Russian tv libtard chick goes bananas on Putin; emotionalism — why many countries did not give women the vote

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This Russian tv chick was inexcusable. Her daddy should maybe have smacked her bottom more as a kid. Does she not remember — probably not — that Russia was in the toilet in the 1990s before Putin SAVED it? That under Yeltsin it actually WAS “a gas station masquerading as a country” until Vlad became president?

In any case, this one chick was inexcusable. Does she really believe her own drivel? Does she not understand that Ukraine, next door to Russia, a big country with over 40 million people, was being turned into a viper’s nest of armed, genocidal Russia-HATERS — or that it already IS?
Does she not “get it” that Zelensky, an avowed enemy of the Russian PEOPLE, was proposing to obtain nuclear weapons? And, remember, Ukraine, as part of the Soviet Union, had many nuclear scientists and it possesses many nuclear power plants right now. The Ukies have the bomb-making know-how! Zelensky, this vicious, unstable actor-turned-president, SAID he wanted nukes at the Munich Security Conference — and just a few weeks ago — with his own mouth!

Actually, however, there are many sensible, rational and practical women out there. And some of the greatest rulers in history were women.

Any historian would agree that Queen Isabella of Spain (the expeller of the Moors and Jews from Spain and the discoverer of America using Christopher Columbus, all happening in the momentous year of 1492) was the greatest ruler in Spanish history.

So was Elizabeth I in English history, and likewise Catherine the Great for the Russians.

And yet even so, many countries which were republics and democracies — on viewing the behavior of the average woman, not the exceptional ones, as not particularly logical — did not give women the vote at all until the 20th century, including the US in 1920; France, in 1945; and parts of highly democratic Switzerland in the 1970s.

I cannot recommend enough the book The Female Brain, and it is by a female MD who graduated from Harvard, Louann Brizendine. Wikipedia’s article on it showed leftwing jews as trashing it.

The Female Brain is a book written by the American neuropsychiatrist Louann Brizendine in 2006. The main thesis of the book is that women‘s behavior is different from that of men due, in large measure, to hormonal differences. Brizendine says that the human female brain is affected by the following hormones estrogenprogesteronetestosteroneoxytocinneurotransmitters (dopamineserotonin), and that there are differences in the architecture of the brain (prefrontal cortexhypothalamusamygdala) that regulates such hormones and neurotransmitters.

Her book The Male Brain is also excellent. 🙂

Btw, Dr. Brizendine is married and has a grown child.

But in reality, when people overcome their egoic mind, and understand reincarnation, then they can step right back from their own femaleness or  their masculinity.

Then they can see gender differences, which are so very real, with some humor and detachment as part of being incarnated in human bodies.

Margi can laugh at her buying shoes by the dozen. 😉

I can laugh at how I enjoy the Super Bowl, seeing tough, muscular men clunk together — and play with all their heart and win! 😉

Btw, it was the more Aryan team, the Rams, that won Super Bowl 56….

Via reincarnationism we begin to understand that being men and women is not who we really are.

We are eternal spiritual beings having yet another human journey, and growing every day in love, heroism, and in self-mastery. 

In the end, we are all sharing this universe, and this great challenge and adventure — together.








  1. Carl Gustav Jung coined the term animus and anima. According to the Seth material, men and women in their respective gender incarnations always have a recollection or reconnection to their opposite-sex incarnations (to the anima or animus), so that there can never be an overemphasis on what is considered to be typically male or female characteristics.

    Ultimately, in the course of incarnations, both mental and emotional abilities are developed in a balanced way; I have not read the two standard works listed by JdN, but nevertheless much is also culturally shaped (= telepathic adoption of the beliefs of the parents during childhood). If women are told from an early age that women have poor spatial perception, then of course this has consequences for their spatial perception.

    By the way, here is a highly interesting lecture relevant to the topic, in German: “Wolfgang Wiedergut Sexualität und Spiritualität (Überwindung eines vermeintlichen Gegensatzes)”, 4 hours, 18 minutes),

    The satanic background powers have caused immeasurable damage with the divisive ideology feminism and with the purposefully forced insane cult around women. In the amount of socially underdeveloped people there is of course balance, there are not more socially underdeveloped women than men. However, the background powers have given the socially underdeveloped women a carte blanche to commit crimes without consequences (false accusation etc. etc.), which makes the misbehavior of these socially underdeveloped women particularly conspicuous and has resulted in an immeasurable amount of the most serious crimes against white men. Socially underdeveloped exploit such carte blanche mercilessly and so the division between the sexes occurred, because no informed person today is still so insane and would marry, in view of the laws for the annihilation of men and the NWO family courts, which implement the policy of the annihilation of white men as instructed.

    Debut women with hardly or no incarnation experience now thought to be princesses, developed an effortless entitlement thinking, expect preferential treatment and courting, developed a megalomania and greatest materialistic greed. The consequence: The mental abilities of a large part of the women atrophied, lay fallow, women did not develop their mind any more. Like narcissists they go crazy at the slightest criticism or contradiction, so that many men prefer to remain silent by default, when such women parrot unreflectively every dirt of the NWO press. Like many Jews they are not used to any contradiction and go completely irrationally crazy when it appears.

    This has led, as with some artists, to the non-development of the intellect gifts and to an uncontrolled emotional life, so that these women became an easily manipulable mass, remained for life on the level of a vicious petulant child and became completely incapable of relationships. This was just as intentional (social engineering): Who welcomes the civilian occupants with open arms, even if they drive knives into the backs of the women and men? Who is supposed to repair and reverse the catastrophe at the end? Who finances the women? Tattoos are works of art and chic, preached the Jewish press, so white women polluted and disfigured their bodies and thus became unattractive to white men who remained normal. They are like children, parroting and imitating everything the Jew press feeds them, they never developed their minds.

    However, there is a glimmer of hope. The young generation is fed up with the NWO madness; feminism is completely alien to them. The legacy, however, is devastating. The NWO and feminism poisoned women are spiritually burned, at least for this incarnation.

    The brilliant Esther Villar completely dismantled feminism already in the early 1970s, completely exposed it, took it apart under every conceivable aspect. Here are some quotes from her to read, in German:


    In German: Männliche und weibliche Inkarnationen

    Carl Gustav Jung prägte den Begrif Animus und Anima. Laut dem Seth-Material verhält es sich sinngemäß so, daß Männer und Frauen in ihrer jeweiligen geschlechtlichen Inkarnation stets eine Rückerinnerung bzw. Rückverbindung an ihre gegengeschlechtlichen Inkarnationen haben (zur Anima bzw. zum Animus), so daß niemals eine Überbetonung dessen stattfinden kann, was man als typisch männliche oder weibliche Eigenschaften betrachtet.

    Letztenendes, im Laufe der Inkarnationen, sind sowohl verstandesmäßige wie auch gefühlsmäßige Fähigkeiten ausgewogen entwickelt; ich habe die zwei von JdN aufgeführten Standardwerke nicht gelesen, aber dennoch ist vieles auch kulturell geprägt (= telepathische Übernahme der Glaubenssätze der Eltern während der Kindheit). Wenn Frauen von klein an gesagt bekommen, daß Frauen eine schlechte räumliche Wahrnehmung haben, dann hat das natürlich Folgen für ihre räumliche Wahrnehmung.

    Hier übrigens ein hochinteressanter themenrelevanter Vortrag, in Deutsch: “Wolfgang Wiedergut Sexualität und Spiritualität (Überwindung eines vermeintlichen Gegensatzes)”, 4 Stunden, 18 Minuten),

    Die satanischen Hintergrundmächte haben mit der Spaltideologie Feminismus und mit dem gezielt forcierten Wahnsinnskult um Frauen unermeßlichen Schaden angerichtet. In der Menge der sozial unterentwickelten Menschen herrscht natürlich Gleichgewicht, es gibt nicht mehr sozial unterentwickelte Frauen als Männer. Die Hintergrundmächten haben jedoch den sozial unterentwickelten Frauen einen Freibrief gebeben, folgenlos Straftaten begehen zu dürfen (Falschbeschuldigung usw. usf.), wodurch das Fehlverhalten dieser sozial unterentwickelten Frauen besonders auffällt und ein unermeßliches Maß an schwersten Verbrechen gegen weiße Männer die Folge war. Sozial Unterentwickelte nutzen solche Freibriefe gnadenlos aus und so kam es zur Spaltung zwischen den Geschlechtern, denn kein informierter Mensch ist heute noch so wahnsinnig und würde heiraten, angesichts der Gesetze zur Vernichtung der Männer und der NWO-Familiengerichte, die weisungsgemäß die Politik der Vernichtung der weißen Männer umsetzt.

    Debütmenschen-Frauen mit kaum bzw. keiner Inkarnationserfahrung wähnten sich nun, Prinzessinnen zu sein, entwickelten ein leistungsloses Anspruchdenken, erwarten Bevorzugung und Hofierung, entwickelten eine Größenwahnattitüde und größte materialistische Gier. Die Folge: Die geistigen Fähigkeiten eines Großteils der Frauen verkümmerten, lagen brach, Frauen entwickelten nicht mehr ihren Verstand. Wie Narzißten drehen sie durch bei leisester Kritik bzw. Widerspruch, so daß viele Männer standardmäßig lieber schweigen, wenn solche Frauen unreflektiert jeden Dreck der NWO-Presse nachplappern. Wie viele Juden sind sie keinen Widerspruch gewohnt und drehen vollkommen irrational durch, wenn er auftaucht.

    Das hat, wie bei manchen Künstlern, zur Nichtentwicklung der Verstandesgaben geführt und zu einem unkontrolliertem Gefühlsleben, so daß diese Frauen zu einer leicht manipulierbaren Masse wurden, lebenslang auf dem Stand eines bösartigen bockigen Kindes verblieben und vollkommen beziehungsunfähig wurden. Das war genauso gewollt (Social Engineering): Wer empfängt die Zivilokkupanten mit offenen Armen, auch wenn diese den Frauen und Männer Messer in die Rücken rammen? Wer soll zum Schluß die Katastrophe beheben und rückabwickeln? Wer finanziert die Frauen? Tätowierungen sind Kunstwerke und schick, predigte die Judenpresse, also verschmutzten und verschandelten weiße Frauen ihre Körper und wurden so unattraktiv für normal gebliebene weiße Männer. Sie sind wie Kinder, die alles nachplappern und alles nachmachen, was ihnen die Judenpresse eintrichtert, sie haben niemals ihren Verstand entwickelt.

    Es gibt jedoch einen Hoffnungsschimmer. Die junge Generation hat die Schnauze voll von dem NWO-Wahnsinn, denen ist der Feminismus völlig wesensfremd. Die Altlasten sind jedoch verheerend. Die NWO- und Feminismusvergifteten Frauen sind spirituell verbrannt, zumindest für diese Inkarnation.

    Die geniale Esther Villar hat den Feminismus schon Anfang der 1970er Jahre vollkommen demontiert, vollkommen entlarvt, unter jedem nur denkbaren Aspekt auseinandergenommen. Hier sind einige Zitate von ihr nachlesbar, in Deutsch:

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