These babies — “thermobaric” in Ancient Greek means “heat pressure” — create a gigantic shock wave of heat that blasts or cooks anything and everything at 3,000 degrees, so crouching down in a trench won’t save you.
It neglects entirely (the jew-run Wikipedia both lying and omitting vital information on many taboo topics) to say that we (the Reich) had a thermobaric weapon in WWII, but Churchill vowed that if we used it, he would consider it as the prohibited use of a poison gas, and in retaliation he would drop anthrax on Germany, so we very reluctantly desisted. Wiki suggests the Germans were “working” on such a weapons. No — we had one.
In Putin’s high-tech, oil-rich Russia, Jewmerica has met a “peer adversary,” and its officer corps is patriotic, intelligent, skilled and WHITE. The video by Zenger is inmpresive:
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