Russia systematically crushing or encircling Jewkrainian Army; US Army diversity ad (humor)

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Here is a new Russian map, showing 40% of the country as being liberated. Western maps often reflect the situation from a whole week ago! Despite jewsmedia lies about the Russians getting bogged down on Day 11 of  their incursion, and about heroic Ukies resisting, and of course depicting Vladimir Putin as a “madman” who is way over-extended, his armed forces are relentlessly taking over the country as per the plan, and with relatively low casualties. 



….LOL (from the Babylon Bee)

Putie’s Russkis will run in terror when these Army wokies go into battle:

1 Comment

  1. Here’s another photo of Chinese missiles helpfully labeled with English letters and numbers instead of Chinese characters and numbers:

    DF stands for Dongfeng (“East Wind”), which in Chinese would look like this:

    The characters for Chinese numbers 1 – 10:

    The Chinese language doesn’t even have an alphabet, so there is no such thing as the letter ‘B’ in Chinese:

    Yet China insists on labeling their missiles with English letters and numbers. Is it just to make it easier for their enemy, the United States, to identify these missiles, or are these missiles actually produced in the U.S. and secretly shipped to China? Inquiring minds want to know. China and Russia – the best enemies that Jewish bankster money can buy.

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