Russia promotes patriotism, pride, and the attraction between masculine boys and feminine girls

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This could have been me, but this is a Russian boy with the group “Children Singing.” I had some crushes on girls even long before puberty. 😉


Here are three nice videos by a Russian group called Deti Payut, “Children singing.”

The young man who is a fighter pilot is either the father, or,  I think, an older, adult brother. The song title is “The strongest” His hair is a typical slavic color, ash-brown (or in some Slavs, ash-blond, not so much golden).

In this video, the dancing is in front of the famous cruiser Potemkin in St. Petersburg. “Love, girls!” is clearly promoting girls being attracted to boys who want to be sailors or serve in another part of the military…


In the third video, below, a very blond boy in a child-size version of a WWII uniform sings “You are waiting for Elizabeth. A song from the war.”

Of course, we see the boy wearing the WWII uniform, which for Germans (a people whom I admire and love) evokes terrible memories.

I have told the story before of why I think Margi was an East Prussian in her last life…. and I was stunned at her vehemence that I NOT play a music video on YouTube of the beloved Russian folk song “Kalinka.”

She said: “They played that as they raped the German women!”

Wow. I knew NEVER to play that song when she was around…. 🙁  And Margi was pro-Russian like me, pro-Putin, she read documents in Russian, sang Russian opera to me in the car, and loved Russian music — just not THAT ONE song, “Kalinka.”

We can in fact have PTSD from another life which can be triggered by something that seems harmless.

As I have often explained, for even Russians who loathe the communist monster Stalin, WWII was a patriotic struggle for Russia, and, besides, in their pragmatic view, communism did not last but 70 years, while Russia is a thousand years old.

Russian soldiers did not die for Stalin but for their motherland.

The way Russians see Hitler is sadly accurate: he was not just anti-bolshevik — but also truly anti-Russian — his one gigantic flaw.

Hitler’s great mistake in Russia; the breadbasket obsession

And they see Germans as a very great nation, but sometimes cold and arrogant, traits which goes against their grain.

Putin visits ethnic Russians in what was part of eastern Ukraine, the donbass region, an area which the Ukrainian Army under the jews Poroshenko and Zelensky viciously shelled for eight long years, killing 14,000 ethnic Russians. You can see the warmth of the Russians, not afraid of Putin at all, seeing him as a humble man of the people with a big heart.


In many ways, Vladimir Putin is keeping this pride in the victory of 1945 alive to stimulate pride and love of the motherland — good things in any case but especially useful in case a tragic war with the [jewish-run] West cannot be avoided.

As for racial feeling, Russians know that their ancient slavic ancestors were (like Putin) blond and blue-eyed Indo-Europeans,

But Russia is a multiethnic country. It promotes non-Slavs to very high positions based on merit (such as Defense Minister Shoigu –East Asian —  and Foreign Minister Lavrov — Armenian), and actually the various ethnic groups in the Russian Federation get along very well.

And the Muslims there (about 10% of the population) seem happy, are also watched very carefully (and radical sermons in the mosque are NOT tolerated), and they seem to cause few problems. (In fact, it was the American CIA that was stirring up muslim fundamentalism and terrorism in Chechnya and elsewhere, entirely to cause Russia problems.)

When Russians of all ethnicities look at the anti-white, Israel-obeying, and LGBTQ West, they see their own conservative traditions such as Eastern Orthodox Christianity and conservative Islam as twin pillars of family values defending society.

And muslim countries in the Middle East such as Iran, Syria, the United Arab Emirates,  and Saudi Arabia see a Russia that has left communism forever for Orthodox Christianity — and which has smooth relations with its muslim minority — as an ally in the culture wars.

Putin got a truly spectacular welcome on December 12 at the UAE — five fighter jets streaming the Russian national colors of white, blue and red, just as the colors were during the time of the tsars

And his limousine received a cavalry escort to the palace…

The same is true for Hindu India…. ANY religion that promotes the family, marriage and children is appreciated in India as the West gets ever sicker.

So now here is the Russian WWII song of a soldier thinking about the girl of his dreams:

“You are waiting for Elizabeth”




    • Yes, and thank you. It is subtle but clear by the way his body is swaying that the love of his country makes him emotional. This is the Russian way, the Slavic way.

      It is a seemingly strange but telling Russian custom — if it still exists — that when two big companies are about to sign an important contract, they go out and get drunk. The Russians believe(d?) that when you have downed many drinks your real feelings and nature will come out. They want you to be natural so they can know you as you are.

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