Russia: Expanding NATO means war; TOP British general warns the tension now is greater than during the Cold War

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This is the ultimate NATO goal: for Ukraine, Belarus, Finland and Sweden, plus Georgia in the south) to join NATO. And that means US-controlled bombers, missiles, tanks and warships right on the Russian border. Would the US put up with Canada and Mexico joining an enemy alliance and building up to invade the United States? 

It is truly incredible how the masses have no idea we almost had WWIII this spring (with Ukraine and Russia both mobilizing their armies, then Biden got on the phone to the Ukrainian former clown and jew “president” Zelensky!) — and here is nuclear war coming at us again now.

+++ both from RT

Russia promises ‘military response’ to any further NATO expansion

NATO must be aware that pushing further into Eastern Europe, past Moscow’s declared red lines, will make a military response inevitable, a top Russian diplomat has warned, amid escalating tensions with the US-led bloc.
Russia promises 'military response' to any further NATO expansion

Speaking to Rossiya 24 TV on Monday, Konstantin Gavrilov, the head of the Russian delegation to the Negotiations on Military Security and Arms Control in Vienna said Washington was obliged to engage in a dialogue with Moscow on security guarantees for the sake of peace on the continent, whether officials wanted it or not.

“The conversation must be serious, and everyone in NATO is well aware, despite all the power and strength, that it is necessary to take concrete political actions, otherwise the alternative is a … military response from Russia,” he explained.

Gavrilov’s comments came shortly after Moscow issued two documents, one for NATO and the other for US officials, requesting a wide range of assurances it said were aimed at enhancing the security of all parties.

The proposal to NATO focuses mainly on the movement of personnel and hardware, and includes the requirement that Kiev’s long-held ambition to join the bloc would not be realized. A separate clause calls for the current members to renounce any military activity on the territory of Ukraine, as well as in Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, and Central Asia.

In its proposition to Washington, Moscow requested that officials commit to ruling out expansion into former Soviet republics. Concerns over the US-led military bloc’s potential widening into Eastern Europe have been reignited in recent weeks. Speaking via video link earlier this month, Russian President Vladimir Putin told his US counterpart, Joe Biden, his country was “seriously interested” in getting “reliable and firm legal guarantees” that would prohibit NATO’s expansion further eastwards, as well as the deployment of “offensive strike weapons systems” nearby.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned at the beginning of December that further enlargement of the bloc in the direction of Russia was a red line for Moscow, and that Ukraine’s hopes of joining its ranks were unacceptable. The US was pulling Kiev into the orbit of NATO and turning it into a “bridgehead” of confrontation with Russia, she said, in a move that could destabilize Europe.





British general warns about possible ‘accidental’ war with Russia

The UK and its allies are at a greater risk of a military conflict with Moscow now than they ever were during the Cold War, the chief of the Defence Staff said, adding that “traditional diplomatic mechanisms” are no longer there.
British general warns about possible ‘accidental’ war with Russia

The emergence of a “multipolar world” from the ashes of the bipolar international system of the Cold War has led to greater competition between nations, which can easily see the UK as well as other western states and Russia pitted against each other, General Sir Nick Carter told The Times Radio on Saturday.

“We’re in a much more competitive world than we were even ten or 15 years ago,” the four-star general said, adding that “the nature of the competition between states and great powers leads to greater tensions.”

Britain to deploy troops to Belarus border

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Britain to deploy troops to Belarus border

The general then warned politicians that the belligerent “nature” of some of their policies could lead to a situation in which “escalation leads to miscalculation.” At the same time, he accused the Kremlin of being ready to go to any lengths to supposedly undermine western-European nations and the US.

Carter, 62, sounded somewhat nostalgic for the Cold War times as he said that “many of the traditional diplomatic tools and mechanisms that you and I grew up with in the Cold War” are “no longer there.” He also called the present-day situation a “real challenge we are confronted with,” adding that, without those Cold War-type mechanisms, there is “a greater risk.”

The general said he believes that the risk of war with Russia was greater now than at any moment of his 44-year-long career and called on the UK to be “careful.” His words came as the Ministry of Defence confirmed that a team of British soldiers were sent to Poland to explore how they could provide “engineering support” to Warsaw amid a migrant crisis on its eastern border with Belarus.

Earlier, Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Błaszczak confirmed that NATO nations, including the UK, would help his country to prevent migrants from crossing into Polish territory. The British troops in particular were expected to construct a fortified border wall there.

The EU was quick to blame the crisis on Minsk’s “hybrid war” as it accused Belarus of encouraging migrants to attempt a new route into Western Europe through its territory. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko denies the accusations and said that his government was no longer prepared to help the EU prevent migrants from entering Poland.

Some western officials also rushed to blame the situation on Russia. Moscow responded by saying it had nothing to do with the crisis.



    • Right, and especially no wars among nuclear powers!

      But the world is certifiably insane, literally mad.

      This dismal fact of long standing necessitated in 1933 the suspension of multiparty democracy until people become taught to be rational, noble and altruistic. THEN freedom is actually manageable and a great thing.

      The elder Duran was saying, and I concur, that in the 1960s through 1980s there were constant demonstrations against nuclear war, but today you see nothing, as if the danger were over!

      And here we see the top British general saying the danger has never been worse!

      We see in effect Biden doing a Krushchev, seeking to put US missiles right next to Russia the same way the Russian snuck his Russian missiles into Cuba.

      Zero learning from history!


      Look at this war-mongering drivel!

      Russian troops in a frenzy of ‘exercises’ on Ukrainian border

      When and where did Putin actually speak the provocative words that DM puts in his mouth via single quotation marks, saying the US and NATO can “go to hell”?

      Russian troops engaged in a frenzy of ‘exercises’ on the Ukrainian border yesterday hours after Vladimir Putin told US and NATO to ‘go to hell’, stoking fears of an invasion.

      This is the same exact kind of fear crap that the same exact DM was churning out in the summer of 1939, but then the country being demonized was Germany, and the quivering, poor little victim was Poland….which was ferociously attacking its own German minority, harassing the independent German port city of Danzig, and repeatedly violating the German border!

      Provoke, provoke, provoke, and then invert the accusation!

      Germany threatens Poland/Russia threatens Ukraine. Same lies by the same jewish people.

  1. Certain Nato countries pay zilch to Nato for defence, yet they allow their lands to host Nato exercises, just yards from the Russian borders.

    Nato forces are closer to Moscow today than during the Cold War, and that’s why the Russians feel threatened by Nato forces, also seeking to implement regime change in Russia.

    This would allow the Jacob Schiff plan to finally be accomplished, with the jews getting their hands on Russia’s vast mineral wealth, finally, 100 years after Schiff’s plan. Jew companies can then compete in the international arms market by removing/running Russian arms companies.

    All the technology and markets are in jewish hands. Russia will be the jewel in their crown, for Russia’s wealth is incalculable.

  2. Реальной конфронтации с Европой нету. Из России один видный деятель любил запускать дроны из России в Европу и говорил, что спецслужбы Европы реагировали, вырубали эти дроны. Спецслужбы Европы разорвут любого человека в России, вытрут об его лицо ноги, если он будет угрожать. И вся Россия это молча примет, сделав вид, будь-то ничего не было. Вот и все. В России все знают свое место. С этим можно спорить, но это принципиально физически так, это закон природы.

    • Transl:

      There is no real confrontation with Europe. From Russia, one prominent figure liked to launch drones from Russia to Europe and said that the secret services of Europe reacted, cut down these drones. The secret services of Europe will tear apart any person in Russia, wipe their feet on his face if he threatens. And all of Russia will silently accept this, pretending that nothing happened. That’s all. In Russia everyone knows their place. One can argue with this, but it is fundamentally physically so, this is the law of nature.

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