Russian amphibious landing ships (loaded full of their marines to hit the beaches in Ukraine) steaming through English Channel as a warning to Bojo, Biden, UK/US and NATO

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Elite, black-clad Russian marines (called “naval infantry,” an accurate term for any and all marines around the world; they are basically soldiers whom their navy delivers to beaches in invade)
A British comrade and former British Army soldier with urban combat experience, C, sent me this:
Lol! Britain will send a fisheries-protection boat with a crew of six. That will show those Russkies. 😉 I laugh at the communist book shop in town, selling books for profit to the workers.

Six Russian landing ships sail past Britain sparking speculation they are bound for impending ‘full-scale invasion’ of Ukraine as Kiev warns Putin has ‘nearly completed’ troop build-up


  • Six Russian naval landing ships have sailed south past Britain from the Baltic Sea, possibly bound for Ukraine
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin has amassed over 100,000 troops, military hardware along Ukraine’s border
  • Ukraine intelligence assessment said Moscow had ‘nearly completed’ its build-up ahead of a possible invasion
  • Britain’s Ministry of Defence fears large-scale warfare engulfing cities and causing high civilian death tolls
  • It comes after the White House warned on Tuesday that the situation in the region was ‘extremely dangerous’  


The comrade added:
For f—‘s sake, either invade the Ukraine via Dover, Gibraltar, Suez Canal, Dardanelles, etc., or just do a quick parachutist drop that will take a mere 30 minutes to control their capital, Kiev.  Lol!
I replied: Thanks, C.
Well, if I know the Russian marines………as I do the American ones, full of élan and elite fighting spirit…
…. those marines do not want the Army paras to get all the glory. 😉
Doubtless, if Russia does liberate Ukraine from the Jew World Order,  these marines want to do an amphibious invasion, their unique specialty, and something they constantly train for, and by using the naval infantry in this manner Putie could crush Jewkraine faster to hit them from all sides.
Let us always remember that it was Lenin who, in 1922, put these ethnic Russkies into Ukraine.
All empires put their Staatsvolk, as the Germans would say, their “state[-bearing] folk,” into conquered provinces. The Staatsvolk means the main ethnic group that founded the empire. and still leads the government, and runs the military, police, economy, banks and media. In the Roman Empire, this was the Romans and other Ancient Italians.
Augustus, as recreated by CGI
By settling large numbers of your Staatsvolk down in conquered provinces, the conquered peoples gradually become  assimilated to the language and culture of the Staatsvolk, to the main group, to the core, and the empire ends up with loyal supporters in the new area.
The Romans used to put their retired soldiers, the legionaries who had put in their full 20 years, into Little Romes, called coloniae, all over their conquered provinces. All their children got Roman citizenship, a great privilege when most people living under Rome were simply conquered subjects of Rome, and had, in effect, almost no rights.
Timgad, Algeria was once the Roman colony of Thamugadi. 
The Soviets understood that ethnic Russians would inevitably be the core Staatsvolk of their Soviet Russian empire, the USSR (the country was only 1% jewish, though the initial bolshevik leaders were 80% jews), so they put ethnic Russians into Ukraine to tie it to Russia and keep it loyal.
Khrushchev, in 1954, then added RUSSIAN Crimea also to Ukraine. (It had been liberated from the muslim Turks back in 1782 by Russia, before even George Washington was president. It has been Russian, and was paid for by Russian blood, TWO HUNDRED FORTY YEARS AGO!  As long as Ohio has been in the USA! Why should Russia give it up to anyone?
Why are moves by psychopathic communist killers and torturers putting ethnic Russians into Ukraine suddenly now all sacrosanct?
NATO and the Jewnited Snakes are preaching the “territorial integrity” of a country that was cobbled together by bolsheviks with blood dripping from their hands!
How about the territorial integrity of Germany? The Federal Republic of Germany today is only half the size of the German ethnicity map in 1944! After two world wars, both lost largely because of the Jewnited Snakes, Germany’s neighbors feasted on it, tearing off huge chunks of land!
The latest Russia news, btw, is that Russian troops are entering Belarus, where they can hit Zelensky’s Ukies from the north as well.
And despite pro-forma denials, Moscow seems to be draw down its embassy staffs in Kiev and in another city, Odessa, or at least sending the staffers’ wives and children back to Russia — “evacuating the women and children” — a kind of signal….. just as it was when the Russian Army set up huge field hospitals with lots of blood for transfusions and with combat surgeons at the ready, hospital beds and cots, brought in, etc., in May of last year near the Ukrainian border.
All these things are Russian warning signals — don’t think we are bluffing. And now China has our back.
A friend who grew up on the mean streets of Detroit, Michigan told me that if you are insulted, or some guy tries to take your girlfriend or wife from you, or your car, you may have to fight the guy “for general purpose.”
The Russian mindset may just become “for general purpose, the West needs to know and never forget again that we Russians do not bluff.”
And “if you attack Russia, go ahead, but in the end, no matter how it starts off, it is our troops who will march through your capital.”
This meme applies to any enemy of Russia:


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Note on composing comments under my articles:
I am tired of editing misspelled words and uncapitalized names and proper nouns (the names of persons, cities, rivers and countries). I do know they no longer teach cursive. The way people type today is literally how Deep South negroes and the mentally retarded spelled fifty years ago. 😉
Whites are a detail race, a race of careful craftsmen.
1. If you recommend a book, then send a link.
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    • Transl:

      These Russian marines look like them. 🙂

      And Russia’s current tsar also speaks German. 🙂


      Thanks. Yes, he does.

      His first foreign trip as president in 2000 was to Berlin, and he spoke in German in the Reichstag. 🙂

      In 2007 he gave the highest Russian medal to Solzhenitsyn AFTER his antisemitic book, Two Hundred Years Together, came out.

      And at the opening of a jewish museum in Moscow he reminded his audience:

      And then he used my site to warn Trump about jewish assassins!

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