism.
In Unshackled, the master rapist who is clearly Kissinger says the Luciferians to whom he belongs look down on the jews as being their pawns.
This would explain why he could say to his biographer, also a jew, what he did: