Russian general Konashenkov predicts yet ANOTHER false-flag gas attack by the CIA is coming — to blame it on Assad

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This is from the excellent Jake Morphonios of “Blackstone Intelligence” (

Russia’s Defense Ministry claims to have intel that indicates the USA is working with Syrian terrorists to prepare a new chemical attack.

General Igor Konashenkov


Clausson tosses out his somewhat harmless-sounding word for a false-flag attack, “crisis initiation” (14:26)

He admits President Abraham Lincoln WANTED to provoke the Civil War (which led to a police state, the devastation of the South, 750,000 white dead, and the flooding of the North with negroes – and NO solution at all to the race problem!):


At 15:49 Clausson brazenly suggests an Iranian sub be deliberately sunk by the US Navy to provoke an Iranian retaliation and start a war!



RT ran an article a while back saying that the leadership of Russia and China had concluded that the people of the West were now complete zombies [they used this word, “zombies”], incapable of outrage and action, no matter how much you logically could convince them.

And so the only solution was a close Sino-Russian military alliance and a huge arms buildup against the US. 

And so the Van Rensburg scenario begins to get fleshed out, leading to WWIII.

And what makes it all possible is people being zombies.

If unzombyed, we could stop WWIII.

Still working on the new Van Rensburg radio show:

Roche Van Rensburg I








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