Spiritual reading; saving the Soviet Union doomed white colonialism and the French and British Empires

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A key French general in the 1830-43 conquest of Muslim, Arabic Algeria was Sylvain Charles Valée.


…..Spiritual reading for September 18

Another day where we put the program in your hands! Practice dears. That is what you need if you
are to become masters. Sit with your sense of the day and what it is telling you. Sit and feel into what
is energetically without and then what is energetically within. Sit with those and discover the path for
your day as you bring them together and find the confluence.

Trust yourself and follow your own guidance, whatever it may be. If it turns out to be flawed, you can
note that at day’s end. But begin with the assumption, which we’d start with, that you are hooked in and an open conduit for the truth around and within.

Be bold and don’t fear. You are guided and very much loved.



……The French were sick of Algerian slave raids 

The French and all white Europeans, especially in the Mediterranean area, were sick to death of Algerian muslims capturing and enslaving White villagers in night-time boat raids, an atrocity that went on for centuries, with white women being put into Arabic harems and white men into the mines or galleys to row, being worked to death.

The French conquered Algeria, then had huge clashes with Muslims over their barbaric culture, extreme oppression of women, and thus had to wage constant warfare for 150 years until French president Charles de Gaulle, exasperated and seeing Soviet interference coming, completely abandoned the colony.



When I lived in France in 2004.-05, I watched a rather honest documentary about the Franco-Algerian War of the 1950s and 1960s, which showed horrible atrocities committed by both sides.

The one scene that stays with me most is seeing Arab men (who imagine themselves as warriors, not workers) sitting in cafés, smoking away with their hookas (water pipes) and drinking their coffee for hours on end, while their wives were plowing the fields behind a donkey under the blazing hot sun. Islam is the most anti-woman and anti-work-ethic religion on earth.

I wrote yesterday how saving the anti-colonial Soviet Union doomed all white colonial empires.

.Spiritual reading; my view of what the jews are planning next; where do these weird jews even come from?

A British comrade replied:

I don’t think Britain had to give up its empire because the communists were going to arm the natives. We Brits didn’t have many revolts or uprisings in our empire.

We usually stopped the insurgents in the end by using intelligence and playing the long game.

By the 1920s the British Empire was costing money to run, so Britain was looking for a way out.

WW2 and Henry Morgenthau sold us arms under Lend Lease in 1940 if we dismantled the British Empire — so the Americans could have a go themselves at having an empire!

America was funding the French in Vietnam to the tune of 80% of the war, providing the French purchased American weapons.
The Americans made money from the French dream of being a colonial power, yet were happy when France was defeated at Dien Bien Phum, as it removed France as a an opponent to American expansionism.
Look what a disaster Vietnam was for America. Britain never had such problems even when communists tried to arm the natives to „free“ them.


I replied:


Actually, both America in the 1770s and Ireland in the 1920-23 period showed successful revolts, albeit they were carried out by white men. The 1996 film “Michael Collins” shows the use of modern terrorism, arson, car bombs, assassinations, etc.

Trailer, showing briefly car bombs, assasinations, and the execution of informers. Collins’s greatest insight after centuries of futile Irish revolts was that no revolt can succeed if informers/traitors can tell the government in advance your every plan. Informers must be found and killed to stop their work and terrify anyone thinking of being a paid informer.

Britain and its Winston Churchill could have crushed the Irish War of Independence in a bloodbath, using both the Black and Tans and the regular British Army, battle-hardened WWI troops who had rested up for two years.

But the very powerful Irish-American lobby in the USA, which was a bulwark of the Democratic Party led by President Woodrow Wilson, would have caused the White House and the U.S. Congress to exert extreme pressure on London. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago were all major American cities that were largely run by the Irish.

Actually, Britain began shedding its empire right after WWII, when the Soviet Union was still busy digesting Eastern Europe. Britain did crush the Mau Mau in Kenya and a communist uprising in Malaysia.

In my view, if Britain had not let Jamaica, the Bahamas (which I visited and enjoyed), Sudan, British Honduras, and all the rest go, the Soviets would 100% have gotten involved with guerilla warfare and insurgencies. This was what the communists did, subvert Western power.

South Africa, which of course was a Dominion of the British Empire until the early 1960s, and whose white population was a third British (the rest mostly Boer), as we know faced a decades-long uprising by the ANC, the African National Congress, and its leader, Nelson Mandela, who secretly was a full member of the Communist Party of South Africa. They were fully supported by the Soviet Union. The USSR also armed and trained communist rebels in Southwest Africa, and in the white-Portuguese-ruled Angola and Mozambique.

The “Border War” went on from 1966-90, 24 years! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_African_Border_War

Soviet arms for SWAPO:

When I lived in France in 2004-05, I met many veterans of the Franco-Algerian War. Both sides fought using terrible atrocities. Though the French won, Charles de Gaulle gave up Algeria anyway (to huge French protests) and even gave the Arabs gigantic French oil fields in the south.

He knew the war otherwise would start up again someday at Soviet instigation, and then it would drag on forever, and in the end Algeria would become like Cuba, full of Soviet arms, advisors, training, and money, and finally become a Soviet satellite, just as Cuba became.

The Algerians, after the French withdrawal, massacred 100,000 harkis, who were Arab Algerians who were pro-French. It was truly atrocious. And two million white Frenchmen in Algeria lost everything they or their ancestors had built up between 1830 and 1960: homes, farms, vineyards, and lovely cities.

Republic Square, Algiers

But de Gaulle, who was very anti-communist, and in fact helped the Poles win the Polish-Soviet War of 1920, saw Algeria as becoming another Communist Cuba.

De Gaulle,like most French, had a very low opinion of the Arabs as well as of the jews, saying to his aidem, Alin Peyrefitte:

“Who  can stand either of them?”

But he mostly objected to the fact that Algeria was a full-fledged département, an integral part of France itself, and not a mere colony. This meant that the Arabs there had the legal right to move to France proper.

He said: “Of course, we all wanted a French Algeria, but not an Algerian France!”

But later French presidents went and let the Algerians in anyway! Now France is Algerian, and other muslim, and full of crime, filth, and terror!

Sadly, northern Africa used to be racially white due to the Berbers! But they were forced to race-mix with the invading muslim Arabs.

The ancient white Berbers, the “Amazigh” lived from Morocco all the way to Libya.

When I was in the south of France, specifically in Aix-en-Provence, I met many Algerian Arabs, and some of them were just incredibly ugly with their hooked noses and always-brown skin (even in winter), and they were hostile to the native French whites as well.

I became even more convinced that the same exact demonic force that created Judaism to destroy whites also created Islam.

The head of French schoolteacher Samuel Paty, decapitated by a muslim in front of his own school


Islam, with its aggressive, conquering military mindset, and then its polygamy and harems, seizing thousands of the most attractive white women and impregnating them with Arab seed, ….genetically darkened the whole Berber world, then much of southern Italy, Spain and the south of France making many Mediterraneans only borderline white.





  1. Excellent and important article on Judah Benjamin, the Jew who started the Civil War. It puts the lie to those fanatical southerners who claim that Lincoln was the personification of evil, because of the extreme measures he had to take to prevent the United States from being completely destroyed by the Rothschilds and divided up between England and France. The Rothschilds had Lincoln assassinated because he had opposed them:


    • Thanks. I read it, and I have always loved Mike King and run many of his articles, though some are flawed.

      As true, as fascinating, and as informative as King’s article is, and as right as it may be about the scheming jew Benjamin — though I see ZERO proof for the repeated insinuation here “Benjamin was under suspicion for involvement in Lincoln’s assassination” — so far the fact remains for me that Lincoln was two-faced himself, like many another politico, and apparently of two minds for most of his life about the negroes.

      But in his heart, in his leanings, and in his final and disastrous actions, I smell in him a classic libtard, hence his correspondence, on which I have blogged, with none other than Karl Marx! recommend you read this, comrade:


      I see Lincoln as just as two-faced as Woodrow Wilson, who “kept us out of war” in his re-election slogans of Nov. 1916, and then five months later, in March 1917, he declares war on Germany based on utterly faked atrocity lies!

      In 1940, at the Boston Garden, FDR swore “your boys will not be sent to any foreign war!” In 1941 he did exactly that!

      Lyndon Johnson promised in 1964 (I was ten then and followed politics closely, with my Republican father very connected) not to escalate us in Vietnam; in early 1965 he did precisely that, and 58,000 Americans died in a steamy jungle full of South Vietnamese who did not want us in their country at all, plus sauna-like humidity, 105-degree heat, poisonous snakes, and gigantic insects…

      …a war which Presidents Eisenhower (former Army general and war veteran), Kennedy (former naval officer, war veteran and war HERO), Johnson himself and then Nixon (former naval officer and war veteran) all KNEW was totally unwinnable.

      And my own father, a two-war Marine combat veteran, said so to me in November 1964. “As General Macarthur said, we cannot win a LAND war in Asia.”

      (And what land war in Asia HAVE we won? Korea? Vietnam? Iraq? Afghanistan?)

      🙁 🙁

      As the cliché goes, politicians say one thing and do another. Roosevelt and Reagan were the same, smooth-as-silk LIARS.

      Someone accused Lincoln at a campaign rally of being two-faced, which he was. Smooth, humorous, and glib….but, or as such, he did have a very funny come-back, I must admit, jesting about his own homely face:

      “If I had two faces, would I be wearing this one? 😉 ”

      (Some theorize that Lincoln had Melungeon ancestors. The Melungeons were, it seems, Turks who had blown off-course and whose ship ran ashore in North Carolina. They gradually left the East Coast, migrated inland, and converted to Christianity, joining the poor white folks in the mountains.)

      The Spielberg movie “Lincoln,” which won two Oscars and was excellent and accurate in its own depressing way, shows Lincoln as he was deep-down, a full ngr-lover and libtard as he gradually became.

      The earlier Lincoln had both talked libtard and also talked race realist:




      The film shows scenes of Lincoln — laudably — visiting Civil War battlefields to see all the suffering and death, all the white corpses strewn around. You can just imagine the depressed man, whose own friends said he was sometimes suicidal, thinking: “Oh, my God, I caused all this. It must be for some Higher Purpose.”

      And if one realizes the man suffered from the mental illness of severe major depression, as the pro-Lincoln Atlantic magazine admits and fully reveals,

      …one can dare to speculate that the whole unnecessary Civil War, which killed 750,000 good young white men, was in the end psychopatherapy for Abraham Lincoln’s depression: “As worthless a POS as I am, I at least freed the slaves.”

      Not only did he free these violent, Stone-Age negroes, useless in modern society, and let them loose on white society to rape and kill us, but his further goal was to give them US citizenship and integrate them!

      As I blogged, what triggered John Wilkes Booth and the other assassins (who testified thusly at their trial) was an impromptu speech which “Honest” Abe gave from the White House balcony saying the Blacks would get full citizenship, voting rights — the whole nine yards. Nothing about being “sent back to Africa”!!!! This after years of lying that “we Northerners are waging this war only to preserve the Union.”

      As the movie shows:

      On April 9, Grant receives General Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. On April 14, a cheerful Lincoln meets members of his cabinet to discuss future measures to enfranchise the Blacks, before leaving for Ford’s Theatre.

      And in Lincoln’s 1861 State of the Union speech, where does he get this?

      “No State upon its own mere motion can lawfully get out of the Union.” https://millercenter.org/the-presidency/presidential-speeches/march-4-1861-first-inaugural-address

      By that principle, no wife whose husband is a wife-beating drunk who gets fired from every job (so now the kids he sired are starving!) can divorce her no-good lush of a husband — unless the bastard himself agrees to be thrown out on his arse!

      If one side is in open breach of the contract, the other can declare it null and void! Duhhh! You do not need the permission of the one in breach!

      The South was right (though not about trusting Judah P. Benjamin) — Lincoln, deep-down, WAS a ngr-lover and a closet marxist who saw only class, not race, and therefore wanted to not just free but integrate the Blacks into our superior race, which as we now see, is destroying it.

      This DM article points out how he drifted more and more from racial realism to the libtard side as the war went on: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2261962/Was-Lincoln-racist-Spielberg-film-lionises-historians-asking-shocking-question.html

      And get this: “There will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere.” I need a bucket so I can vomit. Ask the people of Atlanta (I lived there in late 1990) as the maniac Sherman burned their city to the ground!

      Watch Lincoln (who did have a strange, high-pitched voice) literally and overtly THREATEN United States Congressmen at the end of this video:

      But I do agree with one thing Abraham Lincoln said in that State of the Union speech, and let us be clear that it was not original with him at all, this truth, but was inherent in George Washington’s own worldview and in all true 1776 Americanism:

      “Whenever [Americans] shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.

  2. Thank you for another interesting history lesson!

    I wonder how exactly it happened that the inhabitants of the former colonies were allowed to acquire French citizenship in the first place? It´s like with the UK and the Netherlands.

    Somehow we in Germany can be grateful for losing our colonies, otherwise we would have even more black “Germans”.

  3. Great article, John.

    The American colony was a priority for Britain in 1776. France and the Dutch, on our doorstep, were an even bigger threat. Britain was fighting five wars at once. The Americans were a lower priority.
    As for Ireland, Britain before WW1 was itself trying to dismantle the empire due to its huge costs. Ireland has only been united under British rule [JdN: true, actually, and this also applied to India].

    Communism didn’t really aeffect Britain as we had already gave independence to most of our colonies.

    Britain’s counter-insurgency programme usually went in to action after a country became independent, or the communists mistakenly saw it as their time to make their move and seize power.

    Britain handed over the Empire relatively peacefully to the locals, unlike other colonial powers.

    The first thing the Irish did in their civil war, was both sides asked Britain for weapons to kill each other. [JdN: I was not aware of this, but it is a fact that it was Irishmen who murdered Michael Collins (of all people) as a “traitor” because he had reluctantly and realistically renounced Irish claims — for the time being — to the heavily Protestant Northern Ireland. The Irish killers of Collins defamed as a traitor the one man whose common sense, leadership and energy had finally given Ireland its independence in centuries of futile revolts that had been drowned in blood!]

    Britain and France in 1919 onwards were more concerned with stopping Red attempts from Russia sweeping into Europe.

    Britain ran India, with a population of 400 million, governing it with 70,000 civil servants. Britain gradually got the natives to govern themselves under British civil servants. Each country/colony had its own native armed forces, larger than the British forces stationed there.

    It was [the jewish US Treasury Secretary under Rosenfeld] Henry Morgenthau who sold arms for control of the British Empire.

    The post-WW2 American empire is now in steady decline, really ever since Vietnam. It’s now time for the rise of the BRIC countries over the next 100 years. You can bet the Zionists will be lurking in the background, causing wars and enslavement and suffering.

    If all jews were like Chaim Topol, then the world would be a better place. Instead, we got the psychopaths: Alan Shatter (who gave Ireland open borders], George Soros, Barbara Spectre, etc.

    • Thanks. Britain’s ruling class, normally good at statecraft and keeping the natives happy, as you say, scorned a hundred opportunities to pacify the Americans; it is just incredible that, given growing American anger, and the gigantic potential which a 100% British North America would have had, that no British Cabinet minister visited America at all in the ten years before 1776 to listen to American complaints.

      This was at a time when Ben Franklin, George Washington and others had strong patriotic feelings toward “the Mother Country,” and Washington had proved it in battle. The “Give me liberty or give me death” types such as Patrick Henry of Virginia were a minority even after the British blockade of Boston in 1774, the two major armed clashes in April 1775, and the battle of Bunker Hill!

      It is just amazing that, with 1/4 of all white British people actually living in America, and after multiple wars Americans fought alongside British troops against France in North America, paying themselves for their military expeditions, that the Americans were not allowed to have even one Member of Parliament! (They had to hire Ben Franklin, a world-famous businessman, publisher and also important inventor — of the lightning rod, the Franklin stove and bifocal lenses — as a paid lobbyist, who did his best in London to talk with British officials, but he had no political standing, and Americans were viewed by the aristocrats with contempt as whining ingrates, convicts, and uncouth frontier barbarians. Tory MP Edmund Burke was appalled at how the aristocrats went out of their way to insult the Americans and scoff at their abilities as soldiers.)

      As for the Israeli actor Topol, I do recall him in “Fiddler on the Roof” … Well, at least he was an honest jew, dreaming away about being a rich man! 😉

      I found this on Wiki:

      After Topol’s death, the family revealed that he had been involved in Mossad missions in the 1960s and 1970s. They said he went on unexplained trips abroad while equipped with a miniature state-of-the-art camera and tape recorder, and that he was in regular contact with Mossad officer Peter Malkin, who came on visits to the family home through the backyard in disguise.[59]On several occasions, Topol carried out wiretapping and other operations with Malkin, using his international acclaim to divert attention from Malkin.[60]

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