Scott Ritter: US military unprepared for the modern missiles of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia & China; the foolish subservience of the Philippines to the US while the Chinese superpower rises close by

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The USS Ronald Reagan is the US supercarrier (weighing 100,000 tons and boasting a crew of 5,000!) that is the flagship of the Western Pacific (Seventh) Fleet. In time of war, one Chinese YJ-21 hypersonic missile could take it out in a Japanese naval harbor such as Yokosuka from a thousand miles away, traveling at 10 times the speed of sound – 7,500 mph or 12,348km/h, called “Mach 10.”

Fmr Marine Corps major and UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter on how oblivious US politicians are to declining US military power, partly due to promoting yes-men as generals and admirals. They promise them the impossible in the event of war with a modern high-tech adversary that is not backward or even Stone-Age like Afghanistan or Iraq.


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  1. According to Kant, space is in us. We are in space, it is true, but in the first place Space is in us.

    The mind has two faculties, according to Kant: (a) spontaneity, in which it produces mental content, i.e., thought, from out of nothing, i.e., it creates it, and (b) intuition, which is the faculty to receive impressions from without, or to be affected by non-mind or matter.

    If Kant is right and space is in us (correlatively, if space is in every form of life, such that that life creates space), then I think it possible that we and the animals on earth are the only higher higher forms of life that exist anywhere.

  2. Regarding the question of aliens, non-human higher forms of life that exist in our world, I think it is a wise principle that the greater the possible influence on our existing body of knowledge, which is a product of many centuries of the work of lovers of truth, the more extensively it should be examined and criticized before it should be accepted as knowledge.

    The proposition that alien brings with intelligence and culture exist has widespread implications on our normal worldview or basic belief system. Therefore it should take highly conclusive evidence before it should be accepted or believed.

    Yet the evidence for the existence for extraterrestrial life is scanty. It greatly falls short of what is needed for belief.

    • I would say the evidence is vast and extensive nowadays; with the advent of smartphones, people are taking photos and videos of UFOs and posting them online by the hundreds every month. This omnipresence of smartphones with accurate, built-in cameras in turn is forcing the government to stop its ludicrous and now derided explainings-away such as swamp gas, weather balloons, and “It was just the planet Venus.”

  3. Yeah, I remember stories about tail-gunners with many hours of experience shooting at the planet Venus or reflections of the moon on the clouds.

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