Serial rapist Bill Cosby — jewsmedia never state he is a white-hating racist

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…..White woman after white woman raped by black tv saint Bill Cosby

This information below is from the outstanding Austin, Texas investigative journalist Robert Morrow, who does not go into race or the Jews, but has done brilliant work on not just Cosby but on the murder of John Kennedy and (very relevant to our times) on the criminal depravity (rape, molestation and drug trafficking) of both the Bush and Clinton families. (I have run a number of blogs using his material:”Robert+Morrow”)
It struck me, as I read the article at the first link, over and over the white faces. It is a coincidence that he raped so many whites? That they virtually all were white? (There are a few extremely light-complected “black” women and a few Jewesses and one Asian.) So far 46 women have come forward, but not all wanted their photo taken for this article.
The supposedly ideal black family on “The Cosby Show”
I never liked Cosby, and now, looking at the evil smirk on his face, I know why.
 See anything these women have in common? What, Bill, were there no black women to rape in L.A. or New York?
You know, there is a lot of moaning about the Ku Klux Klan and lynching. ONE of its purposes was to suppress by sheer fear the rape of white women by black men, which was, and is, a major reality.
Don’t tell me it isn’t.  It happened twice in Wash. DC to Margi!  (…who has discussed it herself on Internet radio).
The Klan also lynched over 1,300 white people who were rapists, child molesters and murderers.
The ad hoc group Knights of Mary Phagan lynched the convicted sex killer and powerful, arrogant, perverted  Jew Leo Max Frank almost exactly one hundred years ago, on August 17, 1915. (I am very involved with and exposing the truth, both there and on my own blogsite, about this vicious criminal, and how  Jewry rallied to this sexually harassing, anal-sex fiend, screaming antisemitism but actually CAUSING antisemitism for the first time ever in the Deep South.
Rapist no more — a lynching in the town square in Georgia. The man in the cowboy hat looks all-business.
This was my 30,000-view video (all platforms) on VIP child rapists (with German subtitles):

I would say this:

1) It is now clear that Cosby is guilty, he has even quasi-confessed it (“I gave them qaaludes”), and even Obama has also said “it was rape.”
2) And yet, with the crimes going back decades, there is no sperm, penetration or date-rape drug evidence left,  and thus there may never be any indictments.
3)  If a group of proud white men took this vile, hypocritical psychopath out to Central Park and hanged him high, I would not shed one tear.
Looking at most of these bleeding-heart females reminds me that the Founding Fathers did not give women the vote. (They only got it 131 years later, in 1920.) Many woman, because of their biological nature as nurturers, full of estrogen and maternal feelings,  are insanely over-compassionate.
How about some compassion, ladies, for the one hundred of your fellow white WOMEN who are raped every DAY by blacks?.
Do their lives, virtue, and psychological health also “matter”?
And now to what Robert Morrow (who is not a WN or antisemite) sent out today. (I added in brackets some of my own additional comments, and the photos and captions.) 
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Robert Morrow <>
To: “” <>
Sent: Wednesday, 29 July 2015, 1:04
Subject: Bill Cosby: this is your life of serial rape and serial drugging of women

1) Excellent NyMag article:

1) fall 2014 [Jew-owned] NBC ready to give [known] mega-rapist a new TV show, after 13 women had [already] come forward –
2) Former Newsweek editor [and high NBC and CNN executive] Mark Whitaker writes a 544 page book about Cosby — and does not mention one rape victim.



[The black Mark Whitaker] was named one of Essence magazine’s 25 most influential African-Americans for 2008. Whitaker is married to Alexis Gelber [Jewess], a former long-time editor at Newsweek. They have two children, Rachel and Matthew.


[So who cares about 46 raped white women? They probably were slave owners. And we got to protect the bruthah. ]

Robert Morrow    (512) 306-1510

….A rabbi on the wonderful Mark Whitaker 

Very interesting, esp. this passage:
[Mark Whitaker’s father was] fiercely smart [somehow a very jewy thing to say] and utterly charming. Syl Whitaker was unafraid to break convention, which he surely did by marrying a white woman who was on the faculty. Whitaker’s parents’ bitter divorce, his father’s philandering and alcoholism, and his mother’s struggle to support her two sons [….]
So this wonderful black man who is so “fiercely smart” marries a white woman, then becomes a philanderer on her, an alcoholic, and leaves her in the lurch to fend for herself and the two kids he saddled her with.
Sounds like the very stereotype of a “shiftless n—-r” to me, and how often have I overheard black people use the n– word themselves to mean just that. 
Obviously Whitaker would love The Coz, whose leitmotif was “Fuck the honky bitches!”
This was a decades-long, vicious crime spree, but hey, the victims were “only” white women. And though race is supposedly only a social construct, race  becomes real once again: to inflict white guilt, get money from whites, and commit devastating acts of hate on them. Then only are whites allowed to be white.
I dread a race war, but the blacks should too.
Lotta fed-up-to-the-max rednecks out there, and a lotta white combat vets who have done lots of house-to-house, urban killing. Frontline combat troops are still 80% white and a lot are country boys. A lot of black military personnel are rear-echelon (drivers, cooks, supply, clerical, mechanics, etc). Despite the Pentagon P.C. jibber-jabber, the point of the spear is The Fighting White Man.
U.S. Marine Sgt. Bryan Early, a squad leader with 1st Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, leads his squad of Marines to the next compound while patrolling in Helmand province, Afghanistan, Dec. 19. Early is responsible for planning the squad's patrols, the safety of his Marines, and achieving his commander's intent, before, during, and after an operation. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Austin Long)
U.S. Marine Sgt. Bryan Early, a squad leader with 1st Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, leads his squad of Marines to the next compound while patrolling in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

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This log is to confirm to those who send me useful items “cash, valuable coins, checks, money orders, books or other gifts ” that I did receive them. (I formerly listed all donations by amount, but this has proven unwise for a number of reasons, and I changed my policy in March of 2015.)

If you sent a donation and I did not get it, please let me know at the email address, at, or by calling me at (906) 884-6689, or writing me (see below) on Skype or Facebook!


John de Nugent

306 S. Steel Street

Ontanagon MI 49953

(906) 884-6689 ;-)

Facebook: John D. Nugent

Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



Twitter at John de Nugent @johndenugentESA



I had to take this springtime pic before I cut the lawn. 😉


2 MILLION hits on Google



checks to “John de Nugent”

cash in a greeting card (or aluminum foil)


US postal money order (or Canadian postal money order in US dollars)





even with a fake return address (no risk there!)

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Many supporters have contacted me asking if there is a quicker and easier way to donate to my work. The good news is, yes there is.

If you already have a Paypal account, you can get a PayPal reload card, and then send me by email or phone call the numbers off the back and amount.

(Ask me then for the proper email address for Paypal ” they banned me  — and Andrew Anglin and others — BUT I have several friends with PP………….. 😉 )



Or get a PayPal account yourself and send funds that way. Rather than filling out forms and re-inputting your card details over and over again, you can donate simply by providing your email and password.

Yes, it really is that simple. The solution is to set up a personal PayPal account. You will only have to input your details once and then attach your credit/debit card to your account.  When making a donation in the future, you only need your email and password and it is all done automatically.

It’s quick, easy and hassle-free – no more filling out endless forms. Please set up a personal PayPal account here:

Once your account is set up, please go to the “Wallet” section and add your credit/debit card and then enjoy the ease and speed of contributing to my Solutrean work in the future.

 –(2) sending valuable jewelry or gold coins

Greendot debit card available at any dollar store, Seven-Eleven, Rite Aid or CVS pharmacy.


Put cash money on it at the checkout counter, go home, set up your account online, then send me money from your card to mine via email to

(Every Mexican in America and every poor White person with no bank account knows how this works. 😉 )

 Greendot is found in every RiteAid, CVS, dollar store, Kmart, Walmart, 7-Eleven, Walgreens, and Radioshack in America  60,000 locations across the USA since the year 2000..
You just buy one for $4.95 and take it to the cashier with the cash you wish to PUT on that card. (The minimum to put on is $20.)
The cashier takes the cash, puts it electronically on the card (like a temporary debit card) and hands it back to you.
“Moneygram or Western Union outside the US (also pls send an email with the number and AMOUNT)
-Want to communicate with me secretly?  Start a Hushmail account (takes 30 seconds!) and then write me at with the secret name of your Hushmail account. I will theN contact you at your Hushmail account. :-)(


I need your financial help to WRITE MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Others have been making big sacrifices. How about you?

What is my religion based on?






–July 28, 2015 US postal money order from D. in Florida

–July 25, 2015 cash from a German comrade in Pennsylvania

–July 24, 2015 via PayPal to from G in South Carolina

–July 23, 2015 cash from a lady comrade in Massachusetts

–July 14 2015 from BS in  Connecticut and from AM in  Pennsylvania

–July 13, 2015 from a comrade and fellow former Marine in Florida, and a history magazine about the Norman Conquest and Iwo Jima

–July 11, 2015 from a comrade Ian in Connecticut

–July 10, 2015 from a comrade B. in Holland

–July 10, 2015 $100 in cash wrapped in aluminum foil from a comrade in North Carolina, and a letter praising the first five chapters of my translation into English of Die spirituelle Welt [“the Spiritual World”] by Michael Winkler of Germany on the details of reincarnation. [The courageous Winkler is facing a judge on my birthday, July 14, 2015 , for politically incorrect writing.]

(1/4 down here:




arrived here safely at 306 S. Steel St., Ontonagon, Michigan 49953 USA


The enemy is very afraid I will get the financing I need to start a heroic Aryan religion that will turn us into fighters. If anyone understands the power of religion it is the Jews themselves!


I am living now in Upper Michigan, USA, on the Canadian border…My goal is go as far north as I can 😉


I am creating for Westerners a new religion based on Vedanta, the true Aryan religion of karma and reincarnation of our ancestors…. because we Westerners today are mentally, spiritually and karmically in a disastrous condition… and for me only true, ancient Indo-Aryan values can save us.

I am now completing a translation of Michael Winkler’s book Die Spirituelle Welt, “The Spiritual World.”


This fleshes out the details of exactly what happens when you die. Winkler is a very well-known political commentator in Germany ( and is often fined for being politically incorrect.



This is not a gobbledy-gook religion I am founding, but based on facts and truth. Anyone who sees this essay knows I am not inventing crap to get your money.

I wrote to a white Indian supporter in India:

I studied at the ashram in Pennsylvania of a brahmin, Swami Rama (Himalayan Institute,


One of the greatest adepts, teachers, writers, and humanitarians of the 20th century, Swami Rama (1925-1996) is the founder of the Himalayan Institute. Born in Northern India, he was raised from early childhood by the Himalayan sage, Bengali Baba. Under the guidance of his master, he traveled from monastery to monastery and studied with a variety of Himalayan saints and sages, including his grandmaster who was living in a remote region of Tibet. In addition to this intense spiritual training, Swami Rama received higher education in both India and Europe. From 1949 to 1952, he held the prestigious position of Shankaracharya of Karvirpitham in South India. Thereafter, he returned to his master to receive further training at his cave monastery, and finally in 1969, came to the United States where he founded the Himalayan Institute. His best known work, Living With the Himalayan Masters, reveals the many facets of this singular adept and demonstrates his embodiment of the living tradition of the East.

And my professor of Indo-European and Sanskrit studies at Georgetown University was a brahmin from Benares, Shaligram Shukla.

I am talking a serious path to turn us aside from selfishness, cowardice and foolishness toward our true being. Sin will never satisfy! In the end, the happiness becomes sadness, the thrill becomes a nightmare, the pleasure becomes an addiction. Sin never keeps its promises. In the end, what we need is a new Aryan religion for disciplined heroes, so we can take these JEWS DOWN: 

 That IS THE ONLY MISSION and the only satisfaction. Vengeance and victory.

–July 8, 2010 from a comrade in North Carolina

–July 7, 2015 from comrade J in North Carolina

Building a shed with him and Mike Delaney of


–8 Juli 2015 von J in North Carolina–8

–July 10, 2015 from DP in Australia

–July 8, 2015 music CD from JN in Nevada

–July 6, 2015 from anonymous in Charlotte, North Carolina a USPS money order and letter

–July 1, 2015 from AL in Colorado

–June 27, 2015 from JL in Australia

–June 26, 2015 from B. in Massachusetts

–June 23, 2015 books from C in Germany

–June 17, 2015 from PR in Australia

–June 16, 2015 von K.B. in San Francisco

–June 7, 2015 from L.L in Australia

–June 6, 2015 from P.L. in Georgia

–June 3, 2015 from AF in Michigan and from ML in Germany
–June 1, 2015 from B. in Chicago, Illinois
–May 31, 2015 from J.K. in South Carolina; from J.S. in the UK;  from G.D. also in South Carolina, and from S.J. in Ohio; book from SH in Idaho

–May 23, 2015 $10 in cash from K. in South Carolina

–May 20, 2015 $25 from Glastonbury, CT

–April 17, 2015 5 Euros from Germany and stamps, and 40 Euro from Finland




–March 15, 2015 40 Euros from S. in Finland