Scott Ritter: “The only threat of nuclear war comes from the US”; Trump, who caved to the neo-cons about war, also lies STILL about the vaxx

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Ritter is a former US Marine Corps major and expert on nuclear arms who determined correctly for the United Nations — and stated publicly and courageously — that Saddam Hussein’s Iraq had NO weapons of mass destruction. Here he says that Pentagon strategy since Dubya Bush has been completely insane, and that Donald Trump as president signed off on it, too.

It is the mad doctrine of the US waging a pre-emptive, “winnable” nuclear war.


As Ritter reveals, a senior Trump defense official said:

“Our goal is to ensure that, every morning when the Russians or Chinese wake up, they don’t know whether or not we’re going to nuke them.”

In other words, the nuclear policy of the Jewnited Snakes is designed NOT to calm Moscow’s and Beijing’s fears of annihilation, but to make them even more jumpy!

As well as more outraged and furious at unprovoked US intimidation of these two great, intelligent, and ancient peoples!

Scott Ritter:  “We are committing suicide as we speak. Our policy will trigger a Russian nuclear response.”

In what way? The US neo-cons in both parties advocate that Russia be destroyed economically, and then broken up into 41 different states.

So Russia ceases to exist.

And THAT break-up attempt would trigger the stated Russian nuclear response.

People forget what the US did when Britain was trying to break up the US during the Civil War.

Britain was planning to recognize the pro-slavery Confederacy while at the very same time it had banned the slave trade and was enforcing its ban with the Royal Navy on the high seas! Inconsistent? Yes. But not inconsistent with the policy of breaking the US up into rival chunks and re-absorbing it, chunk by chunk, back into the British Empire.

So President Abraham Lincoln said to the British ambassador: “If your country recognizes the Confederacy, the US Army, which is huge now because of this war and battle-hardened, will invade, conquer and annex Canada to the United States, and you know that you have no ability whatsoever to prevent this.”

Britain backed down.

To break a country up is to weaken it for conquest.

The breaking-up of Russia would be the “existential threat” that would trigger WWIII.

Now add to this that the US economy now runs on war, and needs war, and the jews who run this country make billions off wars! And they also hate the Russians!

NATO is a gigantic alliance directed against Russia:

So the US, guaranteed, will STAY on the attack permanently against Russia!

— until we get these jews OUT who make billions off all our wars, and have a special hatred for the Russians!

Russian jew Serge Varley, who works for Blackrock, lays it all out brutally to an undercover female journalist:

Blackrock owns a lot of FOX News Channel stock, and FOX promotes war with Russia (and also with China, just as it did with Iraq, Libya and Syria).

So the girl asks the jew why the news media promote wars.


He answers:





*** Confirmation 😉






And the Soros-financed hard left is there to crush all sane Americans who want peace and dread a  nuclear holocaust!


Serge Varlay again (and the “concept” here is seeking financial power over politicians):






…..President Trump’s nuclear-war follies


On February 28, 2017 in Geneva, before the Human Rights Council, then before the disarmament conference, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, announced that:

“Everyone should understand that the US military is currently training European armies to use tactical nuclear weapons against Russia. “(20)

He further deplored Washington’s failure to comply with the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

According to the Russians, the US military is training, in addition to the UK, European powers devoid of nuclear weapons to use those stored in their respective territories. These countries include the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Italy.

On February 2, 2018, the Trump Administration unveiled a report dealing with US military nuclear doctrine – a document titled “Nuclear Posture Review” (NPR) (21) – in which they claim they can make use of it even if only conventionally attacked.

This report suggests developing low-power nuclear missiles, citing the “Russian threat” (22).

Reading the report, we learn that the United States is allowing itself the possibility of using nuclear weapons in “extreme circumstances, to defend the interests of the United States, its allies and their partners”.

The “extreme circumstances” in question can be “strategic non-nuclear attacks”, whether directed against civilian populations or against infrastructure of the United States, its allies or its partners.

But this is nothing new, the Obama administration had already mentioned this option in 2010 (23).

And it is Russia that is directly targeted. The new American “national defense strategy” is shaped by a will displayed by Washington to adapt its nuclear strategy to the “determined return to competition between the great powers” ​​that Russia would like (24).

On December 18, 2017, President Trump unveiled the new American security strategy (“National Security Strategy of the United States of America” (25)), which aims to preserve the military and economic domination of the United States.

Among the threats exposed in a report from the White House (26), the “revisionist powers (NDA: questioning the current international system), such as China and Russia” are at the top of the list.

These countries would seek, according to the document, to “form a world antithetical to the interests and values ​​of the United States”.

Gee, I thought the only possible reason for having nukes was to be able to destroy someone who wanted to destroy YOU.

But now we can nuke people who go against our “interests”!




…..Trump; I have “no regrets” re genocidal, jewish-created vaxx, but am quiet about it “because Republicans hate it”

While Whites die suddenly worldwide of blood clots by the hundreds of thousands….

From Munich, Germany:

(First in German)

❤‍   “In München ist ein Lastwagenfahrer bei einem Unfall nach einem medizinischen Notfall gestorben. Wie die Polizei am Dienstag mitteilte, hatte der 37-Jährige am Montagnachmittag während der Fahrt plötzlich eine internistische Erkrankung erlitten und die Kontrolle über den Lastwagen verloren. Er sei von der Fahrbahn abgekommen und gegen ein Verkehrsschild, Bäume und ein Tor gefahren. Reanimationsmaßnahmen durch Einsatzkräfte zeigten keinen Erfolg. Der Mann starb noch am Unfallort.” 20.6.23

(in English):

“In Munich, a truck driver died in an accident after a medical emergency. As the police announced on Tuesday, the 37-year-old suddenly suffered an internal illness while driving on Monday afternoon and lost control of the truck. He went off the road and hit a traffic sign, trees and a gate. Resuscitation measures by emergency medical services were unsuccessful. The man died at the scene of the accident.” 20 June 2023




A mad world cannot be healed by a madman. Trump, you were always borderline crazy and you still are today.


Going back to Serge Varlay, the female undercover reporter says “normal people” would worry if they knew what he has divulged to her.

The arrogant Khazar replies with contempt for the goyim:



1 Comment

  1. This is Blackrock trying to destabilise Russia, just like Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan.
    The Americans were fighting the Taliban for 20 years in Afghanistan — Whilst at the same time negotiating with them as the best way of giving power to them when America fled Afghanistan, reminiscent of Saigon and Libya.

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