AS I HAVE PREDICTED SINCE 2017: Russia edging toward ultimatum to US & NATO — its troops, missiles, exercises and bomber flights in Eastern Europe, not just Ukraine, must END

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First Russia “complained,” then it “warned,” now it “insists” — and next comes the ultimatum.
This is the clear NATO goal: add Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, plus Finland and Sweden, and thus have American war tanks, missiles and jet fighters in easy striking distance of the two major Russian cities:
— 250 miles from Belarus to Moscow, pop. nine million, and also
— 250 miles from Finland to St. Petersburg., pop. five million.
That is like the distance from Pittsburgh or Philadelphia to Washington DC. Would Washington object if Pennsylvania joined an alliance with Russia — and Russia put troops, bombers and tanks in Pittsburgh?
St. Petersburg
Russia Hints at Pending Ultimatum to West on NATO & Ukraine, West’s Resolve Crumbles

Foreign Ministry statement on dialogue with the United States and other Western countries regarding security guarantees

NATO publication “NATO-Russia: setting the record straight” debunked

US warnings of Russia invading Ukraine could become ‘self-fulfilling’, says Emmanuel Macron

Readout of President Biden’s Call with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine

The Duran did a “Locals” video (for paid-up subscribers only) on all this, under which I responded:


@theduran Brilliant as ever, Alex.


This is just like 1939, with Ukraine today like Poland then, and Russia now as was Germany then.

In both cases, a minority is threatened, a German minority then and a Russian one now, and when the mother country acts to defend itself and its oppressed ethnic brothers — after endless provocations — its intervention  is labeled a “casus belli,” that is, grounds for war.

But bravo for Emanuel Macron (for once!) for seeing the immense danger ahead.

Maybe Paris will not be vaporized in a mushroom cloud. But London and Washington will.


….The 1917 Nicholas Van Rensburg prophecy of three world wars


It marches now toward its fulfillment, ending with the Reich Germans of the Absetzbewegung, the Disengagement Movement, re-emerging from bases under the Antarctic and the Andes mountain chain to rule a world mostly in ashes — in alliance with the Boers who have survived, with sudden Reich-German help, a merciless race war.



NVR foresaw Britain turns against America, Turkey against Russia, then Russia invades Turkey and the rest of NATO in Europe (the weaker party “ getting in the first blow”).



And then (in the quaint 1917 phrase by Van Rensburg) “the horror bombs” go off.




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Van Rensburg predicted that after a black becomes president of South Africa ( = the communist Nelson Mandela, here with his communist, Lithuanian-Jewish adviser, Joe Slovo)

….and also after a black likewise becomes the president of the United States ( = Obama), described as “a black boy,”


….and recall that — back in 1917 — such notions of black presidents seemed absurd and even unimaginable….

…THEN a male, white, older conservative will take over the reins of the state.


This white, male conservative will have “hair like a wig,” and constantly frown. It ends up eventually in a war with Russia.



America will be crippled for generations by massive destruction.

Russia too will be almost completely destroyed.

Some European countries as well will be wiped out, especially England, which will break its alliance with the United States and therefore will be abandoned by them. Not one Englishman will survive, van Rensburg predicts.


The Soviet nuclear Sakharov Plan was to plant and ignite hydrogen bombs at key places to crack open the crust of the earth, creating a gigantic tsunami that will drown everyone in low-lying England — or the whole, low-lying US East Coast. 


Andrei Sakharov, later a famous dissident, built the first Soviet hydrogen bomb.


America before WWIII

After the Sakharov H-BOMB’s tsunami waves flood over the west coast up to the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountains — and cover the East Coast up to the spine of the Appalachian range, major US cities will be GONE: 
San Diego, L.A., San Francisco, Portland and Seattle on the west coast, but likewise Miami, Atlanta, Richmond, Wash. D.C. , Philly, NYC (oy veh) and Boston.
The US population will then go down by half. (This will also wipe out huge numbers of blacks, jews and white Northeastern libtards — and hateful, violent leftists, feminists and antifas.) What will then be left is, in a sense, Redneck America. 

This movie is based on the actual 2004 tsunami that killed 400,000 people in Thailand, including many white tourists. I am highly suspicious that this was triggered deliberately via an underwater nuclear device — practicing mass killing and population reduction of the hated goyim, as per the openly stated first goal on the Georgia Guidestones, by the jewish Deep State.


Ironically, Germans and Boers, supposedly the vanquished ones of history, down in South Africa, will be the only major white survivors of this utterly useless, pointless world war that will destroy the entire northern hemisphere of our planet.

They will build together a new white empire in Africa, which will have remained unscathed from the Third World War.

And these two very tough, smart, warlike white peoples with no racial illusions will crush without mercy any black people who oppose law, order, civilization, and progress.




As far as the Germans are concerned, as I have explained many times on my website, Adolf Hitler ordered, after the great defeat at Stalingrad, the evacuation of the most elite of his German scientists and military down to Antarctica. They have huge under-ice military bases there, and also in the Andes mountain range, in a kind of existence like a badger, protected in their lairs, but not daring to wage war on the United States or Russia (neither against Soviet Russia 1945-91 nor the Yeltsin-Putin Russia of 1991-2018).

The Reich population is only five million, like Finland, Ireland, or the US state of Wisconsin.

Their only option is to wait for WWIII, and for their enemies to destroy each other.

What are Van Rensburg’s prophecies concerning the Tribe, the Jews, who are certainly our worst enemy, not the primitive blacks?

He was negative toward them, and often spoke of “Jews, Blacks, English and jingos”[Boer sell-outs].

Like all Boers, he hated especially the English (who had killed two of his daughters in Lord Kitchener’s horrible concentration camps).

And he loved and admired the Germans.

He prophesied that the Germans would lose two world wars but win, that is, survive — and survive alone — the third world war.

Hitler himself said “Das letzte Battalion wird ein deutsches sein.” (“The last battalion will be German.”) This becomes understandable only if one accepts the reality of the military “Absetzbewegung” of 1943-45, the “disengagement movement”. (“Sich absetzen” in German means “to withdraw your troops.” “He who runs away can live to fight another day.”)

But this whole scenario is so incredibly sad — the pointless annihilation of 95% of the white race.
No more Russia, Europe, England – and as for the United States, according to Van Rensburg, they will fall to the status of an insignificant country, and will take decades to rebuild from the rubble.
The 2009 movie “The Road” depicts a post-apocalyptic America during the nuclear winter that takes place after WWIII.
It stars Viggo Mortensen and Charlize Theron (herself a Boer, though a renegade who has adopted black kids) and also a little Boer boy actor, Kodi Smit-McPhee, playing the little son.
A terrifying moment when a cannibal — a ruthless, starving human —  grabs him.
No plants or trees can grow in the long darkness — the atmosphere is full of dust from 20,000 hydrogen bombs going off on major cities — so food production stops.
Many humans who have guns and ammunition resort to cannibalism to survive.

…..And now my first of two 2018 interviews (as host on Resistance Radio) with Simon Roche, activist and spokesman for the Southlanders in South Africa (90 minutes) on WHAT HIS ORGANIZATION WANTS TO DO.

Should Boers plan to stand and fight in place — or evacuate to a safer, more isolated area?

The Southlanders organization (of which Roche, a non-Boer, is the key spokesman to the anglosphere) is operating under explicit international law to protect the white South Africans (both Boers and Brits) by withdrawing — under arms but peacefully  — to defensive perimeters in case a full race war breaks out in the nightmarish, black-majority South Africa.


  1. Solo tu puoi fermare questa guerra…e spingere il nostro Risveglio totale.
    L’ultimo film che ho visto parlava di alcuni sopravvissuti portati sopra un’astronave,di un programma terrestre per tenerli docili attraverso una sostanza blu.Il comandante era un essere buono.Solo un risvegliato della città spaziale aveva capito che la sostanza blu li teneva docili dalle “pulsioni” umane.Quando tutti avevano smesso di prenderla è scoppiato il putiferio,grazie a un ragazzo,un Loki che voleva prendere il controllo su tutti,aveva ucciso il capitano e aveva messo in testa a tutti che un alieno minacciava la nave.Be’ era lui.Il ragazzo risvegliato aveva capito che stava mettendo tutti uno contro l’altro,la maggioranza seguiva questo Loki…tranne tre persone.Alla fine queste tre persone sono riuscite a cacciare Loki dalla nave,uccidendolo.Hanno preso in mano la situazione e tutto si è regolarizzato.Hanno cominciato a procreare.La nuova umanità era pronta per tornare sul pianeta e senza conflitti.Quel ragazzo era il nuovo leader del pianeta.

    • Transl:

      Only you can stop this war … and push our total Awakening.
      The last movie I saw was about some survivors being carried on a spaceship, about an Earth program to keep them docile through a blue substance, docile regarding
      human “impulses”.

      Then, when everyone had stopped taking it, an uproar broke out, thanks to a boy, a Loki type who wanted to take control over everyone. He had killed the captain and had told everyone that an alien was threatening the ship. Well, it was him.

      The awakened boy realized that this he guy was pitting everyone against each other; the majority were following this Loki … except three people.

      Eventually, these three people managed to kick Loki off the ship, killing him. They took the situation in hand and everything was normalized.

      They began to procreate. The new humanity was ready to return to the planet and without conflict. That boy beecame the new leader of the planet.


      Thanks. What was the name of this film and who were the main actors?

    Ora capirai tante cose,lo so,queste sono versioni ritrattate,rivisitate ma importanti a mio avviso.
    Salomè era nipote di Gesù,orfana di suo padre Erode Filippo(fratello diretto di Gesù).
    Antipatro,fratellastro di Gesù che lo porterà a processo 😉 e poi si salverà in seguito 😉
    Confermo la mia ipotesi:Gesù (Wotan)Giuda(Loki)Salomè(Brunhilde).
    Un passato(una leggenda)e il futuro(Profezia).
    Artisti Atemporali 🙂

    • In questa prima serie un professore aveva fatto un test al protagonista:”Uccideresti Hitler bambino?”.
      Lui era entrato in confusione 😉
      Ironia della sorte:”Il professore sarà sbranato dal protagonista che si era trasformato in lupo mannaro LOL.

      • Comunque ho sentito nominare Moloch;una donna appartenente all’ordine della rosa blu(in realtà è la rosa rossa) è stata sacrificata da suo figlio(sotto incantesimo/mk ultra)in un rituale perché aveva tradito l’Ordine,questa serie ha messo in risalto non solo i sacrifici umani(i neofiti più giovani dovevano pulire il sangue delle vittime)ma anche la simbologia giudaica del GOLEM.Forse la serie è stata sospesa per questo.Nella seconda serie il protagonista diventa Biondo.
        La ragazza dice:”La magia ha un prezzo molto alto,le vite umane!”.

        • Un’altra cosa:”Questo ragazzo era stato scelto dall’Ordine per il suo quoziente intellettivo”..tutti i prescelti erano delle potenziali pedine di questa Setta.
          Ma lui aveva qualcosa in più 😉
          E suo nonno lo aveva guidato per uno scopo più grande 🙂

      • Si ora mi concentrerò soltanto sulle letture spirituali e sulla mia famiglia 🙂
        Sto bene 🙂
        Ho sempre creduto in te.
        Per questo sono qui.
        E so che non potrò mai perderti e che mi dai la forza di resistere a tutto.
        🙂 🙂

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