Russian officer: incursion proceeding according to plan; but Ukrainian hatred of Russians (after 8 years of Jew media hate) has been shocking

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A close friend who was married to a Ukrainian and is still in touch with her, back in her homeland, told him in Skype:

Ever since the Maidan events in 2014,for eight years now, the new rulers in Kiev preach hatred of all Russians, day and night, in all the media.

So skinheads go and beat innocent people up in the street for speaking Russian (which 40% of the country does as their first language, including Zelensky himself] .

Many Ukrainians under 50 have been influenced by this hate campaign.


…..Putin: the people in control of America are the same ‘Bolsheviks’ that took control of Russia back in 1917

“The people in control of America are the same ‘Bolsheviks’ that took control of Russia back in 1917.” – V. Putin (I need a date and place for this utterance. )

….Russian officer: the incursion is actually going well, except for Ukie hate zombies


The opinion of a professional about the special operation in Ukraine (MUST READ!)

Note by the Saker: one of our readers today sent me a very interesting document in Russian.  First, I thought “more of the same” (5th columnist stuff) but then I started reading it and I changed my mind.  This was clearly written by a military professional, his name is Alexander Dubrovsky.  It was posted here and here.  So I literally *begged* our new Russian translators to make even a “quick and dirty translation” because I wanted to get the info to you as fast as possible (in the meantime, I was writing this).  And one of them did!  (Thank you, N.!!!). 

While Dubrovsky’s views are not “Holy Writ” his testimony and analysis is, I think, priceless, especially for those who live in Zone A.  We don’t have to agree with every letter, but I urge you to read it very carefully and in full.  I consider this text so important that I will post it under “guest analyses” and not “Saker Community translations” because I want to give it max visibility.  All our articles under “guest analyses” are written for the Saker blog or by permission, never taken off the Internet without the author’s permission.  But, as the ancient Russian saying goes, “rules are for the cause and not the cause for the rules” 🙂

Kind regards



As promised, I am not inventing anything more about the special operation in Ukraine, giving the floor to professionals.

The source is unknown to me; it came via WhatsApp. It is published without notes and without editing, only some places highlighted by me.

Subjective opinion.

(Let’s try to make sense of the situation without hysteria and insults.)

It’s hard for everyone. Our guys are dying. Citizens of Ukraine are dying. But the hardest part is for the military, acting both in reserve, both Russian and Ukrainian, who have gone through “hot” conflicts. I’m grinding my teeth from impotence, I’m not personally sure — could I have carried out the Commander-in-Chief’s order had I been in the ranks today. To minimize civilian casualties is understandable, we are one people. And how to try not to cause critical damage to the APU — I have little idea within the tactics of my own unit.

I categorically object to the publication of the number of combat losses until the operation has entered its final phase. This is a gift for someone else’s information war, a trump card in the hands of the enemy, the dispersal of false information among outright alarmists inside the country: “they all lie, hide, underestimate”, “no war”, “mothers, don’t let your sons”, “how I want peace”, “how much more blood can be shed”…

You can and should. Soldiers and heroes are dying. Who came to the army not to polish paving stones with their shoe soles, but to defend the Motherland. Even at the cost of his own life. This was a mistake of the General Staff, the people should clearly understand the objectives of the operation, its necessity, the inevitability of victims. Not the current price.

It sounds cruel, but such is the harsh military reality. We will wipe our own and women’s tears after the Victory, we will bow to every widow, mother, bride, sister for the feat of their men.

The first stage of the operation…

We underestimated the enemy’s power of informational, ideological, psychological resistance, they were waiting for us. Literally on the very first day, with one click of American bloody fingers, they deprived us of the support of the civilian population and those AFU units ready to become neutral. Millions of dollars, thousands of IT guys, global media corporations cut Ukraine off from any objective information, it stank in our country.

And our main losses were in the first three days. Now they will be rapidly reduced. Peacekeeping and humanitarian operations, like the Crimean one— are no longer carried out by the Russian army. The fighters received other orders, got involved, got angry, regrouped, any hopes for active support from the civilian population and those parts of the AFU who had changed their mind were dispelled.

There were few flowers and bread loaves to be seen, the people have been crushed by propaganda and lies, intimidated into insanity by the Nazis. Another important point was missed in the calculations — almost 600 thousand Ukrainians have passed through the ATO zone in the Donbas since 2014, today they have replenished the territorial defense everywhere, many have something to fear. Especially in the wake of fakes about executions without trial by the ATO.

Can you imagine what, during a year of service there, the Nazis stuffed into their heads – gave them the opportunity to shoot at the settlements of “quilted jackets and colorados” with impunity, to mock the civilian population there. So, the calculation for the help of locals and APU was inaccurate, the cancer in Ukrainian society is simply monstrous. But… we will cure it.

If we explain our tactics of the first days… this is a creatively reworked “reconnaissance by combat” of the Great Patriotic War. Only with a deep and rapid penetration into the Nazi-occupied territory. We provoked the activity of the enemy with tactical groups, deliberately drawing out parts of the APU and the National Guard from their locations. With a small number withstanding the terrible counterattacks of tanks and armored vehicles, of a superior in number motorized infantry.

Sometimes it was impossible to suppress the “Grads”, artillery and mortars hidden in residential neighborhoods that were nailing you. Urban areas could not be cleaned methodically in combat formations, causing supporting fire, attack helicopters, sappers, flamethrowers, tanks to carry machine-gun emplacements in houses and social infrastructure facilities.

This is a war unfamiliar to us veterans. Especially when the sky is under your full control, airfields are packed with attack aircraft and bombers, operational and tactical missile systems are in service, there is a lot of heavy artillery. Now it has become clear even to civilians: the correct name for what is happening truly is “a special military operation for denazification.” And the demilitarization of Nezalezhnaya was completed by the end of the third day.

The APU, as a single, manageable and effective structure, has ceased to exist. Today, there are dozens of groups of different numbers isolated from each other, hiding in cities and towns. No centralized supply, no air support, no approach of reinforcements. They are not able to act within the framework of any plans of the Ukrainian General Staff. Just crowds of armed men with orders to stand to the death.

The main groups “North” and “East” were beheaded and deprived of command — these are 22 brigades, which had been entrusted with the honorable duty to drown Donbass in blood at the beginning of March. We beat them to it by a week or two, starting our own special operation. Now 150 thousand people (together with national soldiers) are marinated in “cauldrons”, cut off from each other. For a second — this was done by smaller Russian forces… and in five days.

There is no organized resistance in other operational areas. Separate parts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), national battalions, sabotage groups. Everyone acts at their discretion, with varying degrees of activity. There is no way to move in columns, regroup, replenish ammunition, fuel, equipment even in local warehouses, everything is systematically destroyed by high-precision weapons and aircraft.

In a week or two, 80% of the AFU will turn into detachments completely devoid of ammunition, fuel, medicines, and food. Mentally and physically exhausted, without a unified command, goals and objectives. For the army, this is a terrible thing – despondency and decay. Especially for the Ukrainian, which is held by fear, propped up by Bandera detachments. Servicemen fear for the fate of their families in the rear.

The second stage of the operation…

Recognizably, the Syrian scenario. A neutral or terrorist-fearing population, among which it is almost impossible to identify militants. The Russian Army does not take such settlements – it surrounds cities with Bandera national battalions. Soon we will observe buses and “export tours” in the direction of the Western region. As soon as they are “ripe” without any support and help from outside.

In other places, cities are taken into semi-encirclement, thereby inviting the defenders to leave the territory on their own. No organized military columns, heavy equipment – all these goods are being destroyed. Individually, expensive. Yes, there is a danger of the appearance of a large number of sabotage groups, however, strategically three main tasks of the special operation are being solved: minimizing losses among the civilian population and infrastructure, our units and the army of Ukraine.

For the Russian and Ukrainian military to be cutting each other up with rapture is much too a luxurious gift for Washington and the Euro-Reich. The Bandera’s “partisan detachments” will get on your nerves, but the idea of the command is not bad. They will become legitimate prey for counter-terror detachments, military police and Ramzan Kadyrov’s men from the National Guard. Who do not take terrorist prisoners, they wipe them out… wherever they may find them. Denazification in the literal sense of the word.

An even sadder fate awaits the numerous mercenaries of the EuroReich, from which they form not military units (no time), but sabotage and tactical groups. Our General Staff has already stated that it does not consider them combatants with all the ensuing consequences, no conventions on prisoners of war apply here. I am sure that a special, cruel and purposeful hunt will be conducted for these “soldiers of fortune”. Poor devils…

The third stage of the operation.

I will not tell you in detail how and where the fighting unfolds, there is enough information from professional experts in the public domain. But everything is happening strictly according to plans, we have not even started transferring reserves, and they are standing in columns in the border areas. Losses are not just tolerable (from a military statistical point of view) — insignificant. Not a single unit has been allocated for re-formation or rest, which means it is fully combat-ready.

Look at the map, estimate the distances, marches, constant clashes, regrouping, maneuvering for tens of kilometers, and remember – our guys are opposed by the third largest army in Europe and extremely motivated Nazi formations. We need to tighten up the rear, rest elementary, maintain equipment, perform a bunch of previously unforeseen actions.

There is no need to pressure anyone, to demand more decisive actions – Flags of Victory over Mariupol, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kharkov, Odessa, and even more so, useless Kiev with its three million panicked, propaganda-pumped citizens. The objectives of the operation are strategy and tactics – in this completely new page in the art of war, haste is unacceptable.

My classmate at the Academy asked yesterday in a personal post:

Why is military aid to Ukraine not destroyed right at the arrival airport?

Why is it even possible for NATO transporters to visit the airspace of Ukraine?

Do you have a feeling that our diplomats are beginning to drain the efforts of the army? … All sorts of bad thoughts are wandering around in my head.

According to point number three. There will be no drain, all the goals of the special operation will be fulfilled. This is categorically repeated every day by the hardened Lavrov, and Putin announced yesterday. The French “peacemaker” Macron is all washed up with his mediation. And Medinsky in Belovezhskaya Pushcha is subtly mocking the metrosexuals from the Ukrainian delegation. There’s no one there to talk to.

Look at the brave Commander-in-Chief Ze, how he looks. Complete disintegration of the personality under the influence of drugs. The Americans will not allow him to negotiate and his own Nazis will kill him. The task is different – to completely destroy the country, drown it in chaos, so there will be nothing left over for anyone.

The special operation does not stop, there will be no more delays. Every day of delay categorically harms us, unplanned diplomatic, political, economic and military problems appear. Only speed and onslaught, until in the West they begin to assess the situation with a cool head.

About flying transporters with NATO symbols delivering weapons. This is impossible, the sky over the Nezalezhnaya and the south of Russia is closed for flights. They will make ground deliveries from Poland. And we will not destroy such convoys with “humanitarian aid”. Why, you ask? Better ask another question — who exactly is in power in Ukraine?

Outright Nazis. They took millions of civilians hostage in cities without humanitarian corridors, drove terrified people into basements and subway stations. Poisoning people with lies about “Russian atrocities”, mass shootings, executions, violence, carpet bombing. They place civilians with machine guns near strategic command and control facilities. As in Kiev at the SBU building, closely adjacent to the St Sofia Cathedral.

Zelensky’s curators and Bandera battalions are staging a humanitarian catastrophe, leaving the towns and villages of Donbass and blowing up everything: bridges, substations, pumping stations. Remember the liberation of Ukraine and 1945, the agony of the Third Reich. The quote of the demoniac, issued in the orders on the destruction of the entire infrastructure of Germany: “if the war is lost, it absolutely does not matter that the people will die.”

It is useful to know history in order to predict the behavior of the Nazis. Such is the ideology, social norms of life, worldview.

So, military columns will not be destroyed for three reasons. Firstly, these are trophies. Secondly, weapons will not get to the combat-ready units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the national battalions of the South-East — the addressees are sitting in “cauldrons”. Thirdly, everything will be transported by ordinary civilian trucks, the rear transport of the AFU units is together with its parts, or destroyed in fleets.

Calculate and hit container trucks? Yes, you can. Just keep in mind — all the roads to the border checkpoints with “kind-hearted Europe” are clogged with columns of cars of fleeing Ukrainians for hundreds of kilometers. The traffic there is terrible. There are women and children in the cars. And Poland and Hungary did not move the inspection points into the depths of their territories, did not increase the checkpoint capacity with additional personnel.

That is, Ukrainian border guards with their “colleagues” keep people waiting for days to cross the border. Continue to describe the scenario that Kiev and Washington are counting on? Or can you figure out for yourself what kind of TV picture the whole “civilized world” expects? They dream that bloodthirsty Russians will start bombing civilian cars… or the railway.

But it is hard to believe in such scenarios, it is clear to everyone – Ukraine is completely lost, no amount of weapons will help it anymore. But some parts will definitely be delivered to Lvov, mercenaries and ideological Banderites will receive them. And then in groups proceed to commit sabotage, intimidate local administrations across the country, try to disrupt our communications and supply lines.

But this is another special operation, a police one. One that Ukrainians themselves are able to carry out with minimal Russian help, as they get over their shock. This is their land, they live here. Announce a reward of five thousand dollars for an anonymous denunciation — in a day all saboteurs and partisans will end. This is the kind of country it is.

But we’ll make it sooner…

I want to reassure you, for the twelfth day our guys are operating in a different operational and tactical reality, losses will rapidly decrease. If earlier there was a strict order not to cause even hypothetical harm to civilians, civilian objects… today it has been modified. In one sentence: “not to the detriment of the personnel of the units.” As a military man, I am completely satisfied: now the humanitarian sensitivities are over – real work will go on.

Fired at a column – in response will follow the entire military-technical menu. Such orders only work that way. Will the civilian population suffer? Yes, some losses are inevitable, but not through our fault. We do not storm cities according to Regulations, but bypass or surgically act with special forces, as in Kharkov. With the use of previously completely unknown tactics of urban combat by night maneuver groups. Let’s talk about this separately.

Let the Ukrainians pickle themselves in the cities, digesting the Banderites who have settled in and the “territorial battalions” fooled by Nazi propaganda. Who can no longer cope with looters there, never mind the “reflection of aggression”. This is not our problem now, no matter how cruel the words may sound.

The final turning point will come after the cleansing of Kharkov, blocking or taking Odessa. All the heroic self-defense forces of other settlements will dissolve by themselves, obvious signs of a humanitarian catastrophe are already visible in the surrounded cities. The fog, when it is completely fake, subsides most quickly in the dark, invigorating coolness and on an empty stomach.

The population is not morally ready to stand to the last. Ukrainian social networks are already full of messages from places where local administrations remained after the arrival of the Russian Army, food is being delivered smoothly, street lighting is on, local police control the streets. With each new day, the fake hysteria will subside, the thought will come to the drugged heads: what next?

Will the encircled Banderites begin to commit atrocities in their impotent anger? Well, Ukrainians should also carry this cross on their own. Of course, we will try to do everything to rescue children and the elderly. But Putin will not allow to bear sensitive losses, this is not that war.

It was not us who raised the fiend of hell, nurtured it, allowed it to seize power and hostages in the person of an entire nation. It was not us, who armed them and sent them to kill Donbass, taught them to hate Russians. Criminal indifference and complicity is also a punishable act. Not by us, by life itself.”

I agree that in some places it is very cynical, but this is only from the point of view of a civilian. Any military action –that is a different reality…

ТГ «СпокойноМаша»

Alexander Dubrovsky



  1. This reads like it is an authentic recounting of the personal experience of a Russian commander in this war. It is consistent with the volume of information I have read from multiple sources. The Russian military has been sent on a strategic mission in a land of brothers and sisters, and is executing the plan brilliantly. It has had to absorb some initial losses that may have been avoidable to preserve the social/economic fabric of Ukraine. This will benefit Russia and humanity many times over for many future generations. The enemy has responded hysterically and irrationally because Russia and humanity are winning. The enemy is demonic and that has to be understood by everyone. Russia is on the path of righteousness and preservation of humanity. We are all grateful for that.

      • I am an Australian and live in Australia, I agree that the Russian special operation will benefit not only Russia and Ukraine but humanity, it will certainly not benefit me (we’re on Putin’s List)

        • Dear Craig,

          I too live in Australia, in Geelong in fact, but I am not at all concerned with ‘Putin’s list’

          Why? Because, if you have looked at Putin’s actions over the past 8 years, and especially with Ukraine, it is not the civilians he is after. Besides, a little bit of returned ‘sanctions’ will more than adequately resolve that quarrel.

          Putin has previously pointed out that the people in control of America are the same ‘Bolsheviks’ that took control of Russia back in 1917, and Putin is also well aware that those very same people control most of the ‘West’, and that our ‘Leaders’, when asked by these ‘Bolsheviks’ to jump, our leaders always ask ‘How High!’

          You may consider also the fact that Putin was apparently raised by a Jewish family, and yet he is totally of the Coptic Church, which again means two things; Putin completely understands the difference between the Jewish faith and Zionism, but fully appreciates the Christian religion. That is, I believe, why Putin has always been extremely careful to ensure that the innocent are protected, and this reflects his warnings in regard to Libya and his actions within Syria. Compare Putin with Lot’s problems in Soden and Gomorrah, much the same

          • Yep, a few passages from former Vatican Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Viganò, in his declaration on Monday:

            “The United States of America and the European nations should not marginalize Russia, but rather form an alliance with her, not only for the restoration of trade for the prosperity of all, but in view of the reconstruction of a Christian civilization…”

            “The Ukrainian people should think hard about calling upon the intervention of NATO or the EU, provided that it is really the Ukrainian people who do it and not rather their corrupt rulers aided by racist mercenaries and neo-nazi groups in the pay of hierarchs. Because while they are promised freedom from the invader – with whom they share the common religious and cultural heritage of having once been part of Great Russia – in reality what is cynically being prepared is their definitive cancellation, their enslavement to the Great Reset that foresees everything except the protection of their identity, their sovereignty, and their borders.

            Let the Ukrainian people look at what has happened to the nations of the European Union: the mirage of prosperity and security is demolished by the contemplation of the rubble left by the euro and the lobbies of Brussels. Nations invaded by illegal immigrants who feed crime and prostitution; destroyed in their social fabric by politically correct ideologies; knowingly brought to bankruptcy by reckless economic and fiscal policies; led towards poverty by the cancellation of labor and social security protections; deprived of a future by the destruction of the family and the moral and intellectual corruption of the new generations…”

            “It is evident that the Ukrainian people, beyond the issues that diplomacy can resolve, are victims of the same global coup d’état being carried out by supranational powers that intend, not peace between nations, but rather the establishment of the tyranny of the New World Order. Just a few days ago, Ukrainian parliamentarian Kira Rudik told Fox News, while holding a kalashnikov: ‘We know that we are not only fighting for Ukraine, but also for the New World Order.’…”


  2. Thank you for this outstanding account. Please know there are some in the US who support you 100 percent. A career in the federal service can you make you a witness if you have ever learned to think for yourself. There are witnesses.

  3. Reading this article, felt like being there, on the frontline. This is the best testimony so far about realities of this war. Living for a day to see nazi scum at war crimes tribunal. May God bless Russia!

  4. Thanks for providing this. I stand with this man and will spread his words of Truth:

    “It was not us who raised the fiend of hell, nurtured it, allowed it to seize power and hostages in the person of an entire nation. It was not us, who armed them and sent them to kill Donbass, taught them to hate Russians. Criminal indifference and complicity is also a punishable act. Not by us, by life itself.”

      • Thank you so much translator N for turning this round so fast for us to read. Much appreciated.

        Everything written explains to ordinary people not just in Russia, but worldwide, what has happened to Ukraine and its people. How brain-washed and deceived they are – it is truly shocking the depths these satanic forces have gone too.

        Karlof1 – this is also an important part:

        “Will the encircled Banderites begin to commit atrocities in their impotent anger? Well, Ukrainians should also carry this cross on their own. Of course, we will try to do everything to rescue children and the elderly. But Putin will not allow to bear sensitive losses, this is not that war.”

        The Western media is so totally complicit and brainwashing its population too. But Russia and its army should carry on regardless as it makes no difference – dammed if they do dammed if they don’t.

        The Russian army has accepted that it is Ukraine’s cross to bear – not theirs. This was an important realisation.

        God bless them all and protect them during the coming weeks.

    • When I see what is going on over there, I see how much America has devolved and been subverted by the same evil forces as Ukraine. It is not hard to imagine the same thing happening here. the CIA training the Azov right here. So many under brainwashing and can not think for themselves, as we discovered to our horror during the 2 year plandemic that these useful idiots will not let go of.

      I continue to pray for all That Is Good to protect those fighting against this evil.

  5. The Ukronazis are a proxy army for the Norrth American Terrorist Organization. They answer directly to their leaders in Washington.

    That is the real threat, and this is just the first battle in a long war.

    • yes the text is valuable and I saw consistency and cohesion. Clarification of reality in Ukraine. Neo-Nazis are just one of the armies of the Anglo-Zionist Saxon Empire of Saturn. After the 1st world war humanity entered the probability of extinction. The West increases its immorality and lack of wisdom. The two poles can no longer coexist!

  6. Very good but you forget that the south east saw almost no maidans and did not help the 2014 coup in any way.

    Therefore the local population of the SE is not responsible for what the USA /EU did until 2014 with help of lvov neonazis and kiev’s CIA-NGO-bribed middle and upper-middle class.

    You also forget that RUS did not help many of the SE cities that rose against the neonazi bands that came down from lvov/kiev to terrorize them after the 2014 coup.

    Putin should have intervened in 2014 but perhaps the nuclear deterrent wasn’t ready yet…

    • What was not ready in 2014:
      1. Nuclear deterrence, as you wrote.
      2. Modernization of nearly every aspect of Russia’s military forces for intervention in the Ukraine.
      3. Learning from the great tragedy in Syria, how to cope with Banderas and takfiris without losing the civilian population. Chechnya was so different that its tragic suffering did not give lessons for the Ukraine.
      4. The cancer of Ukraine’s rulers was not yet obvious to the people of Ukraine. The Rada had no yet passed the law so Ukraine’s land can be sold off to foreigners. As bad as the drop in living standards was from 1990 to 2014, it had to go much lower. The hope of the EU saving Ukraine had to die, and not because of any Russian opposition but rather because the EU had to show its own selfish and rapacious face. Patriotic Ukrainian cultural and literary figures like Oles Busina had not yet been murdered by the Nazis, so Ukrainians could still believe Nazi ideology was compatible with a Ukraine worth living in. The people of Russia had not yet extinguished the irrationality of the anti-Russian liberals and Russians had not yet 100% understood the costly lessons of the tragic 1990’s.
      5. I assume, since I have no hard information, that certain internal processes needed to happen within Russia, to prepare for life under the sanctions and to prepare a full range of economic survival strategies.
      6. The Chinese people needed to also draw all the important lessons, to get their own military ready for whatever might happen, and to prepare for a better economic future for the world.
      7. The world needed to see what was happening, and to draw its own lessons. Among the many items, was the shoot-down of MH17 and the massive lies to cover up the truth. Before it happened, no one would have believed the “black box” flight data recorders would never be released to the public, no one would have believed the governments would prevent the families of the victims from opening the coffins to see the bodies and to have autopsies, and no one would have believed the crash site would not be investigated and all the pieces could sit in the field for years, not retrieved like any other civil aviation crash site. Such possibilities would have been dismissed out of hand, since governments – democracies like the Netherlands or Australia – would obviously not do such dirty tricks, or so we thought at the time.
      8. The West had to rot enough to become less of a threat to Russia. No one could have predicted the US political process would be exposed as a fraud, but in hindsight it’s not a big surprise. And many of the EU countries had to undergo a similar process. In particular, in Italy, MS5 had to be exposed as a dead end, along with other “alternative” parties, and a banker had to be installed to run the country, so no one has any illusions about who their masters are. In France, the Yellow Vests could not have been predicted in 2014, but they stepped forward, and France is no longer a monolith.

      I could probably dig up more stuff, but this is plenty. I myself thought, back in 2014 – 2015, that Russia needed to do more to help, but no … Hindsight gives 20-20 vision. As I wrote a few hours ago, the only mistake was for Russia to positively recognize the legitimacy of the election fraud in May, 2014. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should have said the truth, and wished “Good Luck” to the people of that tragic land.

      • What wasn’t ready was never military weapons. What wasn’t ready in 2014 was economic weapons. Since then, Russia has bought sixty tonnes of gold bullion to shore up it’s economy that it knew would be attacked by the west.. Nord Stream has developed {kept Germany from doing more than it has}. Deals have been worked out with China, India and even Saudi Arabia to operate as “back doors” to sanctions. Russia’s best weapons in this war are grains, energy {gas and oil} and weapon system sales. This is an economic war more than it is anything else.

  7. Many thanks to all the contributors to this page and to The Saker.
    Reliable sources are hard to find. It brought me back to my youth, when as a Chilean student, we were blocked within the Chilean borders of any information about the attrocities of the Military and civil coup in 73 headed by the deplorable Augusto Pinochet in support of the interest of the local upper nazzified class and the USA/western interest. We had to rely on short wave Russia Spanish broadcast. My deepest appreciation for this effort to inform. Hoping for the best possible outcome for all concerned and for a big lesson to NATO countries.

  8. Wow. I wrote a comment the other day about feeling a sense of calm, that I didn’t know war, my faith in Russia. At times throughout the article I felt it, I felt war. This was depressing, hopeful and confident at the same time.
    This troubled me a bit: “But it is hard to believe in such scenarios, it is clear to everyone – Ukraine is completely lost, no amount of weapons will help it anymore. But some parts will definitely be delivered to Lvov, mercenaries and ideological Banderites will receive them. And then in groups proceed to commit sabotage, intimidate local administrations across the country, try to disrupt our communications and supply lines.

    But this is another special operation, a police one. One that Ukrainians themselves are able to carry out with minimal Russian help, as they get over their shock. This is their land, they live here. Announce a reward of five thousand dollars for an anonymous denunciation — in a day all saboteurs and partisans will end. This is the kind of country it is.

    I want this to be true. The Ukrainians didn’t act after the coup, during the coup. Perhaps now they’ll be furious and do so. I pray they do. I pray they take stock in themselves and their own.

    I’m so grateful to Russia for shouldering this monumental fight but saddened by the loss for so many. The Russian Federation I think are a gift to the West. A gift to the world. No one else has had the courage. Victory!

  9. As I said earlier…….

    Operation Barbarossa II crested on the ramparts of the DonBass….. with the sacrifice of….

    Mozgovoi Motorola Givi Zacharchenko…… countless others….. Texas….

    Operation Bagration II is in progress….. destination….. Warsaw…… Berlin…… Rome…. Astana…. Paris….


    First Ukraine….


  10. I have been amazed at the immense power of the information war, since beginning to pay attention. Lived most of my life in studied ignorance of the machinations, maybe the first inkling was on 9/11 when after seeing the news, I looked out the window of my office building to see if the sky was lighting up with mushroom clouds. Well, never mind that .. but since then, I have sought out alternative sources of news.

    Skip forward a couple decades, and I have a few Russian friends on ‘alternative’ social media, because it seems like an interesting place. To see how people live in the Altai region, where it gets to -50 degrees in winter. Well, just in the last few days, some of them have been repeating stuff about the Ukraine that I can get from the local newspaper here in the USA. It surprised me..

    Another far-flung alt-media friend in Yerevan, 5 or 6 years ago, posted stories about participating in ‘Electric Yerevan’ and would frequently mention how he hated the influence of Russia over tiny Armenia, and wanted to kick them all out … at one point, I told him “you might not like Russia, but you really don’t want to hitch your wagon to the USA” or words to that effect (after watching events in Syria, etc.) It did not matter. Several years later I had to bite my tongue as the Azeris took away 2/3 or so of Nagorno-Karabakh and eventually Russian peacekeepers had to come in to stop the slaughter.

    And I am still amazed at the power of the 5th (and 6th?) column.

    There are several recent examples of information ops here in the last several years including the one about the 2016 election. A few minutes thought, there are too many to mention, it’s running long already.

    • A couple recent information items came to mind after I wrote that.

      First, The Babylon Bee (humor, satire) —
      The headline, “Putin Receives Nobel Prize In Medicine For Ending Pandemic” highlights how quickly the legacy media can ignore whatever was in its headlines the day before.

      And, Vic “Cookies” Nuland —
      Just won the “I did not steal that horse and promise not to do it again” award for her statements in the public hearing about biological labs in the Ukraine.

      The Ministry of Truth may be powerful, but it has the attention span of a fruitfly, and it counts on the public having similar. (mostly correct, unfortunately)

  11. Enjoyable read, as inapprobriate as that must sound. The writer put into perspective, at least for me, what I see in the maps. I imagine, I have to I don’t watch TV, the Western media is creating a totally different picture to explain the RF slow movement. It must be hard for thsir reporters, as they are used to scenes on the nightly news, like the bombing of Baghdad. The RF focus on minimizing civilian casualties seems honest and sincere, and hopefully, once the fog lifts the world will take notice and give credit where it is due. Compared to the American wars such as Iraq, Afghanistan and let’s not forget Yugoslavia, where collateral damages were enormous yet accepted, and of no real concern to the westerm media, this action in Ukraine has a completly different feel.

    • There was a poll in Ukraine right before the Russian invasion: 50% of Ukrainians would resist the Russians, the rest would do nothing. In Kharkiv 35% would resist.

      Goal of the UkroNazis was to “exterminate” Russian troublemakers (Donbass Russians) and to religiously, culturally an linguistically “convert” the pacified Russians in the rest of the country. It is in a sense a war between Catholicism and the Orthodox. The Kiev patriarchate of the Ukrainian Orthodox church have the desire to join the Vatican in the long run. This situation resembles a little bit like the Croat Ustasha run NDH in WW2 and Croatia in the 1990s.

      • Dave you are right. Ukro- clero-fascists and Croatian (NDH) clero-fascists were/are the same product of the same organization, serving their Nazi masters thoroughly.
        Same approach in Ukraine today as it was in Croatia in 90’s.

  12. My gratitude Saker for helping those of us in Zone A to be informed.
    I am reminded after reading this article of something I had recently read that struck me as very insightful. I cannot recall where I read it as the author deserves the credit. If anyone knows please acknowledge.

    When GOOD people are forced to kill they know deep inside that they have crossed a threshold in their soul that they can never return from and they will never be the same. This is why few war veterans ever speak of it. This awareness, deep down can release a tsunami of righteous anger and resolve against the aggressor that has put them into that position – that has forced them to cross that threshold of “thou shalt not kill.” The cost of war is not only the loss of good lives in battle; but also the price paid deep down by those that return home.

    Russia and Its good people have been forced into this war. Forced to kill an aggressor that is out to destroy them. An aggressor that has no honour and fights with lies, deceit and betrayal. May Russia’s resolve and determination only increase by the sacrifices already made. Let Her righteous anger be unleashed against this aggressor for having having placed Her in this position in the first place.

    That was my take. May God have mercy on us all.

  13. “So, military columns will not be destroyed for three reasons. Firstly, these are trophies. Secondly, weapons will not get to the combat-ready units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the national battalions of the South-East — the addressees are sitting in “cauldrons”.”
    I like this quote best!


      • Yes of course…There is an immediate imperative to destroy any heavy equipment that could be activated against Russian forces that are already within the Theatre but any new deliveries would naturally be quite a trophy to add to the already vast stock of Warsaw Pact armoury…or better…to RETURN to the armoury, since NATO gained many of these weapons after 1990 and are now delivering them to the Banderites. These would mainly be light weapons such as AK47s and RPGs…

  14. You could not describe more accurately what is really happening on the frontline of that conflict. Thank you Mr. Aleksandr Dubrovskii for your interpretation of the difficult situation your fellow soldiers and countrymen are facing, in fact it is with deep sorrows that I concur the impossible choices that Russian soldiers will have to make in the days to come, but you are right, Russia did not want this, did not start it, but one way or another will have to finish it… but where is the endgame in all of this ? If we read Russian side clearly this is not against Ukraine but the aggressive expansion of NATO right to Russian borders, and again one will have to eventually consider what Russia should do with the Baltic States, Poland, Hungary and Romania ? To paraphrase a popular saying : only the dead have seen the end of that war !

    • Russia will not have to do anything about the rest: Just sit back and wait for the inevitable implosion of the EU and NATO, because that day is coming allot sooner than most realize. Once the Petro-Dollar system is replaced, the US will no longer be able to afford being the world policeman that it has been since 1945. It’s currency will be worth less than the Ruble is today.

  15. The author said: “the cancer in Ukrainian society is simply monstrous. But… we will cure it.”

    Jeez. The same hubris Americans used in Iraq. The only people who can “cure it” are the people of Ukraine.

    Thanks for all the information. I am waiting anxiously for the shelling of Donbas to finally stop for good.

    • “We will cure it” is kind of an extreme statement, and might be overreach in terms of what can realistically be done to clear out the toxic elements in Ukrainian society.
      But I don’t think it reflects the same attitude as the Americans took to Iraq.

      IMO the latter was a cynical operation because the motives underlying the Iraq invasion were, I believe, truly cynical. Saddam Hussein was demonized and lied about, yet those doing the lying knew they were lying in order to manipulate public opinion. Having listened to Doug Valentine ( and watched the documentary by Nikita Michalkov, among others, I do believe that the Ukraine has been subjected to evil forces that have encouraged savagery.

      I don’t this Russian special operation is cynical, although there is more than one layer of motivation for Russia to undertake the cleanup.

      I don’t think it is driven by lies, as was the Iraq invasion.

        • You made a grave charge against Alexander Dubrovsky by condemning him for, according to your interpretation, repeating ‘the same hubris Americans used in Iraq’! Actually, you only quoted the short sentence “the cancer in Ukrainian society is simply monstrous. But… we will cure it.” You quoted him out of context and you considered his use of the word ‘we’ as referring to the Russians only, apparently (in your view) excluding the Ukrainians when you insist that The only people who can “cure it” are the people of Ukraine. The Ukrainians in the Donbass have been battling against their enemies for years! But, they have requested help from Russia, as they know (and we also know) that thir enemies have many tentacles…

          Dubrovsky said: “Can you imagine what, during a year of service there, the Nazis stuffed into their heads – gave them the opportunity to shoot at the settlements of “quilted jackets and colorados” with impunity, to mock the civilian population there. So, the calculation for the help of locals and APU was inaccurate, the cancer in Ukrainian society is simply monstrous. But… we will cure it.”

          What Dubrovsky said is NOT ‘the same hubris Americans used in Iraq’, where they killed over a million people without mercy under false pretences (WMD?). The Russian army is fighting for the liberation of Ukraine from an infiltration that is a fact, proved by abundant evidence; not fiction, not a lie. Dubrovsky optimistically uses a word of stimulus to raise hope in all of those who are following the development of the conflict in Ukraine. His informed account of the ongoing military operation shows that it is a complex endeavour; but, he is confident in the Russian army’s capacity to accomplish their well-defined goal – his article describes the difficulties they are facing and their ability to cope with them, despite some painful losses.

          Just one advice: your sharp use of the jargon ‘hubris’, and later ‘messianic hubris’, is excessive and totally inadequate for any acceptable account of the words used by Dubrovsky in his poignant text. They apply for the statements of the US to justify their unjustifiable attack against Iraq; but cannot be compared with the sensitive statements of a military professional on the struggle of the Russian army to LIBERATE Ukraine. Next time, consider being more careful with your accusations if you intend to hide your real intentions…

  16. Ukraine sounds like a very sick place.
    A sickened and toxified society.

    The special military operation sounds like a drastic treatment, very much like a kind of exorcism, or purge—not in the political sense but in the physiological sense of purging toxins from the body politic.

    Or perhaps more like electroshock to drive out the willies.

    It must be quite disturbing to the Russian soldiers and their commanders tasked with dealing with these deeply perverted, or converted, souls while trying to spare them, to help them, to cure them and their society of twisted ideas.
    War as therapeutic intervention.

    They must in fact see much on the ground that Putin and his advisors have read about but perhaps not experienced at first hand. Zelensky seems like an avatar of the confused people running the asylum.

    The fact that he is now being raised to heroic status in the West looks like just another level of giddy mass psychosis.

  17. Ok, calling me an expert in that field would be, at best, a joke.

    I notice the potential use of mass murder by banderites to inflame the West against Russia. Imagine CNN going to a mass grave of Azov’s victims, protected by Azov, and declaring “Russian did it”. it is an easy thing to conceive. It would be “great” to motivate “resistance” against Russia.

    The alphabet soup of the USA knows that and will do it if they can.

    In that case, we’ll need to be deaf, blind and in a coma if we want to avoid hearing about it. The incredibly strong arm of informational warfare will make it loud and clear. Remember the “genocide” in Kosovo ! It only was a warm up comparing to what I saw and will, I fear.

    I consider 404 as an attempt to recreate Afghanistan on Russia. I consider 404 as an attempt to make a new Eastern Syria, a new Idlib.

    In Switzerland, a call was sent to make each bell of each church ring to make each inhabitant conscious of the atrocity of that “invasion”.
    Atrocities are being committed. They are being used to pump up the west into hate. Read 1984 for the mild version of that hate. Of course, no consideration of the possibility that the “heroes” resisting the invasion could commit them. Simply writing it will make a traitor and a conspirationist to my fellows citizens.
    I’ll be considered a mysoginist, a racist and I forgot what in the Justin Trudeau’s way.

    So be it! I feel nauseated.

  18. Nazis are the common enemy of the human race. More and more people will realize this over time. Watch the movie “Downfall” for a view on how the German Nazis went down in 1945. Nazis will Nazi Great article.

  19. Thank you so much for this, Saker. Masterful summary. It doesn’t hurt that it checks in every detail with all the verified information. And “cynical” (as you adventured the word) it is not in the least. Fully in accordance with the reality and the needs of military action.

  20. All articles and comments here are appreciated while with much gratitude accepted as a trend to a better Epoch and good riddance to the death throes of the Western ignorant, liars and warmongers. Here cometh the Age of Aquarius.

    Saying this, history tells us in written albeit most ancient text that ‘vice’, especially ego, covetousness and envy, as examples, are the forebearers of building society cum civilization, i.e. change, no matter how ‘bad’ it impacts Life, as long as there be no ‘Evil’.

    I personally have seen little or no difference in the underlying tactics (I don’t give any credibility to the term “strategy” by these agents as its use implies moral intellect) to those behind the Bolsheviks, the Communists, the Neocons, the Straussiens, the Zionists (all of them) and the ‘left. I refer to the unread – American Pravda: Putin as Hitler? by Ron Unz. Escobar and Giraldi also carry the ‘Crusader’ (‘Golden Sword’- ancient Greek) of moral and intellectual civilization for the future of Humanity – for when it arrives. Mr. Putin is another living example indicating that the trend is with us in this battle with (to borrow a word used here) the “Orcs” of the World. IMO this Ukrainian slaughter by the ignorant West will be its last and mostly over by March end. I do consider that this remains WWIII and Nuclear in potential. Beware the ‘wild card’.

    From Jesse I borrow the following:

    “Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.”
    Lysander Spooner

    “The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power. We must not tolerate oppressive government or industrial oligarchy in the form of monopolies and cartels.”
    Henry Wallace

    “The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”

    Garry Kasparov

    “Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.”

    Hannah Arendt

    “It [Citizens United] violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system. Now it’s just an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery being the essence of getting the nominations.”

    President Jimmy Carter

    end Quotations:

    As can be drawn from the above, society knows well about the evils of men but tends not to acknowledge the dangers of induced ‘psychosis’ by Psychopaths intent on instilled lies-for-all derived from the continued so ancient ideologies of the demented and rabid tribalistic madmen.

    So, IMO the system works by firstly injecting the ideology into the child, from birth, and nurturing same – then fears are fired into the demographics of the ‘unconscious collectives’ (of numerous individual demographic collectives both large and small) and build the ‘Caves of Plato’ as widely as possible. Then comes the binding ‘psychosis’ of the MSM which Clinton put essentially under central and monopolistic control, blasting its mechanistic lies of propaganda from the rooftops and 24/7 though the air waves. Lies; all lies, and nothing but lies. (You could say something like a congressional hearing today in the USA).

    Lastly comes the “blooding” (false flags) to spark the emotional stresses and to release the hate by action – or excuse same.

    My last words are to the “True Believer”, that is, he/she that your government owns in mind and soul: Not only are you doomed, but your soul has been reallocated and you and Yours are paying for every cost involved. Must make you feel warm all over, Yes?

  21. Alexander Dubrovsky – What a soldier. Great report and perspective. One can only admire this man of high intelligence, capability, sound conscience, and determination to complete the mission successfully. With such men in the Russian Federation forces, complete victory and completion of objectives is close at hand.

    • I also second this statement. I wasn’t sure what it was going to be, having read Andrei’s pretext.

      But on reading & then reading to my wife, we both agree that its realistic, balanced and makes a lot of very good points that are totally alien to the West and their ideological ‘wars of liberation’ (destroy everything & everyone).

      A brilliant report, thank you Alexander, thank you Andrei & thank you N

      Now to try and get others over here to read it…..

  22. This is quite stirring stuff.

    BUT, there is a real danger that Russia doesn’t defeat the real enemy, only the messanger. The real enemy is the instigators of this crisis and their vassals who wish to devour Russia. This war doesn’t stop at the Dnieper or the West of Ukraine.

    • Ukraine is not the start, it’s (nearly) the end. The Nazi regime has (somehow) been quietly removed from power here in the US and elsewhere. Brandon is a sock puppet, doing his best to destroy the trust and credibility of the US Nazi party(s) with the most naive people on earth. Look to the exposure of national election fraud. That’s not going away in the way it would if the Nazis remained in control.

  23. The interesting part is if and when Russia engages the western parts of Ukraine, what Saker calls “Mini Banderastan”. Then, we can witness a fuller use of the Russian fire power and involving waiting reserve forces on the border. We may see more from how Russia fights a modern land war against all the militant and mercenary entities there and the piled western armament and munitions. That would be terrifying for the West. They have no idea what awaits them.

    Alternatively, Russia may leave that Mini Banderastan to cook little by little and the EU to deal with them. Russia needs a legal entity that would identify as Ukraine to hold all the burdens of loans and hang as a weight on the West’s neck.

  24. It may all boil down to killing off or driving away a section of the population that is able-bodied and brainwashed enough to present a problem. Out of a population of 33 million, 11 million are said to be pensioners, so they already don’t count. Then there are relatives who stay behind to take care of them, let’s say 5 million. These relatives have their priorities such that they will be loyal to whichever government provides the necessary support. Then there are youngsters whose minds can still be rescued, perhaps another 2 million. That leaves about 14 million, half of them female, and that’s for the whole of Ukraine. Taking care of at most 7 million able-bodied, brainwashed males might be a stretch, but it might be doable in the way the articles hints at it. Isolate them from each other, defeat the armed ones one group after the other, let them realize that it’s better to switch sides or leave, burden the Europeans with those who leave. Up to two million may already have fled, and that’s mostly the areas where combat is taking place. The process may be well under way.

    • The Information War maybe only just beginning: this from MOD Russia Telegram:

      “The Russian Ministry of Defence continues analysis of documents provided by employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories on the secret military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine.

      Russian specialists of the NBC protection troops have studied documents on the transfer of human biomaterials taken in Ukraine to foreign countries on the instructions of US representatives.

      Detailed information about the implementation of a project by the United States on the territory of Ukraine to study the transfer of pathogens by wild birds migrating between Ukraine and Russia and other neighboring countries was of particular interest.

      According to the documents, the American side planned to organize work on pathogens of birds, bats and reptiles in Ukraine in 2022. And further study of the possibility to transfer of African swine fever and anthrax by them.

      According to the documents, experiments with samples of bat coronavirus were carried out in biological laboratories created and funded in Ukraine.

      The purpose of these and other Pentagon-funded biological researches in Ukraine was the creation of mechanism for the covert spread of deadliest pathogens.

      In the near future, we will show another set of documents received from Ukrainian employees of biological laboratories and present the results of their assessment.”

      #MoD #Russia #Ukraine #NBCP

      Short of taking down the web these releases will circulate.

  25. Given the role that China and its new alliance with Russia is playing at the strategic level, I’ve been wondering if the Russians invited some Chinese military observers to embed with them to counter accusations of war crimes, claims that Russia is losing in the field, etc. As an American, I can tell you that the top levels of our military, political class and media will never tell the truth if they can avoid it, and they will do their best to gain advantage by lies and psy-ops.

  26. Very insightful. “Full spectrum dominance” advancing methodically, encircling strategically. Towards the end of this special operation the rabid dogs will devour one anothers hatred.

  27. This is the terrorism what people of the Donbas have been submitted to since 2014.

    “‘Why is it happening to us?’ Stories from refugees fleeing DPR to Russia”

    ““We have been living under artillery fire ever since 2014. We keep talking to the media about it, but nothing changes. This isn’t normal. We’ve been living in a constant state of fear and anxiety. When they fire at us during the day, at least we know where to run to, but at night it’s a lot easier to give in to panic. You have to go through it yourself to understand – I could talk about these things for hours, but no words can describe what it’s really like out there.”

    As the war dragged on, the women of the DPR have mastered ways of keeping themselves safe during shelling. They tell us how to move from shelter to shelter, talk about the range of fragments from shells, etc. This seems to be the first thing that comes to mind when asked about life in their hometowns.

    “I used to be good friends with a family from Poltava. They speak Ukrainian. I love the language, I really do – it’s so rich and melodic. You must never use language as a pretext for war! Before, I would call my Ukrainian friends and tell them about our situation, about all the shelling. It seemed like they heard our plight, it seemed like they sympathized. And now that they heard some explosions outside their own city, they started to panic: ‘The Russians are invading our land!’ We have been living like this for eight years, and it’s still like that for us,” Nelly says.

    “I called my relatives the other day. They said that on February 3, a shell hit a house on Korolenko Street. That’s the central part of the city. A family, including two young children, was hurt. People are afraid to leave their homes in fear of new attacks. It’s a nightmare.”

    These western zionist/nazi war crimes need to be stopped. They commit them worldwide, they need to stopped.

  28. “Announce a reward of five thousand dollars for an anonymous denunciation — in a day all saboteurs and partisans will end. This is the kind of country it is.”

    If that is the way Ukraine is then Russia has to stay there for at least as long as the US has been / was in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. Because if Russia leaves soon the US will just move in again and the people of Ukraine will just listen to and believe whatever the US says again. Much better for the people of Ukraine to listen to and believe what Russia says.

    Since these Ukrainians are so easy to manipulate, a long stay for Russia in Ukraine could also lead to the development of a rabidly anti-Roman Catholic, anti-Nato Orthodox “force”, armed to the teeth with all those mothballed t-80’s upgraded by a revived Donetsk Lugansk industrial zone, which could be permanently pitted against those in West Ukraine and even further. All it takes is passing the right message across from primary school onwards.

  29. I am heartened to read that this author believes that the brotherhood between Russia and Ukraine will be restored.

    As Saker mentioned, there are not too many people waving Russian flags as they greet the liberators… the people of Ukriane are broken, and the war continues… the job is not yet finished.

    But I have hope that peace will come around and the truth will be heard. The cities will be rebuilt and people will continue doing what they must.

    Unlike the lies of the MSM and propaganda they have been subjected to over the past 8 years, people will now get the chance to talk about the realities of this war. Some will learn to forgive and forget. They will elect hopefully responsible politicians who genuinely represent the people. There has never been a more appropriate time for politicians to come through, figures who can restore people’s trust in the system. Furthermore, the average person there would now understand that the West are not to be trusted.

    Lastly, I do believe that Putin understands the likelihood of reconciliation between Ukraine and Russia will occur. Otherwise, Russia wouldn’t be wasting valuable resources trying to bring about long term peace to the region if this notion seemed to be a lost cause.

  30. The greatest danger in fighting a heartless beast is we should not turn into one in the process of fighting; The Russian army is capable of restraining themselves even in face of atrocious provocations. Ukrainian people are overwhelmed by propaganda, and those who still keep their heads cool are suppressed; it will take time for them to understand who is brother and who is alien. But I am sure they will come back to senses, and understand what happened to them in the last eight years.

    • They need to understand what have happened to them during the last 30 years. How they ended up being the poorest county in Europe. What happended to the educations sistem and political life when it was de-communist’ed.

      • “How they ended up being the poorest county in Europe. ”

        To me this sounds like a good place to start. Because everyone understands money and greed.
        Everyone understands what it is to be put under pressure by greedy and poweful actors, such as the American, Ukrainian, and also maybe Russian oligarchs. The dynamic of this pressure as manifested on the street-gang level is the subtext of Kenneth Branagh’s film Belfast, which I just saw.

        So, while being brainwashed by different groups, Ukraine—which is potentially a rich country with multiple valuable assets—has been FLEECED. People talk about Ukraine as a shit hole, but why has this potentially wealthy country become a shit hole?

        where did the money go? The $5 billion that Nuland bragged about? What about monies from the EU? The IMF? The money made by oligarchs who control the various sectors of Ukr industry, communications, commerce, transport, mining, shipping, etc.? In tax havens? In Israeli bank accounts? These people need to be rounded up and made to account for their billions.

        The opening shot in the 2014 coup was the fact that Russia gave Ukr a better economic development deal than the IMF. This issue should be thoroughly exhumed.

        Start with the money.
        Follow the money.
        Everyone is interested in money.
        It may be a basis for (1) common ground for all Ukrainians to understand how they have been used and abused and the country’s wealth stolen, and (2) a basis to start the reeducation process, to convey to zombies that the reasons for their country’s problems and poverty do not lie in Russia.

        Just a thought. Perhaps naive.

  31. “We underestimated the enemy’s power of informational, ideological, psychological resistance, they were waiting for us.”

    “And our main losses were in the first three days. Now they will be rapidly reduced. Peacekeeping and humanitarian operations, like the Crimean one— are no longer carried out by the Russian army.”

    Cruise missiles were not very helpful too. Imagine such action on Crimea, attacking airfields, etc. You think that would make Crimeans happy? So the problem was with the approach – is it a Crimean style operation or is it a war? It can not be both – or can it?

    “If we explain our tactics of the first days… this is a creatively reworked “reconnaissance by combat” of the Great Patriotic War.”

    It is 2022. Is it really necessary to use WWII tactics when you have access to modern technology – thermal imaging, drones, loitering munitions, etc.?

  32. Dear Saker, thank You, Sir, for helping the World realize its power !
    Do not lose hope, it has happened before!
    The greek island of Crete was liberated in 961 by the General -and then Byzantine Emperor- Nikeforos Fokas from its almost 140(!) years’ occupation by the Saracen Arabs from Spain. Most of the population was in such a state, that it had to be re-christianized. But, afterwards, Cretans became the symbol of the freedom-loving fighting spirit in modern greek history. Let Peace come and everything will be changed slowly for the better, again!

  33. Firstly, Thank you translator N. and Andrei for this great post.

    It is really interesting to see a break down from someone who is sitting in the first row (in the woods). I agree with the text that RF are morally obliged to continue despite more citizen losses as harsh as it may sounds. Civilians should not be afraid to follow the right path even if you get killed by “fellow men”! In my religion, when you die for a just cause you can be sure the Lord you will grant you paradise. Of course one is always of afraid of people vulnerable around him.

    The Lord will Judge between the innocent deaths and the Ukro corrupt criminals in charge.

    As for the media in the west, to you remember that the caravan will not stop although the dogs keep on barking.

    As a muslim without phd in history and son, it was really weird for me many years ago to see the West hate Russia as much or more than true muslims. For many years I verbally (and with my heart) support the Russian foreign policies when I am with friends or strangers. Many caught up with the facts, however there remain many who rather keep themselves hypnotized.

    In Belgium the media and the academic world are going nuts with their barking about Russia. So I am now more than ever desperate to leave this country and go back to Morocco. God Willing people like me can leave the West and live in a not unfriendly state!

    Mohamed A from Belgium

    • It’s almost impossible to avoid the effects of mainstream media while living in Zone A and it’s actually quite difficult in Zone B too!

      However, for me moving out of Zone A has helped a lot.

      I used to live in the Disunited Kingdom of Great LGBTQ but moved to Morocco about 8 years ago.

      If the above commenter (Mohamed A from Belgium) or anyone else would like practical advice or assistance regarding moving , feel free to email me

      Sorry if this is off topic. I just wanted to reply to the specific concern raised in the comment.

      With prayers

  34. I’ll be frank. Whoever expected an easy victory or cities opening up before the Russians must have been extremely naive and I cannot believe Russian policy planners seriously believed that.

    The facts are
    1) most of the Russian-friendly Ukies already emigrated to Russia
    2) those who stayed were subdued, terrorized, tortured
    3) for 8 years the informational field has been controlled totally by the West
    4) it is possible that the economic situation hasn’t been so bad. It may even have improved, as Ukraine has been lavishly supported by US / Europe

    So yes it’s logical a phenomenon of ethnogenesis took place. The masses are inherently gullible and naive and whoever controls the information spigot controls the spirit of the masses.

    Add to this a primal instinct : most people will subconsciously submit to whoever seems to be “the big guy” or the strongest. In the last 8 years Ukies saw the US / EU as powerful and thus concluded that they were in the right.

    The good news : masses can be relatively easily redirected or reformatted. Consider for instance the very successful reformatting of the Germans, who in the space of 70 years went from nationalistic to European/internationalist up to wilful self-destruction through immigration and lack of natality.

    I believe there can be sudden and massive psychological changes if and when Russia achieves decisive victory and once Ukrainians understand that all is lost on their side.

    Then the same process that happened between 2015 and 2022 will happen, in reverse. Western-loving Ukies will see themselves as losers and will slowly despair. Russia-leaning Ukies will be the victors. Over the course of several years the mass psychology will evolve. However this will only work if Russia is able to provide sufficient economic perspectives and soft power.

    • Yes. Also, only a tiny minority will become active resisters. It takes a lot of courage and motivation. Most people just sit on the sidelines and go with the majority. They will just try to keep their heads down and get enough food to eat. That means that if prosperity and regeneration of the poorest country in Europe (that’s what 20 years of a failing state does to you, hence the emigration of young people) start to return, possibly funded by China, there won’t be the motivation to conduct some sort of insurgency. It’ll wither and die, no matter how many weapons the West sends.

    • Beautifully written and reasoned, up until the very last sentence. For Donetsk and Lugansk, Russia will probably do everything within reason. But for the rest of Ukraine, not a penny should be spent on them. They must come right via the sweat of their own brow, its not Christmas for them. Those who want to trade with Russia, speak Russian, become Russian, will prosper.

  35. Because this is the translation from Russian original to English – there are could be some losts in translation.

    For ex here:
    “No organized military columns, heavy equipment – all these goods are being destroyed. Individually, expensive.”
    Originally it is:
    “Никаких организованных военных колон, тяжёлой техники, это добро уничтожается. Частным порядком, дорогие.”
    It should be translated as:
    “No organized military columns, heavy equipment – all these goods are being destroyed. Individually (you should go), DEAR.” (or MY DEARS) – it’s a bit of sarcasm here – direct appeal to Bandera combatants.

  36. No clever General and Colonel will fight to loose a war and when he realize the grim situation becoming not only desperate but hopeless the change has come. 2 weeks and now the 2nd stage has coming to end point. 3rd stage – mop up is about Starting.

  37. As I understand it, this military operation is Russia’s necessary response to an existential threat imposed to it by the most hostile hegemonic Empire.

    I have not forgotten that well in excess of 20 million Soviets perished in the last encounter.

    Could it be that today’s Russian soldiers are fighting (some dying) so that a greater human massacre like the last one I just referred to be avoided? I believe so and therefore thank each and every Russian soldier for his courage, dedication, abnegation and generosity. Humanity ought to be proud and profoundly thankful to that Russian human being, a unique model for the whole of mankind.

  38. God bless you sir! Know that many Americans understand what is really going on there. Yes, we have a lot of sheeple here who have zero knowledge of the history of Russia, that region, and the true evil side there. But some people are also starting to see through all the lies, after lies, after lies, from our fake government (stole election) and their lapdog fake news.

    I just finished Pyott Wrangel’s, Always with Honor, and I have a deep admiration for the great Russian people throughout the entire area. I am rooting for you and your honorable leader Putin, against the one-world-order ghouls who are responsible for this. I’ll be sharing your truth with people here. Also, encouraging people to watch the old documentary Ukraine on Fire to learn about the nazis there. May God prevail over evil. Tell your Russian brother and sisters they are not alone. The “news” media is gaslighting us all.

  39. “Criminal indifference and complicity is also a punishable act. Not by us, by life itself.” — Alexander Dubrovsky

    “And that whirling crowd, chasing a forever changing flag, were neither for God nor for Satan but for themselves” — Dante, Inferno

  40. I am sure not only the earth’s population, but rather the entire Universe is watching in awe and admiration, and applaud to, the utterly professional and humane approach the Russian armed forces have been taking, in liberating their neighboring country from the scum of the earth.
    There are entire worlds out there whose inhabitants are rejoicing, acknowledging that there is some goodness left in humanity.
    The entire Universe that is, by exception of some lost, dumbed-down sheeple in the allegedly civilized West. So don’t pay attention to the propaganda.. carry on accomplishing what has to be done.

  41. Un análisis simple y real sobre esta operación rusa especial. Sus objetivos son claros o mejor, transparentes: eliminar a los nazis y el armamento en sus manos. Para ello, El ejército ruso está dando a conocer una forma totalmente nueva de realizar estas operaciones. No tienen precedentes. Táctica, estrategia, acciones conjuntas, pero, usando metodología acorde con el tiempo de ahora. Limitando en lo posible, el daño colateral a la población civil. Es algo nunca visto, es un hito en el campo de la doctrina militar. Salvo, la desinformación descabellada, cínica y cruel de los medios occidentales, que son una infamia.

  42. I beg you Putin, turn off the gas, do not sell any commodity to the West, they are trying to break you economically, bring them down now! And if they sanction China conspire with China stop all deliveries for a week and in a month the US economy will cease to exist. All those margins will blow up in their faces they will not have anything to sell and thus will not have a way to move money, which will end fractional reserve. Both Russia and China will have them all on their knees, literally begging publicly for you to save them and forgive them. That would completely change everything in very little time

    I believer now it is the time to act, now that they are dependent on you.

  43. thank you for sharing. French media have slowed their coverage of these events in part due to the lack of images of bombed out cities promised by the newsreaders. The anti-Russian & demonizing V.Putin propaganda has been going on for years and many French are intransigent, but the professionalism and commitment of the Russian soldiers to limit civilian death & damage will eventually be noticed, and for the many that aren’t biased this will carry and enhance the credibility of Russian foreign relationships; maybe so far as to show the west how poor and weak is it’s leadership and how it has been for decades

  44. No Brasil , infelizmente, toda a mídia corporativa está apoiando o discurso dos EUA, UE, e OTAN. Mas existem muitos canais na internet divulgando a posição Russa, e os brasileiros estão divididos em suas opiniões. Mas um contingente enorme apoia integralmente a Rússia, na defesa do Povo Russo e seu Estado Nacional, contra o Imperialismo Americano e seus sabujos europeus.

  45. It gives insight into how many Russian soldiers feel, enriching the reader’s understanding, and he has fair criticisms, Emotion, though, seems to get in the way of some facts. “And our main losses were in the first three days.” Less than 500 soldiers in the first three days according to Russia and about 1500 according to Ukraine. Sad, yet considering how much they advanced in just 3 days, it’s hard to imagine it shows a failure. “And the demilitarization of Nezalezhnaya was completed by the end of the third day”

    “There were few flowers and bread loaves to be seen, the people have been crushed by propaganda and lies, intimidated into insanity by the Nazis. Another important point was missed in the calculations”

    How can he blame Putin’s government for this? It’s hard enough to handle public opinion in one’s country. Who can stop the government of another country from controlling the information its public receives? How .would it have changed his calculations if he had thought there’d be few flowers and bread loaves to be seen?

    “Look at the brave Commander-in-Chief Ze, how he looks. Complete disintegration of the personality under the influence of drugs. The Americans will not allow him to negotiate and his own Nazis will kill him.”

    The look is odd, the sound too. Americans have power but are not omnipotent. Zelensky is haranguing them daily on TV so he does not look like such a pawn. One has to grant there is Ukranian life with its own vicissitudes and decisions power. (I saw something similar interpreted with regard to Bolivia, where an uprising seen like in no other place was turned into an American complot – not right.)

    Overall, he is too critical for a veteran and too involved with details he probably has not enough correct information on. (It’d be a problem if most veterans behaved so.)

  46. any info re Odessa….rail and rail links still good….is freight coming in to prepare for a seige for civilians ie fuel food etc ….and military armaments? Anyone leaving? Are their refugees from Kiev preferring Odessa?

    Is sea freightage blockaded? As it is a maritime port. having a history of Nato visitors and plans for more consolidated western military collusion.. would a long long blockade denigrade it sufficiently to turn it away from right sector etc …though it is most necessary to hold those responsible for Trades Union atrocity….one wonders what the options are to cleanse it and remove anti Russian sentiment when it seems so strongly embedded .

  47. Thank you for this. Yes I know from experience that war is cruel. I was 7 years old when the Germans killed my father and 9 when his elder brother, our guardian, was riddled with bullets, guiding a column of Canadians on their way to liberate us. The perpetrators were Dutch SS that had created an ambush in a farmhouse next to the road. I witnessed the pain of their mother, my grandmother, who sacrificed her youngest and eldest son for our freedom. I lived with the devastated widows and their children who had to grow up without fathers. I sincerely hope Russia will exterminate this NAZI scum of the earth, none should be allowed to live. No quarter should be given. I followed your heroic battle and triumph at St Petersburg via medium wave radio, giving us new hope that Germans were not invincible, an important turning point during dark times. Go well Russia, you are on the right side of history.

    • My father served for four years in Europe, including in Holland in WWII with the 6th Canadian Field Dressing Station. Sadly, today my federal government, in particular the Nazi-adjacent deputy PM Chrystia Freeland, is backing the UkroNazis and supplying them with Canadian made sniper rifles, which it is also supplying to the Saudis in support of the KSA genocide in Yemen.

  48. This is a document for posterity. Humane and honourable in all accounts. This may well be the last such military operation, if the pain the west is needlessly inflicting in the world is rightly understood and rejected by humanity. A concise information about the reasons for Russian interference and the real scenarios found in Ukraine by the Russian army will need to reach all corners of the world. It has now become clear that Russia’s destiny was to fight again for the whole of humanity! My sincere respect for Russian people and their great leaders!

  49. You mention one or two mistakes made, but you predicted the occurrence of a “special military operation” correctly and, remarkably, the timing of it too, announcing it was imminent. (I didn’t know whether it was so or not when I read it; that’s a hard prediction.)

    • …. Russia has died in the heart of every westerner…..

      This statement betrays 2 fallacies;

      1) Fallacy – The West equals the World. Hate to break it to you, but a slight majority of the world’s population supports the Russian peacekeeping mission. The anti-Peacekeeping coalition consists of some colonial powers ( with zero moral authority) and their vassals. The War Party in Washington has isolated itself, it just doesn’t know it.

      2) Fallacy – the great mass of citizenry in the colonial powers support the war party. Any quick review of social media and samizdat news sites reveals a body of citizenry that does NOT support the war party. Analysis of viewers and readers reveals that War Party media has a tiny audience. For example, CNN has the viewership of a middle tier youtuber. Independent media such as Saker, Unz, Moon, Lewrockwell, Antiwar, etc have orders of magnitude more reach than war party regimist media. The citizenry no longer trusts regimist media.

  50. Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are NATO countries on or very near Russia’s border and Putin has said NATO must dress back to it’s 1991 position or he will help them go there by military and technical means. Those countries are sandwiched between Russia, Belarus and Kaliningrad. Are they next? If so will NATO dare to intervene? Does NATO think Russia is bluffing about it’s willingness to use nukes if it comes to that? If many of us know the Zionist global bankster families fully control the decisions of the west then Putin knows that too. The real crux here is their unipolar fascist world order versus the Russian/Chinese multipolar sovereign state world order. Will Russians go after these decision makers the way their oligarchs were purged from the Russian economic system in the 90’s?

  51. Splendid agitprop from the originator of this wartime art form:

    “We will wipe our own and women’s tears after the Victory, we will bow to every widow, mother, bride, sister for the feat of their men.

    “The first stage of the operation…

    “We underestimated the enemy’s power of informational, ideological, psychological resistance, they were waiting for us.”

    Almost funny coming out of the nation that banned the use of the word “war” and now promises to imprison anyone calling this invasion “war.”

    “Literally on the very first day, with one click of American bloody fingers, they deprived us of the support of the civilian population and those AFU units ready to become neutral.”

    Now I am both laughing out loud and cringing. Did any fool really believe you would be welcomed as “the great liberators” for blowing up their children and brothers and uncles and fathers? That is as dumb and evil as George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld thinking the Iraqis would embrace the entering Americans with open arms for getting rid of one bad man, Saddam Hussein, at the cost of the loss of so many of their family members — as if they cared more about freedom from Saddam than their own children’s lives.

    “Millions of dollars, thousands of IT guys, global media corporations cut Ukraine off from any objective information, it stank in our country.”

    Is that how much it is costing you now to do all you can to cut Russia off from outside information? I’m pretty sure, meanwhile, the main thing that cut Ukraine off was the bombing of those television antenna towers and the cutting off of power from nuclear power plants.

    Soldiers and heroes are dying

    On that part, truer words were never spoken thanks to Putinazi and his “not-war.”

    “We will wipe our own and women’s tears after the Victory, we will bow to every widow, mother, bride, sister for the feat of their men.”

    I am sure the Ukrainians will so value your sympathy after doing your best to slaughter their children in battle. It reminds me of the old mock army recruiting slogan: “Join the US army: Travel to faraway lands. Meet new and interesting people. And kill them.”

  52. This is the first article I have read that states that much of the population of Ukraine was and so far is very resistant and hostile to the Russians.
    I have been troubled in my mind by the idea that all the ukie and neonazi activities have been taking place in the middle of a totally unaware population. To me it seemed that the people had to have been complicit, basically just what we hear about Germany in the 2nd war, even if it was to look the other way. I am sure in many cases it was that.
    “The people were crushed by propaganda and lies, intimidated into insanity by the nazis.” I believe this, as I see this type of insanity all around me here in the USA. It has been called mass formation psychosis here, relating to the flu, masks and the injection.
    In the Ukraine it is much more deadly and sad.

  53. Echoes of the Great Patriotic War come through his writing, a war that had an incalcuable impact on the Russian psyche, and it’s visible in Dubrovsky’s writing and it’s something nobody in the West can comprehend simply because there is no other country on the planet where you can say every family lost at least one member during that nightmare! 27 million, and I truly believe that it’s this fact alone, that I think informs not just Putin, but pretty much every Russian who hasn’t been corrupted by the Empire. I lost pretty much my entire Russian family and most likely right in the middle of this Western-created tragedy, during that war. In a way, Putin has been caught between a rock and hard place, the devil you do, the devil you don’t and Dubrovsky expresses that with great sensitivity. So thank you tovarich for your words.

  54. Very interesting,now we may be getting somewhere.Here is the report,I will comment at the end:

    The Ukrainian edition “Zerkalo Nedeli” publishes 6 conditions put forward by Russia for the termination of the NWO:

    1. Refusal to move to NATO. Neutral status of Ukraine. One of the guarantors of which Russia is ready to become.

    2. Russian is the second state language. The abolition of all laws restricting it.

    3. Recognition of Crimea by Ukraine as Russian.

    4. Recognition by Ukraine of the independence of the DPR and LPR within the administrative boundaries of the regions (including territories controlled by Ukraine until February 24).

    5. Denazification. Prohibition of the activities of ultranationalist, Nazi and neo-Nazi parties and public organizations, the abolition of existing laws on the glorification of Nazis and neo-Nazis.

    6. Demilitarization of Ukraine. Complete rejection of offensive weapons.

    Most likely, the information was “leaked” by one of the members of the negotiating delegation from Ukraine. All of the above is very true.

    To effect all of these points they will need the Rada to ratify them. With it’s current make-up that’s impossible.Maybe if they do what the neo-nazis did when Yanucovitch was overthrown and filled the chamber with soldiers to threaten them it might work. But I don’t see Russia doing that,that would undermine the legality of the vote,and Putin knows that. So they will need to change the government and Rada to be able to get these points enacted into law.

    To denazify and deradicalize the society,they will need to have a “hands on” program. Which will entail the Ukrainians being the public face of it,but Russians and LDNR being the muscle closely behind the scene. And for this to stick they will need immediately to reform both the local, city,town,and village administrations to remove the anti-Russian elements.But also, even more importantly to reform the educational system.As it is in place now,it is very anti-Russian and pro-nazi. That can’t be allowed to remain or all the other work will be for nothing.

    All in all,these are good demands. The key to their success will be the implementation of them. It must be started quickly and not let up on until completed,no matter how long it takes. The risks from failure are too dangerous for half measures.

  55. This writing is quite an insightful and informative definition of this operation

    The author does recognize the emotion of the populace as a critical element obviously at the most senior levels of the Russian government.

    Now currently, I have found the media is busy enhancing the hostile fervor toward Russians. This on media having cited “community standards to deplatform many internet contributors in recent years for “wrong thinking.”

    Community standards appear to be selective for these jackals

[source: ]




  1. Typisch, (((sie))) hetzen mal wieder ein weisses Volk gegen ein anderes auf.

    Im Übrigen: ich habe gesehen, dass es mehrere Filme über Leo Frank und Mary Phagan gibt, aber alle sind pro-Frank.

    Kann Mel Gibson nicht mal einen Film darüber drehen?

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