Russia and Putin, watch out with your Chinese “ally”

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My big concern is that in any conflict with the US, at the decisive moment China will betray Russia — to get Siberia and remove Russia from Asia.
The white line means the Ural Mountains, the border between Europe and Asia. East of that is Siberia and then the Russian Far East (next to Korea and Japan, and Chinese until the 1850s.)
Everything east of the Ural Mountains was once racially Asian –Mongols and other tribes —  and the Chinese, as yellow-race-national socialists, want it “back” — and especially all its gold, platinum,  lumber, hydroelectric power, diamonds, etc. 😉
A comrade replied:
Hello all, “betray” isn’t a word you can use with “China”. It’s like saying “the moment an apple flies”. Apples don’t have wings and don’t fly.
To “betray”, something has to have loyalty. Or, at least scruples. China doesn’t. I lived there. China does fascinate me.
Japanese resemble Europeans in many ways. Japan can “betray”. But China has no shared characteristics with Europeans.
China wants money. And cigarettes. And gambling, Chinese are addicted to gambling — it’s really weird.
China doesn’t understand “integrity”. Or anything particularly “abstract”.
Remember when you hit puberty? Your psychology changed? From a child’s mind, to a man’s or woman’s mind? You brain has receptors that change your behavioral patterns, and thought patterns, under sex hormone influence. It’s genetic.
Chinese brains don’t change. And they have very low levels of testosterone or estrogen, anyway. They are children, psychologically.
Japanese are very different from Chinese, genetically.
Western, or abstract adult concepts, don’t apply to Han Chinese. Don’t moralize them — apples, or Chinese, just “are”.
I had wondered what “Chinese humor” is. It is two things:
1) pee-and-poop “scat jokes” and
2) animal cruelty.
I’m not making this up.
Chinese family in Australia watches son have sex for first time:

1 Comment

  1. I think every race has distinct differences but the chinese seem robotic in the way describe here for sure. We seem to be all from different parts of the galaxy anyway, but we are stuck here in the “mean-time” and i mean its literally mean.

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