Russian doctor knocks out two louts who molested nurse, kills one — glory to Russia! Slava Rossiyi!

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This is what you do as a MAN when your WOMENFOLK are being attacked.

You do not stop,
you do not hesitate,
you do not think
“Gee, gotta be prudent here and think this through carefully and not be impulsive. Maybe I should cool down first, and then perhaps call the authorities or a lawyer.”

Hell no. Only a despicable coward says that.

You, the MAN, instantly & savagely punish the molester of a harmless woman!

Why do you think God gave you height, muscles and balls? TO FIGHT!

Are women with their soft breasts, thin arms, tiny fists and short stature designed to fight off a muscular, aggressive muslim man? No, so do your duty!

Among the gods of Ancient Greece, there was a curse on any family that did not avenge outrages against their women. Then the Furies would come, the Eumenides (the “good-minded”) from Hades and bring curse and disaster!

Megaira, Tisiphone and Alecto scream at the coward who tolerates evil.


A doctor working in a hospital in Belgorod, a city in Russia, punches his patient out due to molesting a nurse. Falling to the floor, he hits his head and dies. The incident was caught by the hospital security camera. The lout’s friend, a swarthy muslim type, is also knocked to the ground by the doctor, who is not a pencil-necked geek. 😉 It took place on Dec. 29, 2015. The doctor then tries cardiac massage on the patient he had knocked out but he was already gone — to wherever God sends grown men who molest females, and especially nurses trying to help people.

The footage, aired on the 360 Padmaskovye TV channel, caused a huge reaction among the public.

“Come here, punk. Let’s step away from the ladies you were bothering.”


To the muslim-looking one: “Oh, so you want to stick up for your scumbag friend?”


“And now back to you.”



One doc with balls, and two down — the one on the right guaranteed will never grope another woman.




I am creating a new Aryan religion because white men of the younger generation are not men any more. If the current trend keeps up, only Russians will be left who as white men still act like men.

Testosterone is down 23% in men since 1985!


I guarantee you, as God is my witness, that 2016 is the year we stop moaning and bewailing and blogging about our dismal fate, and start making life dismal for The Foe.



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