Selfless NS father, jew-loving sell-out son: Gustav and Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Arnold (r) with his chin up pridefully (boy, have I ever seen that chin-up-in-the-air in narcissists I have known) next to his jewish bodybuilding mentor, handler and master (l), Joe Weider

Mega-billionaire Warren Buffett, Arnold, and Lord Rothschild

Schwarzenegger, stop spitting like a craven bootlicker on your Austrian & German heritage!

Hey, Arnold, I remember when you were Mr. Olympia and stopped your sports car, hopped out and twice bought copies of “White Power” from NSWPP activist Jimmy Clendennen of San Francisco, because Jimmy Clendennen told me so!


Arnold Schwarzengger bends over for the J-Team again (see the second video, and click the speaker button to hear his words):

What a scumbag and hypocrite he is. The Khazars must have some really good dirt on him, probably in the form of gay porno movies he did when he was younger:…/an-encyclopedia-of-every-other……/schwarzeneggers-sex-talk…

From the Gawker link above, about Arnold Schwarzenegger:

“In 1977, he sat for an interview and 22-page nude photo spread for the gay magazine After Dark. (The issue Schwarzenegger modeled for also featured Ginger Rogers and Diana Ross. Click on the photo at right for the NSFW version.)

He also sat for Robert Mapplethorpe, and was given to more up-close-and-personal modeling: “Spy” reported that in 1975 he enjoyed a weekend visit to the estate of Spanish millionaire and gay playboy Paco Arce Gomez. Arce, a photographer himself, snapped some private photos of Schwarzenegger, including one where a stack of Playgirl magazines could be spotted in the background. Schwarzenegger’s biographer Wendy Leigh told Radar that Schwarzenegger also sought out the affections of wealthy gay British patron John Dixey, a “well-known aficionado of muscle boys” who “was very, very kind to Arnold” in the late 1960s. “You have to understand,” Leigh told Radar, “before Arnold came on the scene, it was common currency that bodybuilders were less than macho ”it was absolutely given and accepted that they supported themselves by catering to the tastes of wealthy gay men.” That’s a sentiment Schwarzenegger seemed to echo in a 1977 interview with the hardcore porn rag Oui: “I have absolutely no hang-ups about the fag business.”

Someone on the Daily Stormer discussion boards said that a friend once showed him an old porno movie of Arnold Schwarzenegger fucking another man in the ass, and given the above information, I certainly believe it.

This is why Arnold continues to bend over for the J-Teamers, and will do anything they tell him to. I’ll bet the Simon Wiesenthal Center, to which he has donated millions, were the ones who wrote his little “anti-Nazi” speech above. What a scumbag, closet bi, and vile traitor to his heritage, his old country of Austria and to his new country of America! So glad you can never become president! (Info from comrade “Osiris,” found here:




……Austrians react to their real Favorite Son 



…..Gustav and Arnold, the loyal one and the traitor


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Gustav Schwarzenegger: A Real-Life Hero


by: James Harting

GUSTAV SCHWARZENEGGER was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire on August 17, 1907. He was the son of Cecelia (née Hinterleitner, 1878–1968) and Karl Schwarzenegger (1872–1927). Gustav had an uneventful middle-class upbringing. He joined the Austrian army in 1930 and served as a military policeman until his discharge in 1937.

In 1938, some 11 days before the reunification of Austria with the German fatherland, Schwarzenegger applied to join the Austrian branch of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. It was a time of crisis and Schwarzenegger felt that he had to take a stand, rather than just sit on the sidelines as a spectator. On May 1, 1939, he deepened his commitment to National Socialism by joining the Stormtroops (Sturmabteliung or SA).

In November of that year, shortly after the outbreak of the Second World War, he enlisted in the Wehrmacht. He again became a military policeman, eventually rising to the rank of Hauptfeldwebel (Master Sergeant). Schwarzenegger took part in military operations in Poland, France, the Ukraine, Lithuania, and Russia.

The role of military policeman may suggest to some that he was behind the front lines, where he was removed from the dangers of combat. Not so: he fought on the front in numerous engagements, winning the Iron Cross First Class and the Iron Cross Second Class. He was also awarded the East Front Medal, which was given to all soldiers who survived the brutal winter campaign in Russia of 1941-1942.

On August 22, 1942, he was severely injured in combat and evacuated to a military hospital in Poland. He subsequently received the Wound Badge. At some point, he contracted malaria, which led to his discharge from the army in February 1944. He became a postal inspector, and in 1947 resumed his career as a police officer.

In October 1945, he married Aurelia “Reli” Jadrny, whose first husband has been killed in the War. They had two sons: Meinhard and his famous brother Arnold.

We do not want to suggest the Gustav was a saint or that he was without faults. It is possible that he suffered from PTSD because of his wartime experiences. Arnold said that his father drank more than he should have, and that he would explode in anger on occasion over something trivial.

But overall, he was a good husband and father.

Gustav Schwarzenegger was what we might call an “ordinary hero,” that is, he was an average man who rose to the occasion and performed extraordinary acts of courage when the situation demanded, and then went back to being an average man. His voluntarily involvement in the National Socialist movement, if only on a basic level, indicates that he was also a man of character, who took his civic responsibilities seriously. This is also suggested by his career in law enforcement.

Gustav Schwarzenegger was far from unique: there were hundreds of thousands of men and women like him who served the National Socialist Cause.

Sadly, his more-famous son Arnold is not cut from the same cloth. He has pandered to the Jews on numerous occasions, most notably in his 2003 bid for governor of California. He has also denounced his father in the media. Gustav was a real-life hero: Arnold just plays a hero in Hollywood movies. In most (if not all) of his roles, he portrays an exaggerated caricature of masculinity, with hypertrophied biceps and an ultra-aggressive persona.

One does not have to be a psychologist to see what is going on here: Arnold, knowing that he does not have the strength of character that his father displayed in real life, has tried to compensate by projecting a celluloid image of himself as a courageous man of action.

To underscore Arnold’s lack of character, we note that he has admitted to using steroids during his career as a bodybuilder, and that he cheated on his wife with his Mexican maid, fathering an illegitimate mestizo son.

Recently, in an apparent attempt to stay relevant, Arnold described the occupation of the Capitol by militant Republicans as being equivalent to the so-called Kristallnacht (“Crystal Night”) in 1938 Germany. Nothing in the two events matches up, except that in both cases windows were shattered, leaving broken glass on the ground.

He also took the occasion to again defame his own father – which was simply despicable.

Perhaps he feels that by making anti-Nazi noises that he will please the Jewish overlords of Hollywood, and that they will reward him by helping to revive his flagging career as an actor.

Gustav is long dead, so he does not have to witness the disgraceful spectacle of his son betraying his memory, and of cutting himself off from his folk-heritage to seek favor with his people’s enemy. Let us be thankful for such small mercies! But let us also honor the memory of Gustav Schwarzenegger, a real-life hero who deserved a better son!

Jesus: “What availeth it a man if he gain the whole world yet lose his soul?”
Arnold, some day you will die. You already almost did from heart problems due to your once massive use of illegal steroids.
When you face God, what will you say?
Arnold: “Lord, I served the genocidal jews. I betrayed my father,  and both my countries (Austria and America), and my wife, and my race.
I bashed President Trump, I caved in on illegal immigration as governor and became a total RINO.
I misled my millions of young admirers.
And all for my ego and for millions of dollars.”
God: “I know. We see everything up here.”
Arnold: “So I’m fucked?
God: “I think you fucked yourself.”

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  1. Kindergarten cock or Conman the Bavarian. Due to his gay porn films he’s going by the name of sperminator. What a arse licker.

        • “Doing” gays, being the thruster,….

          The Romans, who had a ridiculous sex drive (as we see from the painted walls of Pompeii, and I am glad Christianity reined them in) had no problem with a straight man “doing” another guy as long as it was he who was the “top,” and not receiving the “action.”

          Sex as an act of domination…. Insane.

          I find it all completely disgusting, and the very thought of being intimate with another man, or doing something anal, or swallowing another guy’s sperm — when it is so obvious what sperm is for, to fertilize a female via the vagina and create the next generation of our race, sperm meaning literally “seed”! –all this gay stuff makes my skin absolutely crawl.

          Once, as a young teen acting in a play, “Antigone” by Jean Anouilh, at Barrington (Rhode Island) Congregational Church in maybe 1966….

          …there was some old theater queer who put his hand on my shoulder, and it felt totally alien and horrible.

          In 1975, in Munich, outside the historic beer hall where Hitler did his putsch (it was then still standing) an old chicken hawk made a suggestive remark to me as I was studying the hours of business. (It was closed.) I will never forget how evil it felt to me, the very thought, though his pitch was merely that he felt “lonely.”

          With Arnold, I assume it was sex with him being the “top,” but it is still revolting, and a sign this guy will do and say anything for more money.

          Ridiculous that he still wants to do action movies at 73! Gotta be in pictures one more time…..


  2. Someone told me this story once but I forgot the details. He, or someone, was selling a pro-White newspaper on the street in CA., maybe it was a national socialist paper, George Lincoln Rockwell’s. Then a young Schwartzenneger came by – and he ran over to him and vigorously shook his hand.

    • Clendennen himself was the comrade who was selling the paper and whom Arnold approached.

      Schwarzenegger said once that what fascinated him was Hitler standing all alone at the microphone and hundreds of thousands of people listening and cheering.

      He said this is what he wanted for himself — in other words, one big ego trip.

      This is a kind of toxic, faux Hitlerism:

      “I want everyone to adulate me and to be the center of world attention.”

      NHowever, true national socialism is not me-me-me, but

      “You are nothing; your folk is everything.”

  3. You are right, but had Paul Harvey done what you wanted he would have immediately been taken off the air. Many of them know the score but they will keep it private. High office is no protection. Pres. Nixon and his VP Agnew knew the score, and JFK sure did too.

  4. In the post 911 confusion even FOX News was telling the truth. Here is the 4 part FOX News special on Israeli spying and 911. It was quickly removed and memory holed, and if it wasn’t for the internet they’d be saying it never existed and was just a tin foil hat “conspiracy theory” by antisemites!

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