Satanic rituals triggering suicides; 90 Minutes in Heaven — review; German network ZDF calls to complain; crop circle shown being made

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7-million-selling book on afterlife by a man killed in massive car-truck (110mph/170km/h) head-on collision (pronounced dead twice from massive injuries) shows a neutral “heaven” that the author experienced for 1.5 hours — and fiercely regretted leaving when doctors brought him back to life. He did not reveal his experience for months from fear of ridicule. Some Christians carped to the returnee (a minister) “But where in your afterlife was Jesus?”

…..Wave of white suicides — an Aussie reports

The evil Arab on CNN, Fareed Zakaria, is gloating how whites are dying out:

[09:45:25]JL: John, there was a guy here who did a talk about being electrocuted; he survived when he should have died. He was a South African guy who had a family; his wife cheated on him with his best friend.

We had a guy at work who commited suicide, so they brought in this guy but only because some other guy from our project had already commited suicide before him “ a great guy too; and apparently he had no debt whatsoever, a great artist, was old-school, loved beer, and seemed to enjoy life.

He had a family and kids, John, that he left behind and whatever happened at home or at work, he sure planned his death.




[10:07:15] John de Nugent: Amazing and terrible. :_( JL, just before the German people turned to Adolf Hitler, despite al the media camapaing against him, there was also a wave of suicides back then in Germany, and I have been predicting for years it would come to this once again.

When you see this video, and tears of pure joy, you know that the German people had been profoundly traumatized for years and had fallen into almost total despair. I made this video in 2011, it is one of my most popular, and this time is coming again.


A British comrade named Carli read the above and wrote me:

Hi, John,

Good to speak to you the other night on Skype.

I too contemplated suicide in a dark time in my life. But I chose to fight back. Why do we choose suicide rather than attack ? The impulse came to me all of a sudden and lingered for a few days. Why didn’t I rob a bank or shoot some bastard? Do animals commit suicide?

The misery made me stronger, yet I feel sorry for people who succomb to it. I think it does take guts to kill yourself, though a waste.

I told my MP if I ever got a terminal illness , that I’ll be taking a few with me. He went very white as I gripped his hand and looked him in the eye and smiled. My experiences have taught me not to fear death, but don’t go looking for it.

Best regards, Carli



The really shocking truth is that every time a white child is ritually murdered, the child’s horror and pain is released into the lower noosphere ( = a region around earth containing all the thoughts and feelings people have) and primitive whites with bad karma become even more dejected and feel doomed.



A comrade sent me info on Major Michael A. Aquino that I found mind-blowing. This guy is a high-level satanist, yet clearly working AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS of the NSA (National Security Agency) and the US Army! Here is Google on this human turd, and he is about as sinister-looking as they get:


Here is Aquino on a Geraldo Rivera show, with my late friend Ted Gunderson speaking first. Ted, who died last year (with suspicious blueness under his fingernails, indicating he was poisoned) was a high-ranking FBI official with a thirty-year career, who ran both the Dallas and Los Angeles regional offices of the FBI. After his retirement, Ted became a whistleblower:

This Aquino even has, if you will, the satanic, that is, up-twirled eyebrows. Btw, I saw those on Max Larson, a high-ranking Jehovah’s Witness (who ran things more and more in his seventy-three years with the JWs and until his death at 96 in 2011) when I worked as a volunteer at the JW HQ in NYC in 1975.

(When my parents divorced, my mother got custody and dragged me into the JWs in 1970. I left as soon as I could, and it was not easy leaving a mind-control cult that deliberately cuts your ties off to all relatives and friends. But at age 21 I did, even though it meant moving to Europe to do so. I moved to Austria totally on my own ” and partly to sever ties with them so they could not reel me back in.)

In fact, Larsen was the one assigned to prevent me from leaving their HQ when I became disillusioned. People like this look like and ARE reincarnated demons.

Michael Aquino


Here is what can only be called a “puff piece” on his sect, the Temple of Set, which he formed after Anton LeVay (born as the Jew Howard Stanton Levy) died and his Church of Satan collapsed:

Note that the article baldly admits: “History The Temple of Set was reconsecrated in 1975, by Dr. Michael A. Aquino, in a “Working of Greater Black Magic” that resulted in what believers regard as an inspired text titled The Book of Coming Forth by Night. This Working became necessary when many Satanists, along with the majority of the Priesthood of the Church of Satan,[1] left that organization because of administrative and philosophical disagreements with its founder.[LaVey]

Anton LeVay, 1930-97, born Howard Stanton Levy


It also states: “The Temple of Set is an occultist organization following the left-hand path.” Well, for those who took Latin as I did, the word for left-handed issinister. This is about as open an inside joke as you can get.

¦..Ritual murders at Castle Wewelsburg and the Extern Stones in Germany

I just finished watching the full (one-hour) 2003 German documentary “Höllenleben ” Der Kampf der Opfer rituellen Missbrauches in Deutschland” (“Life in hell: the struggle of the victims of ritual abuse in Germany”).

Clearly, Satanists did ritual child murders in the 1990s and in the year 2000 specifically at the Wewelsburg, the famous onetime SS school-castle (., which was many centuries old ¦. and in a way practical for that purpose because it had ritual rooms (it had belonged to a bishop), it had been a prison and had chains on the walls of its dungeons already.

(Castle is slightly upper-left on a hill)

A further motive for satanists: 1) desecrate it as Himmler’s castle, 2) discredit somehow thereby the SS and thus the Third Reich, and 3) try to end it as a source of some mystical Aryan power, or 4) twisting the power for evil, or, of course all of the above ¦..

Wikipedia’s articles in English and in German on the Wewelsburg mentioned nothing about these massive allegations of child murders there ¦ ¦
To me it all suggests the Satanists want very badly to 1) weaken the Wewelsburg energy or 2) capture it ¦ and certainly try to “ruin” any future enjoyment of it by us after our victory. It will really need a ritual cleansing ¦As will the whole Federal Republic of Germany ¦..The German ID card, the Ausweis
Ornaments brought in by satanists for a 2000 ritual murder at the Wewelsburg

I assume that the reason the media has not made a big thing out of this is that if satanists hate NS, then by extension their lord, Satan, the ultimate in evil, might hate Hitler, Himmler and the values of NS ¦ ¦.This has to be a main thrust of my final video. I have seen people SEETHE when one brings up child molesters and murders of children. Nothing infuriates people, more, not even 9/11.

Ritual scenes from the basement of the Wewelsburg: goat head, red snakes, inverted crosses, children raped (lower left), chests punctured, being hoisted up and bled)

The details, btw, were beyond the word shocking. I will just say that two sisters went on camera, accused their own parents, the father being a Protestant minister, and both confirmed on camera that the older sister was forced to give birth (from rape) to a baby, then kill it with a dagger, and open the chest cavity, take out and eat some of its heart.

Of course, no one has been arrested, despite many witnesses stepping forward, identifying other victims on photos, and describing the perpetrators using the same or similar names.

Interestingly, one redheaded girl says the children being held in captivity never talked to each other, and would not talk to each other today even as adults. In most cases, they were forced to commit various crimes, from the horrific one one above to killing cats and kittens.

I always wondered why my brother would never contact me for any reason, never send birthday or Christmas cards, I never sent him any, and to this day no one in my family sends birthday cards.


PS Here are more notes I took:

Satanism: getting power to be a god; self-deification

life is in blood, so blood power

children had to kill cats “for starters”
had to watch other children being raped
one saw 11-year-old brother screaming and twitching; he finally committed suicide
“sibling victims do not want to talk to each other afterward
“special initiation: open grave in graveyard next to church; girl had to take heart out of a fresh cadaver; then enter church with lodge officials, lay self on altar; sexual things done to her; the victim should do evil things too and also feel powerful; trained then to do rituals and kill children; child gets recognition and praise for every crime it does;
“German policewoman: The rule is that if there is no Anzeige (criminal complaint) by the victim, there can be no investigation whatsoever, no mater how much suspicion or proof. A victim must step forward and, with his or her real name, make an accusation before any investigation can BEGIN ¦..and then go nowhere (which the documentary says, in quiet disgust).
“adults who were victims do not come forward because they too have committed crimes (under duress)the pastor’s daughter at the Externsteine, forced there to murder a 14-year-odl girl; victims fear being indicted themselves. But usually there is no body.
“three dirty, cold cellar roomsthis former East German girl ¦. ¦. whose parents were well-situated communists, described ¦a holding room being held being electroshocked
Red-haired girl taken to a fire place created on the floor of an abandoned factory basement being bled
“satanists take many photos during these crimes for online porn offerings (and I add: for blackmail)Children on all fours and with a golden ring on a finger (not visible): all this means to the sickos “you can do anything to them and they will cooperate, being well broken-in”
.! Use segment 25:27-44 or to -26:38 child dragged toward fire (I remember myself being dragged and to this day if I see a person dragged on a rough floor it gives me a horrific feeling)
“children never talk, dead-silent, while being transported to and from abuse location
“child aborted in sixth month and sacrificed on the spot, on the ritual fire location of Wewelsburg
“children must harm other children “use of reversed words by satanists
“Do what you want” (in English and backwards, a modern version of the Aleister Crowley phrase); a child is tied up in a wooden box to be sexually molested by hooded figures
“witnesses recognized each other, recall similar-sounding names of perps
“high priest, cloaked, called himself Manngott, Man-God
“38:43 at Externsteine a woman, then 17, threatened with death if she talked, then ordered to slit throat and filet a 14-year-old girl, then praised after doing it for the “great job”
“victim says that being forced to harm or murder another child is much worse than any rape or torture
“regular mode of operation to always make victims into perpetrators
  • a German expert, Renate Rennebach, former MP Member of the Bundestag in Berlin, 1990-2002, 12 years,
  • around 53:18, she says:
  • “They have a network; we have none.”
“girl raped (see picture directly below) at 13, gave birth at 14 (sister, then 10, witnessed and confirms this). Forced to eat part of the placenta, then forced to kill her own child by stabbing the baby in the chest, then to open the ribcage and eat part of the heart; then all the hooded figures around the altar ate of the heart too; the high priest “Atama” with a black-gold mask on guided her hand in the stabbing and chest-opening.This was the only time either of the two sisters, who acted numb and zombylike. usually on-camera, got teary.The same girl (right below) who had to kill her baby was also raped on an earlier occasion on a church altar by a goat after being smeared in a stinking substance.
“constant use of 666 ¦.. in this form: three sixes (666) with the balls touching and thus three whirling
Judaea delenda est.Wikipedia article on Jerusalem with coordinates of the city
child being raped (erect penis of priest) at the Wewelsburg, who has been stabbed in the heart and blood is being taken out by syringe while he is vomiting and streams of tears fall; several victims have come forward testifying to the same details and even the same perpetrator namesand no one has been indicted.

wrist slit while hoisted up by feet ” all these are practices described in Blood Passover by Ariel Toaff


….. “90 Minutes in Heaven”



I wrote a friend today: I hope you enjoy “90 Minutes in Heaven,”  which dragged for some, but I thought it had both feet on the ground.

The case is totally documented: the man, Don Piper, was crushed to death in January 18, 1989 when an 18-wheeler truck hit him head-on going a total 110 miles per hour, many of his bones were pulverized, he was a god-awful, bloody mess and had no pulse, and he was pronounced dead at the scene.

And he was in fact revived by a passing minister who felt a strange compulsion to go over and start praying for a dead man. (The firemen and state trooper saw the whole thing). The minister actually crawls under the tarp and gets right up to this guy’s face, covered in gore, and prays for his soul. Then he feels his neck, finds a pulse, and yells for the incredulous EMTs to come over: “I got a pulse!”


The EMT is shocked; after having no pulse twice, suddenly now he does again… because he was brought back.  


When you see the x-rays of Piper, they look like what you would expect — if an 18-wheeler truck drove over you. 😉

The guy did NOT even discuss his experience for many months and not until it began impacting his relationship with everyone, esp. his wife. (Basically, he was bitter and uncomprehending: “Why, Lord, did you bring me back to a world of extreme and constant pain and dependency, and being a huge burden on others that I love?”

Firemen cover-Piper’s car with a tarpaulin; he was pronounced dead twice.



It is a legit question, and the fact is, his wife easily could have moved on, had he just up and died, or rather simply had he just STAYED dead. 😉 He already had no pulse twice when EMTs checked him; the x-rays of his injuries –shown — pretty much say it all.) At the end, you actually see the real Don Piper speaking…. I think the experience really happened, and this guy did not DARE add, modify or embellish anything, like throwing in Jesus or the Cross. Anyway, the film fired me way up to start my new faith community,… and IMO we gotta understand our lives are judged, and we do report at death to the Big Guy. 🙂

(He only claims to have been in heaven AFTER release from many months in the hospital and rehab and at the direct urging of a fellow minister AND his own wife. He was afraid of ridicule or being seen as making it up.)



“90 Minutes” (two hours length…) has actually two scenes where the accident victim is “on the other side,” one early on, and the other much later, and two great scenes, one after the other, where he is out of the hospital, still in a wheelchair…. and his minister friend and then wife level with him: “Why on earth do you hate surviving, and why do you resent still being alive???” 😉

At the kitchen table he tells his wife why, and it is to me pretty powerful. He actually has light gray-blue eyes, the actor (Hayden Christensen, who played “Anakin Skywalker” in a recent “Star Wars” movie ) with the dark hair (sort of the Hitler combination 😉 ), and it becomes a turning point in the film, ironically, toward the very end. 🙂 “I guess God sent me back to say heaven is real, and worth leading a good life.”

Christensen plays Anakin Skywalker in “Attack of the Clones” and “Revenge of the Sith.” As a Jeddai knight, he is tempted and goes over to the Dark Side, becoming the formidable warrior for evil Darth Vader, traitor and servant of the Empire.



It was a low-budget movie ($4 million) but good-enough special effects…. I thought it was great, having also read and loved the book (7 million copies sold). I note the Jewish critics all trash the movie.


John D. Nugent  I read the bestselling book and it was excellent and credible, especially because, though the subject is a Christian minister, there were no especially Christian trappings, such as seeing Jesus or Saint Peter, or the Easter bunny. 😉
A Buddhist or Hindu would have seen the same thing, a “neutral” yet beautiful heaven. This is one of the factors that actually increased my confidence in the book. I am disappointed in certain Christians who whine that Reverend Piper did not put Jesus or a cross or such things in. As a Baptist minister, I am sure he would have ” had they happened.
I guess they just want him to outright lie. 😉 “Yeah, I saw Jesus on his throne and a beaming cross and a million angels!” Well, he didn’t….

They are demanding a book that endorses Evangelical Christianity, and are not even satisified that it clearly does show a devout Evangelical Christian going to heaven. Sad.  Maybe it scares them that regular Christianity is a good path to God but perhaps not the entire truth?

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John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent 90 Minutes in Heaven “ Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

90 Minutes in Heaven is a 2004 New York Times best-selling[1]Christian book written by Don Piper with Cecil Murphey.[2] The book documents the author’s near-death experience in 1989. 90 Minutes in Heaven remained on the New York Times best-seller list for more than five years[1] and has sold over seven million copies ¦
John D. Nugent
John D. Nugent Here ironically is a Born-Again Christian trashing the book (by a fellow minister!) because it is not ” ˜Christian” enough, and he did not see God or Jesus, but this, to reiterate, in a way makes it more credible to skeptical readers.
Piper did not enter the beautiful city he was approaching; the ER team brought him back. Back into a world of agonizing pain.
I did more research online, and find a certain kind of Evangelicals whining about the book (but remember, it has sold seven MILLION copies) and complaining that Piper’s heaven was not Christian enough and the book is mostly about his physical and emotional ordeal recovering from his entire body being crushed, and not what they wanted, page after page of descriptions of heaven and Jesus all over the place.
LOL! This shows how many Christians are young souls, because they wanna believe what THEY wanna believe. 😉
They have a real problem with Piper’s heaven not being full of Christian stuff ¦. but obviously Christians do go there, because Reverend Piper is a Baptist minister (and to this day). But NOOO, they demand he write that “only” Christians can go to heaven.  Okayyyyyy. what they are demanding is that he write a pious lie. and not what he actually experienced.
Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs · Edited
John D. Nugent
John D. Nugent Reverend Don Piper died Jan. 18, 1989, when a semi-tractor truck crushed his car. Declared dead by the first rescue workers to arrive on the scene, Don’s body lay under a tarp for the next 90 minutes. Don’s soul, meanwhile, was experiencing love, joy and life like he’d never experienced before. He was virtually yanked back to the earth.
Living in a wheelchair with extreme pain, he asked his friends and God why he was brought back. A minister suggested: “Maybe so you can write a book about your experience?”

Movie Review

90 Minutes in Heaven

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for intense accident and injury images.

Reviewed by: Karen Flores

Length: 2 hr. Year of Release: 2015 USA Release: September 11, 2015 (wide) DVD: December 1, 2015

Copyright, Samuel Goldwyn Filmsclick photos to ENLARGECopyright, Samuel Goldwyn FilmsCopyright, Samuel Goldwyn FilmsCopyright, Samuel Goldwyn FilmsCopyright, Samuel Goldwyn FilmsCopyright, Samuel Goldwyn FilmsCopyright, Samuel Goldwyn FilmsCopyright, Samuel Goldwyn FilmsCopyright, Samuel Goldwyn FilmsCopyright, Samuel Goldwyn Films

Relevant Issues

Copyright, Samuel Goldwyn Films

This film is based on a bestselling book called 90 Minutes in Heaven (7 million copies sold). While returning home from a minister’s conference, Baptist Pastor Don Piper (Hayden Christensen) gets hit by a semi-truck that swerved into his lane. He is believed to be dead by the rescue workers at the scene. After another pastor prays over him, Pastor Don comes alive. The remainder of the picture tells of Pastor Piper’s struggle for the will to live, because he suffers excruciating pain. In the meantime, the film also shows the difficulties his wife, Eva (Kate Bosworth), suffers, because all the burdens of taking care of the family rests on her shoulders. The story only spends about five minutes talking about Don’s supposed experience in heaven.

I found this film tedious to watch. I feel that the movie should be retitled “Nine Months in the Hospital.” It is quite laborious to sit through about 90 minutes of hospital footage. I watched Don Piper lying on a hospital bed moaning and groaning in pain. The nurse checks his vital signs and makes sure he uses his urinal. The doctors take him for more tests. He undergoes many surgeries due to his severely mangled body.

On the inspirational side, the movie shows that through the prayer support of his beloved wife, children, and friends, Don learns how to love and accept help from others. Throughout this film, he keeps questioning God, “Why did you keep me here to suffer?” Then, an old friend goes to the hospital and tells Don that he will have different churches pray for him. Don rejects the blessings of being alive, but his friend refuse to give up hope. It makes me think of the Biblical story of the paralyzed man whose four friends dig a hole in the roof and lower him in front of Jesus’ feet for him to be healed. Likewise, the faith of his friends pulls Don through the difficulties.

This film has no nudity, no sex, and the violence is mild. My caution is the scene where Don is hit by the semi-truck. The part where Pastor Piper is wheeled into the hospital is strong also. He is bloody and bruised. I found it hard to watch, but I was crying a lot in those sections. Parents would have to assess whether their young child can handle such scenes. My recommendation is ages 10 and up. Overall, I left the movie inspired with a sense of hope.

Violence: Mild / Profanity: None / Sex/Nudity: None

In summary, I suggest everyone rent this DVD and watch this movie.
Because all our governments are controlled by people who want to genocide the white race, and you may be fighting and dying before you know it. It would be nice to know what happens when good people die.



…..ZDF in Germany calls


I just got a phone call from ZDF, one of the two big German tv networks, demanding I take their logo off my website,, and specifically from my article on Gerard Menuhin, the British Jew (and grandson of the great violinist) who debunks the Holocaust and praises AH. But, hmmm, their logo was never on the article. Some sort of trap…… ¦/

Btw, this site had 16,000 visitors yesterday. 🙂

Nationale und seriös Nachrichten , schnell und kompetent. Artikel und Videos aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Börse und News aus aller Welt.
Ben Schwerer

Ben Schwerer You’re out of their jurisdiction

Hide 14 Replies
John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Hmm, with lawyers one can harass anyone. This makes me out of their jurisdiction:

John D. Nugent's photo.

John D. Nugent

I just got a threatening phone call from the White House …. on caller ID “WHITE HOUSE SW”

Ben Schwerer

Ben Schwerer Good luck

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Luck? Balls. Someone shined a brilliant spotlight at my house last night and I came to the door with the .40 out and off safety. (It was a friend, actually.)

Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs · Edited
Ben Schwerer

Ben Schwerer Im sure they are after you.

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent I am happy to leave this cowardly shithole that used to be MY country, take three bastards with me, and drop them off in hell.

Like · Reply · 2 · 20 hrs
Ben Schwerer

Ben Schwerer When you say used to be yours it brings me back to the question of how long the current power has been in charge. Continued research continually pushes evidence for subjugation further and further back. So when did our enslavement start?

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Ultimately, to the Norman Conquest in 1066. Jews financed it and took the English economy over back then.…/ Booted out in 1290, they returned in the 1680s-90s and founded the private Bank of England in 1694. The re-enslavement began at that point.

Ben Schwerer

Ben Schwerer What about Rome?

Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent The Jews had no mass media then; they had money power, but Claudius expelled the Jews from Rome; Rome crushed the Jews in Palestine 70 AD, and again in 132, and drove all Jews from the city. When Rome became officially Christian after Julian, the Roman Empire actively persecuted the Jews. (IMO, they deliberately caused thereupon the catastrophic fall of — the western part — of the Empire.)

Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs · Edited
Maya Ixchel

Maya Ixchel Wasn’t the fall of west Rome due more 2 the fact of mass “barbarian” immigration? And it had not the wealth of the east

John D. Nugent
John D. NugentI think the Jews paid the Hun and Germanic chieftains to invade, and showed them how to get into key cities, just as they later did in Spain when the Arabs attacked Toledo.
Like · Reply · 1 · 16 hrs

……Amazing: crop circle in process of formation

Some sort of spherical “drones” caught on film (1996) actually flying over a field and making a crop circle (0:31)


Ufo forming crop circle.This is the best proove of crop circle which are made by ufos. tags-ufo slide shows, alien videos,ufo,alien,ufo videos,alien videos,u…
John D. Nugent
John D. Nugent Incredible 2015 black-sun ( = “SS”) crop circle in Wiltshire, England

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent In numerology 888 (August [eight month], 8, 2015 [2+1+5 = 8]; the symbol of AH is 88 …. This is definitely an exact SS-type, National Socialist, esoteric triple-swastika wheel, as in the floor symbol at Wewelsburg castle, the spiritual home of the SSee More

Like · Reply · 2 · 22 hrs · Edited
John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Two 2015 round-swastika crop circles (maybe rounded so as to seem softer and not overly shock brainwashed people?) England: Fox Ground Down, Dorset, near Blandford Forum:…/swastika-crop-circle-Fox…



Maya Ixchel

Maya Ixchel #Thule wink emoticon

Heil Hitler

Maya Ixchel

Maya Ixchel That’s obviously the Thule Swastika

Maya Ixchel

Maya Ixchel What i’ve been tryin’ 2 say 2 people ALL ALONG – the so-called aliens are NAZIS – they NEVER LOST WW2, they just had a better strategy, and “out-flanked” the Allies

Maya Ixchel

Maya Ixchel And the light balls who make them are foo fighters

John D. Nugent
Write a reply…
James Dooley

James Dooley I think some UFOS are some government technology. However, I think there are some that are not so easily explained and in my opinion may be inter dimensional as theorized by Jacques Vallee.

Unlike · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs
John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Yes, by Vallée and supported by Alan Hynek after he quit Blue Book. Vallée, I believe, used the term “ultradimensional”….

Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs · Edited
Vic Makinson

Vic Makinson this is all very odd to say the very least,and why do so many seem to happen here in england?

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Well,l some do happen in Germany or Italy,,, more and more in fact… but yes, most happen in England, and specifically in the Wiltshire area.

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent I can speculate that England is 1) still a very important country in its own right, 2) especially when so allied to the superpower of America 3) the City of London, like Wall Street, is very powerful, 4) the Jews and Masons of the UK are dabbling in very, very dangerous stuff and 5) England has powerful leylines (invisible energy lines).

Vic Makinson

Vic Makinson certainly all correct john but the connection with crop circles is..what exactly?i admit i know next to nowt about all this

John D. Nugent

Vic Makinson certainly all correct john but the connection with crop circles is..what exactly? I admit I know next to naught about all this.

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent I will get you a link to a blog of mine on it…. but…

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Higher Aryans are using beautiful designs to try to awaken us to a higher world and universe, since all our governments and media are controlled.

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent The Gramaha event (1977 BBC interruption!) is them warning us WE ARE BEING TAKEN OVER:…/strange-voice-and…/

Vic Makinson

Vic Makinson John D. Nugent you mentioned wiltshire which is where stonehenge is-any link?

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent The first thing to understand is WE ARE NOT ALONE.

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent We are a battleground planet where many species, both human and humanoid, interact, compete and conflict.

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Some people walking down the street are of course humans, but they were not born here.

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Some are non-humans who shape-shift when around us.

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Two people, one a close friend and famous writer (he died last year) SAW an apparent human revert partially to his original form, a reptilian form.

John D. Nugent
John D. Nugent This looks funny, but maybe it is …not… 😉


Vic Makinson

Vic Makinson the physical characteristics but more importantly the mental processes of the different races are so very different,and in ways can never be bridged,so i find that easy to accept

Vic Makinson

Vic Makinson david icke is still ridiculed but what he says makes more sense than racial equality!

Unlike · Reply · 1 · 15 hrs
John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Right. What I am saying is there are many human subraces all over the galaxy. Earth has been colonized repeatedly by waves of colonists, war and catastrophe refugees, from different worlds and also outright criminal fugitives.

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Vic Makinson Icke was “ahead of his time.”

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Whites on this earth are the degenerate part of a higher race :

Alexandra Abbing

Alexandra Abbing Whites on earth are the degenerate part of a higher race. I don’t understand what you mean when you use the word “degenerate” in that setting? Can you explain what you mean, Mr. Nugent?

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Sure… Our race was on a much higher level in every way in the distant past, such as on Atlantis, and morally and genetically we were still much higher until the two world wars, which killed off many good young men before fatherhood. Around 1963 — thSee More

Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs · Edited
Alexandra Abbing

Alexandra Abbing John D. Nugent Thank you for answering. I will definitely look and read the article on your website. Wow! This article is very interesting. My goodness!

John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent Yeah! 🙂 🙂 🙂 

Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
John D. Nugent

John D. Nugent This rabbi directly says “We are aliens sent here to conquer the earth.”

John D. Nugent
John D. NugentIn other words, aliens to this planet; humans but not from this earth, and sent here to enslave us.


If I taught you anything today, will you help me keep teaching?

John de Nugent

306 S. Steel Street

Ontanagon MI 49953

+1 (906) 884-6689 😉

Facebook: John D. Nugent

Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



Need secrecy? Then start a

or account and then send me your new secret email address.    

Twitter at John de Nugent @johndenugentESA


¦How to donate & recent donors

Financial transaction certified by and SSL certificate. Pls donate $5 or more. Thank you!

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This log is to confirm to those who send me useful items “cash, valuable coins, checks, money orders, books or other gifts ” that I did receive them. (I formerly listed all donations by amount, but this has proven unwise for a number of reasons, and I changed my policy in March of 2015.)

If you sent a donation and I did not get it, please let me know at the email, at, or by calling me at (906) 884-6689, or writing me (see below) on Skype or Facebook!




I had to take this springtime pic before I cut the lawn. 😉


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