1. Mal davon abgesehen, daß es grundsätzlich unzulässig ist – jedenfalls in Friedenszeiten – sich als Regierung vom Volke per Mehrheitsentscheid quasi dazu berechtigen zu lassen, in die (Grund)Rechte des einzelnen einzugreifen, ist immer aufs Neue festzustellen, daß, wenn denn schon derlei Umfrageergebnisse von Seiten der Regierungspropaganda Veröffentlichung finden, stets eine Mehrheit die sogenannte Impflicht zu befürworten scheint.

    In diesem Zusammenhang ist der aufgetane Bericht des deutschen Bloggers namens Vitzli im besonderen bemerkenswert, stellt er doch fest, daß das Deutsche Volk eine sogenannte Impfpflicht eben nahezu gänzlich ablehnt, demnach nicht befürwortet.

    Alles Weitere siehe bei Interesse bitte hier:



    Anmerkung Leonardo Ambrosius Georges Giovanni Conti:

    Sehr wissenswert darüber hinaus ist übrigens der Artikel ‘Corona: Eier und Würmer im Impfstoff?’, in dessen Kommentarstrang Vitzlis aufgetaner Bericht eingestellt ist.

  2. I had to watch that video twice at full screen before I noticed the faint “HELP” on the side of that first machine on the desk. It looks like transparent double-sided sticky tape that someone had used to attach the same word “HELP” in red letters, as there are small residual bits of red stuck to the tape. Also, the top left corner of the letter “H” is starting to peel off, so it’s definitely tape. I don’t think there’s much to be read into this. The worker at that station may be new to the job, and needs help from time to time, which is when he may attach the red-lettered “HELP” to the transparent sticky tape with the same words, or something similarly mundane.

    Here’s a perfect example of why I stopped watched the Jewtube many years ago, and haven’t missed it at all. What’s amazing to me is that they were able to find an audience dumb enough to applaud this POS. It’s a sad commentary on the intelligence of most Americans today. Literal drooling morons – and most of them probably have 4-year college degrees:


    • I agree with the Anglin Kimmel article, but the tape thing may be a debunk too far. 😉

      We know that many people in health care are deeply anguished about what is going on…..yet fear being fired.

      Were I a lab technician and needed help with some task, while staying at my station, IMO I would have some button to push, not some jerry-rigged, hard-to-see tape thing.

      • But how would that lab technician know that a TV crew would be filming him, out of all the lab techs visible in that room, on that particular day? And what purpose would be served by him hurriedly taping “HELP” in barely-visible transparent tape to the side of his machine? Help with what? Also, why are there small bits of red stuck to the transparent tape at various spots? Just because it’s a biotech lab doesn’t mean they would provide all the lab techs with special electronic buttons to push. Their work stations appear to be nothing but simple yellow-colored tables pushed close together, almost like a sweatshop environment. So, the comfort and efficiency of the lab techs seems to be very low on their priority list. I stand by my analysis of that photo – I think it’s something entirely mundane, and much ado about nothing. There are plenty of very real conspiracies going on regarding the COVID kill shots – we don’t need to manufacture any.

    • The people pushing this vaccine and New World Order are not the “Nazis”. The people who are pushing this are communist pigs. The Jews are behind the vaccines and always have been. The NSDAP fought these same exact people who are pushing this crap.

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