A fearless man who died a hero for his country. (Btw, his assistant also was killed.)
If you were curious why Igor Kirillov was just assassinated, watch this video.
In August 2023, Kirillov outlined how the US and Big Pharma “rule the world” by “manufacturing biological crises”.
He also discussed how all of this evidence has been submitted to the UN many times,… pic.twitter.com/EMTVTfrGnl
— Clandestine (@WarClandestine) December 17, 2024
The key sentence is this:
Kirillov said about the Pentagon’s bioweapons programs:
He was definitely taken out by the Khazarian mafia, the Jewkraine government.
They’ll kill anyone who exposes the truth.I I think Russia’s survival is one of the steps needed to defeat the zionist and globalists. It’s one of the keys to this happening.
I think it’s very likely that the jews will cause ww3 so it destroys the evidence and overshadows the mRNA bioweapon.
I think that Donald Trump will cause ww3 with his insane devotion to the jews and Israel.
They hate him and tried to assassinate him, and they can easily dispose of him once he is no use to them. They simply hate ALL non-jews, and all animals and nature. Their diabolical, bestial hatred of the goyim is the only thing that drives them.
Trump is deluding himself that with his charisma and drive he can win the juze over to his side and make enough of them — not all, but enough to matter — into good, conservative, America-loving patriots who feel gratitude to the American people for saving them from Hitler and for supporting Israel.
It is a wilful failure by all these Republicans to educate themselves. If they were just to read Henry Ford’s book, which came out a full 103 years ago! It covered every major ju crime and horrific, hateful ju writing against the goyim that had surfaced by 1920. Ford GAVE it away to EVERYONE who bought a Model-T! (My paternal great-grandfather, who met Ford, was a Ford dealer outside Pittsburgh.)
How true Ford’s statement below was — and there is no better example than Donald Trump himself, a President of the United States of America who was arrested, booked, tried, and convicted on the word of a peroxide-blond, silicone-boobed whore (Stormy Daniels) and a disbarred ju lawyer, Michael Cohen. (And, btw, any $500-an-hour call girl should at least have the minimal sense of honor to not tattle on and betray her client.)
Their was a school shooting, i usually wouldn’t mention a school shooting that only kills 2 people. The reason i have mentioned it, because it was a 15 year old gorl that shot a student and teacher dead then turned the gun on her self. Of it was done by a boy it would be just another small school shooting in the past 30 years.
But it wasn’t it was done by a 15 year old biological white girl which is almost unheard of.
Reports say the teenage girl was mentally ill and hated men.
She had a manifesto which sounds like she might have been communicating with the F.B.I.
Take it with a grain of sand but it sounds really dodgy.
All i know is that society is a fucking mess and i call our politicians the holocaust cult, they worship the holohoax.
I saw some report saying only two percent of mass shooters were females.
So it turns out that she killed a 14 year old female student and a teacher and was a fan of the Columbine shooter Erik Harris, who was half- jewish on his mother’s side. And Harris’ friend Dylan Klebold was fully Jewish. It sounds like something much deeper then a copycat killer.
That happened around 25 years ago now, and it’s surprising that a 15 year old in 2024 would know about that. She has a picture with KDFM, Erik’s and Dylan’s favourite band, an old industrial rock band.
Maybe the FBI taklked her into it, it sounds very likely.
And a jewish U.K newspaper called her a “white supremacist” and a “neo-nazi”!
The jewish media are utter, fucking, psychotic, deranged scumbags. Our society is such a jew-run freakshow!
Tja, Stalin drohte seiner Koalition (VSA, England), selbige zu verlassen, sollte das Internationale Rote Kreuz sich erdreisten, eine Delegation nach Katyn zu entsenden, um die Ungeheuerlichkeiten der Roten Pest zu dokumentieren. Demzufolge ließ Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels eben alles ohne dem IRK aufzeichnen, um der Nachwelt die nackte Wahrheit festzustellen und festzuhalten. Heute dagegen wendet man sich offenbar vornehmlich an die UN, hat der IRK seine Kompetenz vertan.
Der Massenmord von Katyn zeigte klar den Willen der Bolshewiki, die Besten in allen Nationen auszumerzen. Offiziere sind meist intelligent, gebildet, diszipliniert und patriotisch.
– Nachtrag zu meinem vorherigen Beitrag –
Und: auch seinerzeit gab es zahlreiche dubiose Todesfälle bei den Gutachtern zwischen den Ermittlungsbehörden.